
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    GLORIA ~ KJL was wanting ideas for gifts to make that those would be great!
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Pip - love the pics of you guys and Seattle.....I am "couch travelling" again, can you tell?....you and Kirby look so sweet together.....

    Wish I had a dad in my life.....or a mom......or sisters.......or brothers...... :'(

    Barbie - so sorry Sasha is sad today......I kinda know how she feels....

    On the subject of Christmas cards......don't get 'em, don't send 'em......really have no one to send any to.....unless you all want to send me an address or two, besides my former neighbors you guys are my only friends..... :/ ....and I no longer have any family, soooooo.........

    Woke up this morning to beautiful blue sky and lots of sunshine......need to do the housework (ummmm, motorhome work????.....lol) and dishes, but first I think I will try to make up for the lack in meeting my step goals the last couple of days and go for a walk.........maybe the sun on my face will make me feel better.....maybe I should put a pedometer on Missy.......do you think they make a fitbit small enough to go around her little leg?......

    Think I'm gonna go cry now.....sorry.....

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,633 Member
    This was our Dinah, She was a border collie. We were in flyball for 2yrs. she passed away from liver defect but I love this pic of her. I still have it as the back ground on my phone. Want to share our current 5 dogs when i can get a good pic
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    evening ladies~well we are at South of the Border, just over the border of South Carolina, its a kitchy place that has been around since 1949.. Tom taking a shower and then we will get something to eat, and come back and crash... we left around 3:15 this morning and got here around 4:45 stopped a couple of times but not for long...
    will check in tomorrow
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gang. I'm heading out to go out with some friends, so this is a quick hello! Only I must say I read Katla's message to say donuts are prison and I was thinking...well yes she is right....oh poison! OMG I will defend Winchell's donuts against a poison charge any day. I'm just glad I have to go across town for them! Benny is coughing up a storm but I notice he is not eating all his cottage cheese, so he's not getting his turmeric, so we will have to do something about that. OK gotta run. Take care Meg from cold Omaha
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    It's the granddaughter! We did Christmas cards with this photo this year.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Meg. She is so precious. I love how classic the photo is, what a cutie
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Hello all: Well I lost my streak but I made it safely to downtown Seattle and back. Of course the day DH was supposed to have his procedure was the day it was going to snow. Luckily the snow came late. Made it to the hospital and found parking. Spent the day sitting in the waiting room. Went down to the cafeteria at one point while he was in the procedure room only to find they had closed it for their employee Christmas party. Only thing open was a Starbuck's. Had a skinny hot chocolate. Then had to find our hotel in rush-hour traffic. I was never so glad to hand my car over to valet and just let him deal with it. The hotel had a free welcome meal and turned out it was Caesar salad with grilled chicken. I had one bread stick which was okay since I had not eaten all day since breakfast. DH was on clear liquids only. He left his meds in the car but went down to the desk and the valet went and got them for him. Yeah for wonderful staff. We stayed until late the next morning and did not hit snowy roads until we were almost home. What a relief!

    Pip - Love the doggie pics. I think someone on here had the right idea, make a calendar.

    Charleen - You were a really good neighbor!

    Re - Like the sweater!

    Lois - Congratulations on hitting onederland. I am sending healing angels to your DH.

    DJ - Glad you had a happy cruise.

    Rori - Hope you have a good trip to NY.

    Penny - Glad you will be home soon and can stay there for the rest of the year.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Katla, the Christmas ships parade sounds great...wish I could be there

