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Workout on an EMPTY stomach or after EATING?



  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    My workouts often involve cross-country alone. I tried this on an empty stomach and passed out twice after about 4 miles. I would have something. I recently read protein before exercise and carbs after... anyone hear this?
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Awolturtle wrote: »
    I tend to work out on an empty stomach. If I push myself a little too hard with something in my stomach I end up getting nauseous.

    That's me. Plus I get up at 4 am to workout and I'm not hungry
  • fbchick51
    fbchick51 Posts: 240 Member
    Found the article the above poster was referring to


    Very interesting read and something I've never actually seen before
  • runawaycowgirl
    runawaycowgirl Posts: 24 Member
    If its just a walk in the morning I can do it empty, but a gym session I need fuel.

    If you train to big on an empty stomach without fuel, your body starts attacking itself to find the energy.
  • RhysT28
    RhysT28 Posts: 36 Member
    My morning before work cardio session is always fasting, seems to work for me, the initial few minutes can feel a bit tough, but that may also be because its 6am!

    Before my weigh training session in the evening, I usually eat something to fuel up, I cant lift as heavy if I dont.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2017
    Do what you prefer as it really doesn't matter. I prefer to eat before hand as it gives me the energy to have a good workout (I workout first thing )
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    My typical is on an empty stomach if I workout in the morning. I may have water sometimes even a cup of coffee. However if I worked all day and I know I need a workout I will eat a small snack before I go for a workout. But it has to be small nothing to big.
  • berrios96sean
    berrios96sean Posts: 8 Member
    Realistically you should have some type of carb load before you do any kind of workout. Since a lot of people have problems holding down good before hand then don't force yourself just build up a tolerance overtime. I would advise anyone sincerely interested tolook at the three pathways inwhich the body uses fuel. Everyone of these involve carbohydrates of some sort so if you are eating low carbs your body is already depleted. You won't be matabolizing fat as fuel in an intese workout your body just isn't designed to do that but it will at a low intensity. My advice if you want to train fasted do low intensity cardio in the morning it is something I have been doing for years in preparation for competitons.
  • Mack344
    Mack344 Posts: 11 Member
    I personally say workout with some sort of food or supplement first. I feel weak as a kitten on a empty stomach. Cardio is slightly different though, I usually run or cycle on a empty stomach first thing in the morning
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    I never lift empty
    But prefer to do cardio empty
    x2, although I can handle a little bit of food before cardio, depending on how intense I'll work out.

    But lifting? The more food, the stronger I am.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    I can't workout if I've had something to eat.. I have to do fasted cardios and I can't eat for at least 3 hours before I go lift.
    I've tried eating small portions, eating light, eating heavy and so on.. But if theres anything but water in my tummy I will throw up :pensive:
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    In the winters I work out at 6pm, after a whole day of eating and work and usually in April or May, I transition to 6am workouts on an empty stomach for about 4 months.

    I used to think that I was much weaker in the morning months, but I'm certain now that it's not the case. The only difference: I wouldn't get a big pump in the mornings (which is sort of demotivating), though my strength and endurance did not suffer in the least bit, and it took much longer to warm up after a night of sleep.

  • 11Templars
    11Templars Posts: 444 Member
    Cardio on an empty stomach, lifting never. That's just what works for me.

    That being said; Most folks I've met aren't lifting to gain muscle. Although, some may think they are, they're actions say otherwise. Most are just going through the motions seeming confused as to why they don't see the results they want.
  • Master_Butcher
    Master_Butcher Posts: 50 Member
    Let your body guide you. If you feel to eat pre workout, eat. If not, don't. For me I despise training with food in my stomach. I enjoy working out completely fasted. I feel stronger, I feel more focused and best of all there's no sign of insulin secretion during my workout. In general my body thinks it's in the Serengeti running from a buffalo stampede during my workout. That's how primed for action it is on a fasted workout.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I need food before a run. If it's right before the run though, I won't try to eat anything more complex than Clif bloks or a gel (usually sugar/rice syrup based)(something more than that immediately before a run will not agree with me).
  • boppety
    boppety Posts: 19 Member
    I want to exercise in the morning but i don't want to get up crazy early to eat and have 30ish minutes for that food to really fuel the workout. So I'm considering fasted yoga is a better alternative for the AM and keep my "real wrkout" after lunch.
  • suzesvelte
    suzesvelte Posts: 134 Member
    edited February 2017
    KittyVida wrote: »
    I was having this debate with a male friend. After much research I learned that it is best for MEN to workout on empty while WOMEN should eat a little something. Our bodies process differently. But in the end, you should do what you best perform by.

    So the question is: Which have you been doing and why do you prefer it?

    What's the source of this information?

    This small experiment was getting a lot of publicity in the UK last year. IT is the same one reported in the Daily Mail mentioned above but a bit clearer about what they actually tested and their conclusions.

  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    If I am working out in the morning, usually I just have coffee beforehand...sometimes half a protein bar, some oatmeal, or a banana if I wake up feeling hungry.

    Last night I made the mistake of eating dinner right before a Zumba class. I had missed lunch and was starving at 6 pm. The class was at 6:45, and I couldn't wait until 8 pm to eat.
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Depends...if I'm running, I need something, nothing too big but I like a banana or something just to fill my tummy. If not, and I stop at a red light, I always feel like I'm going to barf...oddely enough because there would be nothing to barf.

    Lifting though, I can do either or...i prefer an empty stomach because either way I am friggin starved after lifting. So I have my veggies and stuff for my hr long car ride home after lifting, keeps me from stopping and getting something "bad" on the road.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Have read a lot of research on this and I haven't seen any majority conclusion either way. Anecdotally, I like to have something like a banana or yogurt an hour or two before working out, then do some protein food /meal an hour or two after.

    I think the real question is if people feel personally comfortable with a fuller belly or not.