The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    41 here, in Chicagoland, Starting over, yet again. Trying to stay active on my open tracker, looking for similar active open trackers.

    Feel free to add.
  • Teresava77
    Teresava77 Posts: 43 Member
    Will be 40 this year :-( Some motivating friends would be good :-)

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    38 soon, goals are making MFP a long term lifestyle and running a half marathon next year. Looking to for more of a community on MFP - add me if you like :)

    Welcome. Half marathon is such a great distance. Fun to train for and fun to race!
  • professormango
    professormango Posts: 13 Member
    new here. also just learning these forums. I work hard to stay in shape and pay attention to my nutrition. hopefully I can help some other people with what I have learned. Thanks!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    griglenb52 wrote: »
    Who would like to join me on a 10 day shred? I plan on starts NY the year right! Who wants to join in?

    What is the 10day shred?

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Well, I have signed up for a Diva Half marathon in June. That will probably be the extent of my races for 2017.
    Do plan on doing some major hikes though - the Inca Trail in Peru being one. :)
  • 2girlzmm
    2girlzmm Posts: 81 Member
    wow there is alot of great new people here. Don't hesitate to add me if you need a cheerleader/motivator.
  • jiggleboom
    jiggleboom Posts: 1 Member
    I will be 50 in April and have 25 pounds to lose. I started after Thanksgiving and lost 7 lbs by logging my food (every bite), planning ahead, and working out 4 times a week. Then Christmas and hosting came. I've gained two pounds and dropped my good habits. Started back up again yesterday to get some momentum! Any tips?
  • jnnick
    jnnick Posts: 3 Member
    Recently turned 30, and starting a whole new journey. Feel free to add me :)
  • Kari_Bear78
    Kari_Bear78 Posts: 533 Member
    So many new people and I love that many are around my age. Feel free to add me!! 38 and holding!!
  • FlatEarthKerry
    FlatEarthKerry Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 40 in one week, feel free to add me. I'm 4 stone overweight and just starting out on my weight loss journey.
  • Warriormonk73
    Warriormonk73 Posts: 38 Member
    43 South Wales here feel free to add.
  • grumpytroll
    grumpytroll Posts: 48 Member
    41 Scotland. Need some serious motivation. Everything hurts.
  • I am 36 today haha, add me. I am into kettlebells and insanity workouts :-)
  • Paul_Loader
    Paul_Loader Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in. Bristol, UK....I'm 56 and about four stone over weight...everything hurts, especially my knees. So, here's to a New Year and a New Start, with what seems to me to a bunch of youngsters...chuckle. I feel that this year I want to start growing old disgracefully, get back to being an energetic rocker once more!
  • sae12
    sae12 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I'm 55 add me I need motivation.
  • grumpytroll
    grumpytroll Posts: 48 Member
    I am 36 today haha, add me. I am into kettlebells and insanity workouts :-)

    Happy Birthday x
  • Mizzaf
    Mizzaf Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all
    Im 35, feel free to add me B)
  • hilaryhopkins07
    hilaryhopkins07 Posts: 6 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi! I'm 45. New member. Feel free to add me. :smiley:
  • bill9745
    bill9745 Posts: 4 Member
    38 and looking to nail down a few big sponsors for my mid-life crisis planned for 2022. Short list includes Ketel One, Porsche, and Breitling. Add me!