

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oregon coastal winter weather.... It melted in an hour.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    OK, just for Kim!



    Mega fattening! B)

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I've been trying to catch up on what's happening with everyone and all I have to say is wow, y'all are busy bunch of gals. It's been positively frigid here in east Texas compared to what we are used to having. I'm glad we don't get a lot of winter here because I don't think I could stand it.
    Having a little peace and quiet right now. Today was busy. Our church had our annual children's Christmas play this morning and it was so good. My oldest granddaughter and her little brother both had solos and I was absolutely moved to tears. They both have beautiful voices and performed so well. Yes, I am completely biased but everyone made it a point to tell me how well they both did.
    After the play we had a big old fashioned church potluck in the fellowship hall. My contribution was chicken & dressing, gravy and a double layer red velvet cake. No, it was not low calorie in any way but was enjoyed by all who had any of it.
    Yesterday was our annual family Christmas party at my parents house. There were 34 of us ranging from 2 1/2 months to 79 years. I cherish these times together because life is just so fragile and unpredictable. So many families I know are celebrating Christmas minus someone this year. Several friends have lost their husbands, we lost my aunt [my mom's middle sister], two families I know have lost children. A family at our church lost their 2 year old son to cancer, and another lady lost her 13 year old son to a congenital disease I can't spell let alone pronounce.
    My sweet little sister surprised me yesterday with a new Fitbit. I was stunned. She said she wanted to help me on my weight loss journey. Me and all my siblings fight the battle of the bulge. We are all very good cooks and we like to eat. We all have knee problems and two of us have diabetes. I don't so far but its coming if I don't make changes.
    Gloria - Yes, my daughter does have a job. She works the evening shift at the local Olive Garden. I keep telling here it's time to get a grown up job with a steady pay that will actually pay the bills. There are lots of issues with her that are really hard to talk about. I will say my other two kids are nothing like her.
    Love everyone's snow pictures but thankful we don't have any. My dear husband opted to go freeze his fanny off in a deer stand this afternoon. Brrrrr.... I hope he gets one as we have depleted our supply of venison but dang, it's cold outside.
    I still don't have my Christmas shopping done. I haven't wrapped anything and I have no idea what to get my husband. We've been married so long and have reached that age where if we need something we go buy it but the only problem is he doesn't need anything. He has hunting gear, fishing gear, golf gear and anything he doesn't have that he would want I certainly couldn't afford. He kept asking what I wanted and I told him I don't want stuff. Please don't buy me stuff just for the sake of putting something under the tree. I did ask for a new lamp for my piano and some house slippers. I also said I would like gift cards to Michaels & Hobby Lobby so I will be able to support my yarn habit. I may have said this before but I love to crochet. I also sew and quilt but at present crocheting is my thing. I did tell him I don't want anything that has to be dusted or requires a storage space.
    If we could get the daughter and the grandkids out on their own this next year I want new furniture and carpet. But that is a BIG if.
    Welcome to all the newcomers and I promise to be better about staying in touch. I need to go walk around the living room and rack up some steps on my fitbit. I think this thing could be fun. I love gadgets.
    Have a wonderful evening and stay warm and safe.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- you look absolutely fantastic! Awesome transformation!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Yesterday I didn't post here, didn't log any food because I didn't eat, didn't go for my walk, didn't do my PT exercises, no housecleaning, no shower.....no nothing......I didn't feel very good about myself or my life and basically cried most of the day.......not having any family or friends nearby to talk to or spend time with during this time of year with the holidays is extremely hard on me......and I didn't want to dump any of it on you all.....you all are having enough problems of your own, it wouldn't be fair to you all.....you guys deserve encouragement and support......not whining and crying from me......so I disappeared for the day......

    As for DH probs, mine wasn't my DH he was just my boyfriend, but I was with him for 10 years.....and he was a full-blown narcissist with personality disorder and bipolar on top of that as well as borderline paranoid schizophrenic.....he was so charming and loving and attentive when we first got together but once I fell in love with him and he knew he had me hooked he let it all fly.....he refused to admit he had problems (typical of a narcissist) and refused to go to counseling either with me or by himself and refused all medications.....I tried really hard for 9 of those 10 years to make it work and support him in any way I could.....but the abuse became so bad that I had to get out.....so I completely understand the "walking on eggshells" and whatnot.....and my heart goes out to you all with DH problems.....it's hard to deal with them during this time of year....or anytime of year for that matter......

