Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • PuzzlePea
    PuzzlePea Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, I joined just over a week ago and am already so inspired to start living in the next chapter of my journey!
    Through trial and error and basically "trying everything", I finally found peace through clean eating. I've always had a moderately active lifestyle as a stage performer, but it was never enough exercise to combat the junk food I was cramming in my face. I shutter when I remember the Ramen days in college... I'm amazed I didn't turn into some sea creature from the sheer volume of sodium in my body.
    When I got to weights over 230lbs-260lbs, I really didn't exercise much at all because my knees hurt and everything was so difficult to accomplish. Even stairs.

    It took me 10 years to reach my goal of 160lbs. I failed and started again, failed and started again until I found a method I could say "yeah, I can do this until I'm dead", instead of yet another 30-Day get-thin-quick scam. Clean eating makes sense to me. I didn't even think about calories. Just don't eat anything processed or things that have added sugars or sweeteners. Don't get me wrong, it was hard as hell to resist things I was addicted to, but once I got over the hump, I stopped craving junk. At this point I've been clean eating for almost 2 years and the smell of fast food doesn't even register in my brain as being edible. Smells like a food-scented candle.

    These days I'm resting around 148lbs now and really hoping to find that kind of relationship with exercise. I've been doing (nearly) daily yoga for about a year and that has helped for sure, but I want more. I want to find activities that are fun and possibly something repetitive in nature, like running. I've been hesitant to run because of the damage I've done to my knees, but maybe I just need to work up to it, do a C25K or something.
    I love trampoline parks, climbing walls and walking - any other suggestions are welcome - but mainly it just feels good to say it all 'out loud'.

    Keep on keeping on!
  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    Afternoon from the UK. I have over 100lbs to go and unfortunately I'm repeating 50 of them..... grrrrr.

    Be nice to keep in touch with other 'long haul' peeps.

    Monday - overall had a good weekend and kept below target and had some good exercise calories. Back at work today and now trying to resist the chocolate that has been bought in by a colleague............

    Hope all are well......
  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    Whenever I talk about exercise people always mention walking my dog, but I never walk her anymore: she's a little high strung and startles easily, and all kinds of things scare her (children playing, the sound of a car door closing, leaves being blown by the wind, etc.). Sometimes she'll get scared and I won't even know why! A year ago I discovered that she can get out of her harness if she's scared enough: she ran off down a busy main street, crossing rush hour traffic a few times, and I was sure she was either going to get hit by a car or would just keep running and I'd never get her back. Luckily someone caught her after just 30 minutes, but ever since I've been too nervous to take her on walks. Honestly I think she's less stressed without them. She still gets plenty of exercise, though: my back yard is big and she runs around out there, plus she goes to daycare about once a week to play with other dogs. She gets more exercise than I do! ;)

    Anyway, I took all of my great numbers and doctor feedback from Friday morning and sank them into Saturday night's nachos, burger, onion rings, beer, and raspberry torte. It wasn't a reward or an "I've earned it" thing, just a planned night out with an old friend. I'm not ready to give up eating "normally" when I'm out yet: this weekend I realized that I'm ready to give up alcohol -- I'm not much of a drinker anyway, and I've decided that drinks simply aren't worth the calories/carbs -- but the food part of being out still matters to me. Plus I'm definitely still rationalizing all of this (e.g., "I've done this several times in the past few months and I've still lost weight and improved my numbers!"), so I'm not yet at a point where I'm making good choices in restaurants. I'm working on that, and in the meantime I know that these occasional huge meals when I'm out are slowing my weight loss (but I won't let there be enough of them to stop my weight loss).

    @bobbi55 - How did you do with the birthday cake? :)

    @bapcarrier - It's awesome that your dog is 16! My Bailey is 8, and another 8 years with her would be wonderful...she's a medium-sized mutt, so hopefully it's not out of the question. :)

    @jazzy727 - Congrats on beating breast cancer! My best friend was diagnosed four years ago and gained weight because the treatment affected her legs and feet and she couldn't walk easily (she still has some balance/mobility issues that her docs now think might be permanent side effects). I used to tell her that any weight gained while fighting for your life totally doesn't count!

    @suzannesb139 - Absolutely no judgment here. :) I definitely know that feeling of "why can't I just do what I know I need to do"!

