
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Ann262 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    Hello ladies.

    Well I have to admit this was one of the easiest colonoscopy preps I've had. I think this is my 5th or 6th one. Not too much problem eating/drinking clear liquids for the day. Not to say I was very hungry but I managed. Prep concoction went down well, although it made me a tad nauseous, I managed. Cleansed away sitting on the potty. Didn't get much sleep as this occurred well into the wee hours. Off hubs took me to the clinic for 8am. I think I had a bit of problem with some pain during the procedure and kinda remember getting more sedative. The doc told hubs he found one small polyp that will be tested otherwise I am good to go for 5 more years. None of this I heard because I was still pulling myself out of lalala land! Came home and promptly fell asleep for a bit. Now up and checking on you gals and having some solid nourishment.

    Thanks for all that wished me well during this necessary procedure. If you haven't done it get it done.

    Running the heat here as today was a brisk one this morning and currently still in the 40's. Unusual for this part of Texas!

    Have a good day!
    sitting under an afghan with the space heater at my feet

    Sounds like a great day to weigh in. LOL!!

    Good morning.

    Feeling a little weak this a.m. Slept well and with proper nutrition today I should be fine. YES I did weigh in this morning and lo and behold lost 1.5 lbs in this process. I'll take it and use this as a restart/cleanse to my system and move onward. I've been on a downward trend having already adjusted my macros to lower carbs.

    Several errands on tap today. This time of year I count my blessings for not having to be involved in the "holiday" rush. I'll be on Amazon today to see what I can send to my 8 greats for Hanukkah. Trying to stay under $10 for each of the 3 families-maybe a Hanukkah story book and some stickers. I'm known as the Great Aunt who sends books for birthdays! Have to spend some Koh's bucks expiring today. Hubs wants/needs a tie in the purple color area for several of his lavender/purple dress shirts he has. It's a process gals. As he will line up all the possibilities and then will have to ponder and ponder and ponder. I usually go else where in the store until he has it down to less than 3 choices. Have to post a Pocket Letter at the P.O. but fortunately they have a self serve kiosk in the lobby that I use so no waiting in lines inside. Not sure I'm up for the gym today but will definitely get my steps in. May take the puppers for her nail trim at Petco.

    Hope all of you have a nice Saturday! Always have you in the back of my mind or on my shoulder throughout my days.

    in chilly BCS, TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: I am so happy that you're posting again! Good luck connecting with your son & grandkids. :smiley:

    Pip: Love, love, love your dogs. :heart:

    Karen & Heather: When I was teaching the parents organization bought us "motivational treats" frequently. Towards the end, Starbucks was a frequent flyer with all the sugary goodies they can add to coffee. It is no wonder I gained weight every year I taught. :ohwell:

    Janetr: I LOVE the cartoon. I'm past hot-flashes now, thank goodness. :bigsmile:

    Barbie: I love the dog pictures! (((HUGS)))

    Lenora: I'm so sorry to hear about the lost police officers in your town. Sending prayers to their families and the whole community. :cry:

    Rori: I'm sorry that you have to travel this month. I wish you a safe journey on virus free flights. :flowerforyou:

    Sherry: We have Direct TV and they give us good service. :smiley:

    Rita: Your act of kindness at Macy's was awesome and I'm glad you were rewarded. I remember what it is like to lose track of a young child during holiday shopping. You were heroes. :star:

    We're expecting a Christmas Ships parade in our little town this evening. There is an organization in Portland that decorates their boats with lovely lights and parades on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers nightly during the holiday season. They visit our little town one night each year and we look forward to their visit. We've invited neighbors to join us and I hope they do. We're making chili and will have holiday beverages to share. The best showing is at the beginning of the parade at about 5:30 in the evening--just after dark. There will likely be bumper-to-bumper cars parked along our road this evening. We'll be saving our driveway apron for the friends who used to live next door.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    CJ - I was just thinking about you this very morning and wondering what you were up to. :flowerforyou: Your new job sounds wonderful, but must be very stressful. You are right that we need to put our own health above everything as we are no use to anyone if our health fails us. I am more and more convinced of the value of vigorous exercise to give us stamina and strength in our lives. Hard to find the time on a schedule like yours, but we have to make it a priority.
    Great to see you back. <3

