100+ lbs to lose support group



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Just checking in. I joined a challenge. It's an aerobic walking challenge. I have 18 miles to do until the end of the month, which is a lot for me considering I have a desk job and work 3rd shift. I'm hoping they continue this challenge next month and I can increase my miles/day. This was a challenge I felt really comfortable about being able to accomplish.

    Welcome everyone (even though I'm as new as you!) and thanks everyone for all the great advice.

    Hey, I might like to do that challenge if they keep it going next month. I'm having a hard time walking right now, trying to get back into it, because of some odd back pain, but I think I'll be better in a week or so of regular workouts. Please let me know!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Started cosmetology school tonight and then I came home and got into a fight with my husband. He's all "I'll never see you this is stupid why do you have to go to class for five hours a night 4 days a week" and I'm all "for the same reason you went to multiple classes for 2 hours at a time 1 to 2 days a week each. it is a college. I'm not in the same class every night and most of the program is cutting hair." MEN! SO STUPID SOMETIMES! I WANT A NEW ONE!
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for the great info and advice guys! I love the idea of using water jugs for weights. I was using soup cans and trying to figure out how to move up to something heavier. Awesome idea and I'm going to try it tomorrow. I have a job interview tomorrow and have been searching my closet for something to wear. I'm incredibly nervous and I want to look good. I have 3 different interviews scheduled between this week and next, and wanted to buy a new outfit, but what's the point? It would be too big for me soon! I haven't lost much weight yet but I did notice my clothes feel better on. The size hasn't changed, but I feel more comfortable in my clothes now. Maybe its all mental. Who knows?
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I haven't lost much weight yet but I did notice my clothes feel better on. The size hasn't changed, but I feel more comfortable in my clothes now. Maybe its all mental. Who knows?

    Hey, if feeling good in your clothes is mental, then let me be crazy! I wanna be like you and feel good in my clothes again. :wink:
  • spicybaer79
    Well didn't do as terrible as I thought I would on sunday. Didn't gain any either which makes me very happy...I walked three miles again tonight and started my 8 minutes in the morning this morning to...Hopefully I can stick with it... Welcome to all the newbies...Congrats on all victories whether they be on or off the scale...
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    just curious... but are there any challenge topics for the ones that need to lose 100+ lbs???
  • beautynthalight
    beautynthalight Posts: 167 Member
    im SOOO with this support group...i so hope that it will be the thing i need to give me some much needed encouragement. :happy:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Started cosmetology school tonight and then I came home and got into a fight with my husband. He's all "I'll never see you this is stupid why do you have to go to class for five hours a night 4 days a week" and I'm all "for the same reason you went to multiple classes for 2 hours at a time 1 to 2 days a week each. it is a college. I'm not in the same class every night and most of the program is cutting hair." MEN! SO STUPID SOMETIMES! I WANT A NEW ONE!

    Ha! My husband and I have been together 11 years - I was just telling him last week that I'm ready to trade in for the new model.

    I'm so excited for you with cosmetology school!!! I always had a not-so-secret wish to be a hair dresser/makeup artist. I don't know how good I'd be at hair, since my own is pretty sad, but I think I could make a kick *kitten* makeup artist. Good luck with school. Don't let your hubby get you down. He'll get over it. And he'll learn to appreciate the time that he does get to spend with you. And he should be proud of you for deciding to do something to better yourself. And if not, then I am! :smile:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    just curious... but are there any challenge topics for the ones that need to lose 100+ lbs???

    We don't really have any challenges set up for this group. It's more just about support and encouragement.

    That being said, I'm kind of thinking this is a brilliant idea, now that you mention it!!!! I just dropped out of a challenge yesterday because I was feeling like the physical requirements were going to be more than I could handle at my current state. Maybe if there's some interest in a 100+ lbs to lose game, I might be willing to organize it.....?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Hey. My names Lindsey. I'm 22 years old and have had a weight problem as long as I remember. (Which tends to be the story, i see.) I've been going to a therapist because apparently, I have a lot of self-hate and hidden anger. And I see food as love. In the end though, I want to lose 146 more pounds. I've lost 9 so far. And I am just trying to get it off. Not for anyone in particular. Just so I can like what I see in the mirror. I want to be able to look at food as a neccessity, not because i CRAVE it or because I have to have it. So i'm glad to be here. I joined the site some time ago and haven't gotten too involved, but i'm getting into it now. Just starting to figure out what calorie intake I need and how much sodium I can have and all that numerical mumbo jumbo. So I wish everyone luck and will definitely be keeping my eye on this post!

    First off let me say that you are a winner! Being on this site proves that! You are taking all the right steps to improve your health and with that your mind will also become stronger. You'll gain more and more confidence along the way. Remember - you are not alone in this journey. So many of us out there!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and you can view my food diary. Not always perfect but it's working so far. A couple of nutrition tips that are super easy -- drink a lot water - at least 10-14 glasses a day. My norm is about 16. I have a couple of water bottles that I rotate in and out of the freezer every couple of hours. Stock up on nuts - almonds, walnuts, peacans etc. - they are all really good for you. Only eat one serving as a snack a couple of times a day. They will make you feel full and contain good fat. Eat any food with natural COLOR - berries, greens, fruits, peppers. All very good for you. Keep your carbs low and your protein spread throughout the day. Those are the basics that I live by. All pretty easy to accomplish. Check in here often and ask questions. You'll find lots of motivation and support on this thread. Good luck and remember to take it one day at a time!!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    first off -- hello and welcome to all the new posters! clearly i haven't remembered to check this thread in a while, there are so many of you (: as always, feel free to add me if you need another supporter on your side.

    and also, i would definitely be interested in a 100+ to lose game!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm up for a 100+ to lose game! Maybe we could do mini challenges to, like a daily challenge to everyone to help support and push each other to get them done. Like walk so many miles this week or 40 mins of any exercise. Something to start us off small and work up to something big.

