Gym Lookers



  • nolan44219
    nolan44219 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    Yeah there's this one guy who keeps staring at me. He can be on the other side of the gym training on his own but somehow he sees everything. When doing pull ups he's always there and twice he has put his hand on my shoulder, the other one on my stomach and then he told me he was helping me get the right form for kipping pull ups.

    He shows up alot when I'm lifting.. He'll tell me to move like that, bend over a little more, use the power from my hips, spread my legs a little bit and...

    Wait.. You're talking about random dudes.. I'm describing my coach...

    the next time he touches you, kick him squarely in the yam bag and tell him: "That's what you get for 'coaching'."

    Yeah I should definitely do that! and next time he tells me to lower my *kitten* during deadlifts I should file a sexual harassment complaint..
    Oh wait.. I pay him a *kitten* load of money for telling me where my *kitten* is supposed to be.. never mind.

    I want a career change immediately! Getting paid for telling a woman where her *kitten* is supposed to be sounds like a great career choice! Damn you high school guidance counselor for not helping me recognize what my true calling should be!

    Damn that guidance counselor.. He should have told you to be a crossfit trainer or an Olympic lifting coach

    I'm so old Crossfit wasn't a thought yet. :lol: I wish it had been!
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »

    I wear this large jacket that really helps me sweat and full lenght full-length working pants.

    You may need to just find a different gym, that caters to a different class of guy. Your story made me think of the funny (to me) Planet Fitness ads, If you haven't seem them, they are on YouTube. They promise 'NO LUNKS' but I've never been to one.

    That's the gym I go to. They do set the alarm off when a lunk walks in or if a person is acting like they need to make excess noise while doing weights. I've heard they kick people out for being loud and obnoxious while working out.

    I thought that was just a marketing gimmick and a myth. I've never seen anything like that happen at my gym (PF.) Nobody walks in and gets lunk-alarmed just for looking a certain way. And there are plenty of peacocks grunting, posing and preening all over the place. My PF has all the same types of people I've seen at all the other gyms I've been to, including the chick who works out in a tube top and the few oddballs running on treadmills in their jeans. It's just cheaper and conveniently open 24/7. That's why I go there. I don't think our lunk alarm is even hooked up.

    I've heard that alarm go off atleast once a session. At first I didn't know why a weird alarm went off but then I read the lunk statement on the wall. I have also seen some odd people there too. Chicks that come in half naked like it's the beach( never knew you had to be half naked to workout).
  • Lullaby45
    Lullaby45 Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2017
    I HATE this! I'm the "biggest" person at the gym I go to, and it sucks. I can't tell if people are looking while judging positively or negatively. I try not to focus on it, but I can't help it. I don't end up working as hard as I should, because I feel so ashamed.

    I never cared, until I was being mocked and laughed at by a group of guys at my old gym. Now I'm pretty paranoid.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    90 percent of the time I'm sure. Because as soon as I notice, they look away.

    Are you bragging or complaining?
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    90 percent of the time I'm sure. Because as soon as I notice, they look away.

    Are you bragging or complaining?

  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I look all around the place. I'm not staring at particular people, I'm just noticing the general goings-on. I don't mind if people happen to look at me. It might bother me if some creeper were intently staring, wiping away the drool, but that never happens. I think most of the "looks" you're getting are probably just people glancing around and you just happen to be in their field of vision.

    This ^^^ but if I happen to catch someone's eye I give them a big smile
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I stare at the guy I have a crush on (I try not to be obvious about it, but hell, it happens) and occasionally I notice people looking at what I'm doing. Particularly if I'm doing 'weird *kitten*' (as in, not the norm, but variations of exercises that people normally do) or if i'm being particularly beast-mode-ly and the grunts are happening towards the end of the sets. I do try to keep the grunting down - so not screaming all over the joint - but I can't help it, I grunt to get the last heavy ones out.

    PS - I always look like a complete mismatched dag - I don't fashion coordinate or anything like that, so I very highly doubt people are looking at what I look like, but more at what exercise I'm doing.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »

    I wear this large jacket that really helps me sweat and full lenght full-length working pants.

    You may need to just find a different gym, that caters to a different class of guy. Your story made me think of the funny (to me) Planet Fitness ads, If you haven't seem them, they are on YouTube. They promise 'NO LUNKS' but I've never been to one.

