Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @ShyCush6 - I hate when my skinny jean are more like cut off the circulations to your lower half jeans. I have a couple pairs of those. Hoping for the beginning of April to be back to my fighting weight. A cheese raffle, my husband would be all over that.

    @rachel0778 - I feel you on the cleaning. I was doing the same. Dinner was okay. Way lemony but good. Will definitely make it again but will change the cooking method I think. It was a little soupy for sure.

    So the scale finally moved this morning, hopefully I will keep it up.
    I have been having the hardest time feeling good going back to the gym. It has never sapped my energy the way it is doing this time. By the time I have done with my trainer I am totally whipped and feel like I have to puke. I get that I was on "medical leave" for 4 months but come on folks. I am so hard on myself I have got to let it go...I just keep repeating it will get better, you will feel better and your ability will get better. Woman UP!!

    Well, hope everyone has a great day. I have more cleaning to do after the gym but the good news is it is leftover day so no cooking at least.

  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Shy. It must b a girls tradition. At the end of every high school season the coaches house gets TP'd. The one year it just happened to b trash night also. So he ended up with a whole living room. Under the TP curtain I'm going to have to try some MIO in my water. I come into to work so early that I am eating my lunch at 10:30. Then between 12-1 everyone else eats and I smell all of their food cooking that I feel I have to eat too
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. I am so jealous of all your out and about, and exercise. I am stuck at home all day. It is driving me crazy. No exercise and I can't seem to stop eating. Boredom setting in. I think I have gained a pound. Yesterday I convinced my niece to take me grocery shopping, the BF took me to Home Depot. I managed about 4500 steps. I was tired when I was done. I am getting so frustrated. I was averaging 16000 steps with a 25 minute run. 5 more days.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @jdelaroy sorry to hear u r tied to the house. I will keep you in my thoughts. I know how hard it is when ur board. I want to eat the whole house.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Welp! I'm totally discombobulated! The week is getting away on me - earlier in the week I thought it was the end of the week, today I thought it was Tuesday. Whaaaat is going on?! LOL! So happy Thursday everyone! :p

    Rachel - This is definitely the place to vent, so no need to apologize to us! We've definitely all vented, whined, griped and complained! Being too busy and feeling out of control totally sucks... and it makes us eat more when we're off kilter! I'm glad you got yourself back on track! Sleep definitely helps, and saying no (even last minute) is allowed! Maybe next week mark 2 nights on the calendar that say FREE, and no matter what comes up, say nope, already have a date with myself! As for in laws - don't even get me started! I usually go to bed early and read for an hour so I don't have to visit. PFFFFF!! I figure they really want to spend time with hubs anyway!

    Shy - I can't run to save my life anymore, so don't feel bad about it. I've done 4 half marathons in the past, and now I can run on the treadmill for 25 mins max. It just takes practice, practice, practice to get your time up, and once your time is up, then you can work on speed. But that is way down the road! If you really want to run, try starting with run 2 min, walk 1 for a week. Then next week run 3 min, walk 1. Once you get up to run 10 min, walk 1, you are golden - that is how I did all of my races. during the 1 min, drink water and catch your breath! As for the scale moving, the struggle is real! I'm right there with you. trying to behave this week - will weigh tomorrow! Let's keep drinking the mio and try not to go over the calories!

    Jen - CONGRATS on onderland!! You did it! *high five* I was there, then I wasn't, then I was, then I wasn't... I'm close again, so I'm going to do it again! LOL. Dedication and perseverance! Glad to hear you are improving and healing up. Keep resting! Because if you do too much too fast, it just takes longer in the end. You're doing great!

    Karen - OMG!!! Step off *****!!! HA!! I'm so going to tell myself that from now on! I love it. As for eating before the gym, there's no way I can do it. It sits in my tummy like a rock and makes me feel sick. Maybe a small yogurt - something thick but not dense? then it won't sit? Otherwise, a handful of nuts might help before a work out? I'm trying to meal plan (again), it does help when you are working full time, and trying to fit in the gym. I actually wrote down on a piece of paper this week and pre planned everything: gym times each day, breakfasts, lunches and dinners. It's actually been good because it's all thought out, I'm not frustrated wondering what to make/pack/do!

    Regie - welcome to the group! post anytime. Congrats on your loss, you are kicking butt and taking names!

    Nichole - Buddy is so cute!! He's got the *kitten* disturber look on his face in that pic! Love that! Sounds like he's as good on a leash as my dog Copper. Holy it's embarrassing sometimes. People walk by, I apologize for her craziness, they ask if she is a puppy and I say no, she's EIGHT!! yikes!! LOL Happy bday to your daughter! 19!! That case sounds like something my family would love, everyone loves pb in my house!