    @amandaoliverio257 - Congrats on the 14 pounds!! I'm with you on the goal of getting to under 200 pounds: my weight hasn't started with a "1" since college/my 20s. And I can definitely relate to the "depressed awful" feeling. That's how I felt for at least a year before I finally made some changes. Sometimes it actually helps to remind myself of just how bad I felt only four months ago.

    @PuzzlePea - It's amazing that you were able to lose so much weight, and completely inspiring that you've kept it off for so long! I'm sure it helps your confidence on stage. I'm a singer, and I know that even just the 30 pounds I've already lost makes me feel more confident when performing.

    @boelyn - Co-workers can be just the worst! ;)
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @amandaoliverio257 - You seem to have the right mindset! Celebrating the small victories and being proud of your success already (14 lbs is awesome!) is a great place to start. We've all been down in the dumps where weight is concerned - whenever you need a pick-me-up don't hesitate to seek it out here :)

    @Misnomer971 - I learned recently that having a cheat day every once in a while may not be such a bad thing after all! Apparently a fat-burning hormone in our body, leptin, decreases if you maintain a calorie restricted diet. A cheat day helps to kick that hormone level back up to keep the fat burning high :) Just make sure you aren't cheating too much (once a week is OK!) and that it gets followed up with a butt-kicking workout to get the full effect! A bit science-y but this article helped me to better understand it a bit better ( So in other words, don't feel guilty about a little indulgence every once in a while! I second your comment on alcohol though - not worth all the extra calories! I had a couple glasses of red wine on the weekend and that was the first I've had since new years and probably the last I'll have for another couple of weeks. I'll be saving it for cheat days!
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Guys! Another Old Newbie stopping by to say Hey! It's been far too long for anyone to remember me here, and there are so many new names (Yay!) that it's like a new group to me! I've been off the wagon for the past couple of years and have slowly creeped back up to nearly my original starting weight again. 2016 was a hard year for me and I did A Lot of stress eating. I've had back issues, dealt with my Mom's cancer diagnosis last February, took care of her until she passed in June and have been dealing with the Probate of her property since then, back issues came back but are now under control once again (Thank goodness for my fabulous chiropractor!); honestly I've not felt like my old self for far too long. I'm hoping that getting back on track with my weight loss and getting back with a good support system for it will help me to "find" myself once again. I want to get back to that chick in my picture that was getting her loss on and feeling better than she had in, well, Years! I remember this group as being full of Awesome people with equally Awesome advice and hope I can contribute once again. I've got my 6 month check up tomorrow morning and am kind of freaking out about it. I've not had labs done in a year and I just know that they will not be what I'd like to see. We skipped labs at my last 6 month check up because I was a basket case at my Doctor's office (Not one of my finer moments) and they didn't want me to get even more bad news I guess. I'm rambling... Anyway, I'm just glad that this group is still here and full of chatty folks who share my struggles!

    Jenn V :)
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    edited January 2017
    *waving* @Damensha I remember you! Welcome back, I've just returned myself about 10 days ago.
    I, too, was so glad to see this page still alive and kicking! :)

    I had a rough food night last Friday that I thought might be detrimental, but alas, I lost a bit over the weekend. My daughter and I went to a hibachi grill restaurant and although I planned to eat half my meal and pack up the other half for Saturday, I grossly underestimated the calorie count of yum yum sauce!! :o Luckily my son ate most of my leftovers as a midnight snack when he got home from work. That helped me from over indulging 2 days in a row. I suppose it falls directly in line with what @gullagr was talking about, an occasional cheat day.

    @FeraFilia - congrats on your milestone!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!!

  • whitebear4513
    whitebear4513 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone...I have been using this for awhile now and never checked this part out...on my 47..I have been doing the over weight rollercoarster for most of my October I had a surgery that one has my gaining even more weight...I am on an estergin pill and trying to get this weight not doing good tho. .could really use some help to keep me going....thank you so much and have a great evening
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited January 2017
    Day three, I had dinner out, just came home and checked their website, figured out all my calories and came in right where I needed to be for the day!! I'm so excited that I was careful and conscious enough to stick to the plan and still enjoyed a very nice meal.

