Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    January 16 Monday

    1). Get up early and hit treadmill before work ✔️
    2). Make lunch✔️
    3). Eat lunch I packed✔️
    4). Turn on crock pot for dinner✔️
    5). Hit 10,001 steps✔️✔️
    6). Put laundry away.❌

    Ah the dreaded laundry pile!!

    Jan 17, Tuesday

    1). Pack lunch
    2). Get steps in
    3). Play with grandson!!
    4). Of going out for dinner eat right. Have a salad and maybe something small.
    5). No ice tea or sugar drink.

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Did not have quite the day intended yesterday. Stupid quantities of work and pressure this week, left work at 8.45 and was running around flapping all day!

    After a day like that, I decided to go to the pub for dinner with my boyfriend - given the shortness of the evening, I wanted to make it a bit more exciting! - and ended up ordering a massive plate of incredibly unhealthy food. Not entirely sure why I did this other than (a) wanting to treat myself (b) feeling rebellious and actively wanting to be naughty - 'sod this'

    I will have to make up for this over the rest of the week... but also try to address (a) and (b) above:
    (a) Need to find ways of treating myself that aren't food or drink - and are also compatible with a very short evening....
    (B) need to make myself understand that being naughty and rebellious with food only hurts me, not the people i want to rebel against!!! (Work)

    So anyway, here's how I did:

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks :/ I also had a donut and a piece of cake. My willpower is dreadful! The donut can potentially be excused on the basis of my late working hours, but there was no reason for the cake other than greed/stress. I need to find better mechanisms for relieving stress!
    - No alcohol :/ I had a g&t with my dinner... sort of proud of myself for not having wine however I think it was guilt at the food that caused it rather than willpower...
    - Exercise class after work :) I did do this at least!
    - 30 min lunch break :/ Ended up just having a ten minute break where I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to calm myself down. It actually worked, I should do this more often
    - Meditate :) Managed this one on the way home - felt lovely and calming after a frantic day
    - Power through to-do list, one thing at at a time - no distractions :| Managed to a certain extent
    - Turn off emails and listen to music to boost concentration :)

    Today I want to have a better day and actually start taking care of myself:
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks not even one of the donuts that are left. They are not allowed!
    - No alcohol
    - Go home for dinner not pub
    - Stay within calories for once

    - speak to HR about getting BUPA
    - Take 45 mins for lunch and use it to meditate and prepare for my 2pm workshop
    - Work through to-do list calmly and with focus! (Not panic)
    - listen to music to stay focused
    - Leave work by 7pm latest WITHOUT LAPTOP
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Fell slightly short again. Lacking motivation. I'll be darned if I haven't caught the crud. Every inch of my body hurts and I literally shivered for hours last night. Aaaahhhhh. Back to basics.

    Just for today:
    Log with accuracy
    Meet sleep goals. At least lights out.
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    Main Goals:
    - Strong
    - Flexible
    - Calm

    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for the next two week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Coffee down to one cup

    Just for today:
    - Focus on water all day
    - Log all my food for the day
    - Go for my lunch walk
    - Go shopping tonight to restock

    Yesterday was weird. I think the workouts are catching up with me and my body is starting to hate it. I got a terrible migraine last night and it had something to do with detox. I tried to drink enough water but my body needs even more. So I am going to focus on that again today to flush out my system. I got in bed early after all! I got another 8 hours under my belt. I'm feeling well rested and ready for the day.

    The snow started melting today so I am going to head on in to work. I'm super happy to get back into a normal routine. It's been fun doing the health thing at home but I really need it to work with my regular schedule and the pressures of work and family. I feel like I have a solid foundation though and I am ready!

    I have my morning workout done. It was sad and kinda pitiful but it did it and reinforced the new habit. I'm doing good with my goals for this two weeks with being in bed by 9pm, keeping my physical activity up and cutting down on coffee.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    @shenna333 - hope you feel better soon. I was sick for a week, and its not fun. I always tend to eat more when I don't feel good. You are doing great, just getting back on here.!

