Swat Walking group - July



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    AZchatter... Congrats on the new Car :drinker: Whoo Hooo, How Nice!!!! Wish it was me :bigsmile:

    Jenny..... Sounds like you'll be burning a lot of extra calories at work, NICE! But Uncomfortable :wink:
    But burning fat is never pleasant anyway :laugh:

    I walked 5.5 miles Today PLUS!!! For the first time in Many years I rode My Bike. I think I rode it further than I did as a kid & against the wind UGH!! I biked 6 miles & I added that to my ticker :bigsmile:

    Thank Goodness I had the day off . Tomorrow Off also, I Can't wait to meet the rest of the walking group.

    Must write out some bills Check in later. I hope you all are having a Great Day!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Kathy- thanks for the tip on the pedometer. I'll have to look for that one. I like the idea it can work in the pocket. They always fall off me.

    I will execise after dinner tonight. I'm deciding between a bike ride, walk outside or a Leslie DVD that does upper body too. We'll see...

    Cooler today so office was more bearable. I have a headache so don't know if it is due to dehydration or bad food choices. I tried to drink water all day but managed only 5 glasses so far.

    Well dinner and then burn some calories!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I keep getting booted off! MFP is having server problems :sad:

    I did my step cardio thing again tonite. I may have to go back to doing some of the WATP and spreading out the step thingy. It's really ruff on my knees.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi ! Good evening All

    I took my car to check my milage out from my house to the park And i've been shorting myself :bigsmile: So I've been really walking 6 miles each day And today I rode the bike 8 miles instead of 6. So I updated my ticker.

    Bike rideing is much more exhausting then I remember, My hrm heart rate stayed up in range compared to when I take my walks. But that was rideing against some wind.

    I tried the trampoline tonight, but was to sore from my knees down. I had to stop after 2 minutes UGH!!!!!

    Good Night!!!

    Jenny... Hope you get over that headache quickly :flowerforyou:
    Kathy.... My yard is full of brown spots, I so needed to clean up my yard. But It never ends :wink: So I don't begin it :blushing:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I chose the bike ride outside tonight. I wore my HRM and rode for 33 minutes, not all flat terrain. Still have a mild headache so drinking a huge glass of water.

    Beautiful evening to be out but I'm tired and now relaxing and on MFP! House needs cleaning and yard needs care, but another day.

    Nice distance Teresa!

    Have a nice evening ladies!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Just scanned the logging right now, I'll go back and red more thouroughly later. I have been out, in bed, since Monday. I woke up not able to move because my back hurt. Got into the dr. on Tuesday. I have a deteriorating disk, (which I knew), but I have a bulging disk that is acting up, and narrowing of my spinal column which may be playing into this. He started me on steriods and pain meds, but it isn't helping much yet. Across the house is the extent of my walking. I am supposed to work tonight and tomorrow night, and go camping this weekend, but I'm not sure how any of this is going to play out. I can't work and take my pain meds and tylenol just isn't cutting it. I'm doing my exercises for my back, hurts like hell, but hopefully something will kick in.

    Anyway, you all continue on, your all fantastic people. I'll be checking in, but probably won't have alot to say, I don't want to be only complaining while I'm here. I'll be back in full force as soon as this clears up and I am able to walk again.

    Speaking of walking does anyone use those shoes that are rounded on the bottom? (can't remember the name of them, I think my meds are kicking in. :tongue: They help you walk heel to toe. I'm looking for any kind of feed back, good, bad, neutral.

    Have a great day all!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Mary, I have a pair of Sketcher Rocker Bottom workout shoes. They are cushy and comfy for walking but not as good for side to side steps, etc. with cardio dancing. Great arch support too! I love mine.

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi All!

    Mary... I feel so bad about your back pain. Big OUCH! I wonder if a jacuzzi tub w/ hot water would be good for that? Or Heating pad? sorry, I have no information about the shoe's :indifferent:
    I hope them meds kick in quickly, I know your suffering. TAKE CARE!!! :flowerforyou:
    Come on here anytime you want & chat about anything. This is not all about the good in life & being positive 24 seven, This is real life, where it's more of a support group, helpful friends. We take the ups and downs. We've all had some difficult times & just keep on keeping on. We're a very understanding group. :heart: BIG HUG!!!!!!