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    I wish you were here, too. The Christmas ships parade has been a Portland area boater's tradition for many years. They parade though Portland harbors on the Willamette River and Columbia River every night for weeks. They come here once each year. It is a long trip for them and they spend the night at the City Docks. They'll head upriver for Portland tomorrow. I've heard from my cousin that they are on their way, but I think they will be the only ones who come. We have LOADS of food and it will become good leftovers for future meals. When I should have been actively inviting friends and neighbors to come to our house for a good view of the lighted boat parade, we were caught up with our raccoon drama. The raccoons can't get in any more! Three cheers!!! Later on we'll have to find a way to pay for replacing the insulation under our house. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful and dark NW Oregon.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I know all of you ladies deserve for me to read very thing but it has bn one busy day here. Woke. Up with a pretty bad nose bleed. Nose bleeds and Effiant don't mix well. So after 3 hours of no's bleed we go to ER. My nose is packed and feels awful, b/p real high, lungs are still bad. They gave me several breathing treatments which make you so heeby jeeby you can't stand it but your lungs appreciate it. Did a ct scan to see if I had a bald clot there. I don't but only the ct scan finally showed pneumonia. I have had 2 chest X-rays that did not. So I am in ICU because of the IV meds to get the b/p down to get his packing out. Blood count also low
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Joyce... so sorry you're feeling miserable. Get better soon!

    Pip ... I can't figure out what you're eating? Must be my photo.

    Meg ... every time I click on the link, I get reader error ... rats

    Sherry ... I hope you got outside for some fresh air. Be gentle with yourself. You've just moved into a new community and its the holidays and it's generally a hard time for most people. And if you would like a Christmas card, I'd be happy to send you one. Message me!

    The day was going rather well until I received a call from my 85 year old mother ... she was diagnosed with uterine cancer yesterday ... appointment with oncologist Monday. Kinda took the wind out of my sails ...

    Beth near Buffalo
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce and Beth, praying for your situations. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – Glad you are feeling better. Isn’t that just the luck, you call and make appointment with MD and then feel better the day you are supposed to see them. Unfortunately, if you don’t get the medicine and have to call her back on Monday … you are painting a picture that might cost you more. Well, let’s change that remark; obviously you aren’t feeling any better, trip to hospital and into ICU is difficult; but, how did you sneak your cell phone in there?

    Several years ago, DDnL#1 was having splitting headaches; so she makes an appointment with Neurologist (same one I go to), convinced she was about to have a ‘stroke’. Her Dad had died of a stroke in his early- to mid-30’s. She was given the same muscle relaxant that had been Rx’d for me; but, did not get it, or if she did, did not take it. When she went back to her for a follow-up; and, when the NeuroMD was told that, she told her ‘you are wasting MY time and YOUR time and money, if you are NOT going to FOLLOW my instructions and promptly told her that she would not be able to keep her as a patient. MD has moved, so I go to her replacement, I loved her, I like him ‘ok’ – he is just really weird. But, no other choice because the other MD had already taken as many of my first NeuroMD’s patients that she could. She just got put on Wellbutrin and I am hoping and praying she will continue with it. We went to DOGD’s boyfriend’s graduation today and it was a pleasant trip (I think) for both of us.

    DOGD went ahead and gave me my Christmas present, because there was no way she could get them out without me seeing them. Asked if I wanted to get my present early, suits me. She brings out a pair of fuzzy ‘flamingo’ slippers! I LOVE THEM!!! I will have to post a picture when my phone charges up. They are so tacky they’re cute.

    Barbiecat – Brandy and Shilo are ‘sisters’ … from different mamas or daddies for sure. Oh, wait … they were adopted? Right?

    Rori – Yes, it’s been bad. Actually, it was in a city that is about 20 miles from me; but, I sometimes go grocery shopping there, especially if my DDnL#1 is going. So young, best friends, and both left fiancées (both planning on getting married in the spring. One was going to marry his BF’s sister … so I am sure it has hit her doubly as hard. Perp then shot himself dead.

    After I had 4 UTI in 2 months … my GYN told me to drink as much water as I could and pee evert 10 minutes. Helped with water retention which was part of the reason of the UTIs. I wasn’t much of a ‘water’ drinker; now I am; but, I still can’t top 14.5 cups during a day. Some days a ‘little’ more; other days around 10 cups. I pour my water over ice whenever possible; and, find that I will drink 6 cups if we eat out.