    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water again :/
    3. get out for a walk :/
    4. work on year end tax stuff :)
    5. work on building pc boards :)

    JFT, Wednesday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go to the gym or walk
    4. work on taxes
    5. work on journal entries
    6. build more pc boards
    7. get in some sewing
    8. try and organize kitchen
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    edited January 2017
    Missed several days online, feeling unwell and offices closed Tues due to icy conditions.

    Just for 1/15/17 Sunday:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES 10 :smile:
    2) Put decorations boxes away in basement & pack up additional stuff - YES :smile: - the house now looks emptier
    3) Wash towels - YES :smile:
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 or 11:00 (may watch football highlights, or skip altogether) - YES - actually in bed just before 10 p.m. and fell asleep immediately; missed local weather and football highlights - missed so much with fantastic Packers win, but feeling unwell and really needed rest :neutral:
    5) Floss - No - skipped at bedtime :(

    Just for W 1/18/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water (once on this list, I do so much better, don't know why)
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) Attend happy hour with former colleagues and limit alcohol / knoshing (check out menu online before, if available)
    5) Floss
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member

    Jan 17, Tuesday

    1). Pack lunch ✔️
    2). Get steps in✔️
    3). Play with grandson!!✔️✔️
    4). Of going out for dinner eat right. Have a salad and maybe something small.✔️
    5). No ice tea or sugar drink. ✔️

    Jan 18, Wednesday

    1). Get up early and use treadmill
    2). Lunch time walk
    3). Pack lunch
    4). Clean porch or deal with laundry pile.

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Short but good sleep. Suddenly became aware of the hidden calories in Dayquil. Had the equivalent of a meals worth yesterday. Then decided to make a couple hot toddys. Not a great calorie day but somehow managed 10000+ steps. Can already see a too much coffee not enough water day. Chili cook off for a Relay For Life event tonight. "Loser" weigh in at work tomorrow. Ack!

    Just for today:
    10000 steps
    Stay within net calorie goal
    Shoot for 8 cups water

    Everyone have a great day and good luck with your goals for today!
  • linda212121
    linda212121 Posts: 144 Member
    Starting weight 150 - goal 130
    Drink lots of water I bought nice bottle
    Join Y
    Get more friends on here
    Learn how to watch my carbs and sugar in my foods
    Weigh myself only on Monday morning
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for this week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Reduce caffeine consumption and try out alternatives

    1/18/17 Progress

    Physical Activity Goal:
    Yesterday went better than I thought it would. I only managed a lame workout in the morning but it ended up being enough to get me going and with my short walks to Starbucks and to get my lunch I was able to get my standing goal for the day (full 12 hours) and reached my goal of 30 min of physical activity. So I am trying to learn a lesson here that even the smallest effort is worth it and I just have to be consistent with it over time. I'm ok with that!

    Water Goal:
    I made water my focus as well yesterday and ended up finding an awesome app "WaterMinder" (http://waterminderapp.com/) that has a great apple watch app that is by far the best I have EVER USED. I can now add water right from my watch which is already helping me keep better track. It just makes it a little bit easier to reach that goal. My body also hates all the water and I am getting terrible headaches at night and my stomach is going crazy. I am going through some sort of detox so I am going to keep going slow and let the toxins wash out. This is usually where this gets hard and I stop because I feel so sick. Before I would keep pushing and pushing until I couldn't take anymore. This time around I am going to slow down a bit and just keep up the consistency and ride this out. Stretching is totally beneficial and if exercise is not possible a stretching session can be a great replacement. So that is what I am going to give myself.. just stretch and sleep and drink water and hopefully my body will go back into balance and feel better soon.