    Kim - sure, I can share my soup recipe.....it's not much of a recipe but I'll tell you what I use and what I do with it.....then you can adjust it to fit your taste and add or subtract things to it as you see fit.....make it your own.....here it is:

    1 large head of cabbage cut into 1.5 inch pieces
    2 10.5 oz (or so) cans of condensed Cream of Mushroom soup (your fav brand will do)
    6 or 7 hot dog sized smoked Polish Sausages (I use Bar S brand) cut into bite size pieces
    1 16oz bag of baby peeled carrots
    5 stalks of celery cut into bite sized pieces
    1 Vidalia sweet onion cut into small pieces
    Add anything else you like to this to taste

    You need a BIG pot for this as the cabbage cuts up into a large amount, I use the big pot I cook spaghetti noodles in.....start with putting both cans of soup in the pot with ONE can of water, stir it up real good then add the cabbage and other veggies in as you stir (the more you put in the harder it is to stir).......then cook over medium to medium low heat (depending on your stove, try the lower setting first then adjust from there), no need to cover it....the cabbage will release some water as it cooks (hence only one soup can of water)......cook until carrots are tender to your liking (i use these to tell me when it's done).....add salt, pepper or whatever spices you like to taste.....and that's it......

    Pretty simple soup, the prep takes the longest.....but I find it warming and filling on a cold blustery day.....and it's fairly low on carbs and calories per serving.....and it's pretty flexible....

    Well, I just put "Alvin and The Chipmunks" in.....i need a funny Christmas movie today I think......then I'm gonna put in "Bad Santa" with Billy Bob Thornton, the unrated version with the bad language and all..........lol....so off I go.....I'll be lurking......

    Sherry in "21 degrees" Dufur
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Whew! finally got caught up again. This week between the cold weather and the dry air at work my face looked like I had a really bad sunburn and felt like sandpaper. I've finally got it calmed down and will continue at work to apply water and vaseline - no makeup. I have extremely sensitive skin and eczema since a baby. Coconut oil does not work for me it leaves my skin feeling like there is a buildup on it. Thank goodness the vaseline is working.

    We had our Christmas party at work the other day. I put whoopee cushions in everyone's stocking. My boss blew his up and sat on it ... hahaha it was SO loud. We all had a good laugh! For our white elephant exchange I bought a Rock em Sockem Robots and my boss ended up with it! I was hoping he would get it because he has a great sense of humor.

    I have been following the idea someone on here gave me to only have a treat at work if it is homemade. That has worked well as I have stayed out of all the store bought cookies etc. The only thing I let myself have that is not homemade is chocolate! I'm so glad to have gotten that tip from one of you as it has been such a help with all the temptation.

    Well I have procrastinated long enough today - need to go through all of the Christmas tubs and get rid of stuff and then make a beef pot pie with leftover roast from the other night.

    Talk later

    Gloria in WA where I am not getting out of my jammies today! 3d-rudolph.gif
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Charleen, what great neighbors. Stay warm.

    Gayle, I can’t say I blame you but glad you are seeking counseling. They do get a bit testy in their old age but I can say that thankfully my DH isn’t that bad. In fact, I’m sure I am probably worse than he is but all in all we have a wonderful life. If between the two of us, we can remember what’s going on, we are in good shape. Sending ((((Hugs)))) and patience to you and all the others in the same boat. If you are better without him then we support you in that.

    Katla, I’ve been making lots of soup lately and have started using cabbage rather than rice, pasta or the such. I feel it is so much better and of course less calories.

    SueBDue, it sounds like a wonderful time in Florida. Have fun in the sun for all of us.

    Gloria, thanks for the Christmas songs. graphics-christmas-glitter-586466.gif

    Lisa, it’s wonderful that you are working on your book again.

