Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth ... Weighing In.

    Somehow this year I stumbled onto a weight tracking system that few would want to duplicate ... it takes a lot of committment and TIME, yet it is working for me and might be beneficial to some one else who is as OCD and unencumbered by time constraints as I am (no job to go to, live alone).

    I track my weight daily and type it into a small spreadsheet I created for my self ... you can do it on Google Sheets and keep it on your phone/computer/pad or you can do it in a spreadsheet that resides on your drive.

    After every Sunday weigh-in I calculate the average weight for the week using the weights recorded during the week, sometimes I skip a weigh-in, so this calculation is not automated. That average weight is the one I use to report as my weight for one of the Weigh-Loss Challenges I am a member of. It really smooths out the ups and downs during the week for me. So far in 2017 I have trimmed off 5% of my starting weight.

    @pneschich ... I'm joining in to wishing you the best of outcomes on your upcoming surgery. You have powerful good vibes coming at you from all your friends here on this thread!

    @Susan2396 ... Thanks for welcoming all the newcomers you picked up on ... I recall how it feels to be welcomed ... and it feels good.

    Welcome aboard/back @TheBrocheter ... Know you can do it, you have time on your side!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @pneschich - Woo Hoo!!! I know you've been waiting awhile and for it to be happening so fast I'm sure there's a little nervousness. I'm 3 months post op and truly do not regret my decision after YEARS of battling and the roller coast of gains and losses. Please remember you're just getting a tool. You still have to use your tool properly with eating and exercise. To be honest, surgery is the easy part. This is still a mental journey you have to face and NEVER forget what got you to this point. Now that I'm relearning how to eat and how much better I feel I know I NEVER want to go back to that 319 lb person. So proud of you!!!!
  • I would like to join this thread. I too need to lose 100 pounds, well 115 actually. It depresses me so much that I am as fat as I am, it is a real job trying to keep positive and a smile on my face when I don't always feel that way inside. I have good days and bad days but I keep on going. Today was my first day of "exercise" I actually need an exercise plan, routine. I walked on my treadmill for 15 minutes to start with but would like to incorporate some weight lighting, even if light weights, I so want to try to get back in shape.
  • Misnomer971
    Misnomer971 Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning, all! And "welcome" to the new folks. :)

    My Thursday Truth is that I still use restaurants as an excuse to eat poorly/whatever I want. :( The other day I had dinner at Olive Garden: I could have just gotten spaghetti with marinara sauce and not blown my daily calorie goal (and been plenty full), but I still don't have enough willpower to avoid breadsticks and dessert. What should have been a 480-calorie meal turned into a 1,650-calorie meal! I've already decided that I'm no longer drinking alcohol when I'm out: now I need to work on making better choices at restaurants. :determined face:

    Otherwise, though, it's been a good week. On Tuesday night I got a bunch of new toys from Verizon (phone, smart watch, and VR headset), and new gadgets always make me happy! Work hasn't been too busy, which is a blessing. Outside of the office I've been doing lots of prep for Sunday evening's show (for new folks, I'm a jazz singer): last night I had a voice lesson that went well, and the next few days will include practicing as much as I can and getting my sheet music, gear, etc. together. On Saturday I'll be getting a haircut and meeting up with friends for lunch -- plus a little shopping -- so I'm looking forward to that.

    This afternoon I'll be seeing my optometrist for my annual eye exam. I definitely need new glasses, and it's time to figure out what adjustments need to be made in order to improve my distance vision. I already wear contact lenses; it might be time to add reading glasses on top of them, or try out bifocal lenses. This middle-aged stuff is for the birds. ;)

    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, @pneschich!!
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks joining :)

    I haven't been active on here this past week and no good excuse for it either! I haven't seen much movement in my weight this past week but am continuing to see improvements with my strength and changing body shape (bye bye inches!) which has kept me feeling positive.

    I went to my gym and sat down with a trainer on Monday morning who set me up with a personalized workout plan which should carry me through the next 6 weeks. And let me tell you, it is tough! I've been getting up earlier to hit the gym so I can get in hour long gym sessions 6 days a week which includes 3 full-body weight training session and keeping up with my C25K program with added ab workouts the other 3 days. The trainer has me doing 80 reps (4x20) of each exercise in my strength training workouts which is brutal but so satisfying when I get through them! My body is definitely sore but I feel like I am definitely getting a better workout than the preset circuit that I was doing before.

    Also big achievement - I went from running 9/30 mins on the C25K program last week to running 16/30 mins this week and I didn't even flinch!! I can't believe that I was able to make that jump - I was fully expecting to have to repeat a couple days in order to make it happen but I'm so impressed that I didn't have to. That jump has me up to 3.6 km over the 30 min!

    Truth Thursday - I still struggle with controlling my eating habits. I find myself not logging my food on days when I know I've gone over as though not seeing the calorie count tallied up means that it never happened (silly brain - that's not how that works!!). I want to get better at punching everything into my diary even if it means that I blow my goal.

