
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    BETH ~ So sorry about your mom's diagnosis. Prayers for both of you.

    JANET & MARY ~ Love the cartoons!

    GLORIA ~ You've gotten the hang of the emoticons. They are so cute.

    LENORA ~ Hope your hunters bring home the meat.

    It is 32 degrees here and damp. The dampness makes it feel so cold. I have turned my heat up to 73 and will turn it back down when the chill wears off. The little Pom loves it. He has enough fur for 3 dogs.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    Must be honest, only skimmed through, but thanks for the kudos and well wishes. The shot in my back was actually in the back of my head to treat pain from arthritis. Doc says I need an MRI and thinks it is a herniated disk in my neck. After this visit official reasons for constant pain: bursitis, lumbago, digenerative disk disease, and severe arthritis in my neck. Oh well, such is life.

    Back to Macy's to return a mini printer we bought with the "gift" because it is leaving scratch marks on pics.

    Rita in CT
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    TNToni – My mother was in the DAR and traced her roots all the way back to the Mayflower; she wanted so badly for the 3 of us to take an interest and be involved that she paid for a membership for us one Christmas. None of us cared. But, the sad thing is that she probably locked the bars into the same buffet where she’d hide Daddy’s liquor; and, we could never find a key to fit it anywhere. The bars (about 25 or 30 of them – solid gold) were probably in there when we sold it to an antique business, with the names of all our ancestors on them. But, we were never contacted ‘if’ the place we sold them to ever found them. The gold in them would have been a pretty good bit of money.

    Gloria – It isn’t nearly as cold as they said it would be today (so far); I could even walk outside barefooted. Cracker’s in the doghouse now, she was bad! Tore something up of mine. She knows she pissed me off!

    My DDnL#1’s mother has several quilt tops that she bought at a garage sale. I told her that ‘if’ she ever thought about selling any of them, I would love to get one. I have some fabric, that I could use as backing. Friend gave me an entire roll of it. I’m going to go to Joanne’s today to see if I can find a pattern to make a coverlet or bedspread to use it up.

    Joyce – Most of the time if you are congested, coughing, and running a temperature, it is pneumonia (or so I have been told).

    Carol – At this point, they just hope to kill either sex, just for the meat. One of the guy’s girlfriend’s son killed his first deer, so there was a little of a celebration, including the smearing of the blood on his face. That’s what they do when they kill their first deer. Smells awful until it dries.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: You have had more change in your life since I've known you than anyone else I've known. I wish you good luck. :smiley:

    Allie: I hope you have a good time in Florida. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I agree with every word you said to Gloria. I am so impressed with all that she has taken on and accomplished. :star:

    Ann262: I'm sorry you lost your beloved pet. I'm glad you have dogs in your life. Mine have added so much to my life over the years. Our current guy is the sweetest ever. :heart:

    JanetR: I love the wisdom of your poster. "If w don't feel grateful with what we already have what makes us think we will be happy with more?" Wise and true words. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Same goes. I'm laughing at your dogs in snow. I almost have sympathy for the poor little short legged dachsie. :laugh:

    Lillian: Your family gathering sounds amazing and your deserve a :star: for doing so well with eating. :bigsmile:

    All of our doings yesterday wore poor DH out. He had to go to bed early and is working at recharging his energy today. I'm thinking about taking wreaths to my parent's graves. I'll check the road conditions. Maybe this will be a good day to go. DH may need a day of rest or two before we take on the long drive. I'll talk it over with him.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi everyone!
    We're back from our pub lunch, which went well enough. The Christmas music was the only downside for me, though DH's daughter didn't like the small children audible and visible. :#:# The food was edible and I avoided simple carbs and stocked up on the plentiful veg. Had a 125 ml dry white wine in a beer glass filled up with soda water. :D DH only had one beer <3 so he drove home. For the whole thing I'm docking myself 750 cals. We did all our exercises first thing this morning. 600 cals. o:)

    Janetr - That's great news! Well done! :flowerforyou:

    We had an important email this morning, pertinent to the family trauma and DH is replying to it now. His sister also phoned just now. Difficult time, but we hope for some degree of closure this coming week.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks, Heather, I've worked hard, but I feel so much better. It's great to be getting back to my routine of working out. I don't stay as consistent as you, maybe sme day. :)

    Janetr okc
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Dear Ladies,
    I missed so much. But, onward and upward ( but not in weight).
    2 days logging and checking in. About to do my third day in a row of walking. I surprised myself with 6 miles yesterday in 11 minutes per mile.

    Joyce :) Congratulations on the 9 pounds. You must feel ethereal. I loved your cartoon. I will make a copy and hang it on the refrigerator.

    PipWere the folks on the building climbing or cleaning. In any case, kudos for capturing the picture. You later posted an answer I was going to ask about the food - where was it.

    Sherry I am something of a gypsy, but am terrible in crowds, noise and with strangers. It can get pretty lonely if I let it. Congratulations for going to the parade. Every time I moves or worked in a new location, I would find the nearest library or bookstore and make it my home away from home. Librarians and bookstore employees are the nicest people in the world to me. Most bookstores have reading nooks and for the last 15 years have reading nooks and cafes. I know someone who hangs out in locally owned yarn and knitting shops whenever she moves. Whatever your interest, find the local hang out and make it your own. I find that focusing on one thing and one person who brings me joy really helps in what can be a lonely place.

