Beautiful Behaviors - February 2017



  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    down another pound with a total of 13.5lbs since Jan 2. Still battling the urge to secretly binge but hanging strong. I have not had a binge since Jan 2.

    I stopped my reintroduction a little early and now doing modified whole30. Adding in just a few things and not at every meal.

    Interesting to note that oatmeal, rice and corn (non gluten grains) didn't seem to cause any issues but found myself getting hungry faster (feeling very hungry after 4hours, instead of 6 hrs) after eating those foods..... but didn't happen with potatoes...... strange......

    I'm playing around with combinations that will work best first me. Still staying away from refined sugar and wheat for now. Waiting until these new habits are more ingrained before I try my binge foods.

    Lea- you are so right about the additives and flavors in fast food and processed food. I can eat such large volumes of that crap and still "feel" hungry even though my stomach is screaming at me to stop. It's like I'm on autopilot programed to keep eating until I eventually end up in what I call a "carb coma".

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2017
    @deneenae - that is an awesome beautiful behavior!

    Today, to keep calm, I will continue building/painting my outdoor planter for wild vegetables. I love playing in the dirt!

    @fruitydelicious - Good job of being aware of the impact of foods on your body! Potatoes! That, in the light of their bad reputation, is interesting.

    Good morning all! Have a wonderful day!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member

    Date night tonight....cranky tween going to a sleepover. LOL

    Red wine will be hard to pass up. But one glass won't hurt.

    If there's ANYTHING I wish I could would be to find the motivation to exercise!!!! UGHHHH

    I hope everyone has a good day today.

  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    aleahurst wrote: »
    @deneenae - that is an awesome beautiful behavior!

    Today, to keep calm, I will continue building/painting my outdoor planter for wild vegetables. I love playing in the dirt!

    @fruitydelicious - Good job of being aware of the impact of foods on your body! Potatoes! That, in the light of their bad reputation, is interesting.

    Good morning all! Have a wonderful day!

    It thought that was odd too!! I have to say , I'm not a big potato fan (except for chips- lol) but have learned to love smashed potatoes. Paired with protein, it carries me a long time.
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Hi all, my name is Ticia and I have to join in on this amazing thread. A little history: I have been a chronic dieter. I've lost weight many times but usually in overly restrictive ways. 2016 was an enlightening year for me. I really worked on improving my mental health, my relationship with food, and made exercise a regular part of my routine. I worked out 6 days a week through all of Jan and was supposed to go to crossfit this morning, but was too sore. I was feeling guilty thinking I'm selling myself short, but looking at it through the beautiful behaviors perspective I realize that it's not at all selling myself short... I am listening to my body, and not giving in to obsessive tendencies. And that is a victory in and of itself. This month, I will focus on more mind-body awareness, be more in tune, exercise to show love for my body, not because of a hatred of it, and feed myself in ways that make me feel great

    This is fabulous!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    I agree! Wow, Ticia, that is a beautiful behavior!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hi, all, lurking again and struggling with food. i haven't gotten back on program since superbowl. i am drinking water like a fish, though, so that's my beautiful behavior for this week. today i am going to start dailyburn again. yes, i will! more later,
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    hi, all, lurking again and struggling with food. i haven't gotten back on program since superbowl. i am drinking water like a fish, though, so that's my beautiful behavior for this week. today i am going to start dailyburn again. yes, i will! more later,

    Same here. Superbowl did me in. Ughhhhhhh
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    You are all so kind and offer such helpful information. I am 59 and have never enjoyed exercise other than tennis which I stopped playing about 6 years ago. I am thinking that after i lose a little weight I might start back up. Right now I cannot fit into size xl tennis clothes. I am working hard on projects around the house working myself into a sweat. I am not sure i am burning calories but am getting steps in. This next week i am increasing my step goal and I bought some cute bowls that are much smaller than my old ones that I am going to use from now on. I am also going to look for cute smaller plates. Not lofty goals I know but i am trying to keep them obtainable so I don't give up out of frustration. Thank you all and good luck to everyone this week
  • theamazingcassiebunny
    @dlm4mom Getting smaller plates and bowls is a great idea. You can have a full plate without eating as much. I think it's a good trick to use to satisfy the part of your brain that wants quantity of food.

