February 2017 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for February
    2/1 5 miles - 5
    2/2 10miles - 15
    2/3 5 miles - 20
    2/4 18 miles - 38
    2/5 REST DAY
    2/6 10 miles - 48
    2/7 10 miles - 58
    2/7 5 miles - 63 << Daily Double and leg workout in the gym
    2/8 5 miles - 68
    2/9 7.5 miles - 75.5
    2/10 REST DAY
    2/11 14 miles - 89.5
    2/12 REST DAY
    2/13 7 miles - 96.5
    2/14 7.5 miles - 104


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12 << 1:35:55 2 in AG & 25 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10 << 2:44:41
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (unofficial) - 1/21 << 1:46:48 2 OA
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (rescheduled) - 2/18
    Kentucky Derby Marathon - 4/29

  • ko4q
    ko4q Posts: 46 Member
    2/1 7.5
    2/2 athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/3 8.0
    2/4 11.0
    2/5 1.5 warm up + athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/6 7.2 with 3' pickups
    2/7 4.5 (hard) with 6x strength circuits
    2/8 7.25
    2/9 athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/10 3.75 + 30' stair climber
    2/11 3.6 + athletic conditioning class (60')
    2/12 7.2
    2/13 7.25


    Not sure what I feel like today--can't run until after work (blah!), I need to get back out in the morning!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    And for the life of me I can't figure out how to update my ticker now that I'm on a different computer than I made it on this afternoon. I have the link for it saved, but when I click on it, it just shows me the ticker on a black field. And when I go to the site, I only see the option to create a new ticker. Ugh.

    Do you know the weblink for the ticker that you were posting that you like to update?

    Yes, I copied it and have it saved in a Google Doc. Now that I'm back on the computer I set it up on (my work pc), I'm able to add the mileage, since I never closed out of the window. I just wasn't able to when I went home and went to the site.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Before heading out my left calf felt tight so gave both calves a quick go on the foam roller, and realised they were super tight. Admittedly I didn't stretch properly after yesterdays long run but even so I'm surprised I could even walk given how they felt on the roller. In the absence of anyone to take me to dinner, I think a proper foam rolling session will be my Valentine's gift to myself tonight!

    As for the run, 35 minutes steady was the intention today but started out too fast. Tried to slow down but felt like I was running too slow compared to what my perceived effort should be so my pace bounced around a lot. Run itself was good but I've a lot to learn about pacing my training runs - only 2 of my 6km were in the right range and the rest too fast. I generally have 3 speeds, all out, fast and slow, which has done me well so far. Apparently now I need to learn how to go at a pace between fast and slow, and also learn a super slow pace!

    01-Feb: 1.7km treadmill intervals [TM]
    02-Feb: 3.4k treadmill [TM]
    05-Feb: 6.6k + 5.5k easy
    06-Feb: 7.5k tempo
    07-Feb: 4.1k easy
    10-Feb: 10k easy
    13-Feb: 16k MP
    14-Feb: 6.4k steady

    2017 Confirmed Races:
    19-Mar: Richmond Half Marathon
    14-May: Bexhill Starfish Marathon
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    @Orphia - runaroundeurope looks pretty interesting - I am a sucker for a tshirt and some bling!
    Speaking of which @girlinahat that is perhaps the most awesome medal I have seen! Well worth the 13.1m
    @dkabambe - I have just got a foam roller, but haven't used it yet. Hopefully it'll help after my long runs

    Need to update my ticker - I have been doing the miles, just not reporting in. Hoping to get a place in the Blaydon Race tomorrow, but it sells out pretty quick
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @Orphia I am now running 'around the USA', lol. I figured it would be a cool thing to have at the end of my first true full year of tracking mileage, with a concrete distance goal at the end.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    FEBRUARY Running challenge
    Goal: 50 km
    Done: 32/18 km

    14/2/17 Walk 7 km
    13/2/17 Run 10 km walk 7 km
    7/2/17 Run 10 km
    5/2/17 Run 5 km
    2/2/17 Run 7 km
    1/2/17 Rest day slow walk 3 km
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    +4.0 mi. Total: 26.9 miles.

