Green tea capsules



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    I don't agree, I feel amazing but could be all the other antioxidant boosting supplements too

    It can also be placebo. Often people taken supplements feel better even when many are unproven by science. If it helps you stay on track, then its great and doesnt really matter.

    Or when commencing supplements, the person also makes other changes in lifestyle and diet which have a positive effect. I don't suppose that many people at all start a supplement and make no other changes, even if the changes are subconscious.

    This is also often true. Adding very nutrient dense foods, exercise and just being excited about committing yourself can all have positive influence on this process.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    I don't agree, I feel amazing but could be all the other antioxidant boosting supplements too

    It can also be placebo. Often people taken supplements feel better even when many are unproven by science. If it helps you stay on track, then its great and doesnt really matter.

    Or when commencing supplements, the person also makes other changes in lifestyle and diet which have a positive effect. I don't suppose that many people at all start a supplement and make no other changes, even if the changes are subconscious.

    This is how i know they did diddly squat for me. I continued counting my calories and doing my normal exercise routine, I didn't change a thing whilst taking them and my weight loss stayed the same as it has always done, not even an extra 100g lost lol.
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    My hair and nails are growing like never before plus I am sleeping all night without wakening up, wake up feeling refreshed, never used to before. Oh and my antioxidant levels in my body have jumped up 23,000 in 6 months
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    New technology
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    New technology

    What sort of new technology? Is it a blood test? Urine?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    New technology

    Fine, but what is the test?
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    No it's a biophotonic scanner, Google it
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    I love James Kreiger. All science and no BS. That guy has phenomenal work.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    No it's a biophotonic scanner, Google it

    Thanks for the advice. I did, and this is what I found...

    I googled it too! It's a scam

    Well, dang. Fun-suckers beat me to it.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    kaz261280 wrote: »
    No it's a biophotonic scanner, Google it

    I did and the websites that came up were either selling it or calling it a scam.
  • SR1986
    SR1986 Posts: 92 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    cathipa wrote: »
    There are no pills, powders, wraps or potions that will cause you to lose physical weight, however your wallet will get lighter. Even on the box it says something to the effect of "in combination with diet and exercise" and "results may vary" all in tiny writing. Just skip this and stick to your calorie goals.

    Don't tell this to big pharma. Weight loss prescription drugs are big business. :smiley:

    I know. I work in the medical field and have patients ask all the time about taking a pill or getting surgery. I have no problem educating them that these are only tools and the ultimate goal is to get them eating healthier and exercising more. The side effects alone are enough to keep me away (i.e seizures and suicidal ideations - uh that's a big no for me)

    I've been horrified lately when I see commercials for random different medications. They all seem to cause "suicidal thoughts or actions" (something to that effect) I'll keep my gout and live thanks!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    SR1986 wrote: »
    cathipa wrote: »
    cathipa wrote: »
    There are no pills, powders, wraps or potions that will cause you to lose physical weight, however your wallet will get lighter. Even on the box it says something to the effect of "in combination with diet and exercise" and "results may vary" all in tiny writing. Just skip this and stick to your calorie goals.

    Don't tell this to big pharma. Weight loss prescription drugs are big business. :smiley:

    I know. I work in the medical field and have patients ask all the time about taking a pill or getting surgery. I have no problem educating them that these are only tools and the ultimate goal is to get them eating healthier and exercising more. The side effects alone are enough to keep me away (i.e seizures and suicidal ideations - uh that's a big no for me)

    I've been horrified lately when I see commercials for random different medications. They all seem to cause "suicidal thoughts or actions" (something to that effect) I'll keep my gout and live thanks!

    You have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Is healing and/or quality of life better than the side effects to you? I hate those ads because they list every possible side effect without giving context as to the number of people who experienced it or to the severity. If you have a medical issue that will be resolved by medication, read the info. If one person in a trial of 50,000 has suicidal thoughts they have to mention it, but if you read the literature you will know it is only one out of 50K.
  • kaz261280
    kaz261280 Posts: 26 Member
    Cathipa, exactly so google says it's a scam doesn't mean it is either lol