I need a fitness buddy....



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning!!
    I just have to share! Today I am in the 170's!! I am so very happy!! Thank you all for being here! This has been great motivation for me! I just love coming here to see what my buddies are doing to keep themselves busy!
    Keep movin'!! :drinker:
  • SammyD
    SammyD Posts: 50
    Good morning!!
    I just have to share! Today I am in the 170's!! I am so very happy!! Thank you all for being here! This has been great motivation for me! I just love coming here to see what my buddies are doing to keep themselves busy!
    Keep movin'!! :drinker:

    Great job Sanifrey!!! I know it sure motivates me to see other people actually achieving results.
    I went to the Y today and did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes in the pool. I think I really like lap swim, I may do that more often.

    Have a great day!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    Good morning!!
    I just have to share! Today I am in the 170's!! I am so very happy!! Thank you all for being here! This has been great motivation for me! I just love coming here to see what my buddies are doing to keep themselves busy!
    Keep movin'!! :drinker:

    Great job!!!!

    i just got done with my workout....i did 1 hour on my stationary bike and then level one on 30 day shred!!!! i really hope i can lose some weight soon, cause its so hard to stay motivated when u dont! im gonna STOP eating my excersice calories and see if that helps!!
  • Good morning!!
    I just have to share! Today I am in the 170's!! I am so very happy!! Thank you all for being here! This has been great motivation for me! I just love coming here to see what my buddies are doing to keep themselves busy!
    Keep movin'!! :drinker:

    Fabulous!!! Today I did 40 minutes on the treadmill combo walking and running. Hope it helps me too!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Thank you, thank you , thank you!!

    I'm just so happy to see these results!! I just hope that I can keep it up. I've been making my workouts a little more intense, working out longer, harder & faster. The problems is that my knees are bothering me now! So do I work through the pain or pull it back a little bit? It just feels so good to be able to KICK IT, ya know?? But, it would be really bad to injur myself & have to stop all together.. what ya think??
  • After gaining more weight since I started (in January) I finally lost a pound!!! I found out that I was starving myself. I thought I was eating about 1200 calories a day and the school nurse told me to check because I should be losing weight at 1200. Turns out at the end of the day I had about 200 calories left! For 1 week I forced myself to eat the full 1200 cals & it worked!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    After gaining more weight since I started (in January) I finally lost a pound!!! I found out that I was starving myself. I thought I was eating about 1200 calories a day and the school nurse told me to check because I should be losing weight at 1200. Turns out at the end of the day I had about 200 calories left! For 1 week I forced myself to eat the full 1200 cals & it worked!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    Congrats to you!! Keep up the good work!!

    Today, I did the BL Cardio Max & then hopped on the treadmill for a 40minute program. 753 calories burned!! I feel pretty good. My knees aren't too bad. I was really conscience of my form & intensity so as to avoid injury! We'll see how I feel as the evening progresses!!

