


  • Birdie1952
    Birdie1952 Posts: 48 Member
    meltedsno wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »

    I am not saying it's a bad thing, if you have the means to do so, go ahead.

    so here's a challenge for you... sit down and add up every single morsel of food you purchase, every drink you buy, every single thing that goes into your mouth for one full month... willing to bet a month of Nutrisystem will be less than what you are spending. I was on Nutrisystem last year and it was a godsend for me as I did not have the time to shop and cook... this made my life easier. Lost my job in November so put the program on hold.. guess what I found out between November and February? yeah... my grocery bill was running about $100+ more a month than what I was spending on Nutrisystem. Plus I found it was just a little too convenient to toss in foods I didn't need...People assume the cost is so much but that's because the difference between grocery shopping and nutrisystem is that you have to pay for the entire months' worth of food upfront. I am not making additional trips to the store to pick up a little of this and a little of that because I ran out of something... I have all my food in front of me and no need to make excuses for a grocery run... just don't be to hasty to comment on "the means to do so" until you've done so. :wink:

    I totally agree.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I tried it for a short. Of time. It got so that I was dreading opening another one of those packages. It was very unappealing food. It's expensive. In my opinion Lean Cuisines are less expensive and much tastier.
  • luveydov
    luveydov Posts: 36 Member
    I don't use NS but I do use another pre-packaged system. The system I use has packages of food that are all around 15 to 20 grams of protein each. I tend to stick to the packages that are open and eat and supplement with the allowed vegetables, sometimes cooked, sometimes raw. For breakfast I use a premade "shake" and mix with 3 shots of Starbucks espresso for my morning caffeine and protein fix. For lunch I use some version of their chips and usually salad with olive oil for dressing. For dinner I'm on my own and usually have eggs and soy sausages or tofu with a veg. (Forgot to mention I'm a vegetarian.) And for a daily snack I go with a bar from the program. I keep a supply of different kinds of the chips and bars so I have some variety.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    meltedsno wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »

    You're starting to sound like you work for the company..............

    Nope. I have no affiliation with the program except that I am a customer. The issue I have is when people will basically snub others for their choice of diet plan without ever trying it first. I have battled weight issues all my life. At the age of 50 and an all time high of 280lbs, I made the decision to change my lifestyle and lose the weight once and for all. I did it without Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers or any other diet plan. I did it on my own. However, planning my diet and exercise every day was a very time consuming activity and found I was spending way too much time dwelling on this. My thoughts were consumed by dieting 24/7. After a few years, I made a decision to use a prepackaged food plan. It is a lifesaver for me in that it freed up my time and I am able to spend my time doing the things I like to do. All I am asking is that before you make comments about the cost or the taste or anything else about this plan or any other, you might want to try them first before making comments.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    meltedsno wrote: »
    meltedsno wrote: »
    filbo132 wrote: »

    You're starting to sound like you work for the company..............

    Nope. I have no affiliation with the program except that I am a customer. The issue I have is when people will basically snub others for their choice of diet plan without ever trying it first. I have battled weight issues all my life. At the age of 50 and an all time high of 280lbs, I made the decision to change my lifestyle and lose the weight once and for all. I did it without Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers or any other diet plan. I did it on my own. However, planning my diet and exercise every day was a very time consuming activity and found I was spending way too much time dwelling on this. My thoughts were consumed by dieting 24/7. After a few years, I made a decision to use a prepackaged food plan. It is a lifesaver for me in that it freed up my time and I am able to spend my time doing the things I like to do. All I am asking is that before you make comments about the cost or the taste or anything else about this plan or any other, you might want to try them first before making comments.

