Beautiful Behaviors - February 2017



  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I have not been using water feature on MFP. What is the goal for water intake? Cannot find it on mfp
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    aw, @dlm4mom , I don't keep this group going! it keeps itself going because so many wonderful people choose to be a part of it. I'm thankful for everyone in here. every day someone motivates me with their success, and every day someone makes me feel like I'm not a loser by sharing their own struggle.

    Libby, how did you interview go at the church? GOOD LUCK today with your second interview!

    Good morning, all! I actually finished eating last night at 100 calories BELOW my allotment, so big YAY for me. That almost NEVER happens, like I mean maybe 3 - 4 times a YEAR!!! Maybe I'm ready to change that. The interesting part to me was that I had planned to eat more, and tracked it, and would have been 300 OVER, which was better than the day before so I was pleased. Then I went to eat and I wasn't hungry enough to eat the food I wanted. Really unusual. I'm tickled pink!

    This weekend I'm going to buy myself some clothes. I had lost 30 lbs (total of 70!!!) which I have since gained back. When I lost the weight, I got rid of all my clothes, thinking it was gone forever. Now I have very little to wear that fits and I'm starting to feel strange... even though I only go into the office 2x/week, they have to be noticing I'm always wearing the same thing. And I'm tired of doing so many laundries!

    Do you get rid of your clothes when you lose weight, or do you keep them "just in case"?

    have a beautiful morning,
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @dlm4mom - you can certainly add in your calories burned and eat them back. everyone is different. I have my calorie goal losing maybe 0.3-0.4 lbs a week therefore I eat plenty of calories, most people set their weight loss goal to at least 1 lb a week or even 2 lb loss a week. As far as the water goals, again you will get different answers some fitness gurus will say a gallon others will say ounces to equal your body weight. My goal currently is to drink 130 ounces of water a day - I have a 64 ounce bottle and try to drink 2 of those before I leave work.
    @ jessi - You Rock! under goal :smiley: I have kept my clothes, but I have not fluctuated too much. There was a couple years where I got too skinny from stress (I would forget to eat because I was taking care of my mom in hospice and working full time.). My "skinny" clothes are super tight because I started lifting and gained some muscles!

    Not going to lie I was in a bad mood this morning. Then a coworker had wrote some very nice things about me in an e-mail that went to several people, it couldn't have come at a better time. God knows! I'm so blessed. My goal today is to eat all of the veggies that I brought into work today! Have a wonderful day!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning!!!

    It is a good day. Sunshine here and I am not ill.

    @dlm4mom - "drink 8 fluid cups per day" seems to be the current advice on water. That amount is almost 2 liters (closer to 1.8) or 64 ounces. In the summer heat, add half again that much = 12 cups per day minimum. Just keep in mind that your body processes water at about 1 cup (236 ml) per hour.

    Obtaining the minimum daily water intake is believed to encourage weight loss.

    @jessiquoi - we do need you here. You have a way of stating the obvious - gently, of presenting baby steps, of encouraging growth.

    My beautiful behavior for the coming day:
    Shower and really feel the warmth of the water. Be grateful for it.
    A little food prep. Learn fermenting.
    Take time for prayer. Let someone know that I love him/her.


  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning !!

    Yesterday I re-weighed myself and through all of this madness, I maintained. For that, I took some edge off. Because that is a victory in itself!

    Thanks for always checking in on me -- especially when I need it most!

    My interview went well - I don't think I sold myself as well as I could have. Trusting and praying and waiting and hoping that I'll be placed where I'm meant to be! I really love it down there and it's so nice to have my cousin by my side too. He is a big help. I will know in a week whether or not I'll be called in for a "second" interview. The job would start on the 1st of March.

    Funny story - I got pulled over (again). The cop was very sneaky and I knew I had been speeding... but I just wanted to get home (I just drove there and back. Long car ride!). So he let me off on a warning. But I was silly and gave him my insurance info instead of my registration. He probably had a good laugh. At least I didn't cry this time. I was fully expecting a ticket and deserved one. And he was super cute. So I drove safely the rest of the way home. It was a country road too. But I should have known better!