    Keep Movin'!! :drinker:
  • i just got my workout in today...i did all levels of biggest loser cardio max!!! i have been very discouraged and totally didnt want to workout, but i made myself and i feel good now!!! its been almost 3 weeks since i have lost weight:sad: and its starting to really get to me!!! i upped my calories on friday but it only made me gain 6 oz:cry: on days that i workout i eat around 1400 calories and days i dont workout i eat 1200...does that sound right??? i drink tons of water...i thought i was drinking 100 oz a day but then i started to measure and its more like 200 oz!!! i eat 5-6 meals a day, and i try to mix up my workouts every day or so.......so what am i doing wrong???? HELP!!!
    I was on a 3 week plateau then I lost 3 pounds then I gained one back and have been on a 2 week plateau. But, in those last 2 weeks I lost 3 1/2 inches around my waist. Meaure Nicole it will keep you sain!!! Sending love to you!!!
  • I have done 20 minutes on the bowflex this morning and 12 on the bike. i just did a 20 min basic aerobics workout. I was going to do the dance aerobics that is on after it's also 20 min. I should have taken a break. I couldn't get past ten. My heart rate was so high on my HRM I thought it would explode. I'll try that one again tomorrow. I have 30 minutes on the bowflex tonight with DH and then 30 on gazelle this afternoon.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i just got my workout in today...i did all levels of biggest loser cardio max!!! i have been very discouraged and totally didnt want to workout, but i made myself and i feel good now!!! its been almost 3 weeks since i have lost weight:sad: and its starting to really get to me!!! i upped my calories on friday but it only made me gain 6 oz:cry: on days that i workout i eat around 1400 calories and days i dont workout i eat 1200...does that sound right??? i drink tons of water...i thought i was drinking 100 oz a day but then i started to measure and its more like 200 oz!!! i eat 5-6 meals a day, and i try to mix up my workouts every day or so.......so what am i doing wrong???? HELP!!!
    I was on a 3 week plateau then I lost 3 pounds then I gained one back and have been on a 2 week plateau. But, in those last 2 weeks I lost 3 1/2 inches around my waist. Meaure Nicole it will keep you sain!!! Sending love to you!!!

    Thankyou!!! i have been measuring and nothing changes:cry: last week i said ok 1 more week....nothing changed....so im gonna try to push 1 more week!!! the past 2 nights i just get so down and then i just eat bad!! every bite i think, what am i doing, im going over and i know i should stop, but i dont. i pinky promised my friend i would do good today, and i DONT ever break a promise(i know im kinda lame):smile: , so i know i will do good tonight!!! mfp is the only thing that keeps me going....so thanks to everybody!!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i got my workout in today...tae bo cardio circuit!
  • I shoveled 6 inches of snow today - 250 calories!:glasses:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I went back to work today and worked my butt off. It has been the start of a bad week and this is just my first day back. 8 people in my department got laid off, including my best friend that is also pregnant. That just made me feel blah. I lost a pound this week so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I have eaten like a horse because of stress and all that. I am hoping for this week to hurry up and end!
  • It's working!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    Good job everyone!!!
    well, i have some sad news. i fell last week on the ice, and really got hurt!
    i banged up both knees, both wrists, and skinned my arms and legs.
    I havent been able to work out this week, and im jsut soo
    frustrated!!! i am having a really crappy week! LOL
    you guys are doing soooo great though! im so proud of you!!!!
    With Love,
  • aww jaelle, am so sorry to hear that!!

    i have had a good day though - got my strength training in as well as my cardio so very pleased!

    keep it up guys,

    "every new meal is a new chance"
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    got my workout in today...30 day shred!!! i get my p90 tomorrow and im soooo excited!!!!

    jaelle- sorry to hear about ur fall...best of luck!!!!
  • 40 minutes of treadmill and 15 weights. I'm still in!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Jaelle - so sorry to hear about your fall!! You poor girl! You get better soon ya hear!! :wink:

    Well, I've been sick, sick, sick these last couple of days! I spent Wednesday night barfing my guts out & then Thursday night, while still recovering I got to help my toddler barf her guts out!! My husband says he's not feeling well today.. I feel like my house has the plague!! I don't know if it's a virus or maybe the peanut butter thing!! I've really not been very careful with that warning so it could be! Anyway, I think I'm going to take it easy again today & hopefully by tomorrow I can get back into it!!

    But, I just wanted to check in to see how everyone was getting along! Keep up the good work & keep movin'!!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    i got my workout in today!! i did 1 hour on the treadmill....incline at 9, alternating running at 5.5 and walking at 3.0!!!! at the beginnning of this week i was very discouraged cause i havnt lost any weight in a while, i still havnt lost any but i have decided that my weight will not control my actions....I WILL CONTROL MY ACTIONS!!!! and in the long run I WILL WIN, not my weight!!! i wrote that on my mirror, so i can see it everyday and remember it!!! I challenge everyone else to do the same!!! Come on, we CAN all do this together!!!! good luck and keep on movin!!!!
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