Coming Back... 300 pounds to lose.



  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    edited January 2017
    I was 529 back in august (593 at my highest), 460 now. logging everything, staying at the calorie goal, walking and steady state cardio has done it for me. I expect my journey to take a couple years; but then it took me years to gain everything.
    for support try these groups on here:
  • Mischabellaa
    Mischabellaa Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome back!!! Feel free to add me --I have 200+ to lose myself-- We got this!!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    Hey guys. I'm just coming back from a couple years of slacking off. I lost 125 pounds a couple of years ago. Never got to my goal, but got to where I wasn't the fattest guy at work anymore... and then I got married and started grad school and got distracted. Gained it all back. Had to buy a new scale, which informs me today that I weigh 504.8.

    I feel gross. I'm getting winded just walking around. It's time to change this garbage... and I'll take all the encouragement you can give me.

    For sure you know how to lose. You have proven that. So YAY on that note. Going looking in the rear view mirror (except for what works)...focus on five pounds at a time. That is how I would approach it. Otherwise, the task begins to be too daunting. Remember you have a wife <3 now...she wants and deserves a healthy hubby.

    Wishing you success on your journey...which btw, never ends. It is a lifetime commitment. o:)
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    I'm in a similar boat... wanna lose around 200lb mark ... i'm looking no further forward than 'today'
    Forget the big numbers... they start to put doubts in your head.... just focus on getting through each day, hitting your macro goals and doing what you can ... nothing deeper... no long-term planning on 'well if i lose x then ....' ... i find short term clarity makes it much simpler

  • exactlyhalf
    exactlyhalf Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys. I'm just coming back from a couple years of slacking off. I lost 125 pounds a couple of years ago. Never got to my goal, but got to where I wasn't the fattest guy at work anymore... and then I got married and started grad school and got distracted. Gained it all back. Had to buy a new scale, which informs me today that I weigh 504.8.

    I feel gross. I'm getting winded just walking around. It's time to change this garbage... and I'll take all the encouragement you can give me.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Welcome! You can do it, great decision deciding to make a change. I know it's easy to keep putting things off.
  • karla040
    karla040 Posts: 8 Member
    You can do this.count all your calories and log them in ..I lost 50 pounds in four months..add me if you can I will be more then happy to help you with your journey
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,907 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm in a similar boat... wanna lose around 200lb mark ... i'm looking no further forward than 'today'
    Forget the big numbers... they start to put doubts in your head.... just focus on getting through each day, hitting your macro goals and doing what you can ... nothing deeper... no long-term planning on 'well if i lose x then ....' ... i find short term clarity makes it much simpler

    Great advice...SHORT TERM CLARITY...great for not just losing weight, but whenever you have a task that needs to be broken down in order to achieve success.

    I LOVE IT! Thanks! <3

  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Great advice...SHORT TERM CLARITY...great for not just losing weight, but whenever you have a task that needs to be broken down in order to achieve success.

    I LOVE IT! Thanks! <3

    For me its all about stopping in that moment of urge/panic/sadness/hunger ... its stopping yourself dead ... just for a moment ... and thinking

    I think for many of us it's become so routine to cheat, to think 'oh i'll just have this one today'.... and then one becomes 3 or a whole pack because for some of us its kinda all or nothing ... we struggle with the in-between

    Its tough ... a friend of mine said that for learning to ride a bike, we fall off that bike a lot, then we get on again but we're NOT expected to know how to ride that bike the 1st time.... with dieting we somehow think we are ... we think we can do it ... but then the brain gets tired of saying no ... we have limited willpower .... but we have more conscious thought... its breaking the cycle

    I've not had a single chocolate, biscuit, cake or anything truly bad since 1/1/17 .... yeah only 3 weeks i know... but i've wanted to ... last night ... so much i could have emptied the biscuit tin the way i felt .... but i stared at it and thought .... and in the end, and with some messages from my MFP buddies which helps enormously, i said no ... i said it won't help .. not this time ... not in the way i need to help myself... so instead had a big glass of squash and a couple apples .... and i enjoyed that ... i took my time

    It is hard... we face so much 'easy food' ... but we have to learn within ourself how this is done..

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Great advice...SHORT TERM CLARITY...great for not just losing weight, but whenever you have a task that needs to be broken down in order to achieve success.

    I LOVE IT! Thanks! <3

    For me its all about stopping in that moment of urge/panic/sadness/hunger ... its stopping yourself dead ... just for a moment ... and thinking

    I think for many of us it's become so routine to cheat, to think 'oh i'll just have this one today'.... and then one becomes 3 or a whole pack because for some of us its kinda all or nothing ... we struggle with the in-between

    Its tough ... a friend of mine said that for learning to ride a bike, we fall off that bike a lot, then we get on again but we're NOT expected to know how to ride that bike the 1st time.... with dieting we somehow think we are ... we think we can do it ... but then the brain gets tired of saying no ... we have limited willpower .... but we have more conscious thought... its breaking the cycle

    I've not had a single chocolate, biscuit, cake or anything truly bad since 1/1/17 .... yeah only 3 weeks i know... but i've wanted to ... last night ... so much i could have emptied the biscuit tin the way i felt .... but i stared at it and thought .... and in the end, and with some messages from my MFP buddies which helps enormously, i said no ... i said it won't help .. not this time ... not in the way i need to help myself... so instead had a big glass of squash and a couple apples .... and i enjoyed that ... i took my time

    It is hard... we face so much 'easy food' ... but we have to learn within ourself how this is done..

    What you're describing sounds like a book I've started reading that teaches cognitive behavioral therapy in regards to diet & weight loss- The Beck Diet Solution (it's not a "diet" book per se, as it doesn't prescribe any particular way to lose weight, just how to modify thinking & behavior around food). While most of us know what we need to do to lose weight, often in the face of cravings or an emotional crisis, our brain starts making excuses- "You've had a rough day... you deserve this", etc. So the idea is, for long-term success, we need to re-train our brain so it supports us in those situations rather than sabotaging us. I'm still early in the book, but I can tell it will be helpful, and not just for weight loss.