    Jenny... I hope your over that headache. I wanted to bike ride tonight, But my body didn't want to go :blushing:

    Going to clean the office an hour from now :ohwell:
    Over ate today :frown: :noway:
    Walked 3 1/2 miles along the beach & about 1/2 mile along the shore, I was exhausted walking that long along the shore. Then I went for a little swim after.

    Time to nap before work/ See you all later
    Have a Good Night!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Teresa I had a mild head ache when I woke up but it went away quickly. I think I'm caught up on my fluids and feel more energetic and hydrated. Your walk on the beach and then a swim sounds so nice.

    We've had a reprieve with two days of weather in the 70's with sun and breeze! Tomorrow starts the heat up and the weekend is suppose to be heat index of 90's and low 100's. Work on Monday after the building has been closed and no fans running should be an experience... Lots of walking up and down steps and down long hallways today. I really need to find that pedometer so I can see how many steps I'm taking and not feel so guilty if I don't exercise every night after work when I'm hot and exhausted.

    Mary I hope you get well soon. I feel for you!
    Sandy I have not had problems with MFP. What happens when you are logged on?

    Off to get a hair cut, tempted to shorten even more because of the heat. Grows fast...

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Speaking of walking does anyone use those shoes that are rounded on the bottom? (can't remember the name of them, I think my meds are kicking in. :tongue: They help you walk heel to toe. I'm looking for any kind of feed back, good, bad, neutral.

    Have a great day all!!

    Mary--since you have back problems, you really need to check with your doctor before using those shoes. They can make some back problems worse!

    That said, I have a pair and, to be honest, I don't think they do any more for me than my regular walking shoes. They are comfortable, though!

    Teresa--My day wasn't the best, either, food-wise. Back on track today, right?

    Jenny--I got mine on Ebay. It was a lot cheaper than anywhere else! ($12.00 instead of around $30.00.)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello SWAT walkers, just wanted to let you know I am still here and still in the game. Did 3 miles PW last night with a gymbox program. Good worjout but the fee is $10.00 a month qnd they did not have enough variety to justify that. Today I will be cleaning up the mess from a tree that was cut down. So loading wood and trimming brush will be on my workout agenda.

    Mary so sorry to hear your back is so painful. Prayers for you. I hope you can find some relief and a long term resolution for this problem.

    Teresa you are just sailing along. Hooray for you!

    Jenny hope the headache leaves soon, I rarely get them but dearly hate them.

    I haven't had time to read all the posts. Just want you all to know I am thinking of you with affection, Alice
  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Mary hope your starting to feel better. I wanted to say something about the Sketchers Shape-ups. I have foot and back problems. I found I can't wear them for an entire day. You definately use some different muscles and are stretching tendons differently in your feet. After I got used to them I wasn't AS sore. When you first put them on they are really comfortable and I always commented how bouncy I felt. I agree with talking to your Dr. about them.

    Having a rough week with eating while my husband is home on vacation. Hopefully I can start fresh on Monday. He has been talking about going out for our favorite Friday Fish Fry. Saturday maybe going to Greatlakes Dragway to see rocket cars.

    Im going to go walking now on the bike trail. Hopefully get in 3 miles. The dog seems to be tiring out faster now but I like having him with me for safety.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    Looks like everyone is having a mostly good week. Tomorrow is Friday Yay! I did my usual tonite, I think it goes by so fast because I have to really concentrate to catch all the step changes. There's no time to look at the clock! :laugh:

    Mary, I'm sorry about your back, they say that's one of the worst pains you can have. Feel free to complain all you need to. That's what we're here for.

    Jenny, I was having problems with MFP the other night but I know they were having server problems because they posted a notice on facebook. They had it cleared up in just a little bit though.

    Alice, glad your still with us. Sounds llke you've got some hard work ahead. Good way to get in exercise though.

    Marie, I don't know why but it is harder to eat better when the hubby is around. Mine eats twinkies & little debbies all the time. Fortunately those aren't that hard for me to turn down.

    It's always so late when I get through exercising and now I still have to cook dinner. :sad:
  • Redneckgirl924
    Hello Everyone!

    I think everyone is doing an excellent job exercising. I'm envious of all you. :bigsmile: I haven't got a real routine down yet with the weights, but at least I'm moving. Looks like the Swating Away the Pounds video won't be in my future. :laugh:

    Mary - I'm sorry to hear about your back. Back pain is no fun, I hope you get better soon. :flowerforyou: Make sure you get plenty of rest and remember your frozen peas for your back, they make the best ice pack.