    @pneschich - Glad to hear that your surgery is back on the books! Good luck :)
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @situationdesired - welcome, and YOU CAN DO IT! Last year at this time I weighed 305 lbs. Today I weigh 205. I started my weight loss journey on 4/4/16, and with the help of my MFP friends, regular tracking and daily exercise I managed to lose 100 lbs. I'm a 62 yr old woman. If I can do it, (almost) anyone can. We're all here too support you - good luck!

    @pneschich - depending the most positive of vibrations your way. Yes, you can!

    @Nikion901 - sounds like a nifty spreadsheet, and a sensible method of tracking your loss. Congrats on letting go ox that 5pct.

    To all the newcomers, WELCOME! You've come too the right place for support.
  • lisakrez
    lisakrez Posts: 6 Member
    I need to loose 100, need all the help I can get!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Lauriek70 ... This is for you, I know it was a hard day yesterday for you and your mom ... what with it being the anniversary of your dad's passing. Hope all is going well and your healthy goals are being achieved.

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Friday fitness: 14000 steps 6 of the last 7 days. I walked over 3 miles each day of those 6. Over 18 miles! Some minor foot pain but nothing horrible. Lifted my dumbell workout twice tonight too. Then no lifting for 6 weeks I think. A great week.

    Thank you to all of you for your support, encouragement and well wishes on my surgery news. I will keep you posted on my progress and recovery.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pneschich That is amazing that you have done so well, I know we are all so proud of you! If you are not up to posting after your surgery, it would be great if your supportive wife would post a little message letting us know that you are ok, that would be mind easing for us!
    @320sycamore - Girlie, if you are out there lurking, you need to leave a message that you are ok. I'm concerned about that something is wrong with you or your DH. It's been at least six weeks since I've heard from you! I'll be clicking my Ruby Slippers trying to find you soon, if you don't! LOL
    welcome to all new thread members like @situationdesired, @TheBrocheter , @lisakrez. It's a great place to hang out to be informed, encouraged and where people will listen and not judge, so you can share from all your places...good or bad. I KNOW we can do this. I am in such a better place with 37 pounds gone. I had a recent gain back but I'm only 8 pounds from my lowest, so I'm all excited and forging ahead. That's the secret, when you've fallen away for whatever reason, just start over again and don't get lost in your own disappointment. Stuff happens everyone knows this, so don't let it keep you at an unhealthy place. It's a journey as we always say and the path is not straight or easy but it is simple. We are here for you!
    @gullagr -WOW those are amazing strides! Good for you! I'm doing a happy dance for you!
    @susan2396 -I love your great spirit. You are using that tool and making the most of it. It's sad to see people who think it's some kind of magic pill and end up gaining their weight back. I believe in you and love your support!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome to the new people! There is always lots of support and motivation and understanding of struggles here.

    @Misnomer971 It's so hard to stick to a plan in restaurants. I read something awhile back about most restaurant desserts aren't really worth the calories unless it is someplace that specialises in dessert/pastry/etc. A lot of places (especially chains) buy cheap frozen dessert items because they can make one of their biggest profit on them on the markup compared to the cost with little to no preparation. It has helped me turn down dessert the last couple of times I have been out because I have thought about how I always have the option to spend the calories on something I crave later if I think it's worth it.

    @campfirequeen1 After all of the upheaval you have had lately, 8 pounds is nothing and you have such a good attitude as far as knowing you can lose it again rather than beating yourself up.

    @pneschich That's great progress! I'm so glad to hear that the foot is doing better and you are able to get out again.

    Friday fitness - this week I noticed that I have started to feel almost "at home" in my body for the first time I can remember. Walking and moving around feels *good*. I am able to push myself during my lunch break walks to get my heart rate up. I couldn't have imagined sustaining a brisk pace for even a minute a couple of months ago, but now I am able to for over half an hour. Sometimes I am walking so quickly that I just want to start jogging. I am holding off on trying to jog at least until I am under 200 because I have already had knee pain from being so overweight. I don't want to stress my joints too much.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    HIT/METCON kicked my derrière this morning. Somehow I was in a group with 5 tough guys. I couldn't quite keep up, but it did make me push myself harder. 35 minutes of my HR around 165+. This week has been good. 4 work outs. Eating was good. Feeling stronger every day. Life is good. Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!! Keep making good food choices and do something to get up and move. We CAN do this every day!!!
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2017
    Hi Guys! Sorry to be doing yet another "drive by" posting! I'll do personals on the next post though I promise!
    Welcome to all the New Folk! You've found the right place for you! These folks are an Awesome group!