    I have no argument about it. I was merely stating how your comment came across.
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    @HealthierMeforlife2016 I'm not a huge fan of nutrisystem, my parents tried it and hated it, they let me try some of the food and I found it nasty and unpalatable. That being said, being a trucker you need quick easy options, so I will agree with an earlier poster and say that Evol is a pretty good frozen brand as well as Luvo. Luvo is new to the game, but their food is actually pretty good, with good portion sizes and it is all whole foods, not processed yuck like most frozen brands.
    Also, I'm sorry some people are being so rude and ridiculous on here. Good gracious people, have a heart! We are not all the same and living in a truck for now her options are limited. Geeze.
  • HUNIBUN2022
    HUNIBUN2022 Posts: 40 Member
    @HealthierMeforlife2016 I'm not a huge fan of nutrisystem, my parents tried it and hated it, they let me try some of the food and I found it nasty and unpalatable. That being said, being a trucker you need quick easy options, so I will agree with an earlier poster and say that Evol is a pretty good frozen brand as well as Luvo. Luvo is new to the game, but their food is actually pretty good, with good portion sizes and it is all whole foods, not processed yuck like most frozen brands.
    Also, I'm sorry some people are being so rude and ridiculous on here. Good gracious people, have a heart! We are not all the same and living in a truck for now her options are limited. Geeze.

    Thank you for understanding my situation that means alot, people act like I have a stove in here
    I have seen those in the store. I should try them.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    twinzmom172, thanks for your posting! You said what I was trying to should be to each their own. I am offended when people criticize my choices without ever having tried the program on their own first... with that being said, my significant other signed up today-- he's been watching me for the last few months and decided that he's tired of trying to figure out what to make each night for dinner (we tend to eat different types of foods so have always prepared our own meals-) He joined primarily to make life easier for him at meal times... secondly to lose a few pounds. He's tested the waters a bit with my foods -- have let him taste a little here and there... interestingly enough, tho... our food selections differ haha... me-- I'm all pasta and pizza... he's meatloaf and mash potatoes! :wink:
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Do what works for you at the end of the day you are the only one living your life if this systems good for you then that's all good :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Ming1951 wrote: »
    I do nutrisystem, I get it delivered to my home monthly now every other month. I've done very well on it, its good, while it seems expensive, its not all that bad. You do have to make meals yourself two days a week, or not your choice. I've lost 64 lbs since Sept 2016. I did learn portion control from doing these meals. I still log and count my calories. Its not just have food delivered and not think about what your eating.

    I wonder how many of the people riding their high horses to death on this topic ever use a personal trainer.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited March 2017
    Not really sure why this has turned into a mean people thread? Yeah the first couple of replies were a little dismissive, but otherwise it seems to me OP has gotten a lot of thoughtful and honest answers. She asked a yes or no question so why shouldn't someone answer "no" and explain why? Maybe that info could help her.

    Judging by the OP'S responses throughout the thread, it seems she was doing just fine with the responses she was getting. And 2 of the 3 pages are people saying good things about Nutrisystem, or suggesting she buy grocery store frozen meals instead to save money.

    Maybe some of you aren't reading the whole thread, but you really should if your going to post a judgement of the community!

    Anyway, as I said earlier in the thread, I personally think the frozen meals you can buy in the supermarket taste better and they're cheaper. There is nothing special about Nutrisystem food, it's just portion controlled. But if you like it go for it. And I think it's important to still eat mindfully and pay attention to the portion size and meal makeup so that someday when you want to stop eating it you've learned how to eat anything at the right calorie level. And it sounds like OPs got this , so good luck OP :)
  • Birdie1952
    Birdie1952 Posts: 48 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Not really sure why this has turned into a mean people thread? Yeah the first couple of replies were a little dismissive, but otherwise it seems to me OP has gotten a lot of thoughtful and honest answers. She asked a yes or no question so why shouldn't someone answer "no" and explain why? Maybe that info could help her.

    Judging by the OP'S responses throughout the thread, it seems she was doing just fine with the responses she was getting. And 2 of the 3 pages are people saying good things about Nutrisystem, or suggesting she buy grocery store frozen meals instead to save money.

    Maybe some of you aren't reading the whole thread, but you really should if your going to post a judgement of the community!

    Anyway, as I said earlier in the thread, I personally think the frozen meals you can buy in the supermarket taste better and they're cheaper. There is nothing special about Nutrisystem food, it's just portion controlled. But if you like it go for it. And I think it's important to still eat mindfully and pay attention to the portion size and meal makeup so that someday when you want to stop eating it you've learned how to eat anything at the right calorie level. And it sounds like OPs got this , so good luck OP :)

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Have you considered an Instant Pot electric pressure cooker? There are tons of can heat up food,make soup,pasta dishes....whatever you like.Something to look into.Good luck with your diet plan.I think most plans work,as long as you work it as it's meant to be done.