I'm a hypocrite



  • SerenityOwl
    SerenityOwl Posts: 8 Member
    First I would like to say that you have done so well!! It isn't always easy to be the one in "control" of what you eat, drink and do. People who do not have that control over themselves will always find a way to make you feel miserable and guilty. Pity it's your own family. I'd adopt a new extended family, one that is supportive whether you succeed or stumble. Hey, here's an idea ... make all of us your extended family! *snicker* You do not meet my definition of a hypocrite. Have a magickal day - strive for your goals and not those of someone else.

  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    you keep going... people get mad cause they dont have the motivation and drive to do it!
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    Doing what we do is hard... for anyone! and maybe even a little intimidating for that same reason. You are doing a great job! If you think back, you probably reacted the same way to people who were trying something "new" and "healthier". We are afraid of the unknown.. and CHANGE!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    "Thanks for the support mom and dad. Enjoy the double-bypass." I'm glad my family isn't like that much. They try to push stupid folksy weight loss knowledge on me, but they're still encouraging.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    From my experience, when people ask you about weight loss they are expecting some quick and easy new fad diet that can be done by anyone who lacks motivation. That's what they want to hear. When you tell them about the healthy changes you made in your life it instantly makes them offensive. It makes them take a good look at themselves and the poor choices they are making. I'm sure they don't like what they find but they aren't ready to see it and do anything about it.

    Leading a healthy life style isn't an easy route to go, that's why obesity is such a problem in this day and age. You have to make that conscience choice for yourself and reaffirm it everyday. It's not something that someone can choose for you or you can do for someone else this can be their way of saying their not ready. They are downing you for your choices to make themselves feel better about their choices when it comes to health. Don't let them get to you. Do you, do your thing. If they ask you how you've lost weight just give them the basic facts: I watch what I eat and I exercise. The end. If they want further information I would tell them this isn't for the casual dieter, matter of fact, it isn't a diet at, it's a lifestyle change.

    Call me selfish but this lifestyle change and is something I've done/doing for myself above all others. Everything/one else falls in after that. If someone truly wants to change their lifestyle I have no problem giving them a push in the right direction and sharing what I have learned. I'm sure you've noticed though, most people are turned off when you mention changing the way you eat and exercise. That's usually where my conversation ends.
  • MarchelleLynne
    MarchelleLynne Posts: 229 Member
    well I have already found that the only real encouragement and understanding I get is on this site!!!! bravo for you.....haters=motivators!!!
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    Well, the joke is on them!!! When some people can't find it within themselves to make the change, they look negatively upon those that do...Don't let them bring you down. You know you are doing right for you..and that's all that matters!!!! Good Luck to you!
  • vanlaura
    vanlaura Posts: 26
    People don't like to be pushed out of their comfort zones and you revealing the 'shocking' fact that sugar is bad for you is a threat to their comfortable existence. We've all been there, I used to smoke regardless of what people said to me, people will listen when they're ready. Well done on everything you've achieved and well done on not letting them drag you down!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    First of all, Congratulations on the life changes you've made. It's not easy.
    2nd I'm sorry for the grief your family has given you. Unfortunately the people
    we love and are close to can hurt us the most.
    Try not to let their negativity bother you. You've done wonderful!
    Maybe they're jealous, who knows.
    Congrats again, and keep your chin up.
  • GigiRoa81
    GigiRoa81 Posts: 10
    It is hurtful when people you love don't support you, but the reality is you have to do this for yourself. Don't let ANYONE, no matter how close they are to you, damper your spirit or destroy and wreak havoc on the positive changes you are making for yourself. You are NOT a hypocrite by changing bad habits that were dangerous and potentially killing you! On the contrary, you are VERY STRONG WILLED and this is a testament of your personal individual growth that you have changed bad habits and replaced them with positive ones! Good for you! Congratulations on your achievements so far and KEEP IT UP! Could it be possible that perhaps your family members may be a little envious of the positive changes you have made and therefore reacted in a mob fashion? Sometimes its difficult to see someone else doing well when you yourself aren't happy with the things you are doing. I think their reaction to you may have been a reflection of how your positive changes highlight the need for their own changes. Perhaps they aren't ready, but do not let them sabotage you because THEY are unhappy with themselves. Keep your head high, continue to love them, but don't take their comments to heart because it is not worth it and I don't really think it was truly directed at you so much as perhaps their envisioned failure in comparison to your success. If they ever want advice let them come to you, but treasure your changes like priceless gems and hold tight to them!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    You are not a HYPROCRITE.
    You have just learned to take care of yourself,

    People like to be able to connect with others and also relate to them. When they see others succeed in things they have failed at they sometimes become bitter, and the pain and shame they feel towards themselves that they internalize when no one is around, they take it out on someone like you. ESPECIALLy when they have others that agree with them. They would not have said all those things if they had been surrounded by healthy concisous people.

