To run or to roll?!

chinupsforchinese Posts: 15 Member
edited January 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

I am the least natural runner, and am not light enough that anything about running is good for me. As such I can't remember the last time I ran... However... I'm signed up to run the London marathon in March!! I currently think I'd be quicker rolling in after all the Christmas insurgence


  • chinupsforchinese
    chinupsforchinese Posts: 15 Member
    I have 12 weeks, I'm going to run it. I need goals.
  • chinupsforchinese
    chinupsforchinese Posts: 15 Member
    I predict that it will not be a successful event for you. Please be sure to update us in March.

    Thanks for your positivity. I'm new to the community side but I didn't think this was the point!

    Thanks Jake!

    Luckily I thrive on proving negative people wrong. :-)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    This sounds like a really good way to injure yourself either before or during the event. If you were looking for cheerleaders to say "atta girl you got this" I don't think you'll get a lot here. And if you do, I don't recommend listening to them because that seems like reckless advice.

    A marathon is not something you can just show up for. Is there a shorter race that same weekend that is part of the overall lineup of events? Many of the marathons here include half marathon events, 10K, 5K or fun runs.
  • chinupsforchinese
    chinupsforchinese Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not looking for anyone to cheer me on, as I said I'm looking for people training for a similar event.

    I appreciate people's concern however I don't think a 5k in a few months is a push goal, nor did I say I was just planning to show up without training. Last January, while at home with a broken foot, I signed up for a half marathon (after watching obese a year to save your life, where they often do a marathon at the 6 month mark) a few months later. I didn't tell anyone, the couple who did find out said I wouldn't be able to do it as I couldn't even do 5k at the start. Had I not made the jump and signed up I wouldn't of achieved that goal, along with 10k and 10 mile races beforehand. Our bodies are amazing and adapt very quickly, a lot can be achieved in a few months.

    A lot of people don't do things because of fear or others putting them down.

    Advice is one thing but putting people down who are trying to better themselves I see as unnecessary.

    Thanks to those for the training plan and those who phased their concerns in a pleasant way.

    It's the London marathon so I will update :-)
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi all,

    I am the least natural runner, and am not light enough that anything about running is good for me. As such I can't remember the last time I ran... However... I'm signed up to run the London marathon in March!! I currently think I'd be quicker rolling in after all the Christmas insurgence

    Is there anything you're not telling us? Like, you ran 3 half marathons two years ago? Or that you are an athlete in a different sport? I'm guessing there is a reason for your confidence that you haven't yet shared with us.

    ETA: I see you posted at the same time I did with new info that gave some insight into your confidence. For me it would be absolutely impossible. Ridiculous actually. Perhaps not for you. You have 12 weeks of training ahead of you to evaluate your chances at success. Hope you enjoy the journey regardless of which destination you choose in the end.

  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    If you truly do not run at all, it is not negativity we are sending. It is just the truth. Good luck. You will need it.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Good luck to you. I'm planning on doing a half marathon in November 2017 and I'm taking 10 whole months to train for it.

    I can't imagine training to run 26 miles in 3 months.
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I was never a runner, and after I lost 45 pounds, I ran a 10K. Some of my runner friends said that you'll get hooked & want to run an even longer race. They were wrong. If I have to pack a lunch to get me through a race, I'm out. I live by the words of Dirty Harry, "A man's got to know his limitations." & that was mine, but good luck in March