Chicken breast and sweet potato diet



  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    When you get bored with chicken and sweet potato perhaps I can sell you some beach body shakes? ;)

    Joking!! joking!! B)

    Haha maybe that will be next if I get bored of the chicken and sweet potatoes.

    Appreciate all the comments from all, even the ones I did not nesissarily agree with!
  • Chunkahlunkah
    Chunkahlunkah Posts: 373 Member
    mhlew wrote: »
    I just discovered how easy it is to bake chicken breast so I'm going to try eating 1 chicken breast and a 1/3 of sweet potato for breakfast and dinner (until I get bored of it) and for lunch just a healthy option since I'm not home during lunch hours.

    Anyone ever done this and had success, along with exxersize?

    No, I've never deliberately done something like that for weight loss.

    Right after college though, I was saving up to buy a house and for about 3 months I ate mostly the same things. Breakfast was usually a couple of hard boiled eggs. Lunch was *always* a peanut butter and apple slices sandwich with a glass of milk. Dinner was usually lentil soup or pasta with tomato sauce and ricotta cheese. Surprisingly, I still like all those foods. ;) By nature, I definitely prefer variety and don't like long-term routines. For three months and a house though, it really wasn't bad!

    I'm not going to weigh in with my opinion or offer advice on your plan. I'll just say try it out and see how you like it.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Breakfast time ecwsrbft9kxa.jpg
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    Well if you want to do it, do know yourself better than we do, but it sounds like it would get tedious really quickly.

    I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast every single day: French vanilla yogurt, Total cereal, perhaps a piece of fruit, maybe...and my vitamins. Some people eat scrambled eggs and toast and home fries every single day. But usually they don't eat the same thing for lunch or dinner that they had for least not every day...

    I don't know if I'd like chicken breast and sweet potatoes for breakfast - or every day - it's something I would enjoy maybe once a week, lol
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    Back at it again- this time with avocado joining in.kquix9s6ykln.jpeg
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    It takes me a long time to get bored of the same food. We have chicken most days. before mfp, I ate chicken breast, rice & veggies for 3 yrs. I don't need a lot of variety & during the hot summer, it's so hot the only reason i eat is because I have to. I usually switch between the same 5-6 foods every day & it's not because I'm loosing, I've always been this way. once in a while I'll make something different but it's cause hubby wants something different.

    When I'm cooking for myself I need very little variety. I get in trouble when I'm in a relationship because I both like to demonstrate my cooking skills and my OH inevitably needs more variety than I do and prefers higher calories meals.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Our family eats like this. We go on kicks with foods. I ate like this when I was single. My husband did too.

    I ate the same lunch every day for the entire 4 years I was in high school.

    When we start to feel like we're in a rut, I change up the menu rotation.