    Picasso66 - WELCOME! Stick with us and you will gradually find your way to a healthy life! :flowerforyou:

    I have just made a venison stew, stuffed with veggies so it will do for two days. :D It's simmering now. Also made a big tomato sauce pot, which is also cooking away. Will freeze lots of portions.
    DH 's younger daughter rang to book in her post Christmas visit. So that's another meal to think about. :o I don't know yet what day my elder son is planning to come, but it may coincide. :*:o Think we might be off to the pub!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Latest snow counts in my area are around 30". I wasn't sure how I was going to get my workout in today. My husband fired the plow guy for piling the snow up at the garage door. If you have to tell the plow guy not to do that...

    I guess I got my workout. This was after 2 hours of shoveling. My husband made me stop

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) The roads in my neighborhood were icy this morning. There is a path of rocks in front of every house that made walking safer but I was careful with every step. Sasha and I met our two friends and dog for part of the walk but they didn't last long. Sasha was finished walking after about 45 minutes so I took her home and walked alone for another 30 minutes. Walking is not as much fun when you have to monitor every step but I hated to miss the chance for an early morning walk with no deadline. It will be warmer later so Sasha and I can go for a nice afternoon walk.

    :)CJ, I am happy to see you again....today can be the beginning of a lifetime successful journey. Your new job sounds interesting and challenging.

    :)Ann262, great snow and great shoveling workout

    :)Katla, the Christmas ships parade sounds great...wish I could be there

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Penny: Great to hear from you!

    Barbie: What a gorgeous picture of Brandy. I'm sorry Sasha is so sad

    Re: Waves!!

    Rita: So glad there was a positive outcome

    Cheri: Congrats on the 1.5 lbs!

    CJ: Welcome back!

    Yesterday I jumped on the scale and lo and behold I saw a weight I haven't seen since July 2015! It looks like the low carb thing is working for me even if it isn't very fast at least the scale is moving in the right direction.

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Dec:
    - Increase walking to 7500 per day by end of month
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2016
    Barbie - Poor Sasha! Poor you and Jake! One day at a time, dear.

    CJ - Welcome back! We've missed you :cry: Fantastic that you were headhunted to an NGO. I can imagine how that would have distracted you from day-to-day things like logging and exercising. Funny (not!) how we find it so easy to let go of basic habits that are fundamental to good health.

    Katla - I'm happy I'm posting again too!

    I'm resting up today! Started by sleeping straight through to 8 am, then lay around for a good half hour before getting up. Made twice as much as coffee as usual and had scrambled eggs for breakfast. :tongue:

    After a while I put on my running gear and ran to the Institute, where I had left an entire week's worth of clothing. I had intended to have a shower and walk back home, but it was snowing and slushy and I figured it would be unwise to allow myself to get cold, so I ran home again. Total 5 miles.

    Today is Nobel day, a big day in Sweden, when the Nobel Prize is ceremoniously handed out at the Stockholm Concert Hall. It's the kind of day when there's a Swedish flag on every flagpole. Stockholm's city busses have little blue and yellow flags flapping at their front corners. I'm currently watching the prize ceremony (on TV, I'm not at the ) and later this evening I'll watch the banquet. This is the party of parties in Sweden. Tie and tails for the men, formal full-length gowns for the women. The royal family participates at both events (ceremony and banquet), and the queen and the princesses wear their best necklaces and tiaras. Today they had gowns with long, long trains. Fancy, fancy.

    Going to see the grandkids tomorrow! :heart:

    /Penny, feeling rather underdressed at the moment

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Last few days have been a struggle to stay on plan, but I'm determined today to set things straight.