    You have changed and have grown to a better you, Do not let them bring you down. You have worked so hard to get here.
    And they will look at you and see how strong you are, and maybe you will inspire them to change their habits.
  • gweid
    gweid Posts: 6
    Congrats and keep up the good work. Don't let them drag you down. It's odd how obvious people are about their jealousy.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    ... they are just jealous! do not let it make u mad and I am glad u put all that anger to use! DO NOT LOSE SLEEP! u r doing a great job!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I know that feeling.

    I post weekly weigh in results to Facebook on Saturdays, usually along with a random bit of nutritional info. One week a good friend of ours (actually, the chief bridesmaid at our forthcoming wedding) who's studying nutrition posted back trying to piss on my good news at losing (another) pound or so. She was trying to tell me that I wasn't eating enough and it's not a sustainable weight loss and my approach to it was all wrong.

    For someone studying nutrition, I was surprised to see her advising me that I should be making a 500 calorie deficit made up of 250 diet and 250 exercise.. I couldn't resist smugly telling her that she was quoting from the "recommended" daily allowances for an "average" male and in fact taking into account my BMR and activity level I was making a healthy deficit expressed as of a % of my BMR. Eating the "recommended" 2500 calories per day would have led to a gain of about a pound a week.

    Anyway, turns out she was feeling a little bitter as she'd gained 2 pounds herself in the prior fortnight.

    Moral being that even your close friends and family can turn on you if they don't like the change and they can say or do a lot of things to try and throw you off track. Just keep to your goals and don't let it get you down.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Great job on your successes!!!

    Individuals (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers) who are not on the same path as you, who are not making a commitment to eat and live more healthy will cut you down. And for many different reasons: jealousy, self pity, envy, snobby, etc. Rather than be happy for you and encourage you, those not on this journey will spite you. Sometimes its because they are jealous of your success. Sometimes its because they think you have become some nut that is now judging them, when you used to be just like them.

    I am doing this for ME. Period.

    I am not judging my co-worker for eating that whole pizza while I eat my salad. I am not. I am not judging my friend who spends 6 hours a night in front of the tv snacking while I am out running, swimming, shooting hoops. I am not. I am not sticking my nose in the air and going around bragging that I have lost 20lbs so far. I am not. I am not being judgmental towards that 300lb man eating McDonalds. I am not.

    This is for ME, not you. This is one instance in which I am being selfish. This is my lifestyle change. This is for ME.
    You can't and won't get me down with your negativity, name calling, prudish attitude, disrespect. In fact, you only fuel the fire that much more. This is for ME. I will succeed. :smile:
  • I got up this morning and rode 9 miles on my bike, ate my oatmeal, and entered my info into MFP.

    What, do you think you're better than me....show off!

    :p Just kidding. You know you're making better decisions for yourself. Stick with it! Discouragement doesn't always have to be discouraging...it can be some of the best fuel we have access to sometimes. Keep swingin!
  • They are jealous because you feel good, look good and have most likely achieved goals they haven't. Hang in there. You are a much better person for it! I apporeciate you sharing with all of us. BIG HUG!

  • Jamiebaby05
    Jamiebaby05 Posts: 47 Member
    They may think your obsessed, let them because obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated. And remember that when someone is jelous of someone else its easier to put them down rather than to face the truth about themselves. Keep your chin up and heres to showing them!!!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Awesome response - don't let them rob your joy and what you want to accomplish. You are making them look at their stuff and they are resisting. Too bad they can't just be happy for you. Give your brother a hug for supporting you. :bigsmile:
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    Yeah! Screw them, you're doing great. I hate when they tell you to stop where you are because you look good, keep going.
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