Curiosity - What was your wake up call?



  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    BP was 199/103. That did it for me...
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I ran across a picture of me at a thinner weight. Not my thinnest, but thinner than I was while staring at this pic and the pic had been taken after loosing a substantial amount of weight. I began wondering how I started gaining back what I'd lost. I knew I had gained weight but was just annoyed about it til I found that pic, showing me 25 lbs lighter. I guess that because I wasn't at my heaviest, I always thought "Well, at least I'm not THAT big again.", but I was on my way.:embarassed: Seeing myself skinnier was a much bigger impact and motivator because I could see what I would look like thinner and I had undeniable evidence that I could do it cause I had done it before.
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    There's always that one picture, the one you really hate, of yourself. There was that picture - and the fact that I was at my absolute heaviest and not turning around.

    ALSO, pretty vain, but the guy that I've been interested in for the entire year of school that lived down my hall is just plain skinny. I still wanted to be with him, and my wandering mind blamed every aspect of who I was for why he wasn't going for me. Turns out, after talking to him about it, it had nothing to do with how I looked or my personality...we're now together happily. :) Once we started being together regularly, it was strange how I actually COULD lose weight. I was so much happier with myself and he never even noticed my weight...but I could make the choices I knew I needed to make. I've lost five pounds before - and that's the max. So after losing five, I didn't let myself stop.
  • starting0vern09
    starting0vern09 Posts: 79 Member
    I have always been comfortable with my size until i look at the scale but a few months ago when having surgery for a hernia, caused from the birth of my son, the doctor used the term super obese. I never knew there was such a thing. thought it stopped at morbid so i thought damn this really must be bad. The scale started to creep around the corner of 300 and the doctor made me feel an inch tall more or less telling me that my hernia(the size of a football) was my own fault and it would likely happen again. I started a medication my mom recommended about two months ago that i practically had to beg for and my dr kept tellin me about mfp so i guess now im giving it a try. it just always seems that the harder i try the less it works so ill say im giving this a chance :) gotta get this weight off. my baby is almost 2 and i can hardly keep up with him and that scares me that i might miss out on playtimes cuz i just cant do it. WISH ME LUCK PLZ
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I needed new pants for work, and I swore I'd never buy 40" pants, but that's what I needed. I didn't buy them, and have lost 22 lbs so far. The pants I still have fit, and I'm going to lose enough to get to 36".

    That, and my wife dropped almost 40 lbs two years ago by running and giving up after dinner snacks. She looks so fantastic, that I have to follow in her footsteps.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    if you check out my pics (it's not my profile one, but it's there):
    it was the pic of me in a purple shirt, standing next to a mountie cutout, boasting quite the belly on myself :o(
    as soon as i got back from that weekend trip, i joined a gym!
    i've only lost 3 lbs so far, but that's 3 lbs towards my goal of 22 lbs gone forever!
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    there area few things: Insurance makes me take a physical every 6 months; finding out that i have higher cholesterol then my mother,
  • pamital
    pamital Posts: 58 Member
    1) This is the highest weight I've ever been.

    2) Realizing that I'm avoiding people and places because I'm embarrassed.

    3) I am SO tired of random strangers asking if I'm pregnant!

    The first 2, I can more or less agree with. 5 years ago, I began to lose 5 stones with the cambridge diet. Loved it. However didn't reach my goal and subsequently, put most of it back on. When I got to the point of being just 4 pounds less than my original highest weight, I realised I had to take action.
    I also get embarrassed at the thought of meeting old friends etc I always feel a bit inadeqaute and sometimes make excuses. That's terrible isn't it?
    Lastly, for health reasons, diabetes is rife in my family so I will get it at one point - I just wanna put it off for as long as possible. My knees are very sore at the moment through an injury I had and I know my extra weight isn't helping...
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Mine was standing amongst my entire wardrobe trying to find some clothes that fit comfortably and made me feel good - none of which did. I also wanted to do something that wasn't fad diet that involved starvation and being miserable and that it was time I actually learnt how to eat sensibly! :drinker:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    A bunch of things made me want to lose weight:

    A picture of me next to my best friend who I used to share clothes with but who I was now significantly bigger than
    A drawer of jeans I was uncomfortable wearing
    Puffing when I walked up the hill to the house
    Feeling SO uncomfortable at the beach

    This was early Nov last year.

    Then 6 courses of binge and purge cycle at a wedding in January made me realise I wanted to do it in a healthy way and kick my ED for good.