    Allie, so glad you had a ball at the dance. Good for you!!! (((Hugs)))

    Janet#2, you look M A R V E L O U S!!! I know you feel great. (((((Hugs)))))

    I worked at my friend’s house again today trying to sort things for an estate sale. Most of her things are packed for the move and we just have to sort through everything that is left. It has been quit a job but she is such a dear friend that I don’t mind. I can only work there for a day or two and then need to give my body and especially my back some rest. We are almost ready for the estate sale but figured it’s best to wait until after Christmas. The temperature got up to the low 70’s today and was beautiful. We are having left over ham and bean soup for dinner. I think soup gets better with each day.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day!
    I Love yout07209.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Basilejc
    Basilejc Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm on the verge of turning 50. Since I had to have a hysterectomy 2 years ago I have gained another 20 lbs.(making what I need to lose at about 45 lbs.) and am feeling very discouraged about losing weight. I have been doing well in the exercise department but not the nutritional intake :(

    -My goal is to try an be more faithful documenting all the food I eat.
    -Continue running (I'm up to 2 miles-probably more like a jog than a run-I want to run a 5K in the summer)
    -Reduce refined sugars (which is my night time go to-when I'm tired)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I love your rules to survive Christmas. Brilliant! :heart:

    Janetr: Wow!!! You are transformed! :bigsmile:

    Sherry in Dufur: Good to hear from you today. Your cabbage soup recipe sounds great. I think my DH would really like it. :smiley:

    Gloria: I love potpies & so does DH. I'll have to cook something that has good leftovers. :flowerforyou:

    We had two pair of personal foot chains to wear over our boots and protect us from slipping in icy conditions. DH decided to put his is a special place. Mine have been under the driver's seat of my car so they'll be ready when needed. Guess who needs new foot chains because theirs are lost and has discovered that the places that sell them are currently sold out? :grumble: I like my idea of keeping them in the car. We seldom get snow and mostly encounter it on road trips through the mountains.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Beautiful! Janetr OKC~

    settling in for the night in cold College Station, TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    KJ – Growing up in a small town, we had a contest sponsored by the town and everybody tried to participate in it. We’d go riding around as a family to see all the doors and yards decorated for Christmas. When we had our boys and would go down to see DH’s parents near Christmas, we’d ride over to a neighborhood near Mayport (where all the submarines are stationed) and drive to see one particular yard that had so many lights on the house, in the house, out in the yard, manger scenes, Santa Clauses, decorated trees, huge window to see their Christmas decorations on it as well. They had to have police at either end of the curved street; one-way traffic, up past the neighborhood, into the neighborhood, by the house, then out of the neighborhood. He’d have a recording of how many lights he had out, how he did it, why he did it, how much it made his electric bill go up (he had it up for 3 months) … November, December, and January. As a child, the lights used to go around the courthouse, up to the weather vane, so that when you could see them from a distance, it looked like a big Christmas tree. They’d turn them on Thanksgiving night; and, after leaving my Grandmama’s house, Daddy would stop at the top of a hill, about 10 miles out of town and wake us up to show it to all of us.

    Gloria – I think a Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robot gift would be something that would be fun. You could pretend that the other one was someone you really wanted to whack over the head.

    Seems like a lot of spent this weekend … crying (some because of the “Grumpy Old Men” we are married to. I just got terribly frustrated by being asked to crank the truck my husband uses and not being able to make one of the lights go out. He was amazed that I was able to get to the positive side of the battery and get it unhooked, more so that I got it back on. I did not tell him that I had stopped 1 truck driver on the dirt road to ask him what I could do to get the light to go out. He told me, but it did not ‘reset’ itself; so when I turned it back on the light was on again. But, the guy that came over to make sure it was tight was a young kid who is digging out our neighbor’s pond. I just wanted to make sure the cable was tight. I let DH believe I had ‘done it all’ by myself. He was ‘impressed’.

    Then when they get home … it seems like DOGD’s car is ‘messing up’ so DH said that he’d help them with the cost of repairs. I kept my mouth shut; it isn’t going to ever stop. Then he said that he and DOS had talked about him going back to school (maybe a trade school) and I guess we’ll pay for that, too. I guess he is trying to make sure that he does for his sons, unlike his Dad did for the 2 of them. They had to ‘move out’ when they reached the age of 18, or finished HS. DBnL went into the military; DH went to school part time, worked two jobs, and we met … still worked 2 jobs. I just want him (and myself) to be able to enjoy our lives as we are not young chickens.

    DH is, at least, in a good mood.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, you look fantastic!!!!!

    MrsGLT, I haven't even started my shopping yet. That is so unusual for me. at this time I am arguing with myself about wrapping. I messaged my daughter to tell me again what my grand kids want/need. There is a big difference you know!!!! And as a Grandma, I tend to get them things they want. They have a very generous other Grandma and their Dad's sister.

