The diet that works.



  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    This is incredibly unhealthy. I've heard of doctors prescribing the soup-type diets, but I'd recommend them ONLY being done under the careful watch of a medical professional.

    Please DO NOT do this diet.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I eat plenty and healthy amounts of anything , everyday and lose weight. Moderation not deprivation and screw the silly next best thing in weight loss :) Weight control is up to you .. Food has no bearing.
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    I did a quick internet search and found the following...

    ***The Sacred Heart Hospital in Montreal Canada (Hôpital Sacre Coeur) issued a press release in 2004 stating that “no nutritionist at the Hospital took part in the development of this diet”.

    ***The American Heart Association have claimed that the diet is phony (ref).

    ***The Sacred Heart Medical Center also disclaim any association with the diet (ref).
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    Are people getting paid to think up diets like this?

    I'm not sure... and I know it sounds crazy.

    BUT I have seen it work right in front of my eyes (i.e. my co-worker)... so the proof was there (kind of) so I was curious to see what everyone thought.

    but you haven't seen it 'work', what you've seen is your co-worker losing all the water weight she gained from her cruise! As someone mentioned earlier, it's physically impossible to truly 'gain' 10 pounds in one week. absolutely cannot be done. She probably ate a lot of foods that were high in sodium and different from her normal foods, and so her body retained water. She's now shedding that and thinks it's this 'diet'.

    frankly, the diet looks like way too much work. Just eat as healthy as you can, drink lots of water, and exercise more. It's really that simple.
  • NuevaNatalia
    NuevaNatalia Posts: 72 Member
    Here's a good rule of thumb: "Diet" comes from the Latin diaeta, meaning "way of life." Any "diet" that you cannot live on as a way of life is not worthy of the name... or your time!

    Amen to that!