    I finally found the 3 missing pieces of my Mother and Daddy’s manger scene. They were packed in the big white nativity scene I made in ceramics class. My other one, my Mother made for me and it is made of ‘china’. Also have a resin one. About 25 pieces. My BF let me have the box; then, when I asked her about the Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus pictures, she said, ‘oh, yeah … I went back to Dillard’s and they had sold out and it was discontinued. So I measured them and went ‘online’ and found the pieces for a lot less than they would have cost if I have found them at Dillard’s. This year I put them with the actual ‘manger’ from one that I had been using before. It is way more ‘in scale’’.

    Cracker was really ‘happy’ to see me when we got home from Carrollton and graduation. She did very well being crated up all day; but, about knocked me over to get outside. It’s cold here, so she did not stay out long. I think I am going to build a fire; will wait another hour to call DH and see how their hunting day went. He sat in the same box stand with DOS; and, he sent a pix of them in it; about 30 minutes later, he sent another and DH was sound asleep. That 9 hour trip is getting rough to make it and do anything once they get there.

    Re – A hula hoop is really easy and not very expensive to make. I’ve enjoyed mine; first one I bought at the gym for $5; and, the cost to make one is about the same. Great exercise, especially for that ‘middle’ area. Just don’t be surprised at the bruising you will probably have (for a few days). Wasn’t bad enough for me to stop it though.

    Sherry – We’ve had DirecTV since before we moved out here (16 years ago). The only trouble with them is they can get very ‘high’ very quickly. This last upgrade, we did not see any additional channels but our bill has now reached $150 a month. When DH comes home, we’ll be sitting down and figuring out what we really want. Even the movies were going to be charged. I thought we were getting live streaming which would allow us to watch any movie. Either they misguided us or we just did not understand the “package.” Our DOS has Dish Network and they ‘love it’; but, they get some channels we don’t care about and they can’t get some that we do.

    Becca – DYS’s step-daughter is ‘his’ daughter as far as he is concerned. They might not be able to have any together; but, that will be ‘ok’ … they will just live with it. I hurt for my DDnL#2 when she told me ‘that he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and she could not even procreate’ (Biblical). I told her that ‘love for one another’ was what is important; and, it is obvious they love one another. Before they got married, she wrote me a nice letter telling him that even though I had said that ‘he was not perfect’; but, to her he is ‘perfect in every way, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. He had been the type of man she had been praying for and wished she had met him years earlier. I laughed and told her that ‘she probably would NOT have liked the younger version’. In the package was a letter from her daughter telling me ‘all the things that he does for her’. She said in the letter that she ‘wished he could be her boyfriend; but, that wasn’t possible because he was her mother’s’. That was so sweet of her. I told her once they got married she was going to have to call me ‘something’ other than “Miss …” She finally decided that even though she had a “Nana” (her step-mother’s pet name); since my other 3 granddaughters call me Nana she do the same. I just did not want to be called “Grandmother” (which my oldest sister’s children called my Mother); nothing like Granny or Grandmamma [sounds old-ish]. My oldest sister’s grandchildren call her GG. I think that ‘steps’ of any manner can be very good; sometimes better than the biological. My DOGD has nothing to do with her biological mother and has called DDnL#1 ‘mom’ on a few occasions. Being a ‘step-parent’ can be rewarding, bad, or in some cases a little sad. I agree that “Cinderella had a lot to do with how we (in our age group) something come up with a bad connotation of the name, and, they don’t deserve it. DGD#4 was ‘upset’ because when she asked if her last name would also change when she married DYS, she told her ‘no’ and she ‘explained’ why. A few weeks later, she came to her and said that she realized that she had only 1 Mama and 1 Daddy; but, she like DYS a ‘whole lot better than her step-mother’. DDnL#2’s ‘ex’ has really been what she refers to a being a real P.I.T.A. and she thought that it was going to end up ‘in a legal procedure’ before too much longer.

