Am I skinny fat? What do I do now?



  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    The approach of 1500 + massive day may be ok moving back up above a minimum

    However 1500 IS a minimum.

    Muscles are not going to start growing big time while under these severe deficits.

    Even in the presence of adequate body fat you would expect a performance impact from the size of the deficit.

    I presume you would recommend all calories to be from clean source as currently since November my diet has been strict where everyday is: protein cookie, Oats, tuna, vegetables, grapes, banana and water. No deviation at all!!!!!!!!!

    Was thinking maybe start incorporating foods I've missed...

    You can eat what you please. It doesn't have to be 'clean'. Actually, to get your calories up, you may benefit from 'non-clean' foods.

    That's good to know! Thanks!

    I suppose the key is I'm hitting my protein targets

    You also need to get enough fat. I'm not sure how much fat is in your protein cookie but everything else you've listed is very low in fat.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

    I have a feeling some people are maybe missing that element of the post OP. Your current photo does not look fat to me. I think all the program suggestions you've gotten are aces and you're well on your way to another leg of your fitness journey :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    BMI of 21.... First i would consider trying to find my current maintenance level. Then I would consider my exercise regime.

    What would be the best approach?

    Increase your cals 100 per week till you get to around 1850

    Watch that. You just suggested 6 more weeks of (large theoretical) deficit eating as even 1800 is a guessed tdee with calculators pointing to over 2k.

    I don't disagree that moving beyond 1850 should be slow, maybe 100 at a time; but given he is eating well below the minimum for a male right now a good initial jump to at least 1500 for a week or two followed by another good jump if it was well tolerated sounds like a good idea.

    I don't disagree, just concerned that OP will freak out if the scales bounce up from the extra food

    Random question - say I maintain at 1250 six days a week and then on Sunday I have a massive calorie day to average out at 1450-1500 would that be okay? Or wouldn't you recommend this...

    Your 'massive' calorie day isn't really that massive though... but yes, in theory, if you like to eat that way. But at some point you'll have to eat more than the 1250 on the other days!

    I've been very clean since November where given I can now afford to eat a bit more could you say I could incorporate a bit of "junk" into my days or shall I stay clean...

    You list 'protein cookie' under 'clean' food? That confuses me...

    But anyway, eat whatever fits your calories, hitting your protein and fat minimums, and then the rest carbs.

    Life is too short to never eat proper cookies!
  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

    I have a feeling some people are maybe missing that element of the post OP. Your current photo does not look fat to me. I think all the program suggestions you've gotten are aces and you're well on your way to another leg of your fitness journey :)

    Thanks!!! That means a lot! :-)

  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

    I have a feeling some people are maybe missing that element of the post OP. Your current photo does not look fat to me. I think all the program suggestions you've gotten are aces and you're well on your way to another leg of your fitness journey :)

    Agreed, I definitely wouldn't say fat. Personally, I would up my calories to what you have calculated to be maintenance, get plenty of protein, and work on bumping up the weight you are lifting. You will see a small increase on the scale but that is just water and waste not fat. After a little while, I would slowly increase the calories just a little and work on adding muscle. You have got to feed the gainz.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Chadxx wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

    I have a feeling some people are maybe missing that element of the post OP. Your current photo does not look fat to me. I think all the program suggestions you've gotten are aces and you're well on your way to another leg of your fitness journey :)

    Agreed, I definitely wouldn't say fat. Personally, I would up my calories to what you have calculated to be maintenance, get plenty of protein, and work on bumping up the weight you are lifting. You will see a small increase on the scale but that is just water and waste not fat. After a little while, I would slowly increase the calories just a little and work on adding muscle. You have got to feed the gainz.

    I didn't miss the question about skinny fat. I didn't respond to it because the more important and useful to answer question in the OP was "What do I do now?"
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    The approach of 1500 + massive day may be ok moving back up above a minimum

    However 1500 IS a minimum.

    Muscles are not going to start growing big time while under these severe deficits.

    Even in the presence of adequate body fat you would expect a performance impact from the size of the deficit.

    I presume you would recommend all calories to be from clean source as currently since November my diet has been strict where everyday is: protein cookie, Oats, tuna, vegetables, grapes, banana and water. No deviation at all!!!!!!!!!

    Was thinking maybe start incorporating foods I've missed...

    Since you quoted my post and linked it to a recommendation for restricted eating of clean food only... I have to comment and say that you presume incorrectly.

    *I* would not suggest eating clean and restricted is the "correct" way to go, at least for the vast majority of people.

    You have lost weight; this is good since it was your goal.

    You have not learned much about eating and eating at maintenance and you restricted aggressively. In my opinion both are sub-optimal.

    Guts, glory, iron will, restricted eating plan.
    Yes. You can lose weight doing all that.
    and you have.
    However at some point of time you have to eat at maintenance in order to consolidate your wins.

    Hopefully some other MFPeops can give you sage advice. I chose to sidestep the issue by losing exactly the same way I plan to maintain. So literally for me the switch from loss to maintenance was slightly less daily activity.
  • libbie_Jean
    libbie_Jean Posts: 6 Member
    There is a difference between skinny fat and skinny toned if you want to be skinny toned insted of skinny fat i recommend weight training and protein protein protein
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    OP...keep doing stronglifts as it is intended. There's no need to do an extra chest day. Chest is covered.

    Eat at least 1600 for starters, then slowly make your way to maintenance. Any gain you get will most likely be water weight. Stay at maintenance and lift, lift, lift.
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.
    Dude....come on.

