Unsupportive partners/spouses?



  • kittynieve
    kittynieve Posts: 41 Member
    Hey all,
    my boyfriend is part supportive / part unsupportive and it's definitely weird for me. He is very thin and loves working out and we signed up to the local gym together which is great. He knows a lot about fitness and exercise and he is definitely a cheerleader for me in that department, complimenting me on my efforts etc and it really gives me a good feeling and a boost.

    On the other hand he has no idea about food or eating healthy. He could eat pizza, burgers, chips everyday and probably not gain a pound. So when I weigh my food on the scale in the kitchen, he always looks at me like he thinks it's ridiculous. In his opinion you can eat anything you want as long as you're working out. He even said to me "We've been eating take-out and nice dinners and you haven't gained any weight since we've been together" - which is not true at all and almost made me laugh. I gained about 10kg in the last two years we've been together. He doesn't see it and he doesn't believe in healthy eating which is making it quite difficult for me sometimes :neutral: I cook separate meals for us now and just do my thing food-wise but his skepticism towards my approach is bothering me a little bit.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    kittynieve wrote: »
    Hey all,
    my boyfriend is part supportive / part unsupportive and it's definitely weird for me. He is very thin and loves working out and we signed up to the local gym together which is great. He knows a lot about fitness and exercise and he is definitely a cheerleader for me in that department, complimenting me on my efforts etc and it really gives me a good feeling and a boost.

    On the other hand he has no idea about food or eating healthy. He could eat pizza, burgers, chips everyday and probably not gain a pound. So when I weigh my food on the scale in the kitchen, he always looks at me like he thinks it's ridiculous. In his opinion you can eat anything you want as long as you're working out. He even said to me "We've been eating take-out and nice dinners and you haven't gained any weight since we've been together" - which is not true at all and almost made me laugh. I gained about 10kg in the last two years we've been together. He doesn't see it and he doesn't believe in healthy eating which is making it quite difficult for me sometimes :neutral: I cook separate meals for us now and just do my thing food-wise but his skepticism towards my approach is bothering me a little bit.

    Trust me, it is so important to watch what you eat while working out. Your body needs the right fuel to perform and to recover. People who have fast metabolisms, think that they will burn off their food which is true to an extent. There is still the issue with salt, sugar and cholesterol to watch out for.

    Stick to what you are doing. Knowledge is power.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I don't have an unsupportive spouse, but I do have one that loses weight easily. I am very blessed to have a health conscious husband (but he does splurge on treats sometimes so he's not too rigid). He's been eating less because we eat the same meals and since mine are lower calorie, his are too by default. Only difference is I jog about 12 miles a week, and he doesn't and he is still losing more weight than me!! Not mad at him at all for it, it's sometimes just a big "UGH why is it so easy for you and not me?!?!"
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    I think men tend to lose weight quicker than their female counterparts. It may have to do with hormones and more muscle vs. fat ratio.
  • luckyjen76
    luckyjen76 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, mine is not supportive at all he laughs when I've told him I made my step goal and he acts like it is not an accomplishment losing weight, I'm currently at a healthy bmi but still would like to lose a bit more , never once have I heard a compliment from him, I don't get it
  • razzapool
    razzapool Posts: 89 Member
    not Unsupportive as such but I she really likes eating out and takeaway and she gets frustrated now I wont go the other problem I have is the problem with your partner thinking you are doin it to somehow impress someone else rather than the truth which is I (like most I guess) am doin it because it makes me feel better about myself because I hated myself when I at my biggest and wouldn't even take my top off in front of my wife
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    luckyjen76 wrote: »
    Hi, mine is not supportive at all he laughs when I've told him I made my step goal and he acts like it is not an accomplishment losing weight, I'm currently at a healthy bmi but still would like to lose a bit more , never once have I heard a compliment from him, I don't get it

