
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Woke up this morning with no fever and no longer had the spasmotic cough so much that I couldn't catch my breath. Got a late morning appointment with doctor. Said she could hear some stuff in my lungs and sent me for a chest xray which was negative. So I have an antibiotic, cortisone and an inhaler to use as needed. Those things as so expensive and I don't have that kind of shortness of breath. Oh well. I am to call again on Monday if no better. But am so tired. Took a 2 hour nap again this afternoon and feel like I am ready to go to bed now. But my day wouldn't be complete without watching Wheel of Fortune!

    Wasn't there a quilter here that quilted a stain glass window quilt that she hung on a wall?

    Pip, you could submit your dogs to be on a calendar

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Awwwww thx jmkmom!!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Janetr that is hilarious!!!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Sherry: Missy is a doll. I am going to check out the “Nine Lives” movie.

    Lisa: Love the quilt design. I wish I could machine sew. Took lessons once, but never got the hang of it.

    Betty: I like your attitude. Yes, you can make the world a better place. Keep it up.

    Vernalwicks: I am the poster girl for slow weight loss. The first 15 pounds came off in a year. Since then, I’ve lost 6 pounds per year, or ½ a pound a month. I work out 6 times a week and include cardio, strength and weight training. My food choices fluctuate as I travel for business a couple times a month, and water retention is a constant issue. I decided early on that I wouldn’t tie my self-esteem to a number on the scale. Now the size and fit of my clothes…that’s the real motivator. Believe me the results are way more dramatic than what the scale says. Hang in there.

    Penny: Your relief and joy is coming through loud and clear. So happy for you.

    Becca: Sorry about the freezer. I’ve done stuff like that and just look for the hidden lesson embedded in there somewhere. Thankfully, no chicken parts were harmed in the act.

    Karen: I’ll try that salmonella visualization!

    Lenora: Sorry to see such tragedy in your town.

    Joyce: Take care!

    Feeling a bit stressed. I have to travel to NY on Sunday, and pack for a variety of business and social meetings. My good friend wants me to join her for ice skating in Wollman rink in Central Park. Haven’t even begun to think of what to take. Priority is to get my cards addressed and mailed, get frozen foods for DH, and set up my Nativity scene. I ordered holiday plants delivered for my sister in San Diego and brother in Seattle. Mailed off a box of lovely teas, nuts and cat toys to brother in SFO. DH and I don’t exchange gifts, but do get something nice we can both enjoy. This year, we’ll spring to get our little 1999 Subaru detailed inside and out. Will be first time we’ve ever done this, and we’re both excited.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.


    Colorado Foothills
    December Goals:
    Tabata training a minimum of 3 times per week
    Go ice skating at least once this month
    Drink a glass of water with lemon juice every day
    Meditate at least 15 minutes every day.
    Be lighter (thanks Lisa for coining this goal)
    Word for 2016: Optimism

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Up at 1:45 and getting the rest of the stuff packed.will check in later...
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now......

    Sorry it's so late.....been watching TV on my tablet.......

    Well, Dish Network did it again....they were supposed to come out today, again, and bailed again!......this time when I called customer service I am told by one person that the tech bailed for a family emergency then during the same call a second person tells me he bailed because the roads are still bad (while I am watching a UPS truck drive down my street!).....and the tech didn't call today either to let me know he was bailing.....I got the distinct impression they don't care if I get service or not.....so I dropped them like a hot potato and called DirecTV..... I now have an account with them with an appointment for installation on Thursday.....and in the meantime they set me up so I can stream TV and movies through their App and since I have AT&T wireless for my phone it won't count toward my data plan.....so I get to watch TV and movies for free for the next week until they come out and hook me up.....I like these people much better!!!....so that is where I have been all evening,lol.....with my face buried in my tablet catching up on this season's episodes of "Gold Rush" on Discovery channel......

    Thanks everybody for your kind words about my baby Missy.....she is the love of my life......

    Rori - you should definitely check out that movie.....some of the cat scenes you can tell it's a computer generated cat but it's still really cute and funny.....especially if you are a cat lover.....

    Janetr - that cartoon was hilarious!!!! I can really identify with that!....

    Joyce - I'm glad you woke up with no fever and a little less of that darn cough....maybe that is a good sign that you are on the mend......

    Penny - that's a bummer you can't have a cat.....I can share Missy with you long distance if you like.... :p ......

    Barbie - beautiful pic of Brandy....such a gorgeous dog.....

    Well, since it's after 2 a.m. my time I guess I better put this thing down and get some shut eye.....it snowed a little more today but not much, forgot about the old pair of boots I stuffed into the back of the closet and found them today so I put them on and went for a walk around town.....didn't make my step goal, but did get halfway there so I guess half is better than none, right????....OK, enough for tonight....sweet dreams all....

    Sherry in "Dish Network can bite me!" Dufur
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Hello ladies.

    Well I have to admit this was one of the easiest colonoscopy preps I've had. I think this is my 5th or 6th one. Not too much problem eating/drinking clear liquids for the day. Not to say I was very hungry but I managed. Prep concoction went down well, although it made me a tad nauseous, I managed. Cleansed away sitting on the potty. Didn't get much sleep as this occurred well into the wee hours. Off hubs took me to the clinic for 8am. I think I had a bit of problem with some pain during the procedure and kinda remember getting more sedative. The doc told hubs he found one small polyp that will be tested otherwise I am good to go for 5 more years. None of this I heard because I was still pulling myself out of lalala land! Came home and promptly fell asleep for a bit. Now up and checking on you gals and having some solid nourishment.

