Please help me....In desperate need of expert advice



  • paialopala
    paialopala Posts: 8 Member
    have your checked your measurements also? Are they going up. sometimes a gain doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, in fact it could be muscle which is heavier than fat. Have a measure, keep your chin up. I'm on 1200 calories and its enough, rather limiting but definitely not starving. Just have to be creative with meals and food choices. As someone else mentioned your BMR - that is your basal metabolic rate - basically your maintenance amount of calories to keep you at your current rate. You need to be in a slight deficit of that and then burn cals so 1200 a weightloss amount to aim for but not live on forever. also, as your weight makes big drops then you need to adjust your cals accordingly. You can consume a high fat, high protein meal and still lose weight as long as there are little to no carbs. Good luck, and hang in there, things will start movign in the right direction soon :)
  • ajoseph5
    ajoseph5 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there, I am 5 feet 4 inches and 44 years old. I can sympathize with you. I am not getting b12 shots but have to take iron 2 times a day. I would exercise and thought I had a handle on what I was eating but did not. I went to the doctor, everything checked out ok but was diagnosed with anemia. The best advice I can share with you, burn more calories. What ever you have your calorie intake set at, always have a calorie deficit so you can began to have weight loss. I promise it works.
  • chiantiOwl
    chiantiOwl Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a woman who is always happy to help and give support but very rarely ask for help myself, we are all busy people with busy days and sometimes it can be a struggle just to keep ourselves going never mind picking someone like me up , but......
    I'm struggling to keep my chin up today and to keep going. The saying hitting my head off a brick wall and going round in circles and getting nowhere fast springs to mind.
    I've gave 100% for some time now (more than I ever have in the past) and worked bloody hard at this .
    I took over my kids paper rounds, which is very long and very hard, I also walk every single day no matter what the weather, I do it even tho I'm in a great deal of constant pain, and I even done it when I was in agony with toothache (proud of myself for that).
    My calories I've kept a close watch on and are good, apart from the very occasional day, and I do mean very occasional.
    My weight isn't's actually going up

    I'm quite busy myself too. I like to squeeze 25-70 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week ( I just started this recently) I have 15 units (5 classes) and work on call so my stress levels could get off the charts if I don't keep my health on check. On top of that I have a toddler. I have been working out 6 days a week since late December. I gained 15 lbs last year because I drove around in a patrol car for 7 months and then worked full time about an hour away from home until mid December. I knew I needed to fit in exercise that got my heartrate up. I do intervals at my own pace, generally can burn 250 in 25 minutes . I started slow and now I can do much more. The key is not to get too comfortable but don't over do it. My diet is much cleaner, I stopped eating a lot of processes stuff. I eat a variety of fruit and veggies and lean meats like chicken, tuna and salmon. I watch my carbs a little more critically, but I'm not doing a low carb diet. Breads are usually what makes me retain lots of water. I measure my pastas, it's easy to overeat pasta. I'm petite so I like to measure in 1/4th cup :) for my hubby who is almost 6 feet I use 1/2 of a cup. (If we can afford the callories we eat more lol) I'm not a certified nutritionist or anything but I'm somewhat knowledgeable on diet. Refined sugars are the worst for you. anywho, I've lost about 6lbs since the last week of December :) slow and steady is good.

    I'm 23
    174lbs (generally large build, but quite overweight due to years of horrid fast food eating and drinking sugary energy drinks)
    Caloric intake 1200-1400 on average
    Calories burned 250-450 on average
    I'm generally healthy on the inside for being fat.

  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    i think that a lot of muscle soreness is not uncommon with new exercise and may continue longer than necessary if you don't get adequate rest. this is something i'm guilty of as well. i'm afraid that rest will slow my momentum and it does more harm than good to over train, even if it's just walking. also, DOMS and water retention are linked and can mask fat loss.
    Actually, multiple studies have shown that additional exercise and/or activity flush the lactic acid, etc. out of the muscles at much faster and efficiently than "rest".

