Who eats whatever they want and drops body fat?



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I eat whatever I want for the most part. What I want though is to get enough protein and fats for my weight and then fill the rest in. This includes a lot whole foods and foods generally regarded as healthy, but also includes pizza, cake, cookies, Tootsie pops and whatever else I feel like eating. Eating clean and all that crap is not needed to get to low body fat, I promise. Calories are king and training regimen is queen. Everything else is peasantry.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Dropping body fat is a function of a clean, healthy diet like whole foods --> meats, eggs, beans, fruits and veggies...
    You are what you eat.
    Further, fat loss is enhanced by certain forms of training like HIIT cardio, weight lifting and plyometrics.
    80% of our results are from diet, so get that right first or learn to love being merely average.

    I don't eat 'clean' and I'm in excellent health and have lost around 50lbs (went from size 14 jeans, down to size 4s). I'm also one of the very few people who are successfully maintaining weight loss long term, so I'm hardly 'average' ;)

    You don't even wash your food? ;)

    Only if it falls on the floor :D
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Calorie counting and portion control enabled me to lose over 100 lbs - I didnt even exercise due to mobility issues.
    I have eaten pretty much anything I want - my nightly snack is special K cracker chips and a mug of tea, just in the right portion to fit into my calorie budget. I havent eliminated much, but cut down on a lot of stuff because its just not worth the calorie bomb to me. Like fast food - not great food, but will do in a pinch.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    My story: a little over 15 years ago I lost 50 pounds using weight watchers. I spent the 10 years after that loss being incredibly strict with myself about what I ate; not eating disordered, but definitely self punishing in some ways. About 5 years ago I got sick of it and decided to open up my diet, especially since I started doing heavy duty running. The pendulum swung a bit more to the other side and I put on 5 pounds. About a year ago I started getting serious about those 5 pounds, and took them off. I currently maintain 2 pounds below my original goal weight from 15 years ago, and I eat what I want. See attached picture of candy counter/cupboard. Current challenge is to cut back on buying the candy; not for health reasons, but because I overbuy and don't get to eat it all.


    That's awesome! I have a similar cabinet, but it's not quite as impressive! :smiley:
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm going to differ slightly from the main theme of this thread.

    I've definitely cut things out of my diet. Realistically, I had to. No more pop. Too many calories so it no longer fit. I don't go to the big, juicy burger joints anymore (think Red Robins Banzai burger at ~900 calories, loved those things). And I eat more veggies now than I did 6 months ago. I've got a calorie limit and I need to eat within it so fitting the big calorie bombs just doesn't work anymore. Still did try a Bacon Big Mac a couple weeks back, and fit it in. But I don't do that 3 times a week like I used to.

    Down 70 lbs since Sept, so I'm not changing a thing. :)

    As to the attitude, yeah it sucks sometimes. If it gets real bad, I plan to take a week or two and eat at maintenance, still logging.
  • Kimblesnbits13
    Kimblesnbits13 Posts: 369 Member
    My story: a little over 15 years ago I lost 50 pounds using weight watchers. I spent the 10 years after that loss being incredibly strict with myself about what I ate; not eating disordered, but definitely self punishing in some ways. About 5 years ago I got sick of it and decided to open up my diet, especially since I started doing heavy duty running. The pendulum swung a bit more to the other side and I put on 5 pounds. About a year ago I started getting serious about those 5 pounds, and took them off. I currently maintain 2 pounds below my original goal weight from 15 years ago, and I eat what I want. See attached picture of candy counter/cupboard. Current challenge is to cut back on buying the candy; not for health reasons, but because I overbuy and don't get to eat it all.


    That's awesome! I have a similar cabinet, but it's not quite as impressive! :smiley:

    Im a candy hoarder too! I wanna try everything but since I can't ever fit in "everything" it just gathers and gathers and I never finish it! Lol! On a more serious note though, I pretty much eat things I like but the one caveat (sp?) is the quantity...like yesterday I had a huuuuge maple buttermilk bar donut which is super dense and heavy. I kinda had to sacrifice the rest of the day with my eating. Definitely didn't hit my protein but stayed under my calories so I'll take that. Or if I get a huge burger or pizza, the rest of the day is light eating. Most of my weekends look like that.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited February 2017
    I eat a lot of healthy, lower calorie foods so I can have room for the really tasty stuff with more calories. Like chocolate and cheeseburgers.

    I gave up full sugar Pepsi because it just wasn't going to fit in the quantities I like, and I stopped the several times a week drive thru habit I had built up, and visiting the cafe in my office for breakfast burritos and sodas and extra snacks.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    lilawolf wrote: »
    I eat anything I want as well just not EVERYTHING lol. I look at my calories as a weekly thing. I keep Monday-Thurs very low so that I can have 1 or 2 high days. Last week, I average 1617 net calories per day even though Saturday was 3000 calories of ice cream, whiskey, cider, pizza etc. I do keep an eye on my macros, mostly protein, but that seems to settle out naturally with what I want to eat.