    Marie - I know what you mean about having a rough time when husbands are home. My husband & kids keep bringing home candy and cookies. It is hard sometimes to say no thank you. Sweets are my down fall. This week & next will be my real testing point, it's fair time here and there is nothing like fair food.

    Sandy - Great job on the step routine. You are doing an awesome job!

    I hope everyone has a great evening and an even better Friday!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've not been doing very well the last few days and now there's company coming tonught and there will be extra food and beer. Oh well.

    I just seem to get off track when I don't get enough sleep! Thank goodness I slept better last night! (We appear to have some very inconsiderate neighbors but we can't quite figure out where they live!)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Kathy-I ordered my pedometer from Amazon. It will arrive Wednesday. Thanks so much for the tip. I'm excited to see how many steps,minutes, distance I do at work! Enjoy your company...

    Bad weather outside and hubbie and I are going out to dinner tonight. It's been an adjustment getting back from vacation and the politics at work are still present. Just trying to focus on family, home, and projects.

    Ann-hope you feel better soon.
    Sandy- You're doing great with your exercise routine.

    More later,
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Kathy..... I hate them annoying neighbors, I have them here too. But I know where they live, right next door & right behind me. Thank goodness its not all the time. But I go to bed at 10 pm & the neighbors love staying up till 12 am playing music & smoking pipe & its right next to our bedroom. Grrrrrrrr. Every holiday I know I'll be staying up late.

    I walked 7 Miles today, I started off early this morning, so I was able to walk around track another time. Then went to work cleaning house for 4 hours. Time to relax!!!!

    Ann..... I need to go back lifting weights, I'm thinking about starting out very, very small with 3 lbs hand weights and 4 lbs. just to boost my matabolisim. I actually did 25 reps with the 3 lbs 'ers this morning BUT that was it :blushing:

    Good Night
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I just had to say . . . I've got some of them annoying neighbors right next door too! And to make it even crazier, he's a cop. They have huge bonfires and explode stuff in the fire all the time. Holidays are the worst. I'm in a fairly rural area and there are no ordinances. I keep waiting for them to blow an arm off or something.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    We have some annoying neighbors too. There is a pond in our backyard that many houses are around so the sound carries across the water. There is a young man that has all his friends over for bonfires and the girls are always squealing and screaming. If our AC isn't on and the windows are open, we can't sleep. I'm waiting for him to move out of his parents house. It's 4th of July all summer here with bottle rockets and roman candles, fire crackers, etc. going off.

    Today's exercise was weeding, raking, planting, and vacuuming for a total of 215 minutes. I'm pooped! The yard was a jungle and needed TLC since we were gone for so long. I weeded just before I left but my gardens were overgrown.

    Well I still need to spray Liquid Fence (Fox urine) on my perennials to keep the deer from eating the blooms. I would like to enjoy them this year. Last year I wasn't so lucky:grumble:

    So too hot for anything but fruit and a light sandwich for dinner tonight. I'm going to read and relax in the AC. Gonna be a very hot week here in Minneapolis area. Work ought to be interesting with no AC too! Wonder if they will send us home?:laugh:

    So more later and have a nice evening!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Happy Saturday, Everyone!

    Was at the fair all day with my kids and I'm proud of myself, I didn't eat any food while I was there, but I drank a lot of water. Boy was it hot today. I did notice that this year they have added healthier options liked grilled potatoes. Yum! :love: So tomorrow when I eat there I can get my grilled corn on the cob, a grilled potato, and a ribeye sandwich on no bun. I'm so excited. My mouth is watering now. Is it Sunday evening yet?

    Jenny - Sorry to hear that the deers are eating your flowers, but they are such pretty animals. How come your school hasn't invested in AC yet? The last of our schools added AC a couple of years ago, because they found out it was more efficient. Try to stay cool!

    Sandy - I guess some cops think their above the law. We have a law here that they shouldn't be setting anymore off now. But, we have one that lives on the street behind us and him and a few other neighbors set off fireworks as well, but I think they are about out of them, because there not as many going up lately. They've been stopping lately around 10:30 instead of midnight or 1:00.

    Teresa - All I have to say is WOW 7 miles in the heat, do you swim a little to get cool, because I don't think I would ever make it that far in the heat. You would find me floping on the beach like a fish out of water. Keep it up, but please drink lots of water.

    Kathy - May I suggest a search light pointed at their window at 3 in the morning!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
