H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    BJ, that's GREAT!!! Woohoo for you!!! 50 pounds is amazing... so proud of you!

    Lisa... great to know about the Garmin. I didn't feel like I needed one with GPS since I use my iPhone for that and for my music. Seemed a little redundant to me, but the whole gadget thing.. I totally get it! I feel like a pro when I'm out there in my Rudy Project sunglasses and cap, my iPhone in it's awesome holder (thanks again Christine) and my Polar HRM... not to mention my new little running skirt (I have two now) and Brooks shoes!!!! Who knew you could have so much fun shopping and running in all this stuff??? I need new shoes this week though.. mine are at 295 miles as of today!!!! Time to break in a new pair before the 1/2 marathon!

    So I did my 3 miles... and it was hot! Sweat your face of hot... and humid! But I made it and survived and felt pretty good after. I drank enough water to float the Titanic today, so I'm sure that helped!!!

    Looking forward to my day off Thursday... I'm going to be seeing a friend from college who lives on the other side of the state so we haven't seen each other much in the last 15 years or so. She and her husband are doing the Michigander Bike Tour which is a week long bike trip around parts of Michigan. This year they are over by me and are stopping on Thursday right next to my town!!! Yay for catching up with girlfriends!!! I'm hoping to take her to a local brewery for dinner.. they have the yummiest food and awesome brews too. I think she will love it! Whatever we do, I'm sure it will be fun.

    Busy day at work today, so I'm pooped... have a great day!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I'm HOME!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: SO good to be home. I've been trying to get unpacked, etc with five little "helpers" (slightly chaotic :laugh: ) and hubster's entire family is coming in this weekend, so I'm trying to get things ready for that. We're going to have a great weekend. :bigsmile:

    So I'll be back in full swing on Monday, I hope. :wink:

    April, your pictures are beautiful!!

    All the rest of you - :drinker: - You're doing a terrific job. Keep it up!!!!!

  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    having missed alot-am in the process of caughting up :)
    I now have a new plan and many new challenges ahead of me.
    Hang in there Ladies ~and a Gent or two if around.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Lisa, I'm so glad you're going to get your foodie on! You'll have to tell me all about your experience. :) I'm definitely going to have to really start looking into the Polar FT7. Of course, I want a pink model if available :laugh:. I don't feel like I need a Garmin one, since I use my iPhone while I run to track my distance (usually RunKeeper or Run Watch). I'm very impressed that you went running in 90 degree heat! You're awesome!

    Jen, you're totally right, laundry is never done! Just like the dishes, they're never ever completely done. Best of luck with your 30/45/60 day Shred challenge! You'll totally make it.

    Linda, I hope your MIL finds her spark again. I definitely think you should have taken a half day since you were only wearing half of your uniform. :tongue:

    BJ, CONGRATS!!! 50 pounds is a major accomplishment!!

    Cazz, I definitely think running is something the "new you" could learn to like. I absolutely hated running up until last year when I forced myself to give it a try, and I actually enjoy it now! Can you get some kind of wrap/support for your knee so you can give a slow jog a go?

    Nikki, I'm just like you, I had NO idea that one could have fun buying cute things for running/exercising/getting healthy! I'm glad you'll be getting to see an old friend, what a nice thing to look forward to.

    Crystal, yay for being home!

    Molly, hope your new plan works well for you. :)

    Happy Wednesday! Finally hit the track again last night. I could tell I hadn't run in a while, but I still got 2 miles in. I'm starting to doubt my half marathon next year. Just the idea of running for more than an hour intimidates me tremendously. There's still room to sign up, but it is 69% full. Anyway, enough downer stuff from me. Had a nice weigh-in this morning and ate a good breakfast. Now, just need to peel myself away from the computer and get some housework done. We snagged a great deal on a whole salmon ($6 for a 4lb fish!) and we're going to grill that sucker up tonight. Healthy tastes good! Oohh I could use some white wine to go with that fish...I should send hubby a text and ask him to pick up a bottle on his way home from work!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Christine, I sure hope you got the wine to go with that salmon... for sure!