    BethWhat awful news. You have some difficult times ahead. You know we are all thinking about you and your mother.

    Lenora I love" so tacky that they are cute". We once had a dog that a cousin described as "so ugly she was beautiful".

    Barbie Thank you for making the blankets. When my DGD had cancer, she was given one and it meant so much to all of us.

    Margaret Kudos to you for taking care of your car. As to a new one- do you have a vo-tech HS or a technical community college nearby? Take your car to the faculty and ask them to look at it and then give you the real scoop on the new ones.

    TNToni Lion in WInter is one of my very favorite movies. Have you ever been to the Cloisters in New York City? It is part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art located on a bluff at the very northern tip of Manhattan. From there you can see the Hudson, New Jersey Palisades, Riverdale, the Bronx and much of Manhattan. It has a collection of thousands of items from western medieval period. It's most famous are the Unicorn Tapestries and the Book of Hours of Jean Duke de Berry. It is housed in buildings brought from Europe and put back together. The gardens are simply wonderful. I recently took visitors from the Middle East and they went nuts. It has a great shops and bookstore. http://www.metmuseum.org/visit/met-cloisters

    Gloria Love the new (to me) picture. Talk about busy...

    MaryYour cartoon says it all. Perspective! Back to the kettlebell.

    AllieHave a wonderful trip. Warm weather - yum.

    Lisa I ordered This Little Pig for myself and relatives in "Nacanowhere". It arrives on Tuesday. It will be fun to read about places I have been.

    Heather I thought about you and Penny when I was traveling. I will have a stopover in Iceland this spring (cheapie, deapie Icelandic airline) and go to London for a conference later in the 2017 year if the funding comes through. Perhaps we can all meet.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    CJ - I would love to meet up with you in London <3 I hope :# we will be in Brighton/Hove by then . It should be a very easy journey for me if the trains are not on strike. (There has been huge disruption of that line for 9 months - poor DDIL!)
    To my certain knowledge Penny lives a long way from Iceland. ;)

    Heather UK, still being good with her left over calories tonight. :D Like Karen NY , this is usually when I blow it.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather so so true! Lol, that is exactly when I blow it!

    Pip Great pics, love the Harry Potter Christmas Tree, oh joy! Looks like you are having the best time. :D

    Just had a morning filled with spontaneous visitors, fun!, but now I have to get down to roasting a chicken for tonight's dinner. Lucky I got up with the sun to hit the gym, grocery shop, run a load of laundry and bake a cake for DH for the week. So I could just sit back and enjoy visitors, undistracted and not even the least bit anxious---that is a big deal for me.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    NYKaren - Good job on staying relaxed, not easy. I too am a late evening snacker, ugh.

    Janetr OKC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. We ended up sleeping late and missing church. The cold weather is really bothering Benny; he coughed all night. So of course no one slept. I got some work done on the book and after this I will do some more decorating. It’s still pretty cold here; around 20 right now.

    Sue: glad all that is over with!

    Katla: I’d love to see that parade too!

    Joyce: omgoodness! I’m so sorry to hear of all your medical troubles! Now listen here, you old nurse you…do what they tell you to! Don’t be a nurse right now, be the patient! Take care and get well! Sending healing prayers!

    Beth: sending healing prayers to you and mom

    Sherry and Pip: great pictures!

    Gloria: that’s a lot of steps for a workday! Good for you. I hope you find some relief for your hands.

    Heather: if you are talking about Christmas cards, neither have i!

    Well I must admit I have only been skimming because I keep getting interrupted! So I will sign off for now. Everyone stay warm and healthy or get healthier! I guess my picture didn’t work too well. Take care, Meg from Omaha.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    CJ - Thanks! Hope you all enjoy "This Little Pig"... I'm stalled at 7 chapters into writing the sequel, but hope to get started again soon... One more doctor's visit, then I hope to somehow get into a routine that will get me back to writing in the mornings again.

    Katla - I admit I seem more comfortable with change than most. Funny - Mama said every time we moved when I was a child (we did up until I was halfway through second grade) I was the one of her six at home that would be most devastated, and cry for miles and miles. We migrated from north to south according to the seasons, as my father did industrial painting, contracted to sandblast and paint military facilities in the northern tier states. Could only be done in the summers. Then back to Texas for the winters, where most days there was work that could be done. The birthplaces for the last six kids of my generation were Texas, Michigan, Indiana, Texas, North Dakota, and Montana. There were ten of us, all told.

    Lazy Sunday - laundry, my DH colored my hair for me, I finished the book I was reading, took a nap, and now we're just chilling out until we cook dinner. Lots of serious "what-if" conversations on-going, but can't do anything until the other couple decide if they want to take us up on the offer. Seriously hate leaving my future in anyone else's hands... might be a little bit of control freak. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    Jingle bell run 2016- 26.56min, 7.53ap, 168mhr, 142ahr, 5k = 461c
    Fitbit- 167mhr, 377c
    walk, Joel 2 car- 7.23min, 2.8ap, 144mhr 3mi= 63c Fitbit
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited December 2016
    2015 calendar :-) will take pic later this month of this year's one....I need more 4-legged family members :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    2016 MFP/and Gossett family Advent Calendar (so far)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My jewelry tree in the guest bathroom