    Top tips - log everything, plan plan plan, eat more real foods, drink more water, find exercise you love, be kind to yourself
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    For me it was my boyfriends family going on and on about how awesome this picture of all of us kids was. And how Mom was going to have copies made and give one to everybody to frame etc. It was a great picture but then when I saw me in it I was so horrified and embarrassed. I looked huge. And then they all said "I looked great ". That means that must be how I look all the time.
    I still get sick to my stomach when I think of that picture. I hate it. I wanted to burn it.
  • The breaker was when I passed the "safe weight" I had set for myself. That magic number that I had once said "I'll never EVER get up to." Well, I hit it and it was so depressing. Now, I want to get under that number and keep going until I reach a true healthy weight...not just a weight I can live with because it is now considered the new average.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A lot of things should have been my wakeup call. Clothes getting too tight. Double chins in photos. Not being able to run a block without getting out of breathe. Not being able to keep up with a Pekingese. My 20th high school reunion. My ability to go through a bag of Butterfingers in two days.

    But it was being shown pictures of the Warrior Dash that did it for me. It just looked so frickin' cool! I wanted to be able to do it. I didn't care if I lost weight or not. In fact, I didn't think I could lose weight, and was satisfied (read: resigned) with the way I looked. But I knew I could be a lot healthier, so that was my goal. I figured if was in good enough shape to run a 5k in respectable time, then my size or weight didn't matter.

    No problems running a 5k now. Warrior Dash was as awesome as I hoped it would be. And I'm doing a 10k on Saturday, but with high temps in the upper 90s that day, and probably in the upper 80s by race time, I highly doubt I'll actually RUN all of that one. :wink: It'll be a personal record no matter WHEN I finish and it's not worth a heat stroke to make it a fast one.
  • MelissaJ20
    MelissaJ20 Posts: 46
    I hit the top of my healthy weight range and I cannot fit into any of my jeans. I gained all the weight in my butt and thighs. Also, I was on a cruise recently and I was embarressed to get in my bikini! I asked a friend who lost some weight ( and looks fabulous), what she is doing differently and she gave me this website.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    My son being born a month early, a result of gestational diabetes (hence, my fault he was born premature) and seeing him attached to all the wires, and other things in the NICU...making me see that made me realize that if I kept it up, it would be me laying up in the ICU fighting for my life if I kept it up. I made a promise from the first day I seen him (he was life flighted to another hospital with a NICU) I would never go back to my old ways...I've slipped up, but nothing to impair my ability of being a healthy mom to him (and a healthy person - for myself). He's my reason, and saving grace.
  • shawnatug
    shawnatug Posts: 1
    My reason is quite similar to yours, I'm 15lbs away from the highest weight I've ever been for the second time. I'm not sure how I let it creep back, though I'm tired of avoiding fun outdoor activities because I'm not confident in the way I look (swimsuit or shorts). It's time to conquer this area of my life once and for all. I'm nearing 40 in the next couple years and want to assure that when I hit it, I have conquered this battle for the last time.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    1) When my girlfriend (who is Juvenile Diabetic- Type 1) checked my morning blood sugar last october and it was 110 (that number is prediabetic). I don't want Type 2 Diabetes. Now, 9 months later my latest morning blood sugar was 81 which is perfect!

    2) When I participated in a walk last year and they took pictures and I looked like a house. I was at my highest ever at 204 and looked like a lard. Now I have WAYYYYY more confidence and feel better about myself since I am 169 today.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I guess it was moving here. My husbands squadron was hosting a spouses pool party and there was no way in hell I was going. Then there was one of my hubs pilots invited us out on his boat...nope not doing that either. I was so miserable sitting at home not making any friends and then I realized it was because I didn't want to go out and meet people because i was ashamed of my weight.

    I've got a few months before we're relocated again and that time it's to Florida...I WILL be bikini ready...maybe not a hot omg everyone gawking over me bikini body but a respectable bikini body. If I'm going to live on the beach I'm going to enjoy it!
  • 1) My brother managed to a lose a lot of weight and is now enviably the right size (and we're very competitive siblings).
    2) I bought a set of scales and realised I'm significantly heavier than my mother.
    3) I never feel comfortable or confident at school because most of my classmates we're skinny and healthy, and I always felt like an elephant :(
    4) I considered the possibility of developing diabetes or heart disease. Please - never.
    5) Guys :3

    When I think about it now, I wonder why I didn't notice it before - why I needed to change. But I do, I really do. And I am doing. And I feel great!

    TIP: If you're a sugar-junkie, like me, then I always find this helps: Don't eat sugary foods earlier on in the day, or you will start craving more and possibly give in to temptation and go over calorie limit. Seriously, save your sugar-treat until late afternoon, so you're less likely to crave more.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Feeling so low, both mentally and energy-wise. It was time to do something about it!
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