So.... how much did you consume on Christmas day



  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    My personal goal was 5000 kcals, while managing to keep my sodium to potassium ratio at 1:4.

    I managed 5600, and 1:3, so close enough.
  • cadimas
    cadimas Posts: 1 Member
    Stuck to the diet! I believe. It's so easy to fast if you stay distracted. Remember, food is only material. We only eat to survive because it was ingrained in our DNA to reproduce. And with that said, I only had about 1,400 calories on Christmas.
  • skolbie2
    skolbie2 Posts: 23 Member
    No logging for me. Back on track for today. It's once a year. Call it combined cheat days. LOL
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    2144 calories give or take. My logging was pretty sloppy. Less than I expected, to be honest. Gained 2.5 kilos (but I'm retaining water so I would have gained anyway). This holiday is not as high as previous holidays for some reason, and I may not gain as much weight as I was planning to gain.
  • kittley
    kittley Posts: 73 Member
    I would estimate my intake to be 3,500-4000 calories. Burnt 450 calories from a one hour home workout early in the morning and we also went out for a one hour walk in the afternoon for fresh air. It was all worth it but definitely too high in sodium, my mouth feels so salty today.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Don't know ... don't care!

    And actually, today (Boxing Day) was a higher calorie day than Christmas because we wanted to finish off a few things before hauling everything home. :)
    TAKCEGM Posts: 313 Member
    Didn't worry about anything all weekend. Enjoyed myself and had a great time with my family. Today is Monday - made it back to the gym this morning. Back to the normal grind. I did indeed gain some weight, but have no fears or doubts that it will be gone soon enough!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    My problem today is getting my body back into the "I don't eat 5k calories every day" mentality. My brain keeps telling me to go back to bed if I'm not going to eat.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Way way more but today I am staying on track. I ate enough cookies yesterday and food, to last me a week. However I had fun, life is short and today is new.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to

    I hope you don't regularly eat so little.
  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    I started Christmas Eve with a double spin class and held off with a protein bar and yogurt until 5 pm.

    Then, dinner. I stopped counting calories when I hit 3500. I didn't bother logging yesterday's dinner and will do another obscene calories add to complete the day. Zero exercise - not even a walk.

    Back to normal today. Double spin, 1250 net goal. Will not go near a scale until I know the water weight is gone.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to

    I hope you don't regularly eat so little.

    Normally im between 1200-1600
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Have no idea. I just put in maintenance calories for the day, and will do the same for today (Boxing day). Will get back at it tomorrow. Definitely less than a normal Christmas, no cookies and less alcohol, but still had Christmas pudding and sauce. And sauce. God I love that sauce. Basically brown sugar and cream.

    Did walk the dogs for 45 mins but otherwise was a log in front of the TV.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to

    I hope you don't regularly eat so little.

    Normally im between 1200-1600

    Wow. Did MFP tell you to eat so little?
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to

    I hope you don't regularly eat so little.

    Normally im between 1200-1600

    Wow. Did MFP tell you to eat so little?

    My max is 1850, but i have been thinking for awhile that i should start eating a bigger breakfast. Sometimes my mornings are hard to get through because i eat a small breakfast and then end up pretty hungry again once i get to work.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    1273, stayed under my calorie limit, now my sodium intake was a different

    @Cerealsensei You're a man, and it's Christmas and you ate 1273 calories?

    Miracles happen lol. But honestly compared to previous years we didnt have a big dinner and since ive been eating healthier i dont have the same desire to pig out like i used to

    I hope you don't regularly eat so little.

    Normally im between 1200-1600

    Wow. Did MFP tell you to eat so little?

    My max is 1850, but i have been thinking for awhile that i should start eating a bigger breakfast. Sometimes my mornings are hard to get through because i eat a small breakfast and then end up pretty hungry again once i get to work.

    If MFP tells you to eat 1850 that's a GOAL. You really need to fuel your body. I'm 51, menopausal, and I eat more than you. Just sayin.
  • vangirly
    vangirly Posts: 17 Member
    I didn't log anything on Christmas, but I did go to the gym and 2 miles on the treadmill. Figured that would help. ;)