    @suzannesb139 don't worry you'll never find judgement on this site, only helpful hints and a great cheering squad! I was wondering if putting your radio station (or MP3 or whatever you have for music) onto something lively might make you feel more like doing your chair stretches, etc. I know that when I hear an upbeat song I have a hard time sitting still. Just a thought.... Won't work with yoga, but any movement you do is still a great start! Good luck and keep checking in so we know how you are doing. :)

    @Misnomer971 I've heard that too about cheating once in a while to kick your fat burning back up. Hope it works because I'm sure I'll have one of those days every once in awhile and it sure would be nice not to have to feel too guilty! A few years ago I used to take the day immediately after my weigh in off from my diet, but in the end I decided I couldn't do that weekly as it slowed down my loss too much for me. I don't get much exercise so I have to really be careful.

    @boelyn you'll see that a lot of us, myself included, are repeating our weight loss. :( I figure as long as we keep at it, we are going to feel better and be healthier even if it is the second or third or whatever time around! Treats at work are the hardest thing to get around, especially if it's something you really like. Hang in there!

    @FeraFilia CONGRATS! THAT'S WONDERFUL!! You are definitely inspiring. Keep up the great work.

    @Damensha Welcome back. :smile:

    @RobinB0812 don't you just hate it when you find out you were way off on something! At least you'll know for next time and can plan for it. I'm having trouble with my sodium, no matter what I do I seem to go over the recommended amount. I try to watch but usually don't realize it until night time when I actually log in my food. I watch calories during the day and I'm pretty much following a 1200 calorie diet that is all laid out for me but I am still usually over in sodium! :(

    @whitebear4513 and any other newbees or returnees WELCOME :smiley:
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Greetings from Clarksville, TN and I can scarcely believe this myself but I'm still not back in my house in Nashville! The cleaning crew that the contractor hired to clean the house when they were finished did nothing more than sweep and pull off the stickers on the new window, so we contacted the insurance company and they sent an adjustor out to survey the damage. They are sending a cleaning company out to do the job at a cost of over 4K, because they have to bring hepa cleaners in to get rid of the all the insulation particles and plaster dust that is in everything in the house. It will be like a new house by the time they get through I guess! Anyway, I haven't had internet access where I was staying for the past ten days, so I had a lot of catching up to do!

    I can't comment on everything so....Hello to all the new folks and returning folks!
    Congrats to all the losers and way to go! Congrats on the NSVs. Lots of good advice and encouragement shared.
    and just a few comments to others...
    @Misnomer971 I loved the idea you had about choosing to run/walk a race in some place you’ve always wanted to visit. I’m going to try that!!! Thanks!
    @skinnyjeanzb I love that plan of saving the $50 to spend on yourself if you carry through and if not to spend it on the group thing! You are so smart!!!
    @birgitkwood Girl you always make me laugh and you have such a great outlook, you are a real inspiration! I’ll be glad when my 97 acre butt is not hanging over where my thumbs need to be!
    @suzannesb139 This thread is populated with people who are on the journey with you. It’s rare to see anyone being judgmental on here and when someone is, there are lots of posters that will come to your aid with sound advice and lots of encouragement. You’re going to love it here!
    @puzzlepea Your story is very inspiring! Yoga is my most favorite exercise. I have really learned to love competitive walking.
    @pneschich I'm so sorry to see that you are still in a bit of funk and struggling, but it appears that pretty much everyone here, myself included, has complete faith in you to get er dun! You will make the right decisions and you will take care of business, one way or another. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    I'm still not back on the bandwagon with my food but I promise that I am not going to let this thing get the best of me. I will get a grip on it when I'm back in the house and back in the gym. They say I should be able to go back on Thursday but I have a funeral to attend on Friday here so on the weekend I will start getting resettled!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    I got my son an activity tracker for Christmas and just set it up for him this morning. I'm so excited, he is very competitive and he believes it will encourage him to move more. I hope so, he's had Type II Diabetes for 15 years and he needs to get himself in better health! This will be the year for sure @ChasingChzcake!!!
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Goal Tuesday - I'm going to try and hit 10,000 steps every day this week. A big push towards hitting that is going to come from being more active while I'm at work - tricky considering I work primarily a desk job. Thanks to hourly reminders from my Fitbit I hit 9/12 hrs from 8am - 8pm for 250 minimum hourly steps yesterday and got more than my 10,000 steps total. I figured out that if I walk up and down the steps of my building once an hour then I get bang on my 250 :)

