How Long Did It Take You To Lose 30lbs?



  • alejandrocd85
    alejandrocd85 Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2017
    I've lost 35.27lbs in this first two months of the year :blush:
  • BlueHorse8
    BlueHorse8 Posts: 29 Member
    I have lost 23 pounds in 8 weeks
  • Bluwaves1
    Bluwaves1 Posts: 191 Member
    I have lost 25 ponds and it's been almost 3 months... It is a slow process! 25 to 35 more to go!
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I'm 5'4" as well. I went from 163 to 133 in like...9 - 10months. Took awhile.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    About a year, maybe a little less. They say if you have more than 20 lbs to lose, aim for a 2 pound per week loss. Anything under 10 pounds you should lose at a rate of about a pound to a half-pound a week.
  • Sindbad1985
    Sindbad1985 Posts: 22 Member
    I lost 30lbs in 5 months, using hip hop abs, Cize, insanity max 30, with absolutely clean eating.
  • buglesalmoncatgirl
    buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
    Wow so much diversity in the results here! This is so cool.
    Per my "googling" thus far, I'm noticing the range falls between 2-13 months. For many it seems to take around 4 months or so.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Wow so much diversity in the results here! This is so cool.
    Per my "googling" thus far, I'm noticing the range falls between 2-13 months. For many it seems to take around 4 months or so.

    It's going to take someone who needs to lose 75lbs to be in a healthy weight range shorter to lose 30 than someone who only needs to lose that 30.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    kozmotron wrote: »
    I've been losing 2lbs a week. I'm on my 5th week and right at 10lbs lost. I've never dieted before or taken fitness and nutrition seriously. I too would like to lose a total of 30lbs. From what I've read online, everyone's body is different, but as long as you have the right calorie deficiencies you can lose 2lbs a week comfortably. So make 2lbs a week your goal then do the math. It seems generally it's between 4-10 months depending on how agressive and determined you are. I also read that it's important not to starve yourself and make sure you're getting the recommended minimum calorie intake for your size/gender. Also, by slowly losing the weight your body is better prepared to keep it off. If you just starve yourself, as soon as you eat again you'll put the weight back on. I also read (I've been reading a lot haha) that ''tic-tacking'' your calorie intake is helpful. For instance, 2,200 one day and 1,600 the next. If you simply eat the same thing everyday or have the same general caloric intake, your body will adjust to the ''new normal'' and your weight loss efforts will suffer. There are calorie guideline calculators you can lookup for reference to make sure you are eating enough. By eating the minimum calories needed per day, you are getting the necessary nutrients your body needs to function and the food keeps your metabolism going. No food = no metabolism = no weight loss. Without enough food, your body will first consume muscle mass for engergy--then fat mass. I found it was interesting that 1 pound equals about 3,500 calories, but maybe that's just because I like numbers. Keep burning calories and stay strong! The way I see it, if we all stick with our goals, in a few months time we'll be different people.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this just won't work for us smaller women.

    I too am around 5'4 and have 30lbs to lose. Unfortunately, at our height and weight, losing 2lbs a week isn't healthy, sustainable or possible without extraordinary measures. :(

    I strive for 500-600 calorie deficit a day. Even working out 60-90 minutes a day doing weights and cardio if I ate 2,200 calories a day I would probably gain. Most days I net 1200-1500. My husband, who has the same amount of weight to lose is losing at 2,300 calories a day. Must be nice to be a male over six feet tall !

    This is the second and last time I've lost these pesky 30lbs. The first time I had major jaw surgery so I lost it in about three months, but I also was on a liquid diet.

    This time, I'm aiming for a weight loss that will be sustainable forever. So I'm planning on doing it over seven to eight months. Right now I'm concentrating on general weight lifting and increasing my cardio. Once I lose the first fifteen lbs I'm going to take a break for eight weeks and eat at maintenance and lift weights. Then go back to restricting 500 calories a day. Eating at 1200 calories a day for 30 weeks is just not going to happen with me. It's just too long and not very much food. I maintain without exercise at around 1700 calories a day.

    I'm hoping this way I end up maintaining the maximum amount of muscle tone, and that I don't give up. Even at one lb a week, 30 weeks is a lo-ong time to be eating low calorie. So, by planning a break and a weight I need to be to get that break it feels more sustainable. Hopefully my body thanks me in the end!

  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I think it took me about 3-4 months. But that is also because I changed my diet drastically due to having issues with my stomach. The first 20 lbs were without exercise too.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited March 2017
    I started around the beginning of July, and just hit 30 today. Still have another 5 or 6 lbs to lose before I'd consider "enough" fat is gone, I think.
  • melannpask2016
    melannpask2016 Posts: 3 Member
    for me I lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks . Im currently unemployed but I work out after each meal and I only eat 3 meals a day no snacking and its been working for me . Altogether now I have lost 42 lbs in the last 8 weeks.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,426 Member
    took me 8 months to lose 37lbs. for a few months during the cold winter, I slowed my rate of loss down to 1/2 lb/week so I can more hot soup!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    January 25, 2016 to April 2, 2016, 30 lb. That's about 9 weeks.
    My next 30 lb was lost by July 11. That's about 15 weeks.
    My next 30 lb was lost by January 29, 2017. That's about 28 weeks.

    I've lost 95 lb so far, with perhaps 17 to go.

    I started for the first few weeks eating 1400-1500 calories daily and not eating exercise calories.
    Then I raised my intake to 1500-1600 and still didn't eat exercise calories.
    By the middle of summer I had raised my eating again to 1600-1700 and still wasn't eating exercise calories.
    During the winter 2016 I started eating a portion of my exercise calories some of the time.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I lost 20 pounds in about 5 months.
  • arrghmatey1
    arrghmatey1 Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2017
    I am 57 5' 11" tall I have lost 39 pounds in 68 days.
    Starting weight was 317.6 and now 278.6
    I have never gone below 1200 calories and most days I average between 1600 and 1800.

    I cut my carb intake from the allotted 309 to between 150 and 180 on average graduating them through the day with the least at dinner.

    I declared war on sodium about 15 days ago and now stay within the 2300 mg guideline.

    I have dieted many times in the past but always came to failure with one fad or another.

    This time is different I have committed to a healthy diet and will not waver.

    It is a lifestyle change and not a diet.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,146 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How long did it take you to lose 30lbs? Have you had to do it more than once in your life?

    Just shy of 15 weeks.

    Once before about 25 years ago.

    Regarding starting weights etc. ...

    I started at 82 kg.
    I selected that I wanted to lose at a rate of 0.5 kg/week (approx. 1 lb/week).
    MFP gave me 1250 cal.

    About a month later, after I'd lost 5 kg, MFP dropped me to 1200 cal. I didn't like that, so I manually raised it back to 1250 cal.

    At the 16 week mark, I had lost 15 kg.
    I took a 1-month diet break.

    When I returned to the diet for another 16 weeks, I set myself at 1350 cal and slowed my weight loss to about 0.7 kg/week.
    In total I lost 25 kg/55 lbs and reached that Christmas 2015. :)

    Over the past year, I gained a little bit, but I've set myself at 1325 cal and have already lost about 2.5 kg. I'd like to drop right to the bottom end of my normal BMI range so I plan to stick with about 1300 cal till the end of May ... with the exception of 2 diet breaks.
  • FelixTheRanger
    FelixTheRanger Posts: 3 Member
    BlueHorse8 wrote: »
    I have lost 23 pounds in 8 weeks

    what have you been doing?
  • buglesalmoncatgirl
    buglesalmoncatgirl Posts: 43 Member
    So many responses! Thank you! Please please keep them coming! :)