    I'm a little nervous for my second interview at the school. This is because I am not confident in myself. Trying to remember that what I'm going through doesn't define me, and they don't see me that way either.

    Beautiful behavior:
    Smile, Drink water, relax!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lea, I've taken several classes in fermenting. I can now make my own pickles, yogurt and kombucha! I've found that the kombucha is the easiest for me to do regularly, and it's now a part of our diet. what are you going to make?

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Libby, congrats on maintaining! that is a victory!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2017
    What is kombucha?
    I'm going to make cabbage - sauerkraut.

    Hi to Libby. I'm keeping you in prayer.

    Hi to Sherri. You are so pretty! Woo!

    Hi to dlm4mom. You are so good at sticking to your plan!

    Got to go :neutral: clean up the kitchen :s
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    edited February 2017
    Kombucha is a fermented sweet tea. I love sauerkraut, never made it though. when I have a kitchen, I plan on trying that and pickles again.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    it's just after dinner, and i'm going to bed so i can have two nights in a row under my calories. yay!!!
  • Well, after several weeks dealing with horrible side effects from a new medication and a short bout with an icky virus (plus stress at work multiplying every day), I realize I have lost my stamina. I tried to start running again and it's just pitiful.

    Beautiful behaviors for today:
    1) DON'T give up. I ran today even though it was hard, and I have to keep it up.
    2)DON'T beat myself up. I couldn't control my health issues, but I can control how I react to the setback. My new meds seem to be better.
    3) DON'T freak out over work. I will just do one thing at a time, and maybe someday I will be caught up. Lol
    4) Make a plan to get back into weight training.
    5) Try to do something relaxing today, even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes.

    Having all you ladies on my side definitely gives me a boost. We got this!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @theamazingcassiebunny - YOU HAVE GOT THIS!!!

    On the subject of keeping my fat clothes/skinny clothes. Nope. Donate, throw or whatever. I won't keep them. I can sew. I can shop at a second hand store. I can buy fabulous new stuff. It all goes out of style.

    Love you all.

    Good night!

  • Thanks, @aleahurst. I needed a cheer. :)
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @theamazingcassiebunny , i'm so impressed that you're running even though you're saying "it's pitiful"! good for you!

    Lea, i wish i could sew. i think. lol

    Good morning, all!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well - I accepted the paraprofessional position. It is part time, but potentially turns into full; those prayers will keep being prayed!

    This is such a relief and is where I want to be! So thankful for the opportunity. So thankful for you all. So ready for healthy choices, again! I'll be on a schedule and can eat "normal". Things are going to fall into place.

    Hope you all have a great Friday!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Congratulations, Libby!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @woznube7 Congrats, that's wonderful!

    Hope everyone is trying to swap one food item out for something healthy and maybe get up and stretch or move today.

    Back and Biceps where I did 25 lb bicep curls at 9 reps 3X, 60 lb preacher curls at 8 reps 3X, 110 lb deadlift 8 reps - and much more. Then after I did 20 minutes of HIIT cardio - burpees, jump squats, reverse leg lift crunches, high knees, tappers on stairs, seated crunchy frogs, block jumps, mason twist, split jump lunges and jumping jacks - 30 seconds on and 40 seconds rest in between. - This was my beautiful but sweaty thing yesterday.

    Today I am going to try to complete my leg and ab workout. I'm feeling a bit tired this afternoon, sitting at my desk at work. Hopefully once I walk out into this beautiful sunshine I will wake up.

    Have a happy Friday!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Friday to all!

    Yep, Sherri, I moved! I walked 2.7 miles, got groceries, gave a listen to a friend who is going through some stuff, and wondering why I'm tired...

    However, I think we got this. And what on earth is a seated crunchy frog????

    Congratulations, Libby. I'm glad you are in your career field!

    Cassie, are you holding up?

    Jess, isn't fermented food good for you? Or is that just another food trend that is iffy?

    I used to know a chef who made -no lie - green crunchy frogs from food color, nuts, and cream cheese. It actually sounds awful but had a decent flavor. It's one of those images that I've never been able to forget!

    I need to go get busy so I'll be able to sleep tonight!