    Crystal, have fun with the fam! And I don't know how you do it with all those little hands... sometimes I just need to be alone, and I only have two olderish kids!!!!

    I was going to take a bike ride this evening, maybe up to the ice cream shop, but it's 8:23 and still 94 degrees with 1000% humidity. Ain't gonna happen. I'm a little disappointed, but since I need to run 6 miles tomorrow, I figure I shouldn't over do it today anyway. Plus work has been BUSY the past three days and I'm exhausted. So, I'll get up early to try and get the coolest part of the day (yeah, they are predicting the "low" tonight to be 80's...) and get it over with. I'll weigh in as well and hope to be under where I was before vacation. We'll see!!!

    I love summer, but this heat is dangerous. Stay safe everyone!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hubby is on his way to the grocery store for the wine as I type! :heart:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Oh yeah...hot as Hades here today. I agree with you Nicki...1000% humidity. Temp right now as we speak is 86! My pool is like bath water. Shoulda brought the soap and shampoo with me! Haha!
    I might try to ride my bike in the am...if I get up early enough. But if not, I will ride the treadmill.
    I would still rather have heat than freakin cold though....

    Stay cool out there!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well dinner didn't go as planned. It was our first attempt at grilling a whole salmon and it did not go well. The fish was still red by the spine, so while I was trying to sear the pieces in a pan, hubby said "if that doesn't work, we'll order Thai", to which I immediately replied (without even looking at the fish) "it isn't working." :laugh: Thai is one of my all-time fave foods! That and Japanese. And unfortunately the wine he picked up ended up tasting like paint thinner (Mondavi Chardonnay...weird). Dinner fail turned out totally yummy. :happy:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Thank you ladies :)

    I didnt work out yesterday and I feel huge, i know you should have rest days, but I very rarely do, its scary how fast I feel huge :| Definately going to try harder today.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Oh, Christine, that made me laugh!!! At least you got yummy food... and if the wine wasn't great, it's still wine! Just kidding.... sort of.

    BJ, you aren't huge! But I get it, it's healthy to rest the muscles, but it's hard not to feel lazy if you're used to working out all the time! I tend to take 1-2 rest days. I need them becuase I'm not a spring chicken!!!! Plus, I know it's good, but sometimes I just feel the NEED to get out and move. A nice easy walk or bike ride can really help on those days!!!!

    Linda, I'm with ya. This heat may be intense, but I still like it better than winter!!!!

    I got in my six miles this morning, but it was still 85 degrees out. Was supposed to be a Tempo run, but I watched my HRM and didn't push too fast. Ended up being slower than I would have liked, but it was ok since I was maxed out on HR practically the whole time! Just not worth a heat stroke. Also I wore my water belt and drank every drop of all four bottles!!!! Sweating profusely will do that to ya! So glad nobody saw me before I got in the shower... that was NOT pretty!!!!

    But, I had a nice loss on the scale today! Hoping it stays that way... you never know sometimes. I know my ticker says 1 pound to go, but I'm probably going to change that or just get rid of it for a while. I really think I can/should lose another 5-10 pounds. I'm as small as I was after my first year of college... but not quite high school wieght yet (thank you freshman 15!!!!!). Not sure if I can/will get there, but right now I feel great, so I'm not ready to go to maintainence yet. So I'm going to keep on keeping on...

    Oh, and I should be seeing an old college friend today... we live hours apart but she's going to be in town for the evening!!!! Yay for girlfriends!!!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: I just got home from the ER with our 2 year old that got 8 stitches above his eye, due to a misplaced baseball bat by his brother. :grumble: Oy, what a day........

