The diet sabatogers

Maybe not for everyone, but many have a friend or loved or even a coworker who constantly tries to purposely tank your diet/life style change by offering sweets when they know you are watching what you eat, or making something really fattening and telling you its not that fattening or making excuses for you to eat unhealthy or leaving out unhealthy things or make negative comments about why its unhealthy to diet or offer dieting advise that is bound to do you handle the diet sabatogers in your life?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Sit down and have a serious talk with them. Tell them that you appreciate that they want to do nice things, but since you are trying to lose weight you could use some support. Give them some ways that they can make things easier on you, like not bringing you treats and keeping negative comments to themselves. If they can't support you it might be time to rethink your friendship or cut them out.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    My boss does this. He buys chocolates from a candy shop for the office and tries to push the last one one me. We go to lunch and he tries to push dessert on me. It's super annoying. I finally had to get pissed at him and say "Stop. If I want something I'll eat it. It's super annoying when you try to push food on me". I was blunt about it. Didn't hurt his feelings, but let did let him know he's pissing me off.

    Sometimes you have to be blunt and say No means No. You (me anyways, not you personally) also need to show restraint and stick to your guns.
  • JP_909
    JP_909 Posts: 816 Member
    Nothing you can do. Just gotta get it into their head you're not gonna eat it lol. Eventually they will stop pressuring you or at least do it less. Good luck to you
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think labeling people as sabotagers is kind of pointless... Just because you've made it a point to announce weight loss goals and plans doesn't mean everyone has to not offer you things or keep their mouth shut on opinions they have no matter how wrong we think they are. Thats life, you're going to find those traits anywhere, any choice you choose to make with your own body, someone else is going to think you should do it differently.

    In the end you just say "oh okay" to what they say and carry on doing what youre doing.
    They dont need to know if you actually took their advice, you don't need to try and convince them of different, you also don't need to eat what they offer you. Most times i say no to things and say im not hungry and maybe if i am hungry later i will come and ask them for some.. or just say maybe another time.. its all choice at this point right, i could have people knocking on my door offering me chocolates at valentines day, i could take those boxes, doesn't mean i have to open them and eat them, or i could say thank you for thinking of me but no thanks all the same.

    My aunt truely is a sabotager XD i asked for a black coffee-went to pee- she got me a triple triple...They exist xD
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited February 2017
    yeah no shes been truely trying to sabotage me since i started XD she also rubs butter on my food when i go to pee when we go to restaurants i had to stop drinking water before we go out just to stop her lol

    Iv told her to stop and she hasnt xD
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I realize that I am responsible for me. If I choose to eat something that I don't know the nutritional content of, that is my choice. No one makes me do it. I can ask family, friends about the content of a meal I did not prepare.
    cshinton1 wrote: »
    Maybe not for everyone, but many have a friend or loved or even a coworker who constantly tries to purposely tank your diet/life style change by offering sweets when they know you are watching what you eat, or making something really fattening and telling you its not that fattening or making excuses for you to eat unhealthy or leaving out unhealthy things or make negative comments about why its unhealthy to diet or offer dieting advise that is bound to do you handle the diet sabatogers in your life?

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    good point!

    Like the guy in my office (who is only in the office a few hours once or twice a week) who brings treats from home after any holiday because he wants to get them out of his house. He's done this for the 10+ years I've worked with him. He didn't change because I lost weight, but my perception of the world around me is different now.
    bagge72 wrote: »
    I think that is just regular life. People offer me food if I'm not trying to lose weight, or I am. I think we just realize it more when we are, and we get mad about it. Just say no and go about your business, nobody can actually sabotage you if you don't want them to.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    good point!

    Like the guy in my office (who is only in the office a few hours once or twice a week) who brings treats from home after any holiday because he wants to get them out of his house. He's done this for the 10+ years I've worked with him. He didn't change because I lost weight, but my perception of the world around me is different now.
    bagge72 wrote: »
    I think that is just regular life. People offer me food if I'm not trying to lose weight, or I am. I think we just realize it more when we are, and we get mad about it. Just say no and go about your business, nobody can actually sabotage you if you don't want them to.

    Yes, that's a really good point. It's not necessarily about you (you meaning us, meaning the us who are trying to cut calories) when people offer food or bring in treats.

    I just say no thanks and move on. People don't really push food on me or offer diet advice or tell me that what I am doing is unhealthy. I've never given most people (other than my husband) reason to think I care about their opinions on those matters.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited February 2017
    In my office the 'treats' go on the kitchen table, so its up to each person to partake or not. No one really pushes. I do sometimes, but in general I don't have a hard time passing up things that have no nutritional information. Though I have had days where a brownie leads to two more brownies and that leads to a 'what the h***' resulting in Arby's on the way home and half a pizza before bed...
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    yeah no shes been truely trying to sabotage me since i started XD she also rubs butter on my food when i go to pee when we go to restaurants i had to stop drinking water before we go out just to stop her lol

    Iv told her to stop and she hasnt xD

    Wow. Seriously? Boundary issues. When you get mad at her, she doesn't stop?
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I've yoyo'd over the last 20+ years and this time I'm losing weight for me. Not an event, occasion or person.

    Just losing weight because I want to. This small change had made me give zero cares what anyone else does, says or eats. I can't explain it. On other "diets" I cared. This time not one bit.

    I'd simply say thanks but no thanks. If they persists I would very nicely tell them you appreciate it but if you make me take it I'm going to give it or throw it away.

    If its chocolate I would make room for it:).

  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I do find, "No thanks-- I'm not hungry," works really well. Most people shrug and forget about it. When they KNOW you want it then they will tempt you because they can tell that you won't stick to your plan. My hubby tempted me for a while at first but did give up when he realized I am serious. Most people think diets are fleeting and forget you are even on one.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited February 2017
    DebSozo wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    yeah no shes been truely trying to sabotage me since i started XD she also rubs butter on my food when i go to pee when we go to restaurants i had to stop drinking water before we go out just to stop her lol

    Iv told her to stop and she hasnt xD

    Wow. Seriously? Boundary issues. When you get mad at her, she doesn't stop?

    nah when i call her out on it she says shes helping me lose weight by giving me the fat and proteins i if i need butter in my salad and melted in my coffee to lose weight xD ...shes had that arguement with me multiple times thinking her huge buttered fatty deep fried meal loses more weight thn my side salad and black coffee XD Shes not stupid so one has to assume shes sabotaging on purpose lol. Seeing as whenever SHE brings my weight loss up (since i stopped ages ago) she gets mad and grumpy

    Screw her i lost healthy i look and feel fabulous shes just jealous XD
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    I agree. I just say "No thank you" and it works. I've never felt pressured into eating anything they buy or bake. Most people I work with just responds with "Good, more for me" and I just smile.