    DOMS is not an indicator of how hard you exercised and it definitely does not mean than you should not be exercising the same muscles, unless recovery is otherwise incomplete.

    Usually 48 hours is more than enough time to exercise the same muscle groups again in the majority of the population.

    what do you mean by otherwise incomplete? i am like the DOMS queen, so i'm interested in learning more about this.

    I'm guessing those studies didn't show that additional exercise and/or activity flushed out the lactic acid - mostly because DOMS isn't caused by lactic acid build up (lactic acid is generally gone 1-2 hours after a workout).

    However, active recovery is a good strategy for DOMS. Some other things that help include; adequate nutrition, hydration and sleep (these are the most important IMHO), you can minimise DOMS by building up volume and intensity slowly, avoiding or limiting exercises that emphasise eccentric loading and training regularly (not having big gaps in training) so that your muscles adapt to exercises. There's less convincing evidence for things like, foam rolling or other self release, Epsom salt baths, stretching and massage. You can try ibuprofen or icing if it's really bad but I'm not a fan of anti-inflammatories or things that limit inflammation generally as it's an important aspect of recovery.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member

    Again, I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" or something similar to educate yourself properly.[/quote]

    I ordered this book, have just started reading it now, looks very good.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Again, I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" or something similar to educate yourself properly.

    I ordered this book, have just started reading it now, looks very good. [/quote]

    I have that book! It's a bit long but good info.

    Mike Matthews also has a YouTube and podcast- excellent information!! He kinda loves to hear himself talk but his advice is sound.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    I came on here hoping to find out how many calories a woman at 240lbs should be having a day to enable her to lose weight, and as much as I'm grateful for all the advice and have acted upon it.....I didn't get an answer to that question.

    Sorry, I do not mean to appear snippy but there is so much lazy thinking and misinformation in this thread that it gets tiresome.

    My statements on rationalizing and excuses are warnings to you; DON'T fall into those traps.
    You are not a special snowflake.
    Everyone faces the same problems when it comes to diet and exercise. It is merely a matter of degrees.
    You might need 500 calories a day less than 1 person, but 250 calories more than another person.

    The issue is that you are looking for absolutes when it comes to biological processes like diet, TDEE, BMR, exercise and such.

    There is no method to come up with an absolute number to lose weight! The person who comes up with it will surely win the Nobel prize.

    You must track EVERYTHING you eat so you can adjust your estimates from there.
    It comes down to Calories In (CI = what you eat) and Calories Out (CO = metabolic processes AND exercise).
    CICO is simple. If your CI is less than your CO then you will lose weight.
    If your CI is MORE than your CO you will GAIN weight.
    If they are close to even then your weight will stay about the same.

    The problem is manifold:
    You don't know with a high degree of certainty about how much you are really eating (few people do)
    You don't know how much you really need to be eating (few people do)
    You are having trouble exercising so your metabolic rate is unpredictable at best.

    Several well-meaning people here are giving you encouragement and advice but it is not going to help you as much as educating yourself on proper diet, nutrition and exercise.

    All you can do is track everything to determine your CICO requirements and adjust your estimates every 3 weeks or so if you don't see the changes you want.
    Weight changes, gaining muscle and the like change your CICO requirements. It is not a static number.

    Exercise increases your CO so you will lose "weight" faster".
    The more muscle you have, the higher your CO will be.
    If you ONLY worry about losing "weight" then you will lose fat AND muscle.
    Losing muscle means your CO will be LOWERED and it will be HARDER to lose more "weight" or keep the weight off.

    If you are not seeing the changes you want (say the loss of 1 or 2 lbs) after 3 or 4 weeks then your CICO is WRONG.
    Adjust it by about 250 calories and adjust it again in another few weeks if necessary.
    A realistic LONG-TERM goal is to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week.
    The faster you try to "lose weight" the more likely you are to LOSE MUSCLE in the process, especially if you are not lifting weights.

    Weight loss is not linear, you must be tracking longer term trends of a few weeks at a time.
    Weighing yourself every day does far more harm than good.
    Weigh yourself the same day each week, first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom.