    Also, don't feel that working around the house and increasing your step goal are not lofty goals. They are awesome and sustainable goals that will certainly help your overall health and make it easier to add in more healthy changes later. Keep going. You are so on the path to health! :)
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @jessiquoi - there you are! Wooooooooo! Drink that water! Good for you!
    @KimF0715 - Superbowl did not do you in, because you are still here, putting your heart into self care! Good for you!

    I've had two good health days in a row and I'm about to stand up and shout! I built a lettuce planting box. I'm making plans for a handrail on my back step. I'll paint the handrail and lettuce planter at the same time. I'm going to Walmart for paint.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @dlm4mom - I agree with Cassie. Those are great self care ideas. Go for it!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good morning! Happy Sunday!

    While babysitting last night, I was VERY winded walking up the stairs with the baby. This has never been an issue with me. With everything that has been going on, I've really just let myself go. Lots of fast food. Ugh. My downfall.

    I went down to Indy for a couple interviews and stayed with a friend - a rough adventure. Ended up missing my interviews due to hitting a pole while backing out of my friends carport at her apartment. Awesome. There is a $500 deductible that I have to pay for in order to get he car fixed. I do not have $500 right now and am not sure when I'll get it. My left yellow light/turn signal (drivers side) is kaput. This is something I really need to get fixed ASAP.

    This week on Wednesday I go back down for a interview at a Church. It is a position that I have been looking for and would be a really great opportunity. Plus it would help me have a "home"'church and be better about going again and being more "Christ like". I have definitely strayed away from that.

    I also had an interview for a paraprofessional position (part time) up here, which is ideally what I truly want to do. This wouldn't start until mid March, so although it would be a great opportunity, the waiting game is where I'm struggling.

    Also my apartment lease is up at the end of March, so I have limited time for everything. Talk about stress. Talk about all the unbeautiful behaviors that have come with this.

    I have all healthy food which I'm planning on starting come Monday. I think I have gotten the fast food cravings out of my system -- getting subway/jimmy johns a couple times (which I like anyways, but normally wouldn't be my first choice).

    So my beautiful behaviors this week:
    Be social; Leaning on friends is truly what I need, not to shy away or deal with it on my own.

    Drink water; I have been drinking pop - from always going out to eat.

    Eat the food choices I have at home, nothing else.

    Believe in myself; I need to show confidence at the interview, to land the job.

    It has been very lovely reading the posts and making sure I'm still caught up! Keep up the amazing work! You guys are all of my inspiration!!!

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    @woznube7 Good luck with the interviews. Getting closer to church always helps me. I am preparing for Lent, which is quickly approaching. Such a good time for mindfulness and contemplation. Also it helps to eat as if it were always the Lenten season - only what the body needs!!! There is a lesson in that for sure. And nothing, I mean, NOTHING is more stressful than moving!

    @aleahurst - You're right....SuperBowl did not do me in. I am back on track! Woo hoo! And hey, I did get to eat some wings. Win/win. Great blog post, btw.

    Okay people...let's make it a good week! Knock 'em dead.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Libby - I'm so glad you're back "on the wagon". You may find that it's less stress to actually stick to a healthy (non scale) eating plan. Good for you.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    congrats to all who are working the program! i'm still struggling to get back on fully, and did a less than awesome food shopping yesterday. i bought too many tv dinners, which although low in calories, are high in sodium and just not as satisfying as cooking, you know? maybe today i will cook a chicken soup in the crockpot. not really feeling it, gotta tell you.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @jessiquoi - Yay! It's okay not to "feel it". It's okay that you're not back on fully. We all walk one step at a time.

    Today, I go to the doctor. :s

    I empty my pockets.

    I take off my sweater.

    I step on the scale. I was 217 in December. I want to be 216 today!

    The doctor measures my oxygen and CO2. I'll walk home the long way, so I can have exercise.

    Today, I will prepare for the worst (if I've gained, it's okay, but that's not likely) and hope for the best (214 wouldn't be bad either!).

    When I get under 200, they will no longer label me "obese"! THAT's what I'm going for!

    My beautiful behavior for today is to be happy with what I've learned about food and weight. I will walk slowly home and be grateful for the Arkansas weather - dry and chilly - which is perfect for walking. I have two water bottles in my pack with my oxygen tank. I. am. ready!!!

    Love you all.

  • theamazingcassiebunny
    @aleahurst Good for you getting so much walking in! Crossing my fingers for your weigh in.