    Log Food Goal:
    Oh and I totally logged all my food yesterday too! I am a huge fan of myfitnesspal and love the app. :)

    My Goals For Today:
    - Listen to my body and let it rest and recover
    - No TV before bed
    - Meditate after work

    Rest and recovery day. :)
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Just for today:

    Drink my slimfast for breakfast/lunch and have soup for dinner (also have some hard-boiled eggs for snack)
    Get in my water!
    Move!! (I'm sitting 11 hrs today between two jobs, yuck!)

    Mental goal:
    Be thankful for what I have currently and work towards the goals I have set.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Just for W 1/18/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water (once on this list, I do so much better, don't know why) - YES 8 :smile:
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES 25 :smile:
    3) Meditate in afternoon - YES :smile:
    4) Attend happy hour with former colleagues and limit alcohol / knoshing (check out menu online before, if available) - YES :neutral: reviewed the (limited) menu online before, only had one beer, ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, and only ate a portion of the fries. Before, I wouldn't have reviewed the menu beforehand, and I definitely would have eaten all the fries piled on that plate. I still went way over for daily calories, but I logged everything the best I could and will move on from here.
    5) Floss - YES :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - YES 10:20 :smiley:

    Just for T 1/19/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) After work finish meal plan and grocery shop after choir rehearsal
    5) Floss
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off, earlier if possible to fight this dang cold
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 18, Wednesday

    1). Get up early and use treadmill✔️
    2). Lunch time walk✔️
    3). Pack lunch✔️
    4). Clean porch or deal with laundry pile.✔️

    Jan 19, Thursday

    1). Make Bed
    2). Walk after work
    3). Pre plan meals for weekend
    4). Use hand weight tonight

    Was so tired on Wednesday couldn't believe how slow the day dragged as I was chained to my desk at work. Hoping for a better day today.

    Hope you all rock your goals!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    I failed on all my goals yesterday - terrible binge last nite. less see. .... mcdonalds shake, bridge mix, popcorn, skinny cows. ...... etc etc etc.
    I have a daughter with severe mental illness - mostly deep depression. It is so very hard to know what to say, how to help her. She now lives in her own apartment, but tells me she cries all the time. No matter what I do, it does not help. So feel utterly helpless. She is already on a ton of medications. So what do I do .... eat .... and then I can't sleep all nite.

    but .... today is a new day ..... a new fresh start. Tomorrow is in the past

    so JFT, Thursday
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. concentrate on the many positives in my life, not to negatives
    4. stay strong for my daughter
    5. go to the sewing club meeting tonite
    6. no junk food at the meeting

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today:
    10000 steps-9800 wish I would have ran in place for 200 lol
    Stay within net calorie goal-hard to tell with something like a cook off. Saved a lot and think I did okay. Either way... Our team won!!
    Shoot for 8 cups water-9!!

    Just for today:
    10000 steps
    8 cups water
    Drinks with friends. Gonna try not to blow it
    Compliment my coworkers
    Be thankful

    Weigh in today. I will be satisfied with any loss. Balance is hard to find, especially when you're sick.
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    edited January 2017
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    edited January 2017
    Having troubles will try later
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    R 1/19/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES 10 glasses :smile:
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES 30 :smile:
    3) Meditate in afternoon - YES :smile:
    4) After work finish meal plan and grocery shop after choir rehearsal - No, change of plans due to worsening cold: errands after work (dog food, bird food, cold meds) and skip choir (emailed director) :neutral:
    5) Floss - No :neutral:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off, earlier if possible to fight this dang cold - YES very early to bed due to my cold (before 9 p.m.) :smile:

    Just for F 1/20/17 (have a lousy cold):
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Meditate in afternoon
    3) Grocery shop after work
    4) Floss
    5) In bed early, by 10 p.m.
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for this week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Reduce caffeine consumption and try out alternatives

    1/19/17 Progress

    I'm having a rough morning after a bad evening the night before. I'm really tired and cranky And hungry all the time. I'm trying to get enough to eat but it's hard in the evening. I was too stressed to eat dinner and too stressed to eat this morning too but very hungry. I'm exhausted and not feeling very hopeful. Dealing with some anxiety about bigger things mostly career path and being lost in this world and feeling like I don't exist. It's complicated and comes from an artist that is blocked and not making art like I should be. So today I need to focus my goals on the feelings welling up inside of me.

