oohhh new study!! too much water is bad for u



  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    the kid who died my freshman year of college from being forced to consume huge amounts o water during a frat hazing.


  • ktblum
    ktblum Posts: 15 Member
    Well, here's my opinion. The clincher for me is that this a "new study". In my mind, one new study does not negate years of study showing the benefits of drinking water. Water is one of the only natural liquids that doesn't have a bunch of junk added to it. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. We need it. And I find that as I drink water, I want more water.

    I suppose if you are a person who sits all day and drinks copious amounts of water just for the sake of drinking water, you will probably have some unpleasant sife affects.

    If they did a study on North America, they'd probably find that the majority of people are dehydrated.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everything is bad for you if you consume it in LARGE quantities.

    I'll continue to drink my 80-100oz of water a day - I feel better, my skin looks better, I have energy AND I sleep better (course, I don't drink a HUGE glass of water RIGHT before bed... which would make me need to use the bathroom). The positive side effects *I* personally witness hold far more weight with me than an article.
  • Meyra77
    Meyra77 Posts: 5
    Dehydration happens and it doesn't feel good at all. It is true, that too much water is not good for you, but a "normal" person can not drink the amount of water that is needed to damage your kidneys or any body functions. So do not worry! If you are looking for an excuse to stick to your sodas go ahead, but before you do that, you should read up on the ingredients and what they "can" cause. You should keep everything in moderation and that it is just fine. 8 cups of water are recommended, 12 will not hurt you one or two less will not hurt you either, just like a soda once in a while won't hurt you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    new study says too much water can actually damage ur kidney and dehydration is a myth!!!
    would love to hear peoples views on this!

    I didn't see anything in there about a NEW study. It seemed they were just repeating what previous studies have shown. The real problem is not that 8 glasses (eight 8 oz glasses) of water a day is bad for you, it's that people think that guideline is based on scientific fact, which if they took even a little time to research it they would see has never been true. It's just a simple way of telling the public how much the fluid "average adult" (whatever that is!) needs daily. It doesn't have to be in the form of plain water, nor does it need to be in liquid form. Water can be obtained from any beverage and from many foods. But I think the experts who first started touting the 8 glasses a day failed to realize just how lazy the average adult is. Many just read the headline "drink 8 glasses of water a day" and extrapolate from there they need 8 glasses of plain water in addition to anything else they consumre, and that if 8 is good, surely more must be better. And that, simply is not true. It's also not new information. Many reputable medical sources have been saying the same thing for years.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    There was actually a woman who died hours after having a water drinking contest. I don't remember hoe much she had but it was a lot more than anyone drinks on here day to day
  • jpeper1966
    jpeper1966 Posts: 79
    If yu have to force yourself to drink, then you are drinking too much. Your body knows what it needs and will let you know when you need it. Drink when you are thirsty, it is as simple as that.

    People swarm on these "studies" much like fishermen swarm a spot on a lake where someone catches a trophy fish. It's the curse of the "information age". We get way too much information. It makes people paranoid and obsessive
  • ktblum
    ktblum Posts: 15 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    the kid who died my freshman year of college from being forced to consume huge amounts o water during a frat hazing.



    Well yeah, too much of ANYTHING can be lethal. That is really sad that happened to him. But you can't blame water. Water isn't the problem. Stupidity of people abusing a good thing, is.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Too much of anything is bad for you. I actually have some kidney disease issues and I have problems with drinking too much water. My urologist told me a few months ago I was basically drowning myself in water (I was complaining of peeing literally all the time) and told me to scale back my water intake. He said the best way to tell if you need to drink water is to look at your urine, duh! I don't even log my water on this site because I'm sure everyone would get after me for what they think I need to be drinking. It's different for everyone.
  • I think that if you drink too much water to close together it is lethal - water poisioning I believe it is called. While at basic training a person died to from too much water all at once.
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    OMGsh! If you are drinking too much water you will know it! Everyone is different and there are always "reports" coming out on what is good/bad for you then a new report will come out the says the opposite...the truth is "they" don't have a clue :)
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    This news item likely was prompted by recent instances -- VERY RARE INSTANCES -- of marathoners downing too much water during their 26.2 mile trek. They just mindlessly knocked back water until they essentially diluted their sodium levels to a dangerous point. It was reported among slower marathoners (imagine why I'm up on this!) who were on the course for a long, long time. Bottom like, as other posters said, listen to your body.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    the kid who died my freshman year of college from being forced to consume huge amounts o water during a frat hazing.



    Well yeah, too much of ANYTHING can be lethal. That is really sad that happened to him. But you can't blame water. Water isn't the problem. Stupidity of people abusing a good thing, is.

    just like i said, "Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal"

    but dont get me wrong, i drink tons of water every day. always have,
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was hospitalized for dehydration a few years ago. There for 3 days. You don't want to go there.
    Better to overhydrate than UNDER.

    Yeah, the comment in the article about dehydration being a myth was bizarre. I'm not sure what exactly they were trying to say with that statement, but dehydration is a very real medical diagnosis (it's in the ICD-9 manual and everything :laugh: ).
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    The difference between something that is beneficial, and something that is a toxin; is the dosage.
  • Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    the kid who died my freshman year of college from being forced to consume huge amounts o water during a frat hazing.



    Oh, I do apologize. I'm so sorry. He must have had to drink massive quantities of water. Goodness gracious that's awful. Please forgive me. I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone :embarassed: :flowerforyou: :cry: :brokenheart:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Too much of anything is bad for you. Moderation is key. I like the post about paying attention to your body.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    That so called "study" isn't a study. Dehydration a myth? LMAO. It is very hard to actually hurt yourself drinking too much water. You'd have to drink an obscene amount everyday over the course of 3-6 months for your health to be in jeopardy.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Same - dehydration is therefore no myth LoL
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    the kid who died my freshman year of college from being forced to consume huge amounts o water during a frat hazing.



    Oh, I do apologize. I'm so sorry. He must have had to drink massive quantities of water. Goodness gracious that's awful. Please forgive me. I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone :embarassed: :flowerforyou: :cry: :brokenheart:

    no need to apologize, it was not taken that way :)