    (1 of the 2 short runs for this week down)


  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Distances in Miles

    02/10 - 9.3
    02/11 - 20.2
    02/12 - 5.2

    I missed three runs last week due to work, family and fatigue so I partially made it up with a 9 mile run on Friday.

    Saturday was meant to be a trail run but above freezing temps during the day, returning to freezing temps at night, makes for ice rinks on the trails. Run reports from the local trail running group confirmed this so I made a large loop in paved suburbia. One benefit of this is not having to carry any water. At about the 15 mile mark I stopped at a gas station for a bottle of water to wash down the gel pack I had brought along. Other than that 100 calories and half liter of water, I had no other food or water and still managed a 9:35 pace over the 20+ miles.

    Sunday I meant to get 8 in but was late in returning from a visit with my mom so I settled for 5. The first 3 miles were hell with being stiff and sore from the day before but at least the last 2 were enjoyable.

    13 weeks down in my 24 week ultra training plan. I'm generally using a hard week/easy week routine where my hard weeks are 10% more miles than my previous hard week, and my easy weeks are 15% less than my previous hard week. A conservative approach which I hope keeps me away from injury. I'm happy with how things are progressing so far. I have five more 20+ miles training runs and 17 mile trail race on the plan so staying injury free is key.

    2017 Races
    01/28/2017 - Securian Winter HM - St. Paul, MN - 1:51:40 - *PR*
    04/08/2017 - Zumbro 17M Trail Race - Theilman, MN
    04/29/2017 - Chippewa 50K Trail Race - New Auburn, WI
    05/24/2017 - Endless Summer Trail Running Series, 10K - Eagan, MN
    06/24/2017 - Dan Patch Days 5K - Savage, MN
    07/19/2017 - Torchlight 5K - Minneapolis, MN
    09/00/2017 - Outrun Hunger 5K - Savage, MN
    10/07/2017 - Big Woods Run Trail Half Marathon - Nerstrand, MN


    I don't know how you run so far without food or water. Not sure if it's because I'm very low on the BMI range for my height, but I feel like I hit a wall around 8 miles if I don't eat something like a gel or sport beans. I had about 6 oz or Powerade, 6 oz of water and 2 gels during my 15 mile run on Sunday!! It was in the 60s...I do tend to drink less when it's cooler.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Today's run should have been great. The weather is beautiful (70F); I wore my new Topo-ST shoes!!; My legs actually felt great... I just wish the rest of my body was on board with it. My heart rate was all over the place and I had to keep stopping. When I got home and looked at my HR - the low was 33 and the high was 191!! What makes it worse honestly is that it has been fine for the last week and staying right around 38-120 range that is normal for me. Tomorrow I had planned for an interval day but I will just have to see how it feels. I hate the way it feels when it is so erratic but I have to figure out a better way to deal with it than I have been.

    @shanaber - I've looked at this several times, and I can't make sense of your HR numbers. 38 beats per minute would be a very good, well conditioned resting heart rate. 33 might be a resting heart rate for a world class athlete, I don't know. I can't imagine anyone actually running and having a HR below 40. 120 would be a nice low HR for an easy run. 191 is way high; I think I had a report of 189 at the top of the 3rd hill in Tallahassee, when I felt like I just couldn't keep running fast any more. (Granted, I'm an old guy; younger folk might not feel it as bad.)

    The broad range from 33 to 191 looks bizarre, but even normal from 38 to 120 looks odd. With these numbers, I'd suspect that whatever HR monitor you're using has a flaw and is producing inaccurate results. If they're accurate, that's a potential serious health problem that you should get checked out. Presumably if your HR was really bouncing around as much as the monitor says, you would have felt way off, rested and exhausted by turns. That would be a clue that you need medical attention.

    I hope it's just a flaky HR monitor, which would be the easiest problem to fix. But if this turns out to be a real medical issue, I hope you get it taken care of and can get back to running healthy.

