(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I have no problem with drinking just water. Went out for supper last night with sister, brother and their spouses and stole my brother's water ( he was not drinking it) as well as had two refills.On another note I deliberately ate a small(1/2) piece of cheesecake in honor of my aunt who loved sweets and wanted everyone to have a sweets party when she passed.

    What do you do to cut calories during the summer? I think that my biggest thing is when it is hot I do not feel like eating but I really contemplate eating my evening snack. I really have to want it bad before I will eat at night especially when it is after 8PM when I come in at night from enjoying the outside and my yard/gazebo.
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    I cute my calories in the summer with LOTS of fruit salad. Keeps up feeling good and it isn't heavy so you don't get all "hot and heavy" when everyone is mowing on hot dogs.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I love fresh garden veggies. My dad had a large garden while I was growing up. I'm not that good of a gardener but I steal his veggies when I get a chance!! Lately I have been doing yard work as exercise it's great full body Toning!!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    just wondering, has anybody ever heard of (or tried) using a whole pickle to curb sweet cravings?
    I heard that it really works!

    I LOOOOOVE whole pickles. I don't know about the sweet craving. I usually eat them when I'm craving salt. But I'll have to try it!! PICKLESSSSSSSS!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    How do I cut summer calories? Hmmm.... For me it's always the snacking. That's where I go wrong. If I can afford it, I will stock the fridge with fruit to help keep the munchies at bay. I recently read that getting OUTSIDE the house helps too. Sitting in the house watching TV, not the best way to stop snacking. I need to try this. Step AWAY from the fridge, girl!!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I love fresh garden veggies. My dad had a large garden while I was growing up. I'm not that good of a gardener but I steal his veggies when I get a chance!! Lately I have been doing yard work as exercise it's great full body Toning!!

    My dad has a pretty extensive garden too. He always has thousands of tomatoes, so I take those to munch on or use for turkey burgers. Those Topsy Turvy's are cool too! I really want the strawberry one.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Sorry, I have not been posting too much lately. I've been busy-had a huge birthday barbeque for my hubby this past Sunday.

    What I do to cut calories this summer - I find it easier to eat healthy in the summer, winter is the challenge for me. Lots of good summer fruits and grilled veggies to fill up on! :wink:

    When I go to a barbeque or weekend party, I make sure I get a good workout it so it allows me some extra calories. I don't try to deprive myself too much, I try a little bit of everything. I also try to bring a salad/fruit or something healthy to share.
  • journey2size10
    What do you do to cut your calories during the summer?

    Snacks are usually fresh fruits and veggies as they are at their best at this time of the year plus I have the extra time to cut em up!
  • journey2size10
    This is way off the subject...lol...my best friend is coming from Chicago to see me Saturday for a few days. Sunday we are going to see Harry Potter (we are both hp geeks!) and as that is also my birthday, I am planning a "cheat day." The good news is that a) she is also losing weight and counting cals and working out and b) that I cannot eat as I used to because I get rather sick. I'm still planning on REAL popcorn (but I'll get a small!!!) and a REAL coke and some form of cake!! I haven't cheated yet to the point where I didn't count all my calories and I didn't think about working out enough (I will continue my workouts because I just feel better when I do them 6 days per week...) Anyway...Any tips for tempering out the birthday cheat beast??? I don't wanna blow everything but I haven't had a day like this since I started doing this jan 1!

    I also have been keeping up on my goals of staying under calories and even on my 1 day off of workouts, I get activity at work and I always fill up my cup!! The dr informed me, in addition to the fact I lowered my BP from 145/120 to current 110/70 that I had lost 10 lbs since my last visit 6 weeks ago. Sooooo, even though I was feeling down those days, putting it in perspective like that really made me see how well I was doing :) Thanks for all you all do and all the support!!!

    WOW, no off meals/days since the beginning of the year, you go girl! Maybe eat as usual for the majority of the day and then just have an off meal to celebrate your day. You are already making great changes by having the small popcorn. Hope you don't get sick, but it is one day out of the year, just take things in moderation and you will be fine!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    What do you do to cut calories during the summer?