    I've also done 2/6 workouts that I want to do this week so I'm well on my way to a great weekly activity level :)

    @ChasingChzcake - I am 100% with you! This is our year! :)

    @campfirequeen1 - Hopefully your house is back in order soon! Activity trackers are great! I often challenge my mom to hitting our 10,000 step via our Fitbits :)
  • Militarymom62
    Militarymom62 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had what seems like an uphill struggle with my weight for so long. After a devastating divorce in early 2016 I gained back a 38lb weight loss and then some. My motivation is gone and the way I feel says it all. Time to get back on track but need a kick in the butt..LOL!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hello everyone.

    It is good to see some familiar faces are still on here. My life is finally starting to calm down and the meetings after work have dropped off considerably. I am trying to get back on track with good cardio workouts and now I need to add in more strength training.

    I am really working on cutting out between meal snacks and eating a smaller dinner. That appears to be helping at this point.

    Good luck to everyone starting out on this journey and to those who are continuing it can be done.

  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    @Lauriek70's comment about eating a smaller dinner inspired me to think of a question for everyone: do you find that eating most of your calories before dinner works best?

    When I stopped using meal replacement products almost two months ago, my plan was to make lunch the "big" meal and just have, like, nuts and cheese for dinner. But that wound up not working: no matter what I did during the day, I was still hungrier at dinnertime than I thought I'd be. So now I try to reserve 500-600 calories (of my allotted 1,345) for dinner: that gets me a decent serving of chicken, a small side, and maybe some sugar-free Jell-O. By comparison, lunch is usually under 400 calories. For whatever reason, that's been working for me. I wonder if it's biological, or some kind of psychological "muscle memory" related to how much I used to eat at night...maybe a little bit of both. :)

    What do you guys find works best for you?
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @Militarymom62 - **Kick** Glad that you've reached out for some support. I've been struggling with the weight yo-yo too and am trying my best now to get it to stop :)

    @Misnomer971- I usually have a big breakfast, small/medium lunch, and a medium/large dinner. I like having a slightly larger meal in the evening since I find myself more full and am less likely to search out munchies after dinner.

    Wednesday wishes - I hope that over the course of eating well and getting more exercise I will not only lose weight but also develop a better relationship with food. I would like to develop more healthy outlets for when I am stressed, feeling blue, etc - whether that is exercise, meditation, or something else.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Misnomer971 What works best for me is to have a heavy protein but low cal breakfast (eggs/whites, lean meat usually) generally, two hours later a small snack (apple or mini-pretzels and a slice of cheese), 90 minutes to two hours later a big salad, two hours later another small snack and then and a nice dinner with salad, veggies and lean protein. I normally eat smaller amounts frequently to keep the blood sugar steady and to avoid getting hungry and eating out of control. I also normally pack that all in between 8am at the earliest usually more like 9-9:30am to start and finish by 6-6:30pm. I rarely eat after dinner because I've been satisfied all day and end the day with enough protein to carry me. And when I really want something sweet it's sugar free jello!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @Misnomer971 I do intermittent fasting, and eat between 1pm and 9pm. I'm just never hungry in the mornings. I have started eating overnight oats as my 'breakfast' between 1 and 2pm. Having a little snack in the mid afternoon/early evening, and then a big dinner (like 700-900 calories) around 7pm, with a little snack right around 9pm. It has worked well for me, and I rarely feel hungry. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    @Misnomer971 --I reserve the majority of my calories for dinner and an evening snack because I'm a total night owl. I tend to eat very light and high protein in the morning (usually just a hard boiled egg during my 1st open period), then a slightly higher calorie lunch still trying to stay lighter on the carbs, a mid-afternoon snack (granola or protein bar), and then dinner and an evening snack (apple w/PB is my fav). I've tried to shift to a heavier breakfast, but find it just leads to more calories consumed throughout the course of the day. Like you, no matter what I eat earlier in the day, I still find I'm hungry at night, so I just save calories for when I really want to eat. :)

    @FeraFilia --congrats on 50 lbs lost!!

    Welcome to the newlings!!