    Sinead - glad to hear your FIL is improving and everything is going well. Whew! What a weight off your mind. Good for you for maintaining during that stressful time! That's a huge NSV!! I'm a stress eater, so that's a big accomplishment!! I also like that quote you heard at WW. I heard one similar - if you drop one egg, would you just throw the other 11 onto the ground too? no! So if you have one slip up, don't throw it all away!

    Jane - glad to hear Alistair is improving. It takes time for those spots to disappear! So nice to have another spotty little guy over for a fun playdate. They can scratch each other! LOL!

    We're going to a movie tonight, taking my 9 yo to see Moana - a bit late, but we just didn't get around to it yet! (We love Disney movies at our house!) I'm NOT going to eat any popcorn, because I'm weighing tomorrow and that sodium will totally kill me. Going to bring my water bottle with mio in it and just keep my trap shut! This morning I had a huge NSV for me! We have a monthly meeting that I order food/coffee for, and I order from this amazing bakery that has suuuuuch good muffins, quiches and croissants. I have been known to eat 4-5 - not joking! because they sit out and then through the day we all will munch and next thing you know we've eaten waaaaay too many! thankfully I'm not the only one who does this! Today, I did not eat a single one. No tastes or crumbs! I'm pretty happy about that - shows me that I am really trying hard right now. o:) I'm going to the gym before the movie, going to do a bit of cardio because I'll be sitting on my duff all evening! Have a good day everyone! xo
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Happy Birthday to my Jenna.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ngolden3320 oh my gosh! She is beautiful, I bet it is inside as well outside.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,402 Member
    Happy Birthday, Jenna, you're beautiful
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    This week could seriously not end fast enough. The inlaws came last night and everything is going well. Sleeping on an air mattress and parking my car outside (I gave them the garage since I had to leave so early this morning) sucks but what can you do? We had a healthy dinner last night and my MIL is on Weight Watchers so I have a feeling that trend will continue. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    @ngolden3320 Happy Birthday Jenna! She is beautiful and clearly takes after you!

    @bluepoppies777 Great control over those bakery items. How did you like Moana? We absolutely loved it!

    @jdelaroy It is so hard not to eat when you're stuck in the house all day. Is there stuff you can do to try to pass the time and keep your hands busy? I know it sounds lame, but knitting works for me sometimes.

    @FitEqualsSmile It's hard to dive right back in after 4 months! Please try to be kind to yourself as you build up your endurance

    @ShyCush6 Did you make it to the gym? It sounds like you have a lot of fun events coming up, I'm jealous of your sushi date!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    hello bomb shell! gorgeous picture of Jenna!

    yes, went to Moana last night and I loved it! (cried a little - like I do in pretty much every disney movie because I'm a wuss!) LOL! Stuck to my water with Mio and didn't have a single snack or popcorn.... and I'm down today! I'm feeling slimmer, which is a nice change!

    I made 6 homemade egg mcmuffin thingy's the other night and froze them. They are SO awesome! one egg, mozza cheese, some spinach leaves on a buttered whole wheat english muffin. Froze them up, and have taken one to work for breakfast at my desk. Warm it up for 1 minute and it is magic! comes to 330 cals, and I love it. Why didn't I do this before?! you guys should try making them!

    Rachel - have a good weekend! That will really help that your MIL is on ww, so you guys can keep it healthy through the visit. Sleeping on an air mattress sucks ballz, but is obviously the thing you do when older peeps come for overnight visits.

    have a great weekend everyone! I'm heading out for a few hours of snowshoeing tomorrow with my friend! Will be so good to breathe in the fresh air!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    happy friday!!!
  • jason17305
    jason17305 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2017
    This month I've been doing an experiment. I haven't worked out once, or tried to really watch what I eat. I've still managed to lose weight by intermittent fasting. I've been doing the 18:6 protocol every day and I also follow the 5:2 protocol.

    But i feel great, and it's not as hard as it seems once you get going. I've actually lost more weight by fasting than I did eating right and exercising.

    It's ironic, because after all of these years, I've had the most success by doing absolutely nothing(intermittent fasting) lol.

    Diet and exercise on a consistent basis is just too difficult for most people to maintain. I think fasting is something I can do easily for the rest of my life. I mean it makes sense if you think about it, if you don't eat for long periods of time you'll lose weight! Ask any child how to lose weight and I bet they'll say "stop eating". Sometimes the answer to the most complicated problem is the simplest one. And as an added bonus your hormones will regulate themselves.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Karen: Yay for scale movement!! Yes.. you will improve, 4 months is a set back.. you will be back to norm in no time!!

    Nicole: The ids had a ton of fun TP’ing the boys and coaches houses! Too bad the boys aren’t doing so well at state! Oh well! Lexi is enjoying it! She knows a few from other schools to cheer on! Mio is great! It’s been a lifesaver for me! Jenna is gorgeous!!