    What do ya think?
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    *giggles* Of course my Knotty Girls are down. Love you Ladies!

    Kinda - I just bumped the daily challenge that you are doing. This is cool! How do you find them every day???
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    I'm considering dropping the challenge I am in as well... i'm finding it a little overwhelming.. and possibly beyond my capabilities.. i become discouraged when i see everyone doing so much better then me... then i say.. that's not the point of this... so is it really the right challenge for me? a 100lbs+ mini challenge would be great i think?? IDK

    On a personal note.. I've been dealing with some crappy news... I found out last night that my dad will not be attending my wedding because he just can't get himself to get on a plane. His fear of flying will make him absent from my big day. Last night was tough... the reality of letting go of the dream of having my dad walking me down the aisle is proving to be a little harder then i thought it would be. I succombed to pizza last night.. :( and felt like crap this morning...

    After talking to a few friends... i'm liking the idea of walking down the aisle with my son... he might be a little young.. so i'm toying with the logistics of it all.... but ya... that's where my head is at now.. and that makes me happier...

    so rant over.. lol.. all that to say that the past couple days have been a little hellish.. and i've been MIA... but am back now... and re-thinking my plan of attack.

  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Oh, Hannah! I love the idea of you walking with your son! How old is he? Again, I'm really sorry about your dad not being able to be there. Where does he live? Would it be impossible for him to drive to you for the wedding? I'll be thinking of you and praying for you to figure out how it's all going to work out. When is the wedding? Am I invited? :wink:

    I was talking to another girl who was on my team for the zombie challenge. She's also got at least 100lbs to lose and she's thinking of dropping it, too. You know, I did the stairs the first few days and my knee was just aching. I was pushing myself to do something that I really felt was doing me more harm than good. But I thought, Let me just stick this out until I see what next week's challenge is going to be. Maybe it'll be less impact and I can stick to it better. But then seeing that it was 5 miles/day PLUS weight training??? Seriously??? When I jump on the treadmill, I do 3mph. And my heart rate is between 155 and 160 at that speed. To go five miles, I would have to walk for almost 2 hours. I know they reduced the distance, but it was just too much for me. I knew it was going to get me burned out. And that wasn't what I was looking for. I need fun & challenging (like our BOAT! :smile:), but not so challenging that I feel down because I can't physically DO it.
  • elmobabie84
    elmobabie84 Posts: 112
    just curious... but are there any challenge topics for the ones that need to lose 100+ lbs???

    We don't really have any challenges set up for this group. It's more just about support and encouragement.

    That being said, I'm kind of thinking this is a brilliant idea, now that you mention it!!!! I just dropped out of a challenge yesterday because I was feeling like the physical requirements were going to be more than I could handle at my current state. Maybe if there's some interest in a 100+ lbs to lose game, I might be willing to organize it.....?
    OMG i would looooove to be a part of it if you could get one organized!
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Hi I would love to join all of you too. I started MFP on June 21.

    An intro - My name is Angel. I'm 40 and have a hubby of 9 years (16 if you count the pre-marriage years) who is also on MFP and 2 little boys. I've been overweight since junior high. Like other people I've done the lose 20 gain 20 for years. Last month it was like a switch flipped and it feels like it is doable now instead of totally overwhelming. I'm actually tracking what I eat most days even when I eat over my allowance which I didn't do consistently in the past.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    In another thread that I'm in we run our own challenges. The first one was the number of miles that we lived from each other (in the order we signed up for the challenge. Then we took that number and did that many minutes of exercise that month. It was something like 60,000 minutes between 12 of us! It was awesome fun. Someone kept the spread sheet in a google account.

    We are doing a calories burned one right now. Simply increasing what we each burned in June by 10%. It's very motivating to have a group challenge. I'd be up for it if you want to pull one together here! Let us know!!

    Have a great night!
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    Hi! I am definetly in i need all the support i can get! Let me intro myself. Lets see im a mom of three wonderful teenagers full of attitude lol anyway just been one of them days. I have been sick for the last two years i was by accident do to a reaction to cymbalta (used to help cramping in my legs) was in a deep deep depression i what my kids and fiancee say i disappeared for them two years in my bed afraid to go out side the whole nine yards and then some. Well my fiancee made me go to another docter and he took me off the med and its been three months and im BACK in full force. And now its time to get back to my before health i have gained 1oo+ pouds in them years im ready to loose it and be able to move with my kids and not embarrass them when we r out even though they say i dont but i feel that way alot lately And also for my wedding next year at the beach yeah we have been together for fourteen years and he decided it was time to go all the way lol i would love to join if u would have me I also work well going back to work 12 hour midnights so i have to try to figure out my meal plans for the nights that i work any suggerstionswould be apprieciated :bigsmile:
  • PurpleCoookie
    Hello new folks!!!!

    I would love join a challenge for this group. Need something to get my but in gear....:wink: