Unsupportive partners/spouses?



  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    Omg that's annoying!
    I bet they are overweight too...

    Fluffy indeed..

    How about next time they do something like that you can pull up a BMI calculator on your phone. You can enter your stats and show them that you are in a healthy weight range for your height. Then you can offer to run their numbers too and see what category they fall into... and based on that decide who should be giving advice on how much milk to drink or cream and sugar to have? [/quote]

    Haha i wish i could, my balls arn't big enough to do that! Totally wish I could though!

  • JCcatalyst
    JCcatalyst Posts: 11 Member
    Wow so many similar stories. Mine is my partner is a body builder that likes craft beer and has a kegerater right in the house, he has chocolate chip cookies and milk every night. I cut out both for the most part. And I am back at the gym. He messes up this last week says sorry and brings me chocolates!!! First time in 5 years!!! Ugghgh!!!! How do you say no? I had some and took the rest to work!!! Lol we can do this! This is my journey and I will succeed!! So will you!!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    yes. a million times yes.
    i'm supposed to put my life on hold while he is working at his career. i get it, we have 3 kids together and it's hectic but my goals are just as real as his. :(

    You don't have to give up on your fitness goals though
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    cfm990 wrote: »
    Sometimes spouses and partners are a wee bit insecure. The healthier you get, the more attractive you become to others. Just sayin.

    Exactly! That's when the jealousy comes in and sometimes paranoia.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    TGIF people! I hope everyone will have a good day.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    After reading all of these I am truly shocked. After years of really bad relationships, I can say I learned something.

    If your partner is not happy with you improving yourself, taking care of yourself and doesn't give you the support and understanding that you deserve, they aren't a loving partner. When you truly love someone you want them to be happy and healthy. Whether it's a spouse or a child or a parent. Irregardless of what you are doing with yourself, you want that person to be healthy and happy. That's a big part of what love is.

    Anything less, isn't love. If they are truly trying to sabotage you, as in not just being dense, but truly trying to keep you in a place where you are unhealthy and unhappy - it's emotional abuse and it's not healthy. This goes for working out, eating healthy, pursuing education, pursuing hobbies and friends. Anything at all that makes you a happy and healthy person.

    I love my husband so much that I want him to live forever. A day less with him would be a tragedy. Even if I wanted to live off of chocolate and never move from the couch, I'd celebrate him eating healthy and exercising all the way, just to know I'd see his face one more day. That's what love is. If he didn't want to do those things and I did, that would be fine too. He'd just be happy to see me so happy.

    I used to accept less from people. But now I realize, those partners never loved me. If they did, they would have done anything, especially something as simple as being supportive, just to see me one day longer because I was healthy.

    Love isn't just saying I love you. It's so much more than that. It's an action. And not supporting you to be healthy, is the opposite of a loving action.

    Sorry if this offends anyone.

    My thoughts exactly. I have always appreciated my man and the amazing amount of support that he gives me but reading this thread makes me to run home and give him a hug. I can't imagine him not being 100% supportive of everything that I do.

    To everyone else on here. You are doing this for YOU! Don't let anyone bring you down or discourage you. You can be healthy with or without your partners support.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Friday! Have a super day.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    CiaIgle wrote: »
    I normally confront my challenges alone.

    In this specific case, I wanted to make my journey as a long term, so not abrupt changes and minimum impact in my day to day routine, to run away from the yo-yo effect.

    So my closed ones were not aware of what I did. They even noticed some curious changes, like having MORE breakfast calories than before. Going to the gym was a clear tell anyway :smile:

    Now, after 6 months and 20 kgs lost. My family is asking me how to get in better shape :smile:

    Good for you in sticking to your plans. That is amazing progress and something to be proud of. It is great that you are sparking some interest from your family. It is a great start.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Hump Day!
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Friday!
  • TroubledSky
    TroubledSky Posts: 3 Member
    I have poor self control. My husband is aware, and always says that I don't need to lose weight. While that is sweet, I know I'm overweight. I feel so out of shape. He looked at me like I'd gone mad after I came home beaming from my first crossfit workout. He boasts on how he loves unhealthy stuff. When I want something healthy, he wants pizza. Then he acts like having some won't kill my efforts to lose weight. It is hard for me to do this alone. He won't even go for a walk with me. It kills me, because he could also be a lot healthier. We have 2 kids. I'm sure they'd love to see him live longer, too. He is finally making an effort, only because of his blood pressure. He always says he supports me and doesn't care if I want to do better, it is up to me. But he could bring less junk and temptations into the house. And not act like I'm nuts because I WANT to workout. I wish I could still go to the gym, I loved it.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    @TroubledSky I am sorry to hear that things are difficult at home. You have to stick with your journey to get healthy. Maybe in time, your husband will be inspired to change. I completely understand as my husband is the same. You have to focus on you.
  • Truvanessa
    Truvanessa Posts: 327 Member
    Happy Thursday!