    For reference, my resting HR is somewhere around 40 (it's hard to detect when I'm lying down in the morning), but it goes over 50 just from standing up and walking around gently. Garmin thinks my max HR should be 185, and I spend most of my easy runs with HR in the mid 120s to upper 130s. Races, 150-ish to mid-160s. Over 170, and I can feel that it won't be sustainable for any length of time. But I'm 61 years old. Younger runners will have faster heart rates.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    February Running Challenge:

    2/1 10 miles
    2/2 2.2 miles
    2/3 Rest day
    2/4 10 mile pace run
    2/5 20 mile run
    2/6 5 mile very slow run
    2/7 2 mile run with Spotty
    2/8 8 mile run: 1 w/u with Spotty, 6 pace, 1 c/d
    2/9 4 mile run
    2/10 2 mile walk with Spotty and Runner’s yoga
    2/11 4 mile pace run
    2/12 15 mile run
    2/13 4.15 mile run

    Goal: 84.3 of 135

    Upcoming Races:

    Cowtown Marathon (Full) Feb 26 (Registered)
    XTERRA ATX Trail Run (21K) Apr 23 (Tentative)
    XTERRA Rock Dallas Trail Run (HM at night) May 27 (Tentative)
    XTERRA Jurassic Trail Run (HM at night) Jul 8 (Tentative)
    La Sportiva Vail Half Marathon: Jul 22 (Tentative)
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    Today's run should have been great. The weather is beautiful (70F); I wore my new Topo-ST shoes!!; My legs actually felt great... I just wish the rest of my body was on board with it. My heart rate was all over the place and I had to keep stopping. When I got home and looked at my HR - the low was 33 and the high was 191!! What makes it worse honestly is that it has been fine for the last week and staying right around 38-120 range that is normal for me. Tomorrow I had planned for an interval day but I will just have to see how it feels. I hate the way it feels when it is so erratic but I have to figure out a better way to deal with it than I have been.

    @shanaber - I've looked at this several times, and I can't make sense of your HR numbers. 38 beats per minute would be a very good, well conditioned resting heart rate. 33 might be a resting heart rate for a world class athlete, I don't know. I can't imagine anyone actually running and having a HR below 40. 120 would be a nice low HR for an easy run. 191 is way high; I think I had a report of 189 at the top of the 3rd hill in Tallahassee, when I felt like I just couldn't keep running fast any more. (Granted, I'm an old guy; younger folk might not feel it as bad.)

    The broad range from 33 to 191 looks bizarre, but even normal from 38 to 120 looks odd. With these numbers, I'd suspect that whatever HR monitor you're using has a flaw and is producing inaccurate results. If they're accurate, that's a potential serious health problem that you should get checked out. Presumably if your HR was really bouncing around as much as the monitor says, you would have felt way off, rested and exhausted by turns. That would be a clue that you need medical attention.

    I hope it's just a flaky HR monitor, which would be the easiest problem to fix. But if this turns out to be a real medical issue, I hope you get it taken care of and can get back to running healthy.

    For reference, my resting HR is somewhere around 40 (it's hard to detect when I'm lying down in the morning), but it goes over 50 just from standing up and walking around gently. Garmin thinks my max HR should be 185, and I spend most of my easy runs with HR in the mid 120s to upper 130s. Races, 150-ish to mid-160s. Over 170, and I can feel that it won't be sustainable for any length of time. But I'm 61 years old. Younger runners will have faster heart rates.

    What did the plot look like? Were there downward spikes? (was it disconnecting).
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    @shanaber I know you've been going to the dr regarding some heart issues, but I agree with @MobyCarp that does seem very strange. My heart rate monitor went wacky back in December and showed my heart rate as varying from 92 to 227 which definitely didn't happen on an easy run. Garmin replaced my HRM when the battery replacement didnt fix the issue. My heart rate has gotten into the 190s during a race, but I was really pushing myself. Anyway, if it's not the HRM going goofy and you're not getting the answers you need from your cardiologist, it wouldn't hurt to get a 2nd opinion. We had to get a 2nd opinion regarding my step daughter's care once and were thankful we did.

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I don't know how you run so far without food or water. Not sure if it's because I'm very low on the BMI range for my height, but I feel like I hit a wall around 8 miles if I don't eat something like a gel or sport beans. I had about 6 oz or Powerade, 6 oz of water and 2 gels during my 15 mile run on Sunday!! It was in the 60s...I do tend to drink less when it's cooler.

    @BeeerRunner I think I've done so many long runs in a fasted, or near-fasted state, at a slow enough pace, that my body has become fairly good at burning a higher percentage of fat. Since I hope to see many ultras in my future, this is one of my main goals. Above I mentioned my training cycle of hard/easy weeks. During my easy weeks my long runs (ranging from 16 to 18 miles) will be in a fasted state and I'll only have gels with me in case I do bonk on the run.

