5' - 5'3" females- want to lose 25-30 lbs



  • mrskcreations
    mrskcreations Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5' tall and 143 after having my baby boy who's 4 months. Ideally I want to be 100 lbs like when I was 19. I'd love to make friends who keep each other accountable.
  • LizzieBeth2016
    LizzieBeth2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Me! Im 5"3 at a push haha I'm 140pounds hoping to lose at least 20-25
  • sonyaroseb
    sonyaroseb Posts: 6 Member
    Struggling this week. I've had an awful chest cold for a week and a half, work is stressful, life is stressful, ugh. Sticking to my meal plan but not working out like I should. We'll see what Thursday's weigh-in brings.
  • trimfitlady
    trimfitlady Posts: 21 Member
    HT 4'11
    CW 147
    GW 140 by March 1st
    I would like to join also
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member
    Ht: 5'
    Starting wt: 145
    Current wt: 142
    Goal wt: 120
    Daily calorie goal: 1200

    Increasing my exercise.... training for a half marathon in May and one in July. Also doing new Rules of Lifting for Women. Or at least this is my plan... rolled my ankle last week and going to doc today to make sure I can continue to run on it!

    looking for other short female friends! Please add me!
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ok officially fell off the wagon here.
    I had a very busy and stressful week last week and while I was under my calorie goal most days because I was too busy to eat properly I allowed a few treats to slip in uncounted and the end result was a gain of .4kg. I was really pissed off. It's just so hard to lose the weight, even if I was a few 100 calories over it should have kept me at maintenance at least.
    Anyway after a few days off I feel like *kitten* so regardless of the scale weight I feel better eating healthier and within a certain amount of calories.
    Work Is full on for the next few weeks but I need to try to keep on track and keep counting. I may only weigh myself once a month from now on in.
    Welcome to the newbies.
    Well done to all who have lost and to those like me who are struggling this week just keep coming back to it again and again. Success is a series of habits repeated until you achieve what you want.
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Juliemargaretkim, congrats on the 129! o:) You've been a good girl. I weigh the same as last week, but it's still a win considering all the crap I ate over the weekend I was on the road. I still worked out, so that made a difference. Still fighting the same cold, so I'm not at full strength yet. Looking forward to checking my measurements in a couple of days to see if I'm tighter after a month. Gotta keep the bad snack foods at a minimum for a while. Good luck all!
  • julie8123
    julie8123 Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me (anyone)! I'm 5'2" and about 150 pounds. I'd like to lose 25-30!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    SW: 147
    CW: 142.5
    GW: 125

    I've been doing MFP for exactly one month. I've lost 4.5 pounds and an inch off my waist and my hips. Not a bad start. I'm a little jealous, emilysusana. :D You can do it! How long have you been at it? I'd love to be at your weight eventually. I'm only eating about 1200 calories, but I'm not too active yet. I have a lot of health issues to be careful with. Keep making good choices over the weekend- bad ones are difficult to undo.
  • If anyone wants to add me feel free. I am 20 years old 5'1.
    Sw: 155
    Gw: 120
    I'm trying to reach this goal by summer time. 5lbs a month should get me there!
    Need some support!
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    SheilaCali wrote: »
    SW: 147
    CW: 142.5
    GW: 125

    I've been doing MFP for exactly one month. I've lost 4.5 pounds and an inch off my waist and my hips. Not a bad start. I'm a little jealous, emilysusana. :D You can do it! How long have you been at it? I'd love to be at your weight eventually. I'm only eating about 1200 calories, but I'm not too active yet. I have a lot of health issues to be careful with. Keep making good choices over the weekend- bad ones are difficult to undo.

    It sounds like you're on the right track! We have the same starting weight! I've been at it for 6 months. The weight has come off faster than I thought it would... I've mostly netted 1200-1250 (I've played around with setting to one pound per week or 1/2 pound), but I would have had a lot of trouble sticking with that if I hadn't been getting a lot of exercise. I calculate my exercise calories very conservatively, so that might be why my loss rate has been a little higher than expected.
  • cjb1293
    cjb1293 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all,

    I just started working out again after getting off path for the last year or two ( freshmen-15 or freshmen-50? lol)
    Anyway I'm 5'4" and 20 years old.

    SW- 195
    CW- 189
    GW1- 150
    GW2- 120

    I'm planning on weighing in weekly on saturdays.

    Best of luck for everyone!
  • chantelp0508
    chantelp0508 Posts: 162 Member
    5ft 27 and currently pregnant at 165lb. My SG is 130, but my UG being 100-110
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 62. Eating 1200 calories a day.
    SW 145
    CW 140
    GW 120

    I eat well but do miss the chips and sweets. They're so calorie dense they're hardly worth it! Since this is my 3rd time I want to nail maintenance. I've lost the weight twice before. Maintenance is 1350 so that's hard to sustain in the long term, for me.
  • turtlemt20
    turtlemt20 Posts: 43 Member
    5 3
    SW 144
    CW 141.8
    GW 110

    Add me please!!
  • Hi all. 5'2"
    SW 225.9
    CW 211
    GW ?
    Add me I could use some support.
  • Rebecca512787
    Rebecca512787 Posts: 79 Member
    Fiddletime, I can relate to the multiple weight loss successes and wanting to stress maintance this go round. Help me understand the 1350 calories you are saying are your maintance. I'm eatin 1340 calories and each week I'm losing weight.

    Are you exercising? Are you active at all? My maintance is probably about 1850. We are the same height and I'm small boned.

    fiddletime wrote: »
    I'm 5'2" and 62. Eating 1200 calories a day.
    SW 145
    CW 140
    GW 120

    I eat well but do miss the chips and sweets. They're so calorie dense they're hardly worth it! Since this is my 3rd time I want to nail maintenance. I've lost the weight twice before. Maintenance is 1350 so that's hard to sustain in the long term, for me.

  • michelle2482
    michelle2482 Posts: 33 Member
    Im 5"2' and lost about 20 lbs on MFP a few years back. I'm maintaining well but still don't have the healthiest habits when it comes to food - I stress eat and need me sugar/carb fixes so I'm back on MFP to try to change my ways and kick up my energy and enthusiasm for life. Please add me, I would love to have others to share this journey with. Diary is open.