Dirty hair after working out.



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    If you always wash it immediately after working out (when it's still damp), try waiting for the sweat to dry and brush your hair - see if it still feels dirty to you.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I workout 6 days a week - I wash my hair 3 times a week. I color my hair - no sense in washing $ down the drain. Dry shampoo, clips, ponytails - whatever works - I do it.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    I have to wash my hair every day or I feel gross. (No criticism intended for anyone who takes a different approach.)

    I only shampoo the roots, not the ends (my hair is waist length) and then I use a little hair oil on the roots and scalp (really, only a few drops are needed) after my shower, while my hair is still wet. I always let my hair air dry and don't heat style or treat, and that helps the ends. (My hair is color treated and does fade -- I have light hair that I dye a very dark color -- but not too badly. I -- gasp -- even use shampoo with sulfates in it sometimes.)

    A bit of hair oil can be used on the ends the next day if they are unruly. Also, It's a 10 makes a leave-in that is an awesome detangler and also helps condition the length. And I use a hair mask twice a week; I've found a bunch of those that work. Favorites right now are from Ouai, Fekkai, Klorane, and Briogeo.

    I hate dry shampoo with a passion, though. I have tried a couple of different ones and I know now, for sure, that that is a category of product that is just not from me.

    Also, none of the above may work if you like to style your hair. I just brush and go in the morning.
  • bama_belle78
    bama_belle78 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't like washing my hair everyday so I do it every other. Does anyone have any tips to make your hair feel less dirty after working out? Makes me feel gross.


    I feel your pain... my hair takes 30 mins to blow dry (its thick) and 20 mins to flat iron.... After I run its gross and I can't use the dry shampoo.... I haven't found a solution. just sympathizing with ya!
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    I have very curly, thick hair that requires a lot of maintenance to keep it looking cute. I cut most of mine off to handle this problem :smile: It's shaved on the sides (about a 1.5 - 2 guard) and no more than an inch or two on top. Looking back, I would possibly stick to having it long enough for a ponytail for that convenience but I'm not so sure on that. Now, my hair is healthier than ever (even after bleaching and dying it unnatural colors), washes fast, dries fast, requires only a small amount of something to tame it, and I can wear any number of cranial accessories, including hats, bike helmets, etc. without worry of messing up my hair. It's still feminine and cute, styles up quickly and easily and never has to be clipped back or tied back, etc. Sure, it's not for everyone but it's done wonders for me!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    yep i typically wash my hair twice (maybe three times) a week, but workout almost every day. i use dry shampoo on the days i don't wash and my hair is good to go for work the next day. on the weekends my hair is usually in a ponytail anyway unless i have plans to go out in which case i wash and blow out my hair.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    You have to at least rinse off after a hard workout. Most people will start to have skin problems if they do not do so.

    I have the sort of hair (ethnic: curly) that does not wash well...so I just don't shampoo every time even though I usually bathe twice a day. Sometimes I rinse and use a leave-in conditioner, sometimes I use a bit of conditioner in the shower, but I never shampoo more than once a day and use very gentle shampoos or vinegar and baking soda instead of commercial shampoo.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    Dry shampoo is amazing. I use it in between washes to absorb any signs od greasiness without having to wash my full head.