So lost and alone



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ditto on the therapy here. Keep up with your weight loss. You are doing all the right things to improve yourself. Your marriage might get better, it might not, but therapy and improving your health will help you feel empowered and confident with any decisions about your life or your marriage you want to make. Getting your mind straight will work wonders. There's an awesome person inside you--you just gotta believe she's there.
  • WildePillar
    WildePillar Posts: 120 Member
    He broke the vows, not you. Since when do the vows say that you can't gain weight?? It's not, "I'll vow to love you in sickness and health, as long as you are thin." He is wrong here.
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    Please know that your value is not based on your looks. You sound like an intelligent, loyal, kind person, and that has EXTREME value. You deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and dignity. Perhaps your husband is using your weight gain as a way out, in which case, nothing you do will change his mind. If he has already decided to go, he will go. My opinion is that you should let him! Continue on your amazingly successful weight loss journey and have some satisfaction in knowing he lost something wonderful!! And did you have a specific vow in your ceremony that stated you would never gain weight? I'm thinking that the whole 'in sickness and in health' trumps that. :) I would see a therapist so you can work thru the denigrating thoughts he planted in your mind, and please know that you are not alone. <3
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    You deserve better. It's as simple as that. Keep up with your weight loss (if that's what makes YOU happy because YOU want it) and perhaps some therapy to boost your self esteem. Truly- you are worth it. <3
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    You deserve much better than a husband like that.! You carry on getting healthy and more confident and show him you are made of better stuff. Good luck
  • MarieCoreaa1
    MarieCoreaa1 Posts: 68 Member
    Just because he did not sleep with the women he has been talking to, its still emotional betrayal and infidelity. You are not over reacting. The confrontation probably made him not go through with sleeping with them. You are not alone. He is not worth keeping around, you are worth more than he thinks. Keep going, you can do this.
  • denverblueeyes
    denverblueeyes Posts: 1 Member
    Ask yourself would you rather be with someone who doesn't respect you and who doesn't care if he is hurting your feelings? Being alone is scary but it is scarier to live with a person who doesn't treat you the way you deserve. Marriage is about connecting with someone on multiple levels. You have accomplished a difficult task of losing 50 pounds! WOW, you go girl! Why would you want to be with someone who mocks your efforts to grow your self-esteem? You recognized your discomfort with your weight and decided to do something about it. You are making yourself into a healthy and strong person. Don't forget that! If your uncomfortable with how he treats you, do something about it, whether it be counseling or divorce or something else, just remember to be true to yourself and don't let anyone shame you for who you are inside or out!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    'Gaslighting' comes to mind here. Somehow it's all your fault - YOU aren't good enough, if only YOU would change he wouldn't have to seek other women, etc. That's utter crap, of course. Typical abusive behavior trying to shift blame.
  • Holly23bgs
    Holly23bgs Posts: 51 Member
    Emotional cheating is still cheating. However, it is up to you and only you if you want to forgive him. Don't do it just because you're scared to be alone. Forgive him if he deserves forgiveness and if you believe it is the right thing. He doesn't sound supportive, but I know relationships are multi-faceted so he may have redeeming qualities that you haven't described. Go with your heart, but remember a marriage will only work if both parties want it to and in the end if he is not willing to support you, it may not be the best situation.
    Good luck.
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    I agree with the supportive statements here. I can't, and don't feel it's appropriate to tell you how you should handle this, but I can tell you I feel he broke his vows first. He left you emotionally when you were at your unhealthiest. He refuses to support your goals now. He has taken it a step farther by going on Tinder. That is simply deplorable. He is going to have to make changes and work with you in order for this to be a true partnership.

    However, I'd be leery of any partner that flat-out hates the people I consider my parents (If they were not abusive or serial killers, or something). They did, after all, give life to, or at least raise you to be the person he's supposed to love and cherish. I believe that speaks volumes regarding what he really feels and where his motives truly lie. I hope we're just missing something here, and that you all can work it out. Stay strong.
  • vaughn3490
    vaughn3490 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2017
    You're not over reacting. What he should be doing is encouraging you to lose the weight and helping you too. The name calling is not encouraging. Don't give up and focus on your health and continue to lose weight for YOU. And you didn't break any vows by gaining weight, he did! Your husband is supposed to be there for the good and the bad. I pray that you continue to lose the weight. Take care of yourself. Jesus loves you! :)
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    You are worth the support and caring words you are receiving here. Not what your husband is telling you. I am divorced for many reasons, but in my marriage? Never once did my ex tell me I was anything but beautiful and he loved me when I had baby weight + more weight, and when I chose to lose my weight, he supported me for the health benefit and to be healthy again, not because he needed me to be skinny.

    You will make it through this. No matter which path you go down, know you have to do what is right for yourself.
  • Bsams71625
    Bsams71625 Posts: 1 Member
    If your friend came to you with this story, what advice would you give her? Sometimes you need to look at things from the outside to see what you can't. Do the best you can to find a good support system from family, friends, co-workers. Build your self-esteem and leave him. It's better to be alone and unhappy than to be with someone who makes you unhappy. You will find 'you' and discover you need to make yourself happy before anyone else can. Best wishes to you in your journey.