Sisterhood of the Holy Crap I fit into these Pants!



  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Way ta go ladies! I'll post ya on the new thread!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 4EverFit
    I love the name of this group! I'm wanna join!

    Starting weight: 142
    Goal weight: 125

  • iwant2stayhealthy
    OK..deep breath..I am pepamint's mom so we vowed not to divulge our weight to each I won't post my weight..but I am 25lbs heavier than I would like to be....I promise we will keep each other honest though LOL..she's been nagging me to join this group so with your permission...may I climb on board. I did weigh myself last week and again today.

    I joined the same day she did..I've lost a whopping 2lbs..weighed myself today and...:huh: didn't lose a darn thing..I haven't been cheating and have been forcing myself to eat...long story..bad eating habits for years...and I've been doing strength training and walking at 3.6-3.7MPH uphill on the treadmill with 3-1 minute sprints at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes....but..(no pun intended).I am not discouraged and I noticed my jeans are beginning to fit me better. I would like to fit into the jeans I bought 8 years ago (which I kept.) by June hopefully so I won't give up.

    Pepamint and the rest of you:drinker: .....whoo hoo..... way to doesn't matter if it's .5 or 5lb or even 0 lbs...just keep on truckin'...and are so right..I think maybe I do need support even though I'm so used to flying solo.:smile:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    You're more than welcom to join 4skells and iwant2stayhealthy:happy:
  • Mlieb
    Mlieb Posts: 121
    I WANT TO JOIN the Sisterhood of the Holy Crap I fit into these Pants TOO!!!

    Just by virtue of the coolest name EVER!!!:wink:

    I am at my one year anniversary since I started and haves ups and downs (more ups with my weight).

    Start Weight (today): 142
    Goal Weight by April: 130

  • dsangel
    dsangel Posts: 27
    I would so love to join this group! I'm new to the site but loving it. I just really need some accountability (someone other then my loving hubby!) and motivation!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    We are on a different thread now, Sisterhood HCP week 2
  • irreligiouspiety07
    im so getting in on this.
    mainly becuase the name is fabulous.

    Starting weight : 236 -240
    weight today : 203
    goal weight : 165.

    go team!
    now how the hell do i subscribe to a thread?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Try going to recent posts... Usually there will be a new message on there. Or, just type it into the search box when you're on the message board.