    - eat lots of nutritious stress relieving foods today
    - Make some art. Anything. Just do one thing.
    - write my feelings down in my journal
    - review my plans and take the next step with my career. Make it's something that will make you feel like you are making some sort of progress.
    - Take a walk outside in the afternoon
    - Meditate for 5 min

    Feeling better after writing this list. :) I'm going to try and get some food down. I might be swinging towards self sabatoge so I'm going to try and stay self aware and ride this out. The caffeine reduction and increase in physical activity is making my body detox and having a lot of side effects. I'm drinking a lot of water and trying to flush it out. Today I need to slow down and make sure this doesn't make me quit or slide back.

  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 19, Thursday

    1). Make Bed ✔️
    2). Walk after work ✔️
    3). Pre plan meals for weekend - not so much. Still time to plan
    4). Use hand weight tonight✔️

    Jan 20, Friday

    1) get up early
    2). Get steps in
    3). Take lunch.
    4) Hold my ground.
    5). Don't go to Starbucks

    My son arrives today (2 weeks have 2 weeks @ Dad's). He is 16 and a eating machine 6 feet tall and 140 pounds. His high school play is tonight so "Holding my ground" could be a challenge.

    Happy Friday!!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today:
    10000 steps-10600
    8 cups water-exanged some of those for beer lol
    Drinks with friends. Gonna try not to blow it- shared dinner and desert
    Compliment my coworkers-just got busy....
    Be thankful-work on this more

    Didn't lose or gain. I'll see how this week goes... Just been feeling yucky. Pretty much spent the day in bed napping on and off.

    Just for today:

    Either of those would be great :/

  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Jan 20, Friday

    1) get up early ✔️
    2). Get steps in✔️
    3). Take lunch.✔️
    4) Hold my ground.✔️
    5). Don't go to Starbucks✔️✔️

    Jan. 21 Saturday

    1). For for a long walk
    2). Meal plan.
    3). Healthy grocery shop.
    4). Prepare slow cooker meal for Sunday.

    Jan. 22. Sunday

    1). Go for a walk before soccer
    2). Bring hot tea to soccer.
    3). Enjoy the day.
    4). Make ahead school/ work lunch.
    5). Tell my boy I love him and I'm proud of him.

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    Late getting on here again. This time of year, things are so busy. But ... after having a bad week with 2 nites of binging, I got back on track. So that, to me, it a success. We all have steps backwards, but a successful week is if we get right back on track.

    I am down .6 lb. Not much, but since the first of the year, I am down almost 4 lbs. At at age 65, I'll take that. So one day at a time .....

    Since it is late, for the remainder of today:
    1. drink water
    2. no snacks. I'm not hungry -- I am just thirsty
    3. write out "to do" list for tomorrow so I can sleep better
    4. get some sewing done
    5. count my many blessings instead of my troubles
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for this week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Reduce caffeine consumption and try out alternatives

    I fell off for a few days so here's my catchup

    1/20/17 - Friday
    I was feeling really down the day before so I started writing and sketching and trying to find a way out. It was really nice outside so I took a walk that ended up into a run. Really turned things around that day. I ended up hanging out with a couple close friends and stayed up all night drawing on rocks and making jokes. It was just what I needed. So took some time off to have fun and shake off the stress. :)

    1/21/17 - Saturday
    Very tired out from the night before so I took this as a rest day. Mostly stayed in bed sleeping, watching movies and hanging out with my boyfriend.

    1/22/17 - Sunday
    Took this day off too. Still really sore from the week before with starting to workout again. So I took more time off to recover. I got some cleaning in and was a bit more active but still took it easy.