    I don't know what in the world I did to my back but I have never had such pain. I see the doctor on Tuesday as a follow up from being in hospital. I go for a blood count tomorrow to see if it is staying up. I have had no other bleeding so I will be surprised if it is down. But it is my back that I hope he can help me with the most. I hadn't taken a bath for two weeks, yuk I know, so today I knew I had to at least try to get in the shower. I was in a huge amount of pain so I took my pain pill and muscle relaxant, rested a couple of hours and thought that would be the best time to get in the shower. We don't have a shower chair, never any need to have one. So Charlie put an aluminum chair in the bath tub and I sat on it. So body was washed along with hair. It isn't blow dried and fixed but it's clean. Luckily it is cold enough I can get by with wearing my ear muff. But I will have to do something I have never had to do. Charlie will have to put my wheel chair in the car and use it at lab and doctors appointment. When I tried to walk to the bedrooom today I stoppped at a door knob to hold on and couldn't let go knowing i would go down to the floor. I yelled for Charlie, he was close by in the living room and he held on to me so I could get in the bed. I haven't felt good since my stent. I NEED my Aleve.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Gals,

    Heather – I get close to 200 pomegranates off my tree so make some into molasses – bet it is calorie dense, but a small amount goes a long way – the recipe looks great – middle eastern version of Mexican Mole….

    Becca – can I steal your list? What a great pillow that would make!

    Janetr – amazing! You are beautiful and full of fun at both weights

    MrsGLT – just a thought that jumped out at me in reading your post, what about a 2017 hunting or fishing license for DH ?

    Sherry – disappearing for the day is fine, not dumping on us is not ok… we all take turns dumping here and Becca gets out the broom and sweeps it all away and gives each of us a fresh start. Last Christmas all got to hear about me being lonely at Christmas – this year I have plans but that is not an every year thing… so who knows by next year I could be singing the blues and you could be invited to someone’s house you meet as the new town blog/web awesome updater…..

    Thanks for the soup recipe

    Joyce - I do not like the sound of what you are going through at all! You need to get help from the medical community!

    So speaking of holiday plans, the family I am going to visit with – it is a Christmas eve, Christmas day and then leaving on the 26th… we’ll all bring some food item to share (got my assignment today) and we are all doing a stocking item for each other’s stocking – ok that’s a job as there are 8 of us, but I had figured it mostly out. Then got a text today that another family (relations of one of the folks) is joining to so we went from 8 adults to 10 adults and 3 kids… 5 more stockings at this late moment… ugh! And this family is high maintenance! They preach all educational/organic…but facebook shows pictures at fast food, I have a hard time with the judging and preaching – when in reality they are no more perfect than the rest of us… Oh well, a good book and my kindle pre loaded will be going with me, also my laptop so I may have to hide to do a bit of “work” if it gets too much for me. As one time I did call the woman in the family on the judging and got an earful about what she thought of me...she did it in front of another member of the family (who she did not know was there) and I got defended by them, but it was not a scene that needs to be repeated, so I’ll just find some hide-a-way space---

    December Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it.
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle - Done


    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Stats for the day-
    Jog- 18.04min, 140ahr, 156mhr, 9.03ap, 6.4-7.5sp, 2mi = 190c
    Fitbit- 164mhr, 177c
    Sidestep/scissors, etc- 21min, 139ahr, 166mhr, + 10min, = 253c
    Fitbit- 165mhr, 219c
    Total cal 452
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    14,000 steps
    144 minutes of dog walking
    36 minutes riding the exercise bike
    30 minutes doing physical therapy exercises
    two hour nap

    :)janetr, your before and after pictures tell everyone that losing weight after age 50 is possible

    :)Becca, love your Christmas rules and your great personalized tree

    :)Joyce, best wishes for good help from your doctor

    :)Gloria, it sounds like you have some great people to work with

    :)<3Sherry, we are the friends you have been looking for all your life....good listeners, good suggestions, and no judgement except for an occasional kick in the back side when you need it.

    :) Jake called today and made reservations for us and one friend to go to dinner Christmas Day at our favorite Chinese restaurant..good food, good company, and home in time to take a nap

    t7818.gif Barbie from NW Washington
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member