    I did have about 400 calories before Saturday's run (mostly carbs) so that helped. Though my overall pace was 9:35, my last two miles were 9:50 and 10:18 as fatigue set in. I could really feel my *kitten* draggin' at the end. I do need to start fully fueling on my hard week long runs (22 to 30 miles), so I know what works when I get to my race.

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @epr3996 Way to go on the "longest run ever with no breaks" :sunglasses:

    It's chilly and rainy here today. I think I'll skip running and try to get up in the morning and run before work? I haven't run before work in a long time :tired_face: It will be cold in the morning but dry. Wish me luck!

    My upper back pain was super bad yesterday. I did some stretches before bed. I need to get back into strength training but it's tough when I'm in pain. Tonight I will at least use a band for upper body if I can't handle weights.

    Happy Valentine's Day :love: :heart: :kissing_heart:
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    2/1 - 3.4 'mill miles and a quick weight session. The scale was ugly today.
    2/2 - 4.1 treadmill miles.
    2/3 - Rest day.
    2/4 - 2.3 'mill miles and then Bodypump class
    2/5 - Super Bowl = no run AND way overeating.
    2/6 - 4.01 miles.
    2/7 - 4.25 miles.
    2/8 - Shoveled in lieu of running. I hate snow.
    2/9 - 5.3 treadmill miles. Trek class with a lot of "tempo".
    2/10 - 3.4 treadmill miles, then upper body weights.
    2/11 - 4.33 miles. Red Flannel Run. Was supposed to be a 5 mile course! Someone sure missed on that. I was very happy with my pace and would have finished the 5 in under 40:00, so I was a little disappointed with that.
    2/12 - 2.3 treadmill miles and Bodypump class.
    2/13 - 4.1 miles.
    2/14 - Impromptu rest day. Woke up with significant pain in both feet and some discomfort in my right hip. Not sure what's going on, but thought it best to rest a bit.

    Planned Races
    4/8 - Beer and Bagel "Off Road"
    5/13 - Market to Market Relay
    6/3 - Dam to Dam HM
    10/15 - IMT Des Moines HM
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2017
    Well what I thought was going to be a "nothing to worry about, a month of PT" didn't turn out that way. Orthopedic did xrays and I have....are you ready femoroacetabular impingement or Hip impingement.

    Hip impingement, also known as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), is a condition in which there is abnormal and wearing contact between the ball and socket of the hip joint. The result is increased friction during hip movements that may damage the joint.

    On the xray you can see in the circle the bone on the hip is pointed, that is a bone spur that is pressing on my labrum nerve. He said the more I run the worse it’s going to get and I’m taking a big chance on tearing the labrum if I haven’t already.

    I need to go next week for an MRI to make sure there is no tear and also to make sure my hip isn’t fractured. He said we don’t want to think FAI is the only problem if there is a fracture too. Bottom line, at least at this point, is I need hip surgery. It’s done arthroscopic so I was like okay cool then I said what is the recovery time? That’s when I started to cry. Probably crutches for a few weeks, about 6 weeks of PT, but this was the bad part, could be 3 to 6 months before you are painless while running, if you ever are…come along and say what!? He said you wanted the worst case and I’m giving it to you. He said if I listen and do what I’m told he thinks I can be running, hopefully without pain, around 10 - 12 weeks after surgery. Okay I’m good with that, not happy but good.

    I’ll need to go to either Birmingham or Nashville for the surgery, they don’t have a doctor that will do it here.
    He doesn’t want me to run while I’m waiting for the MRI appointment, I just looked at him and he said yeah I know it hurts like hell so you can’t anyway right? But I have a feeling you want to try so don’t. He said I can bike and swim, walk if it doesn’t hurt to do that, but don’t run.

    Well I guess I need to digest all of that.


  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @skippygirlsmom So sorry :disappointed: Thank goodness you got it checked out. :heart:
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I'm very sorry to hear you got such *kitten* news and will have to have surgery and avoid running for some time, but I'm glad you caught it when you did. I pray the MRI doesn't reveal any more damage. I'm confident that you'll do what you need to for recovery and will be back to running.