    Thanks for all that wished me well during this necessary procedure. If you haven't done it get it done.

    Running the heat here as today was a brisk one this morning and currently still in the 40's. Unusual for this part of Texas!

    Have a good day!
    sitting under an afghan with the space heater at my feet

    Sounds like a great day to weigh in. LOL!!

  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Today had been a great day, buying only $45 worth of groceries, so my dear husband took me to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch. I chose wisely and got two tacos. No sour cream, or guacamole just beef, lettuce, tomatoes, and some cheese. I did order a Coke, but it was better than a beer. I was home putting away the items I bought, and one item, a bag of frozen chicken I always lay flat on the second shelf of the freezer. Well the bag that is almost empty there were some tenders stuck together so I was whacking the bag a bit on the side of the freezer shelf to separate them..... OK stupid idea, I made some of the plastic break into the freezer innards. Like a dent but you can see a bit of what is inside a freezer.... I put some packaging tape over it, and told my husband. He just shook his head asking me why I would do such a thing... I wasn't thinking, just found a surface to whack the partially empty bag on, didn't think that the freezer surface is really just plastic. He gave me a "GAAAHHH" look, saying, "Well that will be $400 out of the security deposit we will have to pay if we move". I told him sorry, and I guess we will never move from here... He gets frustrated with me, but shrugs it off and presently he is yelling from the other room info about a rugby game so I am blessed with a man that doesn't hold grudges.

    OK its been a couple of minutes, and was on the phone with my step-father (I always have hated that term) who is in a facility in Gresham OR. He is in his 90's but always calls me when I have sent a letter to him. Last week I sent out the Christmas letters and cards, so he thanked me for that. My older sisters don't ever communicate with him, but I was in high school when he married my Mom. They were together for 15 yrs, and he did love my Mom, and gave her a flower at 10:30 AM every Saturday, the hour and day they were married. He influenced me by listening to Pavarotti, tending his Bonsai trees, and we watched BBC's BlackAdder and laughed and laughed. Hopefully I will be able to visit him this holiday season.

    So with every bad thing that happens, a good thing is right around the corner.....

    looking at rain in

    your "Step" father sounds like a lovely man. I understand what you mean by not liking that term. We grew up with Cinderella and stories of the wicked stepmother. Just puts a bad connotation on the name that it doesn't really deserve.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi ladies! Yesterday was a planned "rest" day and I stayed in all day. I remembered why I hated rest days back in my marathon training years. I was hungry from the workout schedule from the rest of the week but had fewer calories to work with. I was careful with them and stayed under target. Whew!

    We got about 24" of snow yesterday! I am not sure I will get my run in today, it is too dangerous to run alongside the road with it so slippery out, but I will get my dogs out to hike in the deep snow. That will be workout, albeit not the one I want. We have a funeral to go to this afternoon so I won't have time to hike with them, go grocery shopping AND get the gym to use a treadmill but I think I can manage to get a little upper body strength training in at home.

    Yeah, funeral, my husband's 95 year old aunt passed. She decided about a month ago to stop taking her meds. While we have a good relationship with that branch of the family, we aren't close, so we don't know details like what the meds were for and their side effects. She must have had her reasons. She was a lovely lady.

    I have been on MFP for 8 days (this time). Over the last year or so, I have had some sleep problems. Last night, I slept like a baby with no sleep aid. I am really hoping that the healthier lifestyle is the reason!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    rori I bet you will have a great time ice skating in NYC, it is a fun NY kind of thing to do--crowded--but that's part of the fun.

    Karen you know your unusual way of passing up sugary treats laid out in office settings is a really good one---I will try it, it kind of made me laugh, why haven't I ever thought of that?

    I am turning to lots of veggies, including avocado, as well as 0%yogurt and nuts to feel fuller during the day, this is helping when I get home -- not overdoing it with snacking or late nite eating. Oh and ginger lemon tea--it is really helping me feel full and the scale says I am back on my maintenance NUMBER---just don't feel like it. I think this time of year is just full of obstacles and stresses--so important to check in with you all, log every bite and move a little. Basics, stick with what works. NYKAREN
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sherry, I'm glad your TV service story has a happy ending..we had a rough time with getting TV service where we live now and we ended up with much better service from the second company.

    :)Rori, ice skating in NYC sounds heavenly.

    :)Allie, best wishes for a great trip to Florida...don't let the ******get you down.

    :)Ann262, great dogs

    :'( Sasha is sad this morning....Jake gave her a treat and soon we'll go for a walk and meet friends to walk with.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    Ann262 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    I love your black labbie. Here are my guys!


    Looks like your black lab is a girl am I right? My first choice with a white lab because KIRBY's white, then I wanted a chocolate lab because a Mexican, then the last choice was a black lab. Yogi ended up being the first one because he was the first one available that I could afford, actually, he was the one that I wanted to or was willing to pay that much for.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((SASHA))) and (((Barbie)))

    RITA ~ What a wonderful NSV. So glad you found the child. Whenever we take the grands to a mall I always worry one will wander off.

    TV SERVICE ~ Our 2 yr contract with Comcast/xFinity ran out last Fall. They tried to raise the bill by almost $50. I called and complained. Ended up getting the bill reduced from what we had originally been paying plus received every channel they have (which we didn't have before). Problem is that we seldom see anything on the premium channels that we want to see.

    DH is having another bad antique show. Guess everyone is out Christmas shopping and not interest in antiques. He depends on this one show every month to supplement his small SS check. I am trying to talk him into getting a mall booth.

    Carol from cold but sunny GA