    I lost 30+ pounds this way, 1.1lb/week doing just this. Maintained for well over a year too without logging after. Life happened (divorce, promotion, nearly 6/12 months traveling, moving multiple times etc) and I'm back looking to lose 14lbs doing the same thing.

    So basically the plan didn't work because the poster gained back half of what she lost. I'm not hating on anyone at all, just making a point that although she said the plan worked, it didn't really. Gaining back half of what I lost would not be success. Gaining back 14 pounds would not be success for me. I would need a different plan. Life always happens, so we need a plan that we can follow for life!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Yes and no...I find weight management to be much easier with a diet rich in whole food nutrition. I have indulgences, but I generally have rules for these kinds of things...like Friday night is pizza night...that's it...I don't have pizza any other time of the week...I eat desert a couple of times per week (and it's usually something pretty small), etc. I would also add that I don't log or count calories so lots of whole foods makes things easier on me. I'm also kind of a nutrition nerd and a food snob...

    Also, I'd steer clear of partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) regardless of your weight management objectives.

  • GuessIgottalog
    GuessIgottalog Posts: 65 Member
    Very interested that so many people eat whatever they want, just at a calorie deficit! I was so worried that to get any fat loss since im already healthy bmi that I would have to cut out processed food. bread. dairy. fattier meats. etc etc etc....big sigh of relief!!! Thanks!!
  • emmarrgh
    emmarrgh Posts: 44 Member
    I don't have to adhere to a specific diet, or cut foods out of my diet, and can lose weight eating "whatever" as long as it fits my calories. The MINDSET of eating less + moving more is still a giant hurdle for me though. I lose 10lbs, or 20lbs, then I feel great and forget about logging and gain it all back. Plus 5-10 more. So while it's as simple as "if it fits your calories" (I mostly ignore macros), it's still mentally tough.

    And I do find that cutting portions enough to lose weight means either ONE slice of pizza, and ONE chicken wing, and then sitting there fuming and starving while my son and hubby eat the rest lol OR I can make a flatbread (380 cals) and top it with diced tomatoes, spinach, cheese, roasted zucchini, bell pepper, etc... And eat the WHOLE THING and be stuffed and happy. It's not always the easiest choice, and sometimes I do choose 3 slices of pizza and 8 chicken wings, but I'm getting better at not letting them derail my whole week/month.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Do I always eat what I want? No. I'd be big as a house if I did.

    But I don't eat nothing but salads and boiled chicken if that's what you are asking. I eat a well balanced diet of foods I enjoy.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    You'll definitely lose fat if you eat a calorie deficit, no matter what you're eating. You'll lose muscle too. I did this for 60 lbs.

    I then focused on my macros (fat/carbs/protein) and nutrition, as well as lifting, and went from being skinny to being fit (having a lower body fat percentage, defined stomach, etc). Part of what happens to your muscle depends on what you're doing for your workouts as well.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    For me there is a difference between eating whatever I want on a daily basis, and not banning food. Do I eat WHATEVER I want? No. Not really. But I'll get me a bacon cheeseburger and fries once in awhile. If I just ate whatever I wanted the portions would be so small. I would have trouble adhering to a calorie deficit.

    Could I still lose fat though? Yeah.

    Same here.

    I only eat foods I like, that much is very true. I don't pay much attention to my micronutrients (though I do take a multi to be safe) and when I'm consistent with my intake, I do lose weight.

    Eating only what I wanted would result in little more than cheeseburgers, pizza, oreos, and tequila... and I'd have a hard time sticking to my calorie goal because the quantity/volume of food would be so low.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Very interested that so many people eat whatever they want, just at a calorie deficit! I was so worried that to get any fat loss since im already healthy bmi that I would have to cut out processed food. bread. dairy. fattier meats. etc etc etc....big sigh of relief!!! Thanks!!

    When I started on MFP I made the conscious decision not to cut anything out, other than calories. Instead, I focused on adding things to my lifestyle: more protein, more vegetables, more whole grains, more exercise, more sleep. I found that by doing that, and trying to get the appropriate amounts of those things, I could leave room for things like wine, pizza, oreos, etc but in moderation and only as often as I could fit them in.

    If specifically fat loss is your goal but you are already at a healthy weight, you may want to look into recomposition via strength training and eating at maintenance calories. There is a good thread on that here:

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Dropping body fat is a function of a clean, healthy diet like whole foods --> meats, eggs, beans, fruits and veggies...
    You are what you eat.
    Further, fat loss is enhanced by certain forms of training like HIIT cardio, weight lifting and plyometrics.
    80% of our results are from diet, so get that right first or learn to love being merely average.

    I never ate clean... and honestly.. whats wrong with being average? There is enough superficial B.S in this world, we should be learning to love ourselves for who we are.. I am a beautiful person, i treat people in my life with love and respect, i lost my 111 pounds and while i might not be above average, why should that really matter?

    There are times when just pushing the awesome button is not enough.

    Great post (or should I say "average" post?)