    Jdelaroy: Sorry to hear you are getting house sick… I con completely understand! Hope you are up and moving better soon!

    Joy: I’m going to have to try the step by step running… I know Lexi would like me to run with her more and it is so damn tough! I can do about 25-30 min on the treadmill but about 10 outside on the sidewalk! I’m surprised there is such a difference! How was the movie? Way to go on the yummies… it is easy to snack on them later when they sit there all day! You rock lady!! I love when I get organized and make egg sandwiches and freeze them… I’ve made them in tortillas too… and they are yummy! Love the meme!

    Rachel: At least MIL is eating good with you! That helps!! I didn’t make it to the gym last night… Nascar took over and the hubs and I hung out watching…. =)

    Well ladies… I did not get in a workout last night but that’s ok since I had a good one in the morning. Nascar season is upon us.. so Hubs and I watched that instead! I did get a workout in again this morning since it’s sushi night and I won’t get a good one in later! I’m also planning on hitting the gym hard tomorrow morning before the cheese raffle!! I am going to take good snacks with me tomorrow, so when everyone is eating cheese… I can snack too… Plus the Mio… I can do this! It’ll be hard… but I can make it through a weekend and not gain!! I plan on a good workout Sunday morning with Lexi too so that will help! The scale did drop 1.5 lbs this week, but that doesn’t help much when I gained 2 lbs. last Saturday… Oh well… Hoping maybe it TOM… I never know thanks to my IUD when it is… but that is the only thing I can think of… Here’s to a fun weekend!! I’ll be watching Nascar Sunday… Any other fans among us? Been watching it since I was a lil kid with my dad… Go Harvick!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,332 Member
    God, I love your memes!

    It's been a while since I posted anything. Two weeks ago, I came down with the flu and a sinus infection. Didn't realize I had a sinus infection until middle of this week. So, two weeks of hideousness. Reading these posts has kept me entertained! Everyone's V-Days sounded really nice (mine was spent sleeping with the flu). And the food porn has been pretty good, too!

    Rachel--one thing about cruises...make sure you like being on a boat. My husband and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon and I learned...he hates the motion, being a million miles from visible land and, generally, boats. So, from his perspective, not stellar. There were other issues, too, but I think we just chose poorly. I doubt we'd ever go on another...but that was a really bad year for cruises. If you think you're likely to drink, I'd buy a husband really doesn't drink and I don't drink much (spent too much time being related to alcoholics and working in a field adjunct to substance abuse treatment), so we opted not to...but the package would be worth it.

    It sounds like things are going really well for everyone. Hearing about all this exercise everyone is doing makes me wish I was more mobile. The doctor is letting me out of the boot a couple hours a day but much walking is pretty uncomfortable. It's funny...I don't love housework but I have to admit missing being able to clean my house properly. Lee (husband) has been doing some, but not to the level I'd like.

    Fortunately, I've been keeping the food intake under control and I've managed to sustain my losses, in spite of being sick and seriously cranky. I've also managed to lose a couple more pounds! I'm substantially at/above 40 pounds down now. The Onederland talk now makes sense. I was super excited when I reached it early in December. At this point, I weigh less than I've weighed in about 3-4 years (I dropped down to here for about 6 weeks around 4 years ago but then jumped back up). If I keep this up, I'm hoping I'll be back at marriage weight in four months or so, lower than I've been in 14 years or so...I think that was about when I started gaining so much.

    So, stupid weight loss program update: I still hate it; I'm still doing it. I'm cool with eating slowly, I'm even okay with stopping eating after 10 minutes and waiting 5 to start eating again. Slow eating makes sense. But their stupid H2Orange (which I'm only drinking right now because I'm sick) is...well, stupid. I'm not much of a juice fan unless I'm sick. The constant contradictions are still irritating. I refuse to skip breakfast...breakfast is what gets me going, that's it. And I hate the videos. Anyway, seven more weeks and then I'll go back to reason.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • hamsammy67
    hamsammy67 Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in! I can relate to you, ShyCush6...I too am a beer kinda gal! And we like to eat out and have the big weekend breakfast. BUT I can usually make it through the whole day being "good"...and then on weekends, blow it by having a beer and homemade popcorn (made with oil, but not buttered). It KILLS me! However, though weight loss is my goal, I am using MyFitnessPal to instead be a little more mindful. I like being active in the outdoors, but the gym: UGH. I used to be a gym rat (before kids) but now I prefer outdoor exercise...
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,332 Member
    I'm with you @hamsammy67, outdoors is preferrable. Love hiking w/ my hubs & friends. Our best vacations have been places where we did/had the option for a lot of hiking (Glacier Ntl Park, Ithica, NY, Niagra (different type of hiking, but still)). When we can, we try to do our walking outside--live next to a medium sized graveyard and we like to ramble around...a walk and interesting history. I know, sounds morbid, but it is actually fun.