    Company arrives in about 30 min - :indifferent:

    My three happies:
    1. Little man isn't hurt worse than he is
    2. we have a great family that loves us
    3. I have five wonderful, healthy children and a man that loves me unconditionally - even if I'm a crank sometimes. :bigsmile:

    Have a GREAT weekend, Friends!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    :bigsmile: :happy:
    :yawn: :yawn: I just got home from the ER with our 2 year old that got 8 stitches above his eye, due to a misplaced baseball bat by his brother. :grumble: Oy, what a day........

    Company arrives in about 30 min - :indifferent:

    My three happies:
    1. Little man isn't hurt worse than he is
    2. we have a great family that loves us
    3. I have five wonderful, healthy children and a man that loves me unconditionally - even if I'm a crank sometimes. :bigsmile:

    Have a GREAT weekend, Friends!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    As an ex-ER nurse... time in the ER is NEVER pleasant! ESPECIALLY with a 2 yr old!! And those darn baseball bats really do need to learn better self-control, don't they! :happy: They will tell stories about this event in 20 years!! :bigsmile: "See this little line right here above my eye? That's a scar! Wanna know how it got there?! HE did it!!" :laugh: And Crystal... even YOU will smile as he tells it!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good evening my friends...saw this on another post, thought it might keep us positive. I have a couple so I will write them up as our days pass.

    Name something today that made you smile....
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Made me smile? My little man can't say much, but he has stared calling the Simpsons 'Doh' :D

    I walked 7 miles this morning
    I am getting a new pram tomorrow, which will greatly speed up the walking, as this one has a wonky wheel.
    I am off to a wedding tomorrow, lots of food and drink and I refuse to feel guilty :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone.. I hope you're all doing good.. Its just now starting to rain here.. I'm hoping it means that it will be cooling down really soon.. :) hoping for some decent weather tomorrow.. I have a photo shoot.. I called in today because my back is killing me. :( AGAIN... Laying on the couch, playing with pictures.. I took some pain meds.. Thank goodness.. Here is a picture for today.. I took it this past Sunday..

    Her name is Kendall.. She is sooo adorable.. and she made it SOO easy to take pictures.. I look forward to taking more pictures of her in the future.. :)


    Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :) I miss everyone,..
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    BJ - congratulations on your big loss earlier this week. You've hit a huge milestone! Yay for getting a new pram! If you're already doing 7 miles with the wonky wheel imagine how you're going to do with the new one :smile: Have a wonderful time at the wedding tomorrow!

    Nikki - I hope you had a blast with your friends! It's so great to catch up with people when you haven't seen them in a while. And it sounds like they're doing a really cool bike trip.

    Crystal - welcome home!! It's a cliche for a reason, but there's no place like home, especially when you have kids!

    Christine - I looked for a pink polar, and seriously considered a pink garmin, but functionality won over colour, so I ended up with a cheaper, but really useful, red/orange *hideous* garmin. Maybe spray paint? You can totally do the 1/2 marathon - are you on a training plan? They have a lot of 16 week plans, so even if you're not "training" yet, you could start as late as September and be able to get ready. I can understand the intimidation factor, but if you're already running, a lot of this is mental. You can do it! You have to do it so I can see the pretty medal around your neck. What else is going to motivate me for Tinkerbell 2013?

    Oh and your salmon adventure - I laughed my *ss off at the progression of those posts! I bbq'd fish last night with great success, but I was almost disappointed i couldn't order in after :smile:

    Linda - I'm with you, I'd so much rather have heat than cold! It's too bad your pool was so warm. I always fantasize about having a pool and one of those floaty chaise loungers. Ahhh, now that would make life just about perfect.

    Nikki, partly thanks to you, and your post earlier this week, I am now the owner of a cute running skirt!