    Rita – I remember telling both my boys that ‘if’ someone tried to take them ‘out of a store’ we were in, to not just start ‘screaming’ or ‘crying’ … but to ‘scream …. YOU’RE NOT MY MAMA or DADDY!” To get attention and not been seen as a spoiled, tired brat who wasn’t getting his way and probably needed a nap. Naps around our house were on schedule; so I knew when I could run errands without cranky children.

    Pip – My DOGD’s chocolate lab is the softest lab I have ever been in contact with. Luna, her Daddy’s dog is rough feeling. Knox is just soft and silky. I would have ‘never’ thought you and Kirby would have had a ‘cat’, too. Like Kirby’s new haircut!

    Katla – Thank you … there is a lot of sadness all the way around; praying for God’s healing arms around all who have been affected. Just such a waste … the woman (victim who called for 9-1-1 was inconsolable, saying ‘it was her fault that they had been killed, if she had not made the call … they’d be alive’. The dispatcher stayed on the phone with her until help could get to her. Manhunt cancelled DYGD’s ‘field trip’ to Andersonville Civil War Prison and Museum. They got the guy, cornered and he ‘shoots himself’.

    Ann262 – Pretty to look at but really happy that it is a ‘once in a blue moon’ between times we get any snow in SW GA. The last time was 5 years or more. DDnL#1 got so tired of the DYGD getting soaked through and coming in and having to totally change her. Would get outside and tell her Daddy she needed to pee. We had not had any measurable snow until the year my sons were 7 and 9; and, we got ‘stuck’ on the Interstate for 12 hours, moving slower than a snail between the time we got on at Valdosta until we reached the I-10 Interchange and had to head towards Tallahassee before we found a place flat enough to cross over the median. I told DH that ‘if’ there was ever ‘any’ possibility of running into snow or ice … he could leave me at home. It was ‘horrible’.

    Barbie – My luck I would slip and knock myself out on the rocks.

    Heather – Really hoping to have some ‘venison’ by the end of next weekend. Our hunting around here has been disturbed by the Sabal Gas Line they are putting in back further on our land, which is beside (but deeper) along an already existing pipeline. When they get finished it is going to look great; a little wider right-of-way; but, after they pull the soil back over it, get it machine racked, and plant grass … you’ll never know they were out there with all their machines that sometimes went well into the evening.
    Hello – To all the newbies.

    It’s been a long day and I am nodding off; so ‘goodnight! It's almost 10:00pm and somebody shot a gun, sounded like a muzzle loader (small explosion). Neighbor called and asked me 'if I heard that'. Yep, but, not us. guys not hunting here. Sounded like it came from across the road. It's too late and dark to hunt.

    P.S. – I’m too tired to proof this, so if I said something that somehow ‘offend’ anyone, it definitely was not personal.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    edited December 2016
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    :)Sue in WA, congrats on succeeding on your trip to Seattle. I have been thinking of you and wishing you well.

    :)Sherry, I love the tractor parade photos...thanks for sharing them with us

    :)Pip, You and Kirby sure know how to have fun

    :'(Joyce, sorry to hear about further medical troubles....get well soon

    :'(Beth, sorry to hear the scary news about your mother.

    :) I delivered two knitted blankets to "Project Linus" today and got to see some beautiful quilts that other women had made. The blankets go to critically ill children in a hospital in Seattle.

    <3 Barbie in drizzly NW Washington

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    10,000 steps
    103 minutes of dog walking
    65 minutes riding the exercise bike
    44 minutes doing physical therapy exercises

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited December 2016
    Becca husband was right. It is smart to take frequent breaks when you shovel snow. It is a great work out, but it can be hard on your body, back, and heart if overdone. Living in Minnesota I have shoveled my share of snow.

    Looked at cars today. The technological advancements in the past two years is amazing. My concern is how expensive will these cars be to fix if anything goes wrong. I have a 2003 Malibu that is still running great and is in good condition. Because of its age it does not have much book value. I am wondering if all the additional safety features on the newer cars are worth it. Has anyone bought a 2016 or 2017 car. It was in 2016 these features really took off. If you have have you found these added features valuable and worth the additional cost?
    :heart: Margaret