    1/23/17 - Monday
    Focusing on sleeping more and resting up for work. I took a LONG walk at lunch and talked to a close friend of mine that is going though some rough things in her life. It was nice to reconnect. Since I am so tired and worn out and on the path to being depressed again I figured it was a good idea to connect to friends and get a different perspective on it all. It is definitely helping!

    1/24/17 - Tuesday Goals
    - Get in bed by 9pm
    - Take a long walk at lunch
    - Focus on drinking enough water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
    Gosh I miss you guys when I get too busy to post! Just wanted to say hi, and I will log on later to post my goals for tomorrow.

    Have a great evening!
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    Just for today: enjoy focusing on where I am on the long road rather than the destination.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,421 Member
    J4T - Wednesday

    1. Stick to food plan and journal every bite
    2. Hydrate with WATER
    3. Make a task list and focus on checking off each task as I complete it at work. Don't stress, just focus and work smart
    4. Take a walk or two outside to get a break from office. Deep breaths. Maybe even take a real lunch break?
    5. Celebrate my 5 year cancer-free anniversary after my Oncology appointment! Perhaps ask my husband to take me out for dinner?
    6. Add 100 steps to yesterday's Fit Bit steps, and 30 minutes of activity
    7. Meditate 15 minutes
    8. Bed an hour early and read

    Have a GREAT day!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Been too busy to post, but over the worst of it now... I hope!

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Stay within calories
    - Exercise class after work

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - When free, spend some time considering current relationship dilemma when free
    - When working, focus on that and put dilemma out of mind
    - don't procrastinate just because there's no urgent deadline today
  • mksafire
    mksafire Posts: 23 Member
    Daily Habits Goal:
    - 30 min workout in morning
    - Write/Journal 30 min a day
    - Meditate 20 min a day
    - Yoga every day
    - 7-8 hours sleep a night

    Goals for this week:
    - In bed by 9pm
    - 30 min physical activity a day
    - Reduce caffeine consumption and try out alternatives


    1/25/17 - Wednesday Goals
    - Drink at least one cup of tea after coffee
    - Keep dinner simple and easy and healthy
    - Practice meditation throughout the day
    - Focus on yoga stretches

    Yesterday was one of my really good days. I didn't get that much exercise in but ate a ton of delicious and protein filled food. I haven't been eating that much lately and was hungry all the time so I am in a state of rest and restoration. This is usually when I drop off so I am staying self aware of the need to rest but also that I tend to stay in this rest state and not want to exercise at all anymore! so I am going to move just a little. It might be a good time to start doing yoga again and make that part of my daily practice. That way I can restore and stretch until I am ready to move faster and get some cardio. Meditation is helping so much! I am going to keep that up with more sessions through the day. My anxiety has gone way down and I am sleeping so much better. I am able to focus and not let things get to me. I am also realizing that people ARE as annoying as I think they are I just can't let that get to me.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    edited January 2017
    Back to MFP for the first time this week - my cold has really had me down, but I think I'm finally on the upside!

    F 1/20/17 (had a really lousy cold):
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES
    2) Meditate in afternoon - YES
    3) Grocery shop after work - YES
    4) Floss - No - even worse doing this with a head cold
    5) In bed early, by 10 p.m. - YES

    Sat. talked into attending hubby's family holiday party - at least I didn't feel like eating much with my cold.

    Sun. slept until 11:30 a.m. which is REALLY late for me. Guess my body needed the rest. Took it easy the rest of the day, and had pizza for supper (too tired to cook).

    Mon. & Tues. no daily goals - managed to get through work barely, especially Mon. Canceled dinner plans with friend (again). Skipped out on Tues. lunchtime hike (again).

    Just for today W 1/25/17 - trying to get back on track:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) Buy at least 5 birthday cards for this week and next, maybe more for the upcoming weeks
    5) Write thank card for gift and fill out birdseed order form, and mail Thurs.
    6) Floss (why is this so hard for me?)
    7) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off (ditto comment for #6)