    OP...disregard this.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think @TimothyFish may have skimmed through the original post and only paid attention to the first picture.

    Admittedly i did the same thing :worried:

    OP i think you look fine in your after pic. Imo if you're going to work or improve on something, it would be to add some muscle. Again, just my opinion and preference.
  • alid8333
    alid8333 Posts: 233 Member
    I don't see skinny.

    Seriously? Wow!
  • bienemajamfp
    bienemajamfp Posts: 32 Member
    Eat more, skip the cardio and do a lot harder weight lifting.
  • saintor1
    saintor1 Posts: 376 Member
    I don't see skinny.

    I don't see it either. BMI=20.5, not under the limit of 18.5. He could 'afford' to lose another 6-8 lbs or replace it with muscles.

    I personally don't believe in the long term aspect of resistance training. It is very rare that people do it through their lifetime. IMO, better play at tennis, swim or practice karate.
  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.

    You're saying he is fat in the last photo @TimothyFish (which I understand to be the after in that succession)?

    Thanks Jessica - was a bit confused by the comment as I thought I made some progress lol

    I have a feeling some people are maybe missing that element of the post OP. Your current photo does not look fat to me. I think all the program suggestions you've gotten are aces and you're well on your way to another leg of your fitness journey :)


  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    OP...keep doing stronglifts as it is intended. There's no need to do an extra chest day. Chest is covered.

    Eat at least 1600 for starters, then slowly make your way to maintenance. Any gain you get will most likely be water weight. Stay at maintenance and lift, lift, lift.
    No, you're just fat. "Skinny fat" means that you are slim and look like you should be healthy but tests showing your risk factors (blood pressure, etc.) indicate that you aren't.
    Dude....come on.

    OP...disregard this.


    I'm thinking of scaling down on cardio - would you recommend this or should I continue with it?
  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    I think @TimothyFish may have skimmed through the original post and only paid attention to the first picture.

    Admittedly i did the same thing :worried:

    OP i think you look fine in your after pic. Imo if you're going to work or improve on something, it would be to add some muscle. Again, just my opinion and preference.


    I agree that I need to add muscle!

  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    Eat more, skip the cardio and do a lot harder weight lifting.

    Should I skip cardio won't that reduce my TDEE thus meaning I can eat less?

  • DazzaGainz
    DazzaGainz Posts: 47 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    BMI of 21.... First i would consider trying to find my current maintenance level. Then I would consider my exercise regime.

    What would be the best approach?

    Increase your cals 100 per week till you get to around 1850

    Watch that. You just suggested 6 more weeks of (large theoretical) deficit eating as even 1800 is a guessed tdee with calculators pointing to over 2k.

    I don't disagree that moving beyond 1850 should be slow, maybe 100 at a time; but given he is eating well below the minimum for a male right now a good initial jump to at least 1500 for a week or two followed by another good jump if it was well tolerated sounds like a good idea.

    I don't disagree, just concerned that OP will freak out if the scales bounce up from the extra food

    Random question - say I maintain at 1250 six days a week and then on Sunday I have a massive calorie day to average out at 1450-1500 would that be okay? Or wouldn't you recommend this...

    Your 'massive' calorie day isn't really that massive though... but yes, in theory, if you like to eat that way. But at some point you'll have to eat more than the 1250 on the other days!

    I've been very clean since November where given I can now afford to eat a bit more could you say I could incorporate a bit of "junk" into my days or shall I stay clean...

    You list 'protein cookie' under 'clean' food? That confuses me...

    But anyway, eat whatever fits your calories, hitting your protein and fat minimums, and then the rest carbs.

    Life is too short to never eat proper cookies!

    Are you telling me I can stuff myself with Oreos??? LOL

    Thanks for all your tips! Have uped my calories to 1500 where already feeling more energy and pushing myself already from workouts.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    DazzaGainz wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    BMI of 21.... First i would consider trying to find my current maintenance level. Then I would consider my exercise regime.

    What would be the best approach?

    Increase your cals 100 per week till you get to around 1850

    Watch that. You just suggested 6 more weeks of (large theoretical) deficit eating as even 1800 is a guessed tdee with calculators pointing to over 2k.

    I don't disagree that moving beyond 1850 should be slow, maybe 100 at a time; but given he is eating well below the minimum for a male right now a good initial jump to at least 1500 for a week or two followed by another good jump if it was well tolerated sounds like a good idea.

    I don't disagree, just concerned that OP will freak out if the scales bounce up from the extra food

    Random question - say I maintain at 1250 six days a week and then on Sunday I have a massive calorie day to average out at 1450-1500 would that be okay? Or wouldn't you recommend this...

    Your 'massive' calorie day isn't really that massive though... but yes, in theory, if you like to eat that way. But at some point you'll have to eat more than the 1250 on the other days!

    I've been very clean since November where given I can now afford to eat a bit more could you say I could incorporate a bit of "junk" into my days or shall I stay clean...

    You list 'protein cookie' under 'clean' food? That confuses me...

    But anyway, eat whatever fits your calories, hitting your protein and fat minimums, and then the rest carbs.

    Life is too short to never eat proper cookies!

    Are you telling me I can stuff myself with Oreos??? LOL

    Thanks for all your tips! Have uped my calories to 1500 where already feeling more energy and pushing myself already from workouts.

    Eating a couple of oreos is not the same as stuffing yourself...