    By the way, your "weight" does not really dictate your calorie requirements in the first place.
    You need to know your body fat percentage if you want a more accurate estimate of your calorie requirements.
    Your calorie requirements at 240 lbs and 50% body fat vs (a hypothetical) 240 lbs and 20% body fat would be different.
    Muscle requires extra calories just to maintain it, fat does not.
    That is why some people keep telling you that you should exercise, even though several well-meaning people are saying you don't need to. "Need"? Try SHOULD.
    If you do not exercise properly then you will lose muscle and your CO will be LOWER.

    Again, I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" or something similar to educate yourself properly.

    Bought this book
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Again, I recommend "Thinner Leaner Stronger" or something similar to educate yourself properly.

    I ordered this book, have just started reading it now, looks very good.

    I have that book! It's a bit long but good info.

    Mike Matthews also has a YouTube and podcast- excellent information!! He kinda loves to hear himself talk but his advice is sound. [/quote]

    Cheers honey I will check him out on you tube...not literally of course...happily married me
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    Hi Everyone
    As promised it's March and I'm reporting in.
    I only weigh myself once a month on the 1st every month.

    Today I'm happy to report I've lost 9lbs

    Well done!!!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    Hi Everyone
    As promised it's March and I'm reporting in.
    I only weigh myself once a month on the 1st every month.

    Today I'm happy to report I've lost 9lbs

    That's *wonderful*! I hope that you've found a way to accomplish it, or that other circumstances in your life have changed, so that you are also feeling better.

    Thank you for reporting back!
  • ohlean
    ohlean Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone
    As promised it's March and I'm reporting in.
    I only weigh myself once a month on the 1st every month.

    Today I'm happy to report I've lost 9lbs

    AWESOME!! Persistence is can do ARE doing it....just awesome!
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    I'm lugging that around all day ... approx an extra 8 Stone {112 lbs} ...
    That's like lifting 50kg at the gym, and keeping it lifted, never putting it down
    No it isn't. It is a matter of duration, intensity and conditioning.

    Is it difficult? Yes. Is it rough on your joints and cardiovascular system? Yes.

    Is it the same as lifting 110 lbs in the gym and never putting it down? No.
    Don't believe me? Try it sometime.
    It might be called a "Farmer's Walk", depending on how you do the lift and keep it lifted.

    LOL! You got that right. I do a "waiter's walk" with a 20 lb dumbell, and also a "farmer's carry" with 2 25 lb dumbbells, and I walk as far as I can stand, for as many sets as I have time for. I'm pretty strong but let me tell you, these are hard. Certainly NOT possible to hold these positions for very long. Not the same thing at all.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks guys.
    The only thing I done different was up my calories from 1200 to 1600 and I've started losing weight again, quire a considerable amount .

    Health wise no further on at the minute, my appointment was cancelled due to both nurses being off sick, so now getting bloods rechecked on 6th March then appointment a week later to discuss my levels and possibly upping my dosages. Hopefully that will go well and things will just keep improving from here on in
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'll bet that while the only thing you purposely have done was eat about 400 calories more, you have non-purposely increased your activity level from having more energy.

    Still cold where you are?
    Do you feel as cold? (might be hard to compare coming out of winter)
    Do you feel more energetic?
    Do workouts feel better, able to do more, or higher intensity?
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    No honey....
    exercise if anything has been a lot less due to the dental surgery and extremely painful legs. Just haven't been able to exercise every day like I would normally .
    So for me that result came after more calories and less exercise.

    I'm going to try my best tho this month to get back to exercise every single day again, and I'm definitely gonna push myself to step it up a notch.

    Instead of just walking every day, which I will continue to do, I've now ordered an indoor exercise bike and instead of sitting on sofa watching my TV I will be cycling whilst watching tv
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm also starting swimming
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    What is wrong with these boards on mfp today they are only posting parts of my messages......
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm also starting swimming again been years since I done that. I've just joined a Gym so I can start working out with weights.

    I'm in England, UK.
    Yes still cold and horrible here