    That's the gym I go to. They do set the alarm off when a lunk walks in or if a person is acting like they need to make excess noise while doing weights. I've heard they kick people out for being loud and obnoxious while working out.

    I thought that was just a marketing gimmick and a myth. I've never seen anything like that happen at my gym (PF.) Nobody walks in and gets lunk-alarmed just for looking a certain way. And there are plenty of peacocks grunting, posing and preening all over the place. My PF has all the same types of people I've seen at all the other gyms I've been to, including the chick who works out in a tube top and the few oddballs running on treadmills in their jeans. It's just cheaper and conveniently open 24/7. That's why I go there. I don't think our lunk alarm is even hooked up.

    I've heard that alarm go off atleast once a session. At first I didn't know why a weird alarm went off but then I read the lunk statement on the wall. I have also seen some odd people there too. Chicks that come in half naked like it's the beach( never knew you had to be half naked to workout).

    I have to ask.... maybe I'm a small town hillbilly, but what the hell is a lunk alarm? Is there really such strictness elsewhere for gym dbags?

    Go to youtube and search for Planet Fitness ads, 'no lunks' is part of their branding that they are the place for regular people.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Yes. Apparently I get talked about at my gym. I asked someone to spot me, and he said that the guys ask if they've seen me workout. And a PT using the equipment I was near said "I've seen you workout."
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »

    I wear this large jacket that really helps me sweat and full lenght full-length working pants.

    You may need to just find a different gym, that caters to a different class of guy. Your story made me think of the funny (to me) Planet Fitness ads, If you haven't seem them, they are on YouTube. They promise 'NO LUNKS' but I've never been to one.

    That's the gym I go to. They do set the alarm off when a lunk walks in or if a person is acting like they need to make excess noise while doing weights. I've heard they kick people out for being loud and obnoxious while working out.

    I thought that was just a marketing gimmick and a myth. I've never seen anything like that happen at my gym (PF.) Nobody walks in and gets lunk-alarmed just for looking a certain way. And there are plenty of peacocks grunting, posing and preening all over the place. My PF has all the same types of people I've seen at all the other gyms I've been to, including the chick who works out in a tube top and the few oddballs running on treadmills in their jeans. It's just cheaper and conveniently open 24/7. That's why I go there. I don't think our lunk alarm is even hooked up.

    I've heard that alarm go off atleast once a session. At first I didn't know why a weird alarm went off but then I read the lunk statement on the wall. I have also seen some odd people there too. Chicks that come in half naked like it's the beach( never knew you had to be half naked to workout).

    I have to ask.... maybe I'm a small town hillbilly, but what the hell is a lunk alarm? Is there really such strictness elsewhere for gym dbags?

    Go to youtube and search for Planet Fitness ads, 'no lunks' is part of their branding that they are the place for regular people.

    they also have free pizza night......

  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Well, at least you're paying a fee for it.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I don't really notice people in the gym. Except this 70-something guy who hangs out in the locker room with no pants. That guy I've noticed.
  • abrubru
    abrubru Posts: 137 Member
    Who wears a wedding ring to gym...
    I power lifted for 15 years with my wedding ring on. During the 17 years I was married, I only took off my ring if my husband was in the room...
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Yes. Apparently I get talked about at my gym. I asked someone to spot me, and he said that the guys ask if they've seen me workout. And a PT using the equipment I was near said "I've seen you workout."
    I have never needed a spotter. Too strong :p

    Clarification please.
  • abrubru
    abrubru Posts: 137 Member
    I don't really notice people in the gym. Except this 70-something guy who hangs out in the locker room with no pants. That guy I've noticed.

    He was really hanging out... :o
  • abrubru
    abrubru Posts: 137 Member

    I avoid the free weights because of that reason alone. Guys everywhere in that area. Mirrors everywhere. I can peacefully workout on my cardio machines because ya know the relationship between most guys and cardio. Non-existent.

    This breaks my heart a little bit.
  • abrubru
    abrubru Posts: 137 Member
    Very nice. But mine was designed exquisitely by extremely talented precious metal craftsmen from the old country. I am not putting that on a rusty barbell. I always remove my ring and store it in my bag.

    I can see that. It ends up the ring nor my husband were very special...