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. Some partners can appear jealous or even resentful. They don't understand why you are trying to change and may even think you are doing it for someone else. Which is really silly and paranoid. Just keep your head up and take care of you.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    razzapool wrote: »
    not Unsupportive as such but I she really likes eating out and takeaway and she gets frustrated now I wont go the other problem I have is the problem with your partner thinking you are doin it to somehow impress someone else rather than the truth which is I (like most I guess) am doin it because it makes me feel better about myself because I hated myself when I at my biggest and wouldn't even take my top off in front of my wife

    Jealousy can often rear its ugly head during a transformation. I had this happen to me. I would hear the negative comments but whatever. If your partner wants to be silly and paranoid, then too bad for them. Just stick to what you are doing.
  • snowstormy8
    snowstormy8 Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2017
    My ex would always tell me I am beautiful the way I looked and I didn't need to lose a pound, even though I'm far into the obese side of the scale. I loved that he was sweet to me but it didn't help my motivation at all. He was attracted to bigger women and me losing weight wasn't as good looking to him. Haha backwards then many people for sure!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    kittynieve wrote: »
    Hey all,
    my boyfriend is part supportive / part unsupportive and it's definitely weird for me. He is very thin and loves working out and we signed up to the local gym together which is great. He knows a lot about fitness and exercise and he is definitely a cheerleader for me in that department, complimenting me on my efforts etc and it really gives me a good feeling and a boost.

    On the other hand he has no idea about food or eating healthy. He could eat pizza, burgers, chips everyday and probably not gain a pound. So when I weigh my food on the scale in the kitchen, he always looks at me like he thinks it's ridiculous. In his opinion you can eat anything you want as long as you're working out. He even said to me "We've been eating take-out and nice dinners and you haven't gained any weight since we've been together" - which is not true at all and almost made me laugh. I gained about 10kg in the last two years we've been together. He doesn't see it and he doesn't believe in healthy eating which is making it quite difficult for me sometimes :neutral: I cook separate meals for us now and just do my thing food-wise but his skepticism towards my approach is bothering me a little bit.

    He's the one being ridiculous not you- calories is the only thing that matters for weight loss and it's a lot easier to adjust your diet to be in a deficit than to try to use exercise alone. Your boyfriend is just blessed with a fast metabolism and is already lean so he has no trouble maintaining and burning off that little extra calorie intake from bad foods with his workouts. It is essential for you to keep measuring your food because you need to create a deficit to lose excess weight. He just doesn't understand because he's never had to watch his weight, but that doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, it means he is naive. Also I know from personal experience that exercise alone is not enough- 9 months of working out hard and no weight loss... 4 months of calorie counting (along with the same wirkouts) and I'm now down 17 pounds.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    S3r3knitty wrote: »
    My bf is half supportive. It's quite strange to be honest.
    We are pretty active and do a lot of it together but he is slightly overweight because he simply eats too much. He decided to start 30 days shred and it motivated me to do it too. However, I am more consistent with it. Now he tries to make me shift my workouts to the next day so he doesn't feel guilty about not doing it but sometimes he only does it once a week which is not enough for me.

    When I called him out on it he told me he doesn't want me to get all fit while he looks like a bag of potatoes next to me. I asked him if he wants us both to look like a bag of potatoes? His answer:"So you think I look like a bag of potatoes." :/

    Wow! That sounds terrible. You have to love yourself enough to stick with your routine. Don't let him discourage you. Maybe in time he will get involved.
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    edited February 2017
    My husband wasnt really on board at first, but now weighs out my stuff when he makes any food for us. He's come around.

    His mother though...I'm 5'6 and 156lbs...i would like to lose more weight but I'm strength training right now so i've plateaued until my body figures out whats going on lol

    Anyways, his mother makes comments like "your getting too skinny I'm concerned" well...you dont know my eating habbits so don't worry about it...is usually what i think.

    The other day,we have visited his parents and we were all having breakfast, asked who wanted milk. I said no only because I need to measure out what I'm consuming so I stuck with my water. Anyways, she puts a HUGE glass of milk in front of me and said "i dont care what you say your drinking the milk"

    Keep in mind I'm almost 30, married with a house...i looked at her and said "actually, no I'm not. Thanks anyways though"

    Just because i dont drink a gallon of milk for breakfast doesnt mean I have an eating problem. I'm being aware!

