Forced into eating a cupcake



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    One cupcake on a special occasion (birthday qualifies) once in a while is not going to sabotage your weight loss. Even if you were over by the whole 440 calories, that won't even equate to a lb.
    Next time, you could remove some of the frosting (there's a LOT of calories there) or eat just one bite. I bet nobody would notice. But in the mean time, stop obsessing so much over the green numbers :wink:
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The fact that you are feeling the guilt from eating it shows how committed you are to your fitness. A treat once in a while is actually a good thing to kick the metabolism up.
    When I'm in a situation like that I have a 2 bit rule. 2 bites and that's it.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    One cup cake wont push you off the rails - it's done now - and you got back in the green so no real harm done?
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    A few pieces of advice:

    1) There is always a middle way - I would have cut it in half - enjoyed the half I ate and asked if anyone else wanted the other half - if you do this before tasting it everyone will be happy.

    2) Don't beat yourself up over a one day of being a couple of hundred calories over: The way I see it, if you're under or on maintenance then no harm done - even if you are a little over then you're probably fine for the week. I bet you don't feel bad - or even notice when you are 100 calories under: they add up you know!

    3) If you know something like this is coming up, save 100 calories a day through the week leading up to it: then you have 600 guilt free calories to 'spend' at the party.
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    I wouldn't dream of going to a birthday party and not eating cake!

    This weekend was my parents' ruby wedding anniversary, and I went away with my family to celebrate. I decided I'd have a break and not worry about what I was eating, within reason, rather than spend the weekend being all "no, I can't possibly" about everything - it's not every day your parents have been married for forty years, and I wanted to enjoy it. I spent basically a day and a half making reasonably sensible choices where the option was there, but otherwise eating things and enjoying them. (We were in Devon, so there was quite a lot of cream involved... And tempura prawns. And roast potatoes. And pastries.) I reckoned that at worst I would have put on 1-2lb, but in fact when I weighed myself I hadn't put on any weight at all and have already lost another lb since then.

    Next weekend is my friend's birthday, and I'm spending all day tomorrow making (hopefully) the most amazing cake with his wife, and I'll be eating some of that too, dammit! The world won't end, and I think this is more about making long-term sustainable changes rather than being too absolute. I'm most certainly not going to spend the rest of my life never eating anyone's birthday cake again; I just need to learn to eat a sensible-sized piece and balance it out with healthy foods.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah people don't always understand when you say that you're dieting, they'll frequently say well-meaning stuff like "oh you don't really need to lose weight, you look fine", blah blah. It's easy to lose patience with them. I always hate it when people try to insist you have something you don't want to eat. It is tricky.

    Sometimes though it's ok to relax a little, there's no point in feeling masses of guilt, just log the damage in your diary and move on.

    I feel your pain though, yesterday I ate 440 cals of junk and felt disappointed with myself, the cake I had was ok but not that amazing!!!

  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I wouldn't worry about it! It's a cake, you enjoyed it, you exercised...sorted! I agree about the taking it home and hey even if you do want it i'm sure one little cupcake won't make a huge difference...if you said you had 5 or 6, then maybe!

    I wouldn't worry and concentrate on now, which is a completely now day

    Chin up :o)
  • SeanMurphy
    SeanMurphy Posts: 62
    My opinion, a splurge day once in a while (and you seem worried about it enough that it rarely, if ever, happens) can only help to keep your cravings from becoming irresistible, and also will keep your metabolism guessing and keep it from readjusting to a lower caloric intake. I tend to take one day every two weeks and throw caution, lightly, to the wind.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    You didn't say if you enjoyed it. Was it good?
  • Princessa1982
    I too have been in this position too many times in the past. In the past I ALWAYS ate the cupcake...

    Now i have come to a realization.
    I am overweight, obviously, that is no lie, people see it every single time they look at me. Saying I am exercising and watching what I eat is not being Debbie Downer, it is being responsible and taking care of myself. If you do not take control of yourself and lose the fear of being judged and questioned about your own personal choices, you will never succeed at weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. You are the only person you have to answer to in your life (about your own health that is). If you feel yoru friends would judge you or be let down because you would not eat a cup cake, they really are not good friends to have anyway.

    That all being said, I have made the decision to life my life as I am on this weight loss quest. I stay on track most of the time, but I will not skip a BBQ or social event anymore, because when all this weight is gone, I want to have a life then as well. I log 90% of the time, but do not log for events or bbq's, parties etc. I watch my portions at these events, but for the most part it is not a big deal. I mean, i only have 1 a week usually anyway, so it is usually my cheat day, i know when it is coming so it will keep me on track for the days leading up to it!

    You have to eat yummy foods sometimes, otherwise you WILL binge and you will not succeed. I read an article once before (i will search for it) about how eating whatever you want for a meal or two once a week or so is actually a good thing for your body, it keeps it from getting used to the calorie deficit!!!!!!

    But, the long and short of it is, the only person who forced you to eat the cupcake was you. It is something we all deal with at one point or another and you owe it to yourself to work on it so you do not feel like you have to eat it next time!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Marie Antoinette never said that. Just saying! But your point is well taken.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Well obviously FORCED wasn't meant literally. But when 10 people are at a table and are offered what flavor of cupcake they want, being the one who says, "no, thanks" feels a little obnoxious...especially when you're one of the smallest people at the table. Like it would be a snub, and I didn't want to be rude. Everyone shoved theirs in their mouth, and had I sat there with my hands in my lap I thinnk that would have read awkward. I already had the tuna roll instead of the steak hibachi that everyone else ordered. I should of taken it "to go". You're right! I agree about eating everything in moderation. Cupcakes just happen to be one of those things that I don't find are worth the calories. I had a pint of Arctic Zero calling my name at home. LOL! I just felt it would have read rather rude and annoying if I just sat there nicely while everyone else ate their cake. But OBVIOUSLY it was my call...but it's a weird fine line sometimes with diet/and social graces.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    if anyone on here has this problem again... send me the cupcake. I'll take care of it for you. :wink:
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Guilt doesn't burn calories so I don't waste time on it...!!! Enjoy the cup-cake..this isn't a diet its for LIFE and ..Cake Happens!! Its all good mama!!!