    Spent all day yesterday cooking for a friend whose father was waiting to have a brain tumor removed (he ended up being rescheduled to today)... my friend houses three international students along with her own family... didn't think she needed to be worried about making a meal. Anyways, I made her gang a lovely beef stew, biscuits, and brownies. After delivering their meal, my husband suggested we go out to eat. Blech! We went to Applebees and had a thoroughly disgusting dinner. I'm done with chain restaurants!

    Finally have all the decorations up! It is lightly snowing today and everything looks pretty. Plans are to finish some shopping (online) and tackle the Christmas cards. It seems giving cards is becoming a dying tradition. I've only received one card so far this year! Years past I would have dozens already. Of course, I'm behind schedule, so maybe my friends and family are too.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
    Beth near Buffalo

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth. I agree about the Christmas cards, fewer and fewer as the years go by. I am still sending out my usual but am receiving less.

    Had a lovely morning coffee date with an older neighbor, time flew as we caught up on all the gossip. I chose a banana over the wide array of baked goods at the donut place and felt virtuous!!

    Off to tackle the last of the leaves in the backyard--so much for my pajama day :(

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    NY KAREN - You are virtuous! That's why you are back at maintenance! :flowerforyou:

    Venison stew was great. I am stuffed with brussels sprouts. Huge pile. I think it might defeat DH who also has some noodles. :laugh: You don't want to be in our gym room tomorrow morning!


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I bought a battery operated pocket pedometer and for the life of me I can't figure out how to set it. I know my stride length but can't even get that data in. Oh well!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Re in TX~ Yep every Christmas we watch BlackAdders' Christmas Carol. Where he is good and then turns awful...hilarious!! I appreciate BBC humor (no offence to you friends across the pond now). It's just that our American ears don't always comprehend 'The Queens English", and like my mother who couldn't even understand what was going on in the BlackAdder episodes, I always did. Like Baldrick would say, "I want a turnip all my own, and I shall call him "Turnip"...... My eldest son's first songs were the BlackAdder theme, and the Jeopardy theme, now there is eclectic for ya!

    My husband is making light of my phupaaa with the Freezer. He calls me the Freezer Killer.... And he says one day we can get some filler of some kind and spackle that sucker!

    Well its almost time for Army verses Navy football game!!! Sadly the QB of Navy (Worth) hurt his foot last game, so the third string (Abey) will be playing. It's going to be interesting......

    I shall find a picture of my Mom and Bob......oh Re I used to call him "Bob" with an accent and we would laugh and laugh about that too. (Gotta know BlackAdder to understand that one).

    in the warmest spot in Oregon (in the 40's)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Ann262~ Yep, I used to look for the "like a father to me" cards because the stepfather cards were never what I wanted to say. He was in the Lions Club and his club sponsored me to go to Australia (Sydney NSW) for 4 months. I visited other clubs there, and it was life-changing! There were 50 of us from Oregon that met in Portland and flew over. Actually I made up a song that I sang at every club I visited. Easier then standing up and talking. I did that too mind you, but singing was easier. My like a father also got me interested in opera, and I studied that in college, singing in various competitions. I have told him how he affected my life, and how much I have appreciated him coming in to my life, and my mom's life when he did. So no things unsaid, which is how it should be.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ That looks amazing. I see Kirby got his hair cut.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hey everyone! Seven pages to read through to get caught up but love reading about all of your lives. One year a neighbor gave me a canning jar with all the makings for chocolate cookies.The boys and I really loved getting that. All I had to add was the wet stuff. I also got a jar with the makings for 15 bean soup one year. It makes a really pretty presentation and again all I had to add was water and a ham bone.

    Be back later,

    Gloria in WA where we had about 3-4" of snow and the boys had a lot of fun and even though they were red from the cold when they came in! snowball-fight-smiley-emoticon.gif