Women over 40, wanting to lose 20 lbs, support/motivation/success?



  • shanshepard
    shanshepard Posts: 30 Member
    hi i am 42 5"1 and working on losing at least 30 pnds. i know the feeling. i weighed 140 back in july now 160. my weakness is sweet tea. ugh .. i am working with a trainer. weight training a few days a week with cardio mixed in. higher protien meals .. just started back. please anyone feel free to add me
  • kermax39
    kermax39 Posts: 149 Member
    Im 41, lost 51lbs still got about 17lbs to go but iv been stuck for months. Really struggling. Also im a bridesmaid in September and dress doesnt fit yet :-(
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Wow, this forum is just what I need!! I'm 45, 5'5" and my weight has been up and down since I was eighteen. I have four kids and my last two pregnancies were the beginning of the end! I swear my metabolism is at 30%! If i'm not actively trying to lose weight, I'm gaining it! I went back to school six months ago and the proverbial roof caved in and I put on 20 pounds in four months.
    My goal this year is to get at least those 20 pounds off but preferably 40 altogether. Exercise is no problem for me, I love it. But chocolate is my Kryptonite! It's my balance for all of life's difficulties.
    Being in a support group like this would make all the difference. Feel free to send me friend requests and I hope you don't mind if I do the same!
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    Pls. Feel free to send a fr. I'm 47, 5'3, w/3 kids & trying to loose 40pds gained over the years. My weakness is chocolate
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Good morning! I haven't left the house for awhile, seems like forever, because of an ice storm. That makes me feel restless, and then I want to eat. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about food all of the time,, but I sure hope this ice melts fast! How's everyone else's weekend going?
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    (Sorry, my post was cut, don't know why)
  • I know I am a little late, but this seems like such a good fit for me. I am 44 and 5'5", I need to lose a little more than 20 lbs, more like 40 but other than that everyone seems to be close to what I am doing. I run six days a week and am almost done with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd. (my 12 year old daughter works out with me, that helps so much.) We are putting together a weight lifting workout using a Men's Health book and some equipment we have at home. That will be for the next four weeks. My starting Weight was 236 but I am at 197 right now. I am hoping to be down to 150 - 140 by December of next year. I have 8 children and homeschool the six youngest (the oldest two are out of school) so my time is stretched thin.
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    (Second try on posting
  • Trigirl919
    Trigirl919 Posts: 2 Member
    So happy to see this page. I'm 44, 5 foot 4, was always super thin - weighed 114 when I got pregnant 7 years ago but then gained 20 lbs over the last few years. Can't even blame it on pregnancy as I was 116 post baby. I feel like my metabolism has REALLY slowed down. In July went on the first "diet" of my life, reducing my calories to 1,200 - 1,400 a day. Took me 6 months to lose 8 lbs. So frustratingly slooow. Then I hit a plateau and lost nothing for a month. Then holidays and vacation and I am all the way back to 130.4 in the blink of any eye :-(. I am so disappointed and frustrated at how long it takes me to lose and how quickly and easily I gain. As a single mom, working full time it is also really hard to get workouts in. During my previous loss I was running long distance twice a week (marathon training) but it only helped a little (hard to believe!). So much harder to work out this time of year between work and family obligations. Miss my younger days when I was in the gym 5x a week. Looking for suggestions of how to squeeze exercise in without going to the gym and any other ideas and encouragement.
  • lsitterley89
    lsitterley89 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to get in on this! I'm 5'2 1/2 and 45 years old. I want to lose 20 to 25 lbs. That would put me in the 113 to 118. Then I want to maintain and then... I want to quit smoking :) my doctor says I am post menopausal ( blood work) so I don't think I need as many calories as what mfp says. Anyone else feel the same way? I seem to do well on 800 a day with light excersize. I try to drink 2 liters of water daily. Feel free to add me, thanks!
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, you can friend me! I've managed to lose twelve pounds and it's taken me two years, oie vey! But I'm glad for the weight loss and want to lose another 7.5 to reach my goal weight.
  • ChrisOnTheMove
    ChrisOnTheMove Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies, I am 45 and joined Gold's gym near me. I am 180 pds 5'5 and would like to loss about 40 pound. I need help with meal prepping, Any suggestions where to find a plan to follow
  • Trigirl919
    Trigirl919 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to get in on this! I'm 5'2 1/2 and 45 years old. I want to lose 20 to 25 lbs. That would put me in the 113 to 118. Then I want to maintain and then... I want to quit smoking :) my doctor says I am post menopausal ( blood work) so I don't think I need as many calories as what mfp says. Anyone else feel the same way? I seem to do well on 800 a day with light excersize. I try to drink 2 liters of water daily. Feel free to add me, thanks!