    HAHA cake happens, I like that sentiment.
    I have trouble w/"Social" eating too-- and I've learned to just focus on enjoying the company and sip on a drink rather than focus on eating/food. But really, 1 cupcake won't kill you :-)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    if anyone on here has this problem again... send me the cupcake. I'll take care of it for you. :wink:

    Fight you for it!

    In the context of an otherwise good diet a few cupcakes will have minimal to no impact. Minor slips here or there won't affect your outcomes unless you choose to let them. In other words, you hoover up the entire carton of cakes because you felt guilty or despair after having just one.

    You don't have to be perfect. Just consistent.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. We do have to live this life. One thing I have learned to do is use the ...Wheewwww I'm full. I don't think I could eat another bite. People struggle with forcing food down your throat when you seem to be so stuffed. My mother (the baking Queen of Ohio) has learned to not even offer at this point. With that said in 20 years you won't feel bad about the cupcake. At least you tried to burn some of those sugar calories off before bedtime. WTG!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    ONE cupcake will not hurt you... I'm assumng you meant a normal sized cupcake? Once my mom bought these HUGE GINORMOUS seriously as BIG AS YOUR FACE cupcakes from costco. DELICIOUS but she and I split one. One birthday cupcake is not going to compeltely derail your efforts. 5? Maybe.

    I'm sorry but nobody FORCED you to eat a cupcake.. I mean, no one shoved it down your throat, right? I'm not normally harsh on these things and I completely understand the whole I have to eat it bc everyone else is but that is not true. If you really didn't want it, just say oh no thanks I ate too much dinner! If they don't understand, frig them. If my friends and I go out drinking one night, they always want to stop a Mcdonalds.. I used to get that quarter pounder w cheese with them and once I started this, I stopped.. they push me and say come on do it and I used to feel like I HAD to.. and then I realized No I don't! And I stopped and now do not feel like ultimate crap when I wake up in the morning bc I'm not filled w McDonalds sodium and garbage.

    Sorry if this is a little harsh.. peer pressure sucks!!! Stay strong you are doing a wonderful job. And remember, one cupcake is not the end of the world! :)
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    I'd gone a couple weeks with no loss, even a slight gain, despite kicking my own butt with running, calories, etc.

    Then I went to my best friend's bachelorette party over the weekend, which included not only a wine and chocolate pairing class but a comfort food buffet. This is her happy time, and while she would have understood if I'd stood in the corner drinking water all night, it would have pissed me off. So there was wine, super dark chocolate and even a little homemade mac and cheese. I drank water before and after like it was my business, then Sunday went for a long run, just like always.

    Monday morning, I'd lost 2 pounds.

    This morning, another pound.

    This is me, of course, not you, but just relax. 200 calories over on one day is not going to kill you, nor will it make you gain 82lbs over night. Get back on the horse today and keep going.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Next time tell them you will eat it later, take it home, have somone else eat it or just throw it away. Cupcakes suck! It's called Birthday CAKE for crying out loud! If i'm going over on calories, it's going to involve some kick *kitten* cake!

    You obvi. have not hopped on the cupcake wagon. I had a S'more Cupcake from Crumbs Bakery in Chicago on Sunday that was quite amazing. Plus there is a mocha brownie/chocolate peanut butter one from a local bakery that are kick *kitten*.. and I will def. indulge if that is on the menu.

    And for gravy's sake, if you find me so amazing to friend me, put a message along with it:)
    Totally unrelated, but saw this in another posters signature and thought it was the cutest thing ever :)

    Crumb's Bake Shop in NYC makes the "Artie Lange" cupcake - from their website: "The Artie Lange cupcake was created by Artie himself live on the Howard Stern Show in 2008. Vanilla cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting filling, topped with vanilla cream cheese frosting dipped in chocolate fondant and edged with chocolate and vanilla sprinkles."

    It's the most delicious cupcake I've ever eaten. Anytime I'm in NYC, this is on my menu.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I think people took the whole "forced into eating a cupcake" thing literally. I totally get what you mean.. when you're out in a social situation and everyone's enjoying and you don't want to be the debbie downer and be like "ladies.. do you know that that *kitten* is going to stick to your *ss tomorrow." haha My friends already think I'm weird cause I don't do late night binges. I look for meals with protein and they think I "eat air." Ehh whatcha gonna do?

    The way I see it.. we're working on ourselves to be able to enjoy life. What's the use of having a long healthy life if we're tormenting ourselves over a 440 calorie cupcake. In the grand scheme of things, you enjoyed the cupcake, your friends, the night.. now you can go back to enjoying your diet & exercise. I'm part of the school of thought that you only live once so.. live it up. :) I woulda just made that night my one cheat meal and had the hibachi too. ; ) Plus.. I'm sure the cupcake was for the better... you are having breaks in your diet, so you don't feel totally deprived, and teaching your body how to metabolize the good, along with the bad.