Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Janetay: My friends mum goes with us all the time… she’s a nut! Love her!! Hubby was much better last night! We talked and agreed we need to drop the phones/turn off the tv and make more “us” time… Glad Alistair is doing better today! ;)

    Blonde: Just post often and you are in!

    Jdelaroy: Glad I can make ya step it up! ;) I like the one calorie idea too! Glad the BF is ok! Yikes! My hubby and I had a bad day yesterday too and after talking… all is much better… we all have those bad days but our goal is never to be mad when we leave each other for work or anything… it’s just scary as you never know when something can happen. Great job in the snacking too!!

    Jen77: That is a amazing quote… that most will not think of unless it is put in front of us! Thank you for the awareness and God Bless you… hope you get through your struggles.

    Rachel: Yes… Porn in the morn is a little weird, but it’s not hard to block out the screens and have fun... otherwise… We do laugh when we take selfies and there’s some scary thing in the screen behind us!! LOL! It feels great to escape to the gym… and it feels even better afterward!

    Sarah: Welcome! Your BF sounds like a keeper! But yes it does make it hard!! Hope you post often and let us help you along your journey!

    Joy: Way to go with the walking and workouts lady!! Yes.. I have weird friends… I know… but it is a really great breakfast usually… this time it was too greasy!! Yikes! Great goals!!

    So I busted yesterday with 15k steps… I was proud!! Rocking today with 8k at 1pm… most of those came from shoveling 4” of heavy wet snow this morning! Ugh! That was a work out!! So we will see if I make it to the gym tonight! Still snowing and is suppose to keep it up until midnight… so I might just go straight home… I hate to deal with crappy slippery roads. I can just do the elliptical in the basement if all fails! Was having a bad morning once I got to work… my computer has crashed 7x today… makes for a frustrating work day. Luckily I haven’t lost any work but ugh! So I did revert to a Pepsi… damn it… I’ll have to step up my game for those extra calories!! I’d rather be home with Lexi on her snow day!! So hope the day gets better…
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    I just tried a new fitness was great! It's a mix between Pilates, boxing and dance! High intensity and great fun!
    Also down 2.5lbs in ww this week so happy out!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @tizzy2911 piloxing sounds like fun! Congrats on another great loss!

    @ShyCush6 Shoveling is definitely a great workout! My upper body and back are always burning after. Sorry to hear the roads are so bad and the morning was rough at work, stay safe!

    @bluepoppies777 Strength is my word and I'm definitely working hard at it :) Great job rocking it at the gym this week!

    Welcome @SarahBelle43!

    I had my second personal training session this morning and it was pretty good. I think I need to amp up my personal intensity since he's had to keep the circuits lighter since the coworkers I'm going with aren't very active. Luckily I've got 5 more weeks to get the balance right.

    I'm debating skipping derby tonight to have some time to myself. I've got social stuff planned through Sunday so a breather might be nice. We'll see how I feel once 6:30 rolls around.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    @shycush6 – Nice work on the steps! I have been totally slacking lately…Me an my Fitbit need to get back on the same page.

    @tazzy2911 – That does sound fun!!

    Well we made it to Thursday!!! After reading Shy's post, I have decided to get back into my step goals! I believe that I am Fitbit friends with a few of you already, but feel free to add me and harass me into shape
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited January 2017
    Tazzy: Piloxing sounds awesome!! =) Keep up the great work girl!!

    Rachel: My back is killing me today… I’m walking with a cob stuck up my kitten… or so it looks that way! =( I brought my heating pad to work with me!! Have a great weekend.. sounds like you have a lot in store!

    Jen77: Love the fitbit!! Glad to inspire you to dig it back out!! I don’t think we are friends but I can’t figure out how to add you with your user… so here is my user: [edited by mods]

    So having a bad day with a bad back… I will try to get my steps in at least but much more than that might not happen. Although I should go to the gym for the massage if anything! Tomorrow is the start to my girls weekend so hopefully I can be in better shape! Yikes! Everyone have a great weekend!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Ok.. .I might not be like the chic in the bikini but anything is better!!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    The stretch & flexability class I go to at 11:30 was especially hard today. It's a real work out.I say this because it doesn't look hard from looking at it. I have no idea how many calories I burn doing it. We work 50% of the time with weights & do leg exercises using the big ball & stretching. After that I went to dog park for an hour, after that a friend stopped by & we took our dogs for walk. I finally came inside to stay at 4:30 . I'm so tired today, I can't do another thing. Not too hungry after dinner today so I'm just having some chocolate rice cakes
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wow everyone has been busy. Last night I spent the afternoon/evening in the urgent care. My eldest sprained her ankle pretty bad, was afraid she might have had a small break. She came out with a brace and crutches. No break though.

    @ShyCush6 Being Fitbit friends with you is great. All the challenges I keep getting to are keeping me motivated to walk my *kitten* off. LOL I hate to lose. Not in a bad way though.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. This Saturday, I am doing my belated family birthday party. I decided to go roller skating for my party. LOL I am going to get all the family people on skates! Make them work their butts off. It should be a blast. I am also going to go run around one of the school tracks and see how far I can run. I want to run a 5k so need to start practicing. I can jog for 25 minutes without stopping, so need to see how far that will get me.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Too busy, here far too busy and not sure where my day has gone! Hope you all have lovely weekends and I'll catch up properly next week - food diary went out of the window yesterday but hopefully I'm back on track today.