    Well in the past that was part of the problem, I didn't really worry about cutting my calories-that's why I'm as overweight as I am. But , now that's all changed. Whenever I have planned or even unplanned visitors from my family(they pop in anytime, I am the oldest of 10 children) brothers, sisters, in-laws & all their kids, I now have veggie burgers, sweet potatoe, low calorie snacks,-100 calorie snacks on hand. So, if they are bar-b-q-ing hamburgers, I'll have a veggie burger or leaf salad with cubed chicken breast. I go for the options that have less calories, no pop what-so-ever as I drink water, water, water. If I visit someone I have the 100 calorie snacks in my purse. I am now conscious of how many calories I take in.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I love water with lime or lemon in it. That is what I ask for in a restaurant. It helps me fulfill my water requirements and it is just too good to pass up. I also keep flavored water packets in my work bag, lunch bag and purse just in case I need them. Burgers do not need to be on a bun....on a bed of lettuce and garden fresh tomatoes. I have also been know to take my snackes with me if I am going visiting just in case but nearly everyone has fresh fruit out.

  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I hope your ankle is not a broken! Sometimes a sprain is worse though . Good luck!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    WEEK 8 RESULTS ARE IN!!! *sorry it took so long!*

    :bigsmile: rabbitslave with 2% body weight lost!!!
    :bigsmile: Krispy17 with 4.2lbs lost!!!

    Runner up is...:drinker: nosey_rosey with 3.6lbs lost and 1.94% body weight lost!!!

    :bigsmile: Denise11161978 with 2.2 lbs lost and 1.15% body weight lost!!!

    :bigsmile: meghanspuppy with 4 lbs lost and 2.44% body weight lost!!!

    :bigsmile: bathsalts with 2.4lbs lost and 1.84% body weight lost!!!


    visit www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge for full results!!!

    WEEK 10
    Mon July 18 rabbitslave
    Tues July 19 MikeyKeith7
    Wed July 20 SLIM195
    Thurs July 21 BeachGurl185
    Fri July 22 cmhughes3
    Sat July 23 Hananiah
    Sun July 24 lclarkjr

    WEEK 11
    Mon July 25 crystlgrn
    Tue July 26 SheBB
    Wed July 27 kacione
    Thurs July 28 summer_of_69
    Fri July 29 Ljc3
    Sat July 30 LacieLamp
    Sun July 31 HilarieXcore

    WEEK 12
    Mon Aug 1 cherrieruns
    Tues Aug 2 BalletRose
    Wed Aug 3 moofer
    Thurs Aug 4 jessilea35
    Fri Aug 5 Irene8509
    Sat Aug 6 kathvg
    Sun Aug 7 tsmom1128

  • journey2size10
    congrats to last weeks biggest losers!! we are approaching the end of the challenge soon! time flies when you're having fun right?!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    Fantastic job to all those who have stuck with this and lost weight. You all deserve a huge shout out. Congratulations on all your successes. Talk about inspiration.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    HUGE CONGRATS to all the Biggest Losers!!!! You're all doing GREAT!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! to the Battle of the Bulge winners. Everyone one stick to your goals and have an AWESOME weekend.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Conrats to all the BOB winners this week! Way to go! :wink:
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Congrats Biggest Losers! That's some serious weight loss-you all ROCK!!!!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Sorry I have been absent. Last week was extra busy, especially since it included the Harry Potter premiere! In celebration, I attended the midnight showing and did not log anything I ate that day. I had real popcorn and shared some popcorn with one of my friends. It felt really good to eat whatever I felt like eating, and it was really surprising that I got full really fast. My popcorn got passed down our row of friends so I didn't even eat half the bag. The ice cream my friend and I shared ended up melting during the movie. And I am actually down a pound from that day because I weighed myself that morning to see how severe the damage might be, but was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't too much damage done. That being said, I'm leaving for Tenneesse tongith, so I hope I won't stray too far this week :)