Adding lifting/bulking friends



  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    Hi! I'll be bulking through the end of January, I'll add you.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm on my first bulk too. Started at 110 and now at 116 (3mos later). I think my limit will be 120. I think.
  • aaron_kollmeyer
    aaron_kollmeyer Posts: 5 Member
    Im bulking trying to get 3600 calories a day. It's a chore. Keep at it!! Always switching up different meals keeps it exciting
  • vperspective
    vperspective Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm on my first bulk too. I'm a little impatient so I may be bulking a little too fast.
    I'm 5'6" and starting weight was 123 lb in early May, I'm now about 149 lb. (0.9-1 lb per month).
    I have gained some fat which is inevitable but I'm also getting progressively stronger. Getting PRs definitely keeps me motivated to continue with the bulk.
  • imjms737
    imjms737 Posts: 69 Member
    Slowly gained 10kg in about a year, and will probably maintain my current bodyweight (75kg), but will always work on recomposition.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • anonymous_earthling
    anonymous_earthling Posts: 1 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm trying to bulk to, feel free to add me. I'm female, 6'2", and am somewhere around 150lbs. :)
  • Nikkimaxim
    Nikkimaxim Posts: 221 Member
    Hey all, I started a slow clean bulk 3 months ago and have put on 8lbs since then. Went from 119 lbs to 120lbs ( I am 5'10") To be honest I mostly guessed my way through the whole process but somehow still ended up with decent results (I think) I would like to add some friends to see what others are doing and to get ideas on techniques for better muscle building as well as ideas on strength training workouts :)

    I'm bulking as well. Going on my 4th month next Wednesday to be exact lol. I'm 5'3" started at 117 pounds. Im anywhere from 126.5 to 128.5 lbs now depending on how much water weight i gain. I don't log my calories though..i become obsessive. I have 2 upper body days of weightlifting a week and 3-4 lower body days with the majority because glute focused. I was hoping to bulk until February or March but I'm not sure yet. Im noticing great gains, yet i also accumulated a little too much fat for my liking in my lower back. I added in 2-3 days of 10 minute hiit on the stair master to see if that minimizes fat gains.
  • claireholden37
    claireholden37 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I have just started a bulk please add me x
  • adambomb187
    adambomb187 Posts: 4 Member
    7 lbs that is impressive
  • lawled22
    lawled22 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on week 3 of my program. Currently I do 3 days of strength workouts, followed by a rest then 3 days of hypertrophy workouts then another rest day. I love it, switching it up is definitely helping me break through my plateau!
  • P3669
    P3669 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I am 5'10" and as of yesterday, 141lbs. My goal is to reach 150 by the end of this month. I work out 5 days a week... cardio kickboxing & gym. I have increased my cal intake this week & will be increasing by 200-250 each week. Once I do reach my goal, I will have to work in maintaining.
  • lilolilo920
    lilolilo920 Posts: 184 Member
    Just started my first bulk!! I'd love some more friends
  • letsgain01
    letsgain01 Posts: 106 Member
    Add me too
  • sam_6400
    sam_6400 Posts: 2 Member
    New to all this,started weight training about a month ago looking to gain size,workout between 3-4 times a week looking for any info or tips also looking for help on some examples of the best foods to eat while adding size feel free to add me :)
  • HookGripDeadlifts
    HookGripDeadlifts Posts: 30 Member
    edited December 2016
    Just finished up my first bulk and I'm now cutting. I will be back to bulking in a couple months. More friends are welcome.
  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    Gonna start a bulk around the end of this month. Feel free to add me!
  • imjms737
    imjms737 Posts: 69 Member
    Currently looking to maintain, but I'm always happy to have more lifting friends in my MFP friend list.
  • ElevatedBeast
    ElevatedBeast Posts: 28 Member
    edited December 2016
    6'8 255. Currently bulking and running PPLx2. Add me, username is reelangler.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I only went from 115 lbs. to 118 lbs. since September. Hoping some of that is muscle! I always get scared that I'm not eating enough to build muscle, or not lifting heavy enough to compensate how much I'm eating. it's my first bulk so I'm novice. Gaining strength pretty easily now, not too much fat overall, so who knows.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    edited December 2016
    I only went from 115 lbs. to 118 lbs. since September. Hoping some of that is muscle! I always get scared that I'm not eating enough to build muscle, or not lifting heavy enough to compensate how much I'm eating. it's my first bulk so I'm novice. Gaining strength pretty easily now, not too much fat overall, so who knows.

    I've gained 5lbs since June and while many here have told me it's more of a recomp than a bulk, I still chat here bc I am gaining weight.

    I hate the scale going up to be honest. It freaks me out and I still have to tell myself to just trust the process. I've always kept my weight around 126 lbs and now I'm almost 132 lbs.