What woe (way of eating) do you follow?



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    IIFYM. I try to follow 80/20 rule - 80% "healthy" foods, 20% whatever else.
  • jenbeck18
    jenbeck18 Posts: 32 Member
    I've done low carb and keto. Now I just eat everything and count my calories.

    same here,tried it all, now I eat what I want and stay in my calories, but I am on day 1 lol
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    "woe"-- what a terrible acronym with terrible connotations to attach to food. I prefer to associate food with "joy"!

    And I basically eat low carb, low fat, high fiber because I find that lots and lots of veggies keep me feeling full and satiated longer, and keep my digestive tract feeling happy!

  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I started out counting calories (1200/day) and then slowly improved my nutrition within those calories. For example in the beginning I was eating alot more unhealthy carbs and way less veggies and fruit. Over time I learned to eat more healthy foods and lowered my unhealthy carbs a lot (less white flour/white sugar products). I'm not on a low carb diet just reduced the pasta and bread a bit because I wasn't getting enough healthy food. Now my tastes have changed and my weight is much lower. This is what worked for me. What I've learned over a lifetime of dieting was that I had to find the mix that worked for me and slowly change my habits. All the New Year's resolutions in the world did not work in the past. I've done all the crash diets and tried all the magic pills, none of them worked. This is what worked for me. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • ooBombshellBeautyoo
    ooBombshellBeautyoo Posts: 234 Member
    I stay within my calories, but I am very mindful of what I eat; veggies, fruit, protein. I watch carbs closely as for me that is where I gain my weight however I don't need to do a low carb diet, its just eating the right carbs and with the marcos. I also don't deprive myself of a piece of chocolate each day.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    I follow calories in, calories out. I am trying to lose weight right now so I eat less than I burn. I don't purposefully avoid food groups, I don't deprive myself. Simple CICO.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I have found that the only way I consistently lose weight is to count calories. MFP has made that much easier and more fun! I eat any foods/drinks I want as long as it all fits within my calorie goal (currently 1500). I do follow a loose 16/8 pattern of eating, because it helps me stay within my calories. And more protein/fewer processed carb foods also keeps me fuller and helps me stay within my calorie goal, but I don't really track macros much.

    I decided yesterday that once I'm at my goal weight (15 lbs to go!) my general yearly pattern will likely look like this: Thanksgiving to New Year's I'll gain some, New Year's to about February 1st I'll lose it again, and Feb. 1st to Thanksgiving I'll be maintaining. I can live with that, and enjoy all the holiday foods with a plan!
  • earboy86
    earboy86 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing keto. I was skeptical about it but honestly a month in I've never felt better. The weight isn't falling off but I feel way less bloated and more energized.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I eat whatever I want as long as it fits within my calories.

    Of course, my wants are complex. "Whatever I want" doesn't just mean whatever sounds good at any given moment; it also comprises my desire to be healthy, my desire to retain muscle mass, my desire for regular bathroom habits, my desire to avoid bloating at certain times of the month, etc. So sometimes I might "just want" a ton of French fries and pizza but I know I "really want" a reasonable portion of one of those things with a crunchy side salad, or I might "just want" half a cheesecake at a party but I know I "really want" to give the fruit platter a try first. This is a super dumb way to explain an even dumber thought process, but it works for me so I stick with it.
  • pinksparklefairy
    pinksparklefairy Posts: 97 Member
    I worked out what I hate about dieting most and created a plan based on what would be least painful for me, in the hopes I will stick with it.

    I try to keep bread and cheese to a minimum, as I love them but they are danger foods when on a diet!

    I am not too bothered about breakfast (never have been), so I have a cup of coffee first thing and am not allowed to eat until 11 am - or ideally at lunchtime. Then I will have a lunch of about 200-400 calories. Usually homemade vegetable soup (no bread!).

    Tea during the afternoon to try to feel full.

    Then dinner at about 6:30 - about 500 calories. On some days followed by a workout a bit later.

    Then I have my evening treat of about 500 calories before bedtime. This is something I would find really difficult to cut out, even though it's a bad habit. Usually crisps and a glass of wine!
  • bkbirge
    bkbirge Posts: 107 Member
    I'm on the Sriracha diet. It's where you eat whatever the heck you want but portion controlled, and drenched with Sriracha.