    Love you all.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i just closed my food diary for the day and i'm only 11 calories over! i may be getting the hang of this. :)

    Today I went and bought myself two pair of pants and a vest that goes with both, so two new outfits. Much needed. i also bought some yarn and instructions to make a pretty lacy shawl. i decided i'm going to crochet all the kids (my daughter and her boyfriend, and john's three kids, their SOs and two grandchildren) for holiday presents this year. crocheting is really helping me not eat at night.

    do you have a hobby or a go-to activity to take the place of mindless munching?

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yay! Go Jess!

    I need to find a hobby. Playing in the dirt? No. I garden to eat. Building stuff? No. I build necessary things. My goodness. Hmmm. Interesting question.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    lea, fermented food is very good for you. i have some handouts about them that i got from the classes i took, but i can't put my hands on anything because it's all still in boxes. google "microbiome". fermented foods increase the health of this, which was described to me as our largest organ.
  • Lea, I am hanging in there. It will get better if I keep trying.

    Jessi, a hobby sounds like a great idea!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all!

    I'm having a tough day today. It's the first time John is away for the whole day and i'm in the house by myself since we moved in, and i'm feeling anxiety. I don't know why, but I do suffer from anxiety. I'm working through it by making a list of things i could do and checking them off. 10 hrs to go before he returns. :neutral:

    How is everybody today? What's on your Saturday agenda?

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm just going to put in 5000 calories on the world's largest burrito and go to bed. Mom and son took me out to dinner. I got home and the cats looked at me with accusing eyes. So, I told them that I was out getting the human equivalent of tuna. They lined up at their bowls. I guess if I go off diet, they want to as well!

    This makes up for three days of lack of appetite this week!

    I will be back on the program tomorrow!

    Love you all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Jess - How are you doing today? I've kept you in prayer.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    thank you, Lea! i'm doing ok. i didn't track my food yesterday and today, but i'll get back on program tomorrow. i got through the hard part and survived. <3
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Good afternoon! Happy Sunday!

    It is SO sunny in Michigan with spring-like temps. I am loving it. My sister (best friend) and I went for a 4.5 mile walk. I told her it was nice to be out of hibernation. he he Go big or go home. I haven't walked since I did the 5k, so it felt really good to move. Definitely am ready to get back into this getting healthy routine!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I was at the hospital all Saturday. My dad has many issues and he was having trouble breathing, not to worry he has bronchitis and he was released the same day. I still was able to go to volleyball that night - I was so tired.

    -So, even though I was at the hospital all day Saturday I managed to eat healthy and stay within calorie budget all weekend. However, I did take yesterday as a rest day because my shoulder was sore from volleyball because we only played with 4 people (we still won 2 games).
    -Today I am on track with my food and will be going to the gym tonight. I may have to lift a little lighter on the weights because of my shoulder.

    Hope you all are having a great Monday.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Sherri, best wishes for your dad's speedy recovery!

    Libby, that's a great walk! good for you!

    Good morning, all! I had an ok weekend food-wise. I want to start doing better on the weekends, because right now it's like I'm on maintenance... I work hard all week, and then negate my efforts in a couple of days. I got on the scale this morning and no movement. I'm glad I didn't go up, but I'm SO ready for it to go down!

    I don't know about where you live, but here in MD, the weather is CRAZY! It's so warm, I didn't wear a coat this morning. And it's supposed to go up to the 70s this week! Every time I get happily excited about the warmth, John goes into his "global warming" speech about how awful it is. Well, the biggest part of me knows he's right, but the rest of me is gleeful for the rise in temps. We even have crocuses coming up in the front yard already!

    Today I'm going to try something new at work. I'm going to try to get up every hour and walk around the floor to add some steps in. I usually get about 3500 - 4000 steps in on my work days, and I really want to increase that to try to make up for the days when I'm home and lucky to get 2500. Tomorrow, when I'm home, I'm going to go out for a walk and take advantage of the weather. That's my plan for the next two days... watch my food intake and up my activity.

    What are your plans for the week to support the gorgeous habits we're trying to build?

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Trying to get back on track and get it together. Really discouraged and annoyed at myself. Ugghhhhhhh