    Jen - enjoy the family birthday party :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 I love the message of the meme but that model is clearly 19 years old lol. I always laugh when posts are supposed to be motivational and it's showing some teenager's body. I hope your back feels better soon!

    @janetay01 I hope today goes smoother for you!

    @jdelaroy I'm so glad there was no break! Let me know how the skating party goes, I think that sounds like a blast!!!

    @Evamutt Great job staying active all day today!

    @pudgy1977 How're the step goals going? Happy Friday!

    I'm having a friend over for pizza and wine tonight for girls night and I am so excited! To try to keep things light I'm going to bake these up

    They look really good and I have all the ingredients! Tomorrow morning I'm meeting up with my Mom for a 7:15 am workout class so I've got to be back on my A game.

    Last night I was so glad I took the night off from derby class. I was in bed by 7pm and asleep by 8:30. I needed a night off after all the stress from this week. I hope you all have wonderful weekends!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    This is a real picture of me this week
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Sounds like you are going to have a fun week. That looks like my desk as well. I was able to get to be early last night. It was a much needed well rested sleep.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    I can't keep up with everyone, but you're all doing so good with your exercise you're making me feel like a slouch.
    Still, another 2lb gone, so 10lb lost so far, not bad for a lazy *kitten* like me.
  • AllThingsFitnessByAnney
    AllThingsFitnessByAnney Posts: 17 Member
    edited January 2017
    Anyone who will motivate and write their personal journey along with tips and tricks, please add me!!! I have 50 pounds to lose but I am not using the scale for the first couple of weeks as that will discourage me. ❤ let's support one another. I will start posting more and expressing myself personal to those who are my friends on here
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @gemwolf110 So glad you are enjoying your vacation. It sucks that you have to go back to work to total chaos.

    @CariTJR You are doing fantastic, Down 10 pounds is not something a slouch loses. Plus you are kicking butt on your steps. Great job!

    @iphonelover321 Welcome to the board. If you post here, people will respond and help encourage you. As far as tips and tricks. Start out with small steps. Log your food for a week. The next week see how you eat, aim to cut back on calories. Get into this habit first. Then try moving a little bit more. For me one of the easiest ways to help stay under my calorie goal is to drink water. I hate wasting perfectly good calories on drinks. Occasionally I will crave a pop or chocolate milk. When this happens I let myself have some and just try to cut calories somewhere else. Pre plan your meals/snacks.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    welcome iphonelover321. I experimented a lot with different foods till i found the ones that fill me up for fewer calories that I can also eat always, not just for loosing, so it won't come back. I think of ways to move extra during the day. I drink lots of water but also enjoy hot fruit tea with no sugar after a meal. Another thing that works for me is if I'm still hungry after I eat, I tell myself to wait 20 min & if I still want something then I will but after 20 min, the food I ate settles & I usually don't want any more.
  • olyamhc
    olyamhc Posts: 60 Member
    I've lost 1lb since I started logging food continuously 5 days ago :smile: I have been on a more mindful diet consisting of non-starchy veggies for about 2 weeks.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,423 Member
    Today one of our sons needed ride to work in afternoon so I couldn't really go anywhere so I walked the dogs 3 times before I took him & 2 times when I got back I'm sure I walked about 2+ hrs but I put down 1 for exercise. Me & the dogs are pooped & I feel like I didn't really do anything today. A friend gave me loaf of white bread, the cheap kind that I always thought was gross but it's only 55 calories for one slice as opposed to my 110 calorie bread I usually eat so I'm going to try it. I have about 2 slices of bread a day
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,348 Member
    @Rachel....that is SO me! And all of it is waiting on info from other people! Glad you had a fun girls night...sounds lovely.

    @CariTJR ...don't feel bad, I feel like a slacker here too! Everybody running around and playing with the pups...makes me miss having a dog.

    @gemwolf110 glad you've been having a great vacation! Good luck on the interview.

    5 days! And the cast comes off (@jdelaroy--your daughter is SO lucky! Broken bones suck)!!! So, my health insurance requires I have annual biometric screening...and I weighed in right about where my scale put me--and they shaved off four pounds for the cast and heavy sweater! The rest of the results were standard...yes, my cholesterol is high. That won't's genetic. No, I will not consider statins. But honestly, I think it was lower than the last time it was checked.

    I keep seeing people talking about Onederland...what is this?

    Have a great week everyone!
  • sonstott63
    sonstott63 Posts: 19 Member
    I would like to join this group! I've been on and off with MFP. But I'm cracking down now, got a personal trainer this time and I'm really going to be held accountable for this! I got about 25 pounds to lose. And then after that I hope to continue to eat healthy (I love chips and chocolate) so I hope I'm able to break that addiction and just snack on them occasionally. Any ideas/support helps! As I will try to do the same for others :)