    I've been running in capris (in this 90-100 degree heat) and I was WAY too hot. Plus my pants kept slipping down because they were too big (not the worst thing ever). I've always been afraid to wear shorts/skirts running because my legs are NOT my best feature. I'm more pear shaped, and everything above my waist is good, but hips/thighs - not so good. But I told myself to "get over it" and yesterday I bought my first pair of shorts in 11 years. They're running shorts and super comfortable (and cute). I was shocked that the size 10s were too big and I bought the size 8s! Then today I went to the Running Room and picked up a running skirt. So now I'm hooked up and bring on the hot weather!

    Other happy things: for the first time in almost three months I posted a loss today! I've been plateaued forever, and I wasn't stressed out about it, but it was great to see the scale down 1.5 lbs. Yay for running and the 30 Day Shred!

    Also, I saw my trainer this morning and she took me running outside to evaluate where I am and whether I'd be ready for a 5k in September. Apparently we are now skipping the 5k and training for a 10k at the end of October! I told her I wasn't sure I'd be able to run that far, but today we went 8.8k, so I could be ready for a 10 k in a few months...once again, SHOCKED.

    So I'm really, really happy today. My butt fits into smaller shorts than I thought, I can run further than I thought, and the scale is down for the first time in months. I'm into this running thing and glad that my trainer is pushing me because I'm proud of my progress. Those are my happy things!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lisa, you're going to LOVE that running skirt. I have two now and I'm sure I'll be getting more. Just love them, and they are cute as heck! Will be sporting mine tomorrow on my 9 mile run.

    I've decided to play with my training schedule just a tad. Right now it has me running short distance on Tuesday, mid-distance speedwork on Thursday, short on Friday and long run Saturday. Those three days in a row are a bit much on my 39 year old knees! So I'm going to move my Friday runs to Sunday. I don't want to run long on Sunday, but a couple miles I can do before church. It will be peaceful in town and I think it will work out good. Will try it this weekend, plus I didn't want to run after work tonight... totally wiped out!

    Oh, and if I can train for a half marathon... ANYONE can!!!! Go for it... get a plan, the best shoes you can find... and go for it!

    Have a great weekend....
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Did my nine miles this morning. It was overcast so not too bad, but still really humid. I also changed my goal weight to another five pounds down. I'm 4.5 under what my original goal was, so I really don't know where I'll end up, but I like the idea of just going for another 5 at a time. If I can lose another 15 I'll be back in my high school jeans!!!! Wouldn't that be something?

    Well, today's my anniversary... we got married 17 years ago when I was just a baby!!! Seriously, hard to remember much before we were a couple. Went to see Harry Potter and planning on dinner later. I'm going to take a quick nap now, I'm pretty wiped out from the run! Anyway... happy weekend everyone!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Did my nine miles this morning. It was overcast so not too bad, but still really humid. I also changed my goal weight to another five pounds down. I'm 4.5 under what my original goal was, so I really don't know where I'll end up, but I like the idea of just going for another 5 at a time. If I can lose another 15 I'll be back in my high school jeans!!!! Wouldn't that be something?

    Well, today's my anniversary... we got married 17 years ago when I was just a baby!!! Seriously, hard to remember much before we were a couple. Went to see Harry Potter and planning on dinner later. I'm going to take a quick nap now, I'm pretty wiped out from the run! Anyway... happy weekend everyone!

    Happy Anniversary. Nikki!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks for the anniversary wishes! It was a relaxing day, just what we both wanted. Seems like the wedding was just a month ago, hard to believe 17 years has flown by!!!! He's back on the road today. Back to reality!

    I did the three miles I was supposed to do Friday this morning. I'm thinking this may be a change worth making for the rest of my training. I like running Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun better so I get a few non-consecutive days off. Keep tweaking until you find what works, I suppose.

    Hope you all had a great weekend. I did end up taking a nap yesterday and am almost thinking I may take one today too!!! Felt sooooo great!!!! Anyway, my happy for today is that it's only 82 degrees!!! Yes, it's still sticky humid, but the heat index isn't above 100 and I love it! We may even get a thunderstorm which would be awesome!!!!! Maybe a bike ride later if it's not raining... but laundry is calling me!