Hello everyone! I'm 3 weeks post-op bariatric surgery, anyone else?



  • snkyles
    snkyles Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! 7 years out from RNY. Highest 300, Surgery 225, Lowest 155, Current 185. Congrats to all of you! I'm a cyclist and needed a way to track my eating. Since I can't eat like others, I was finding it difficult to stay accountable for food I was eating to fuel my body during exercise. The surgery was the best decision. Last year I rode my bike SF to LA and I'm doing it again this year. The key to keeping the weight off, find a sport and stick with it. Any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Jesnluv83_vsg
    Jesnluv83_vsg Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I had VSG on July 12, 2016. I have lost 140lbs since pre-op diet on June 12, 2016. I have about 90lbs to go till my Dr.s weight goal. I just recently joined MFP to help me track my food better. I also Joined StepBet and DietBet to help motivate me!!
  • AvaPowers
    AvaPowers Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I had RNY Dec 15 2016. Just started solid foods and doing well so far.

    Congratulations! You're almost 2 months post op! How are you feeling? Could you share how much weight have you lost so far?
  • AvaPowers
    AvaPowers Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2017
    Krkr751 wrote: »
    Hi! 5'7" HW 236, SW 228 (VSG 1/12/17), CW 213, GW 150. All going as expected, but I do feel hungry - wasn't expecting that. Purée phase now for 2 more weeks.

    Congratulations! Sorry for the late reply, you should be on soft foods by now right? I'm hungry all the time also! My surgeon told me to drink extra water when I feel hungry because chances are my body is really thirsty and not truly hungry. Anyway, it does help to keep drinking.

    P.S. You started with a low weight! I'm sure you will hit your goal weight soon!
  • AvaPowers
    AvaPowers Posts: 14 Member
    snkyles wrote: »
    Hi all! 7 years out from RNY. Highest 300, Surgery 225, Lowest 155, Current 185. Congrats to all of you! I'm a cyclist and needed a way to track my eating. Since I can't eat like others, I was finding it difficult to stay accountable for food I was eating to fuel my body during exercise. The surgery was the best decision. Last year I rode my bike SF to LA and I'm doing it again this year. The key to keeping the weight off, find a sport and stick with it. Any questions, feel free to ask.

    Wow! Wow! 7 years out! What an inspiration you are! You lost 75 lbs. on your own before your surgery and now you are a cyclist? Way to go! I have yet to find a sport that I can enjoy that way. I'm still only doing treadmill. Are you keeping a low-carb, sugar-free diet?
  • AvaPowers
    AvaPowers Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I had VSG on July 12, 2016. I have lost 140lbs since pre-op diet on June 12, 2016. I have about 90lbs to go till my Dr.s weight goal. I just recently joined MFP to help me track my food better. I also Joined StepBet and DietBet to help motivate me!!

    Congratulations on your 140lbs lost! I find it almost impossible to imagine myself losing that much because I seem to be losing it so slowly compared to others...though I'm following the suggested diet. I did not have a pre-op diet, so my surgery weight is what I go by. I have lost 30 lbs since surgery. I can't wait to get to my goal weight. Do you recommend StepBet and DietBet?
  • Abarker9192
    Abarker9192 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all. I was sleeved about two years ago. I lost a lot of weight fast.. from 275 to about 190. I will be honest though, I was bad. I drank soda later on which is a huge no, and ate more and more gradually stretching my stomach. I slowly gained back weight and I stopped exercising. I got lazy. It is VERY VERY easy to lose weight early on. I didnt have to exercise. The weight just fell off. I am now around 240, so I gained back 50 lbs that I originally lost. I eat less than I did before the surgery so I do not regret it, it is a tool and we must be prepared to use it wisely. I feel that I was not prepared and regret letting myself gain this weight back. It IS easy to gain weight a year plus after surgery so stick with it, I wish I did. My parents were also sleeved and both lost a lot early on... then gained back like I did. I snack often and eat when bored. I feel as though my stomach was stretched but now that I track what I eat I do notice that I rarely get "hungry".

    I went from barely being able to eat a few bites of meat after being sleeved, to now eating a whole "lean cuisine". By the time I am done with this size of a meal, I am full. So I am aware that my stomach has stretched but I do not eat nearly as much as I used to before I was sleeved.

    Anyone, feel free to send a friend request and we can chat more. I would love to meet fellow sleevers. Let me be the example of what NOT to do in your first year. /:

    What is everyone's calorie goals? I am curious as to everyone's thoughts on this since our stomachs are smaller than the norm. I know it is calories in v calories out, but curious as to what everyone is doing.
  • dragonfly96819
    dragonfly96819 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there. I am 6 weeks out today. Just been released to full duty with no restrictions. Best thing I have ever done.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Hey! Join us here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/637-gastric-bypass-vsg-lapband

    Great group of people! Lots of bariatric information!

    VSG 10/15/15
    Total loss: 165lbs
    Maintaining since 8/16
  • gotthis16
    gotthis16 Posts: 26 Member
    I had gastric bypass four years ago I was 320 pounds went down to 170 I had a baby a year ago and still have about 35 pounds to lose the surgery is great and all but trust me gaining it back is so easy The way the weight melts off in the beginning is the way the weight goes back on The struggle that happens to a lot of people is eating real food such as chicken beef fish there so dense and heavy it makes you full so fast it's almost a chore to eat because then you get sick eating junk food goes down easy so a lot of people end up going to the junk food
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I must say that I'm relieved to see people so open about their journey with WLS. It's comforting. I know it's not something to be ashamed of, but at the same time, that's the only reaction I know. So it's because of that reaction that very few people know what I've been preparing for over the last year. I'm scheduled for March 7 and I couldn't be more excited. However, I'm nervous that my inability to be open about it will hinder me in some way.
  • TammyNicole25
    TammyNicole25 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on my last doctors appointment then they will give me my date I'm excited and nervous at the same time
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I am on my last doctors appointment then they will give me my date I'm excited and nervous at the same time

    Be prepared for more doctor's appointments. lol. I had my last appointment and then about a month later got my surgery date, along with 5 more appointments. They're pretty simple though: Exercise Class - Reviewing the importance of exercise post-op, what types to do and when, etc; Pre-Op Teaching Class; Optifast Class; Final Pre-Op with surgeon; Pre-Admission Testing

    Good luck with your surgery Tammy!