Oatmeal is bad?!?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited February 2017
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    I had some oatmeal this morning, apples for a snack, and veggies from a bag for lunch. Will I die?

    You're already dead.

    This thread needs this recipe of Kim's Cravings that was posted via the MFP blog. I think it looks pretty good. I'm planning on making it and having some later.

    Blueberry Cheesecake Baked Oatmeal
  • saintor1
    saintor1 Posts: 376 Member
    Chances are that people eating oatmeal on a regular basis have also good life habits.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    emfarah wrote: »
    I went to this new chiropractor, and he's gotten into the habit of asking me "did you skip the oatmeal?" When I come in for my appointments. He told me that oatmeal is "sticky carbs" and if I didn't eat it for a week, I would lose 4 pounds.

    Let me clarify: I eat one package of no sugar added oatmeal every morning, sometimes with a small scoop of peanut butter. The oatmeal is simply ROLLED OATS. One packet is 100 calories. I would skip the packages and get the big tub of rolled oats instead, but the packages at are easy to keep in my small drawer at work. So I can make some as soon as I get to the office after my morning workout.

    I thought plain pats were a good complex carb that I was "allowed" to eat/ especially in the morning!

    My head is spinning. Help!!!

    Get a new chiropractor. He's full of it.

    I, and millions of other people, eat oatmeal on a regular basis. In fact, I eat it every weekday morning for breakfast.

    Continue to eat your oatmeal, and.....enjoy!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Chiropractic is quack, it's not even evidence-based medicine. Go to certified nutritionist or dietitian.

    No, it's not, generally. But that particular one is. He has no business advising someone on their diet. Not sure why anyone would even get into that conversation with their chiropractor.

    I agree, chiropractic is *definitely* not quack. But - just like any other profession - some get off the rails and veer into "holistic and naturopathic healing." Which IS a bunch of woo. ;)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    I had some oatmeal this morning, apples for a snack, and veggies from a bag for lunch. Will I die?

    I'm astonished you're still breathing long enough to post this. ;)
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    emfarah wrote: »
    I went to this new chiropractor, and he's gotten into the habit of asking me "did you skip the oatmeal?" When I come in for my appointments. He told me that oatmeal is "sticky carbs" and if I didn't eat it for a week, I would lose 4 pounds.

    Let me clarify: I eat one package of no sugar added oatmeal every morning, sometimes with a small scoop of peanut butter. The oatmeal is simply ROLLED OATS. One packet is 100 calories. I would skip the packages and get the big tub of rolled oats instead, but the packages at are easy to keep in my small drawer at work. So I can make some as soon as I get to the office after my morning workout.

    I thought plain pats were a good complex carb that I was "allowed" to eat/ especially in the morning!

    My head is spinning. Help!!!
    The guy is crazy. He may have had someone lose 4 lbs of water weight, which seemed to correlate with cutting oatmeal. Oatmeal with PB is my mainstay, it's helped me lose 25lbs so far this year. Like you said, each packet is just 100 calories.
  • UltraVegRunnerBabe
    UltraVegRunnerBabe Posts: 163 Member
    When I do long training runs, I eat 4 cups of old fashioned or rolled oats (that's 1200 calories) plus some molasses, an apple, one or two bananas, cocoa powder, and some agavé. I've lost 20+ lbs eating this 4+ days a week...so I don't think it's bad for you.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    I eat (instant/"3 minute") steel cut oats pretty frequently and I'm still losing weight. I add frozen blueberries for flavor and it is hard to eat a whole serving. It is really filling. I don't know if steel cut is really any different from the other stuff but I like it. The instant is in smaller pieces than the stuff that takes 20 minutes to cook.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    I recently went to a chiropractor's lecture. He said he lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks. If we come to see him, he could help us. He said not to eat wheat, dairy and sugar. Do not eat bananas, pineapple and grapes. He acted like he has a diet that was his own. After I did research on him, he sells this product - Chiro something - you take a drop o two of some liquid every day and eat only 500 calories a day. What a joke. Oatmeal is great to eat!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My dad was a chiropractor. He's retired now and is so ashamed of what the profession has become that he doesn't tell people what he used to do. My cousin is a chiropractor and is into all of the woo bullshite and shares it on facebook and really irritates the crap out of me. Chiropractors have no business handing out nutritional advice.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    My dad was a chiropractor. He's retired now and is so ashamed of what the profession has become that he doesn't tell people what he used to do. My cousin is a chiropractor and is into all of the woo bullshite and shares it on facebook and really irritates the crap out of me. Chiropractors have no business handing out nutritional advice.

    I have always felt that anywhere you go for something.. they should stick to that thing you are there for..

    Like the other day i went in to get my eyebrows waxed at a hair salon place here... and she proceeded to tell me how i needed a cream for my face to help my complexion.. uhh.. okay?? lol.. ill be 31, my skin is in great shape, ive yet to even get a wrinkle yet.. what exactly is wrong with my complexion in your opinion eyebrow wax lady? I almost found it kind of rude and became slightly irritated on the inside, i wasn't there for skin advice, just fix my damn eyebrows!!

    I think there is also this disturbing, fast growing trend of people believing what they're told and not critically analyzing the information or the source.

    Consider the threads that get started on here. A new poster starts a thread which says "I'm here to answer your questions and help you reach your goals!" and they get an influx of people saying "i'm in! Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!"

    Um, what? You have NO idea who this person is, what their qualifications are, whether they are worth their salt or some woo peddling keyboard warrior with no actual clue. But people just jump right on it. It boggles the mind.

    THAT... and that same type of person who would start a thread like that going around giving answers to other peoples boards about things that aren't even real.. and two things about that boggle my mind too... the thread could have 57 replies and 56 of those replies could all be the same answer and the OP will quote that ONE different response thats complete garbage and thank them and believe it... Or you constantly call out that persons answers that aren't real and they don't even respond back to you so you don't even know if they even came back to the thread.. its like they are so far stuck up in their own woo that even a map couldn't help them find their way back.

    I called someone out on that crap yesterday and i might as well of just been peeing in the wind.
    He just kept going from board to board talking and talking and besides all the talking he even talked himself up saying "Ive only done this for years, but what do i know!"..... well buddy, you would know a lot more if you just...stopped... talking...

    There was the person this morning who started posting a bunch of links from questionable websites that supported her "side."
  • desiresdestiny
    desiresdestiny Posts: 175 Member
    I eat oatmeal everyday made with soy milk, pb powder, flax along with two eggs on the side and no issues
  • ericthoresen
    ericthoresen Posts: 8 Member
    I've been eating low sugar oatmeal with half a banana in it every morning and I'm down 57 lbs.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I found out recently that chiropractors in Canada and Australia have to go to medical school and then specialise in chiropractor work. So they've been to the same medical school as doctors for the first 4 or 5 years and then the last couple years are a specialisation. My favourite chiropractor in Canada specialised in sports medicine and chiropractic.

    But the chiropractors in the US don't go through a process like that.

    I don't know if that's true or not, but I can say that I've been to chiropractors in Canada and Australia and none of them have given me any nutritional advice other than a very general suggestion to eat lots of veggies and drink water ... the usual stuff any GP will tell you.

    Please refer to these links. Chiropractors in the US need to go thru a long medical training before they get their doctoral degree. If Medicare covers for chiropractic's visits, it must be proven to work. I can vouch for that.