    Oh one more!

    I usually have black coffee, I dont really care for milk or cream or sugar in it so i enjoy it black. Anyways the inlaw was making coffee and I said "oh can i have mine black please?" She said "no your getting cream and sugar"....i was like ok but not a lot please. She looks at me like I'm giving her a hard time and says in a snarky attitude "well how much then?!"

    Uhm....none....your just making more work for yourself. Give it to me black please.

    Rant over. Thanks all! Lol
  • tasha12004
    tasha12004 Posts: 232 Member
    My boyfriend is the worst!

    My boyfriend met me when i was 5 months pregnant so he never saw my "Pre-baby" body. So he loves me the way i am. I shouldn't complain right? Well i find it really hard because he always says "You're not fat" and it drives me nuts. I have to cook seperate meals from our kids than me because he cooks with meat and carbs and fat and i just recently became a vegetarian almost 3 weeks ago. I know it's great that he loves me the way i am, but i also want him to want me to improve my health.

    And another side note..... he is an athlete and only weighs about 160 so he can eat anything he wants without gaining weight. So he doesn't understand the struggle of trying to loose weight and not being able to eat whatever he wants.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    My husband wasnt really on board at first, but now weighs out my stuff when he makes any food for us. He's come around.

    His mother though...I'm 5'6 and 156lbs...i would like to lose more weight but I'm strength training right now so i've plateaued until my body figures out whats going on lol

    Anyways, his mother makes comments like "your getting too skinny I'm concerned" well...you dont know my eating habbits so don't worry about it...is usually what i think.

    The other day,we have visited his parents and we were all having breakfast, asked who wanted milk. I said no only because I need to measure out what I'm consuming so I stuck with my water. Anyways, she puts a HUGE glass of milk in front of me and said "i dont care what you say your drinking the milk"

    Keep in mind I'm almost 30, married with a house...i looked at her and said "actually, no I'm not. Thanks anyways though"

    Just because i dont drink a gallon of milk for breakfast doesnt mean I have an eating problem. I'm being aware!

    Oh one more!

    I usually have black coffee, I dont really care for milk or cream or sugar in it so i enjoy it black. Anyways the inlaw was making coffee and I said "oh can i have mine black please?" She said "no your getting cream and sugar"....i was like ok but not a lot please. She looks at me like I'm giving her a hard time and says in a snarky attitude "well how much then?!"

    Uhm....none....your just making more work for yourself. Give it to me black please.

    Rant over. Thanks all! Lol

    Omg that's annoying!
    I bet they are overweight too...
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Omg that's annoying!
    I bet they are overweight too...[/quote]

    Fluffy indeed..

  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Omg that's annoying!
    I bet they are overweight too...

    Fluffy indeed..

    How about next time they do something like that you can pull up a BMI calculator on your phone. You can enter your stats and show them that you are in a healthy weight range for your height. Then you can offer to run their numbers too and see what category they fall into... and based on that decide who should be giving advice on how much milk to drink or cream and sugar to have? [/quote]

    Haha i wish i could, my balls arn't big enough to do that! Totally wish I could though!

  • JCcatalyst
    JCcatalyst Posts: 11 Member
    Wow so many similar stories. Mine is my partner is a body builder that likes craft beer and has a kegerater right in the house, he has chocolate chip cookies and milk every night. I cut out both for the most part. And I am back at the gym. He messes up this last week says sorry and brings me chocolates!!! First time in 5 years!!! Ugghgh!!!! How do you say no? I had some and took the rest to work!!! Lol we can do this! This is my journey and I will succeed!! So will you!!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    yes. a million times yes.
    i'm supposed to put my life on hold while he is working at his career. i get it, we have 3 kids together and it's hectic but my goals are just as real as his. :(

    You don't have to give up on your fitness goals though
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    cfm990 wrote: »
    Sometimes spouses and partners are a wee bit insecure. The healthier you get, the more attractive you become to others. Just sayin.

    Exactly! That's when the jealousy comes in and sometimes paranoia.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    TGIF people! I hope everyone will have a good day.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!