    Well, this week has definitely been better on all fronts for me. On Saturday I got a phone call from DH. After two hours of talking, he asked me out to dinner before a party that we were both planning to attend (either together or apart). We went to the party together and on our way there he told me that he had all the stuff he took with him in the car, so he's been home since then. Things are still pretty guarded with us, and I've still got questions that I feel I need answered, but we've actually talked like Adults this week about several things that we Should have been talking about for months/years. I can finally walk into my house again without dread that all we would do is argue. It may be the depression med, it may be the counseling (went to 2nd session yesterday), but I'm feeling better than I've felt in a very long time. I've had quite a few "Tall Days" lately and I really like that feeling! Oh, "Tall Days" for me are when my 5'2" self is having a really good day where everything seems to fall into place and i'm absolutely On my game. I've not had good "Tall Days" in longer than I realized. I'm trying to get DH to go to couples counseling with me, he's thinking about it, which is more than he's done any other time I've asked him to go. Anyway, I ended up bouncing back up on the scale by 2 lb since I've been eating more or less normally this week, but this morning I saw that I'm heading back in the right direction. YAY! Sleep is better. I'm getting between 5-6 hours a night so far. I'll take that over insomnia any day!

    So Here's to Us All having Tall Days this weekend!
    Until my next post, I'm keeping my chins up and hope y'all are too!!

    Jenn :smile:
  • debbieinva
    debbieinva Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning all, I am new to these threads and this one caught my eye,,,, yes I have 100plus more to lose! I have done it before, two or three times.... just have not learned to keep it off!! Guess I would be a millionaire if I could figure that one out!!! So I am starting again, week and half out trying to just do 21 days!!! That is what it takes for me to lose that sugar addiction... 21 days!!!!!! it does get easier after that!!!!! I like reading everyone's journey and picking up a few tips along the way!!!!
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    @Damensha - I'm glad to hear that you are getting back to a better place! :)
    @debbieinva - You've come to a great place! There is a lot to learn from the fantastic people here. Just making the decision to start again is the most important part so you're off to a great start!

    Fitness Friday - I've had a great (and sore) week. I've kept up with the new workout plan. I even got ambitious this morning and upped my running speed for C25K. Managed to pack 2.4 miles into 32 mins (running and walking). Looking forward to next week when I get to try my first 20 min run straight!

    I took a few moments today and really reflected on how far I've come in only the 6 weeks of this new year. And I was amazed that I haven't been more proud and impressed with myself! I've managed to drop 15 lbs which translates to 25% of my short term goal of losing 60 lbs and it means I'm 17% closer to being at the recommended healthy body weight based on my height/frame! But beyond the scale, the girl that could barely pull her *kitten* out of bed at 7:30 to get ready for work is now waking up without (much) complaint at 5:45 and at the gym working out by 6am! I get much more rested sleep at night and am more energetic throughout the day. I feel healthier, I feel happier, and I can't believe that I took getting to my lowest (mentally) and heaviest point to decide to make some serious changes! I think its time that I change my perspective and stop bashing the things that I still don't like about myself and take more pride in the successes I've had!

    I am so thankful for the support here! Between the consistently uplifting comments, inspiring stories, and so much more I truly believe its a big part of why I've even been able to make it this far without falling off the wagon!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Damensha- Tall days, I'll have to remember that one because I like it and I'm 5"3" so I get it! LOL
  • woodm87
    woodm87 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! For fitness, I've been hitting the gym. I really enjoy exercising way more than I thought I would.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    I'm 6ft tall - and I still like the idea "Tall Days." Thanks for the visual, @Damensha - and I'm so glad things are going better for you!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @Damensha glad to hear things are getting better on the home front! I love your expression "Tall Days". I may have to start thinking in those terms, since I've shrunk from 5'5 1/2 to 5' 3 as I've aged! :( Here's to lots moe of them for all of us!

    @Dalceridae congrats on your increase in your walking pace. You give me hope as I am a very slow walker.

    @pneschich great work with your walking this week! Best wishes on your surgery and remember to let us know how you are doing afterward!

    My Friday fitness is that I have been riding my bike this week. Not as much as I wanted to but I hope to improve on that next week. Like Dalceridae I am already beginning to feel more comfortable even though I am just starting this journey (again) and have only lost about 14 pounds. I can bend over easier, don't get out the breath quite so fast and the daily logging has gotten me better at not just watching my calories but also my sodium-no more swollen foot!!! Yea! Why only one foot would swell and not both, who knows! I'm hoping that by the time my 70th birthday rolls around this October that I'll be close to my goal of 100 lb lost and be a much healthier septuagenarian, after all I read the other day that 70 is the new 50! I like that. :smiley:
  • TheBrocheter
    TheBrocheter Posts: 13 Member
    Just wanted to check in and share! Lost 4 pounds so far and I even ventured to a restaurant tonight and still stayed under my goal. Fitness wise well I just got a puppy so he keeps me moving. Mile walks per day getting him tuckered out and playing tug and fetch!