Do you find this offensive?



  • No - I don't find it offensive at all. In fact I think you are the one being slightly obnoxious in expecting them to change their eating habits for you. I am a vegetarian and would love a world in which no cute, furry, amazing animals are harmed in the making of delicious food, but alas this is something I cannot change about other people and I would be a very lonely soul if I chose not to hang out with anyone who eats meat - my live in boyfriend, for one, would probably not be so live in if I asked him to stop eating meat in front of me. I think what really offends you is that you would love to be tucking into that very same pizza (I know I would love to wrap my lips around a good steak on occassion) but can't because of the good and healthy choices you are making for yourself. This is your journey - not theirs - so just be happy in the knowledge that you are bettering yourself and let everyone else worry about what they eat. :-)
  • September7bride
    September7bride Posts: 7 Member
    :smile: No, not at all. I look at it as a challenge to stay focused on my goals. You can't change people, just stay focused and allow them to watch your walk. Wink, just think of how nice it will be to hear them say "even when we were scarfing down the bad stuff, she stayed focused and look at her now". (Insert diva strut, stop, pose, now walk away) Catch the vision, make it happen!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Wink, just think of how nice it will be to hear them say "even when we were scarfing down the bad stuff, she stayed focused and look at her now". (Insert diva strut, stop, pose, now walk away)

    I love you.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    :smile: No, not at all. I look at it as a challenge to stay focused on my goals. You can't change people, just stay focused and allow them to watch your walk. Wink, just think of how nice it will be to hear them say "even when we were scarfing down the bad stuff, she stayed focused and look at her now". (Insert diva strut, stop, pose, now walk away) Catch the vision, make it happen!

    Best reply so far.
  • No, you can't dictate your health by what they do. They shouldn't have to change their habits for your sake either. It would be a prob if they kept tempting you or you do lunch only at fast food places, but other than that I think you will find yourself constantly offended if you are bothered by others that much. Americans are a fat culture. People will continue to make their own choices. You should also try to make some friends that share your goals so that you have a balance. :)
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    If it bothers you...then dont be around them and food :) I dont expect my friends or family to go with out because of my choices...but then again i also allow myself my guilty pleasures...while staying with in my calories.... I hate to sound mean but going to a resturant etc and expecting everyone else to be healthy is kind of like going to a bar and expecting everyone to drink water.. But if your freinds are being mean and throwing it in your face then maybe you need an upgrade of freinds
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    No, that wouldn't bother me. The only time I'd get mad is if they offer it to me after they know I've changed my eating habits. Other than that, I don't really get tempted based on what someone else is eating. I either crave it on my own or I don't.

    Don't worry OP, you'll eventually get to where it won't phase you what other's eat around you. Until then, have a heart to heart with them about how difficult this is for you and you need as much support as possible.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    No I don't, in fact I'd go the other way actually. I find it really offensive that people judge based on what they're eating. Why hould someone eating a pizza offend you? Maybe you eating a salad offends them? Grow up and get over yourself, you can't tell other people what to eat and why the hell should you? It' their life. You eat what you want and let them eat what they want. It's not like they're forcing you to eat it! And if you don't like it, go eat on your own, I expect that if someone eating a pizza offends you that much, you'll be eating mot of your meals alone anyway.

    Yep, I'm afraid I have to agree with ^^. It's their lives, their bodies - none of your business.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Not really, Because I'm not the one eating it. They are making that choice all by themselves. Plus it's their body, they can do what they want.

    hear hear
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    People eating is a part of life, and if you are in it for the long haul, you are going to run into situations like this a lot. You might as well start dealing with it now. It's not going to get any better!
