

  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Me: 4*
    LNS: 0
    Streak: 10

    I try not to bring anything into my house that will tempt me. If I want something, I have to go out and get it, usually then I'm too lazy to do so or not safe. :p

    I know it's hard living with others. I had my daughter for 24 years. Try to buy stuff that you don't really like. It might help. :)
  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    Me - 3
    LNS - 0
    I can't seem to reply to comments - can't find the button, but wanted to say I agree with the comments above re: one bite leads to a second. I always think I will just have .... and then before your know it I'm up for more. Definitely a problem for me. This challenge is great as it helps me not give in to the one bite :-)
  • jennys275
    jennys275 Posts: 29 Member
    Ok, I'm officially doing this. I am so motivated early in the day. Then life hits. I forget about the challenge and forget to even log in. I really need some motivation and this helps! All the comments have been very helpful. I think I will use the hot tea idea. I always feel happy and pampered when I have one anyway. I'm such an emotional eater at night. I really think I do it also to stay awake to have more time to myself at the end of the day. So,
    Me 0
    LNS 0
    Here I go.....
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,486 Member
    ME: 4
    LNS: 0
    I'm committed as I have to be accountable to me.
  • Ver000nika
    Ver000nika Posts: 72 Member
    me 3 :-)
    LNS 1
  • brettjillmol
    brettjillmol Posts: 12 Member
    Me 1 LNS 0 1 day streak
  • leapyearcin
    leapyearcin Posts: 39 Member
    Me: 4*
    LNS: 1
  • ptstavo113
    ptstavo113 Posts: 161 Member
    LNS 0; me 5
    Streak 5
  • jennys275
    jennys275 Posts: 29 Member
    Me 1
    LNS 0
    This is a huge accomplishment for me! Went to bed hungry but it felt so good to be in control.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Dec 5

    Me 3 LNS 0 streak 3
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,486 Member
    ME: 5
    LNS and NDS (No daytime snacking): 0
    I am taking on the challenge for myself to include NDS.
  • Deanne182
    Deanne182 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting tonight.

  • 135terry
    135terry Posts: 432 Member
    Me - 4
    LNS - 0
    Difficult last night as we visited some friends to play cards. Stuck to my two glasses of wine which I planned for and was within my daily calorie intake and did not eat any of the snacks that were made available. Knowing I would be reporting this morning helped me to say "No thank you". :-)

    Thank you to those who set up this challenge.
  • Ver000nika
    Ver000nika Posts: 72 Member
    135terry wrote: »
    Me - 4
    LNS - 0
    Difficult last night as we visited some friends to play cards. Stuck to my two glasses of wine which I planned for and was within my daily calorie intake and did not eat any of the snacks that were made available. Knowing I would be reporting this morning helped me to say "No thank you". :-)

    Thank you to those who set up this challenge.

    my hero @ cards+friends+alcohol+no LNS (y) wow (y)

    hungry, yet happy me made it to bed:
    me 5 :-)
    LNS 1

  • Ver000nika
    Ver000nika Posts: 72 Member
    edited December 2016
    and all the commercials in tv are about food :-I

    found good thought though: "I will not feel deprived, when I turn down junk food/LNS; I will feel empowered that I made healthy choice"

    my choice to be healthy :-)