    Wow - 800 is really low! What do you eat that fits below 800 and is nutritious? I struggle to make filling meals and stay at 1,200. Doesn't your body start holding on to weight at so few calories. (Not trying to sound judgmental - just curious)
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    Trigirl919 wrote: »
    I'd like to get in on this! I'm 5'2 1/2 and 45 years old. I want to lose 20 to 25 lbs. That would put me in the 113 to 118. Then I want to maintain and then... I want to quit smoking :) my doctor says I am post menopausal ( blood work) so I don't think I need as many calories as what mfp says. Anyone else feel the same way? I seem to do well on 800 a day with light excersize. I try to drink 2 liters of water daily. Feel free to add me, thanks!

    Wow - 800 is really low! What do you eat that fits below 800 and is nutritious? I struggle to make filling meals and stay at 1,200. Doesn't your body start holding on to weight at so few calories. (Not trying to sound judgmental - just curious)

    I set my daily calories to 1000, some days I'm under that goal and on other days I surpass.,...
  • Misskim121211
    Misskim121211 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 40, 5'8 and 163lbs....I am trying to lose 20lbs. I had joined MFP a few years ago when i was trying to lose my baby weight but never really go into it. I just restarted my journey last week. This time last year I was 140 lbs and hope to get close to that again. I have done a lot of research and reading and have decided to do low carbs high protein and fat diet. I was brought up in a meat and veggie household, we rarely had pasta and I have never been a big fan of breads. I am being very strict with my meal plans and not cheating at all. The last few days I had felt like crap but today I woke up feeling really good. I am only going to weigh myself once a week(Tuesdays) so I don't know if I have lost anything yet but I am definitely less bloated.
    I am excited to see what happens! Feel free to add me!
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Hi, you can add me. I am in a very similar boat. I lost 30 pounds last spring and was down to my last 20 (also 5'3 with a goal of 130ish) but then a summer vacation added 5 and winter vacation added 5 more so...30 to go. I'm back on track though. Alternating spin, body pump, yoga, and big long walks with the little one.
  • bmarie0408
    bmarie0408 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi ladies, I am 45 and joined Gold's gym near me. I am 180 pds 5'5 and would like to loss about 40 pound. I need help with meal prepping, Any suggestions where to find a plan to follow

    I did a Whole 30 a couple of years ago, and that's what really jump started my meal planning. They have a lot of good advice in their books and in their forums. Sundays are my prep days. Good luck!
  • Petalpusher2017
    Petalpusher2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning! My 40th birthday is in 17 weeks, and i would love to be back at 130lbs for that day! I'm currently 145lbs (I've weighed between 140-145lb for the last year), I felt so much better at 130lb. I'm struggling with discipline with my diet. I'll do great for a couple of days and then go completely off the rails (mostly in the evening). I've been running & weight lifting 4-5 days a week. I love yoga and would like to fit that make into my schedule. Brutal weather has made it hard to get out to different classes. Looking forward to following this conversation and getting ideas from all of you! Have a beautiful Sunday!
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    Sounds like I found the right group of women! I'm 41, 5'3", and have a goal of 130. I have two children, ages 8 and 6. Due to many, many, many reasons I'm currently at 184. I love to exercise but have recently suffered a series of injuries I'm trying to work through with some therapy. Overall eating is my biggest weakness and I struggle with consistency. Right now my goal is to stay on the wagon and stop falling off.
    My most recent wake up call - I accidentally slammed my left hand in a door over Christmas and the impact broke my wedding ring. The thing is, I've not been able to get that ring off for the last several years. I kept thinking it would be fine and I would lose weight and the ring would come off. I had to have it cut off. How embarrassing! Thankfully I'm married to an amazing and supportive man. He promised me a new ring when I was ready. Ladies, I've got to get going on my weight loss for me to feel ready. I don't want a new ring for these little sausage fingers.

    I've been on MFP for several years and have had prior success (I've gone up and down over the years) but I've not really branched out for some friend support. I just made a big move and opened my diary up. My